THE - Amazon Web · i«gKiaiIr Mari> wor ikj Bmf*. k «nJ1-kBa«a Aothara. Priea T5 r ctx (sell. . S n - [PDF Document] (2024)

THE - Amazon Web· i«gKiaiIr Mari> wor ikj Bmf*. k «nJ1-kBa«a Aothara. Priea T5 r ctx (sell. . S n - [PDF Document] (1)


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Sbtb TIihi u d r«»ight.

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l a n d T c n a u M e e D e p o t . > srwomr.

• i r e i i P K R A S C s ; BcaMna " tb> titi* <.?

I vpttimBjr toaalftlke wsaucf Tab-Vtamtmtm aH^ anmbn at wril-tnDWB Timperanr-t tan^, SiM, ()izxr-tCaCHtlww&ll 9 ehoicB rollrettea of i«gKiaiIr Mari> work i j Bmf*. k «nJ1-kBa«a Aothara. Priea T5 r ctx. (sell. S n Semi imtr ordi n

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O F T l i M ! S « X l > . i SaaxlT rxpmtJf^^ COBSinKP*

IMIA a^L Sc. H. Jui'M •RjlaBtalS'uda a anipantiaa P'^sUtkraniCWa^cSiRairi a<rw tneai^ m§ twn itsmpa, to f»T -m Bfc]dl«Mita> Bsaasa at tlto m frfcbaSd ia IWBfjwi^ t-i Cb^ SmMsemtrnt PftiU-^ AT88W

F M J R S O l S r S

J. K. o a A * « S , Kdltor maa PreprUter. O. /. SMtP, SiprtUag IVpartmutt and Book-K»cper. J.B.eBAVX5,fr„ : : : : : : - : : : : : : : city Carrier.

^MtntelCariMt Sd. M. f . LOWBET. Kiptar. Mi»«. Ed. SEA W. GRIFFEr, GaUatia. Taaa. Bd. J. Ife WOOD, BaniMtTiUa. Ga. C. a. H^irDRICKHOX, Jactaoa, Tenn.

' C«mtrlbmt*ra: Ed. T. T.EATOS. Xut Tsumm. i . P^UiLH^ Middle leaaa

361 M«U Street. IcafMi. Teaa.

A F O l ^ Off SeFSD TTORBS. •crtpCwraa.

1. Tee Oia NewTeatameaU were written by in«a DiTiai^y inapired, and contain the fall •ad fiaal reriSatiaB of Ood s will to man. To Kck tirongh '-?piriu" to pry into the unre-wealed things 5s in the eight of God as the sin «f reb«Eion aa|l witchcraft. The Xew Tesu-•ent is the perfect mle of fiith and practice ta ChTiatiaB3.| I rm. ai. 18. « p.*. I. t l ; m. l i tak, xxlT.«.

Jeks 25. Ii. flH- ao. Tha CMkaad.

2. XJWM iM ^ I j one Gad, self .existent, infi-•ite in exery aatnral and moral excellence. He has rerealeJ himself aa the Father, and the Son or -ie Ward), and the Holy Ghost, the same in reaped U Dirine essence, whatBTer diatiacuan there may be in aoae respects.

ITXLY-n. 2 1 . Ar. X . 10. I i . m. U. Dent. TI. » :

m L t Pa. xxr» t 5. Jaha L 1, U. Bom. Ix. 5. 1 t!«.m.l». Bor . ia . ohB siT.aS:xT.Sg. Act»T J. t. ICmr.ULU; tfLJl. Matt. szxQi. u .

TkaFal l . -'. "Man was eteated haly, but by willful dis-

obedience ftU &om that state, hecame morally deSIed, and be|^t ail his children ia hia like-lesj: hence by, nature there is ia ua n i holi-

..»es5,bat we ar« all inclined to eril .aad ail are tiiZdren o: w r a ^ jaaUy exposed to death aad r i er miseries, temporal, apiritaal and eternal* fco. L r , a ; tf. IS, IT; HI. 1. e. Eccl«. TU.

ba. T. LL Ipi. Jf. 3. r a t xrffl. 13, SO. Boa. Ti>. H. ia. XT-X t, 10. I Joiia L i. Bom. TL 39.

•alTMlea. i Iho only ^ y of deliTerance from this

juie of gailt a i ^ condeaiaation is through the Tiearlaus auffer&g of Christ, the Diriae Son of Gci -rho miraeilottsly took upon him our flesh, asi wham Gad ^ath set forth to be a propitia-Uon throTigh fisth in his blool, haring " so IsTsd the w o r l J ^ t he gara his oaly begotten SOT, that whos«Ter beliereth in him should not perish, but tore eTerlasting UTe."' Joks I. I t Lnksi. M, SS. Acta IT. IS. Bom. IH. 88

• Jeka Vi. IS. ' KlaeUoa.

5. All irho tr^y beliere aad obey the gjspel were chosen in f ^ t "before the foanUation of the world v} him who sees the end from iheleginaing, a^d in coise<iueace, not of their •wn aerit, but God's own purpose and grace, they ire regeneAted by the Eoty Spirit, with-«at wioja inSaejce none woalJ erer be iafla laeed U repent usii belieTt. Ifk. L 4. Ii. 10. Jeka Ui. «. S: 1. 12. IS. 1.

Lit Jck

THE 5 A D m n s o r e B i m

SPACfc s t a n d y a in t h e w a y s , a n d see a n d a s k tor t h e old p a t h s , wh ich a r a U.e good w a y , , a n d w a l k there in , a n d y ^ ^ a n ^ I ^ S ^ ^ ^

OW Series—Y®1. X X X I .

H i s t o r i c a l .

W H O A R K T H K P X U a t l T I V K B A P T I S T S -T H K H I S S I O S A R T O K A S T I -

B U S S I O S A B . V . So. 33.

HE IPOSTOLIC A5!> PBUHTITE CHURCHES. £ hare new reached a period in the history of the questicn which we hare

MEMPBIS, TENN. , S i T t F R D A r , JUNK 13, 1 8 7 4 .


arBXTSIXJiX • rMddoable-feriircalaii ntMkns^Pa.

r m roa. . B«l Mat

fir n a n s a i M ain> LEaa. eii.,at. umtttMo-

L Y F d B . A L L !



f*.L2. JaaeiLJf Jcha zri. 9. Eph. U. Ifl. P r^a r r a t l a a of Salata.

bathing ca f separate true be'ieTers from tie loTe ef God^ut they will bs -^kept by the power of Got t h i ^ g h faith onto salTation,' the sure and fiaa! pwof of their being true beiieT-era coaaiating i i^the continuance of their at-Uchiceat aad ol»dieae» to Christ till t i e close •flife. I I p«t. L joh| X. r . » : Till. n. Coi. i. n . «

«»*. UL U. Matt. t^T. 13. 1 Joka U. IS. Charcb.

^ I. A church el*Christ is an organized asso-ciation of per3o4 renewed by the Holy Spirit, baptiied upon a ctefeasion of uaioa with Christ, »ai covenantingao witness the faith and keep tie caamandae*3 of their Dirine Head. To kia eaarch aloai Christ has committed the prsserration of fe gospel ia ita purity, and tie promulgatioaief it to all men by ministers ieuisf its commission.

I P i t k r . Aetic;«: T T L U U . *pk.L2J, TIM Ordlaaaeai.

S. The ordinanlea of a Chriatiaa church are tafiiam aad the^ Lord's supper. Baptism ia 4E ^ e r a i o n of irofeaaed belieTera ia Chriat, t t in order to <|ie remiaaioa of ains, but to *Ure their de^h to and freedom from ain, ««<i ia a pr«rt.iui^te to the preaching of the lo^I, ehnrch mejhberaliip and communion at

^rd'a Uble-i These ordinances belong to ti* eharch, and aikuld only be admiaistered by teafiaers to thc^e she deems qualified to re-^ them. PartieipaUon in the Lord'i sapper a ^ b e e o n f i a e f t o the membership ef each W church, or >o those members of other ^nreies speeifieany inrited by it—their Ikith »ad walk being a^uched as correct. The aup W, no more tha^ baptism, may be admiais-

i by minister* to those whom ther deem qaaliied. ^ ^ ^ B: 19, » : x r t . M. 38. I Oar.


9. The int day i f the week ia to be obserred • ^ e Lord's Chriatiaa Sabkath.

* » » I x . l « . * . l c # . r t . l , J . a e t 8 X X . T . Bar. 1. 10. KMwre^Um t tka RIchttaas.

There wiU b^ a reanrreeUon of the right-^ 4iad prior t i the adreat of Chriat, who, «as the UTiag s ^ l a , w m be changed in a

aad eanglt up to meet the lord in the ta Hipear with|iim at his coming and judg-

• « t tad jraaiahmAtof tlw peatcating aaiioaa. IW Baei. HT. i. 1 N»ts . l t . I O K . X T . 6 1 , 5 6 .

^ At the eomlsg of Chriat he win judge ^ destroy the a.4ioaa that hare penecnted

taka t» kioself all domiaioa and ^ tn l sittiar l ia throne of his father, " ^ i a Jemsale* aa King aad Prieat, will

hi. orer aU aaUoas for one

H. Matt. xxr. a . « . t t„ I T J I T . i.j8slxai,l, T. p.. U. Laael.33

Jodia. J4Me.Ix.Il. Zech-XIT. Pi.exlix Pa zxzTQ|«,U.ll.St.SL Ii.tx.H. Matt

» »• H a a ^ aff Uia Salata.

been examining, which is fnoght with more than a doable intereet, bf reason of the fact tliat the testimony can and will be drawn Cram two Sources. Urs^ from eccleeiastical history, aa in the past, and, umndly, from the Holy Scriptures.

We shall now proceed to show two things: 1. That the apostolic charches, and those

which existed immediately after the apos-tolic age, Wire Baptut eAurchis.

2. That they were Musionary Baptiu

That the chorcheae daring the apostolic and primitire ages, were Baptist chorchee, the following facts will fully demonstrate.

1. They acknowledged no head but Chriat. "One 13 your Master, even ChriaL" See, also, Eph. L and CeL i. 13. "And he is the head of the body, the church."

2. Ecclesiastical gorernment was in the hands of the people—the members of the churches. They exerwsed their authority.

(I.) In the election of ministers. AcU L 15-2'-.. "And they gare forth their lots," etc

(2.) I n t h e exd^isi'yn ef unruly m€mbers

Matt xTiil 1-5-17. "And if he neglect to hear the church, let h'lm be uato thee as a heathen

man aiid a publican." 3. With aposto^c Christiana, the term

church generally signified a locil assembly of converted men and women, and not a great ecclesiastical hierarchy, compo^eil of a number of local bodies. For proof of this, let the reader examine the apostolic ad-dresses to the churches; aa that to the church at Corinth, at Ephesus, etc.

4. The apostles required faith and conrer sion aa necesaary prerequisites to baptism, and to church membership. Acts il 41 :— " Then they that gladly received his word were baptized" Again: P.'iilip said unto tha euQuch, If thou belierest with all thy heart thou mayeit(be bapfusd)"

5. For baptism, they practiced the immer-sion of the whole body in water. See the baptism of Christ, Matthew iiL The baptisms at Enon; John ii'i. Baptism of the eunuch. "And they both went down into the wat«r, both Philip and the eunuch and he baptized him." And, finally, with apostolic Christians, baptism symbol-ized a burial, and nothing but immersion could do this. See Romans ri. 4.

Need we any farther proof that apostolic Ctriitians were Baptists, and that the'r churches were Baptist churches ? The first announcement of the near approach of the Christian era was made by a Baptist—John, the harbinger of Christ

TssTiJiojrr raoM H I S T O S T .

The testimony of historians, aa Mosheim, Robinson, J ones and many others, corrobo-rates the testimony from the Bible, respect-

-ing the denominational chanwter of the churches of apootolic and primitive times. During the first and second centuries the Christian churches were composed of Bap-tists of the parest type

WITH THE* I30IKKS10S ALOSS WA3 BlPriSM. Mosheim says: " The sacrament of bap-

tism was administered in this century (the first), without the public assemblies, in places appointed and prepared for that pur-pose, and was performed by an immersion of the whole body in the baptismal fon t" (Church Hist, p. 23.) 4

Again, the same historian says, when speaking of b^ t i sm in the second century: " The persons that wen to be baptized, after they had repeated ths srssd, cssfcKsd and

over the others, nor the least right to enact laws for them." (Mosheim's Ch. Hist, p. 22)

How like the Baptists does the following sound: " During a great part of this (second) century, the Christian churches were inde-pendent with respect to each other, nor were they joined by association, confederacy, or any other bonds than those of charity. Each Christian assembly was a little State, governed by iU own laws, which were en-acted, or at least approved, by the society." (EccL HUt, Mosheim, p. 40.) E P I S C O P I L B U H 0 P 3 W E R E U S K S O I R S I S T H E F I R S T

AGC3. Says the learned Mosheim; " Let none,

however, confound the bishops of this prim-itive and golden period of the church with those of whom we read in the following ages; for though they were tK)th distingu'ished by the same name, yet they differed in many respects. A bishop, during the first and second centuries, was a person who had the care of one Christian assembly, which at that time was, generally speaking, small enough to be conuined in a private house. In this assembly he acted, not so much with the authority of a master, as with the zeal and diligence of a faithful servant.

" Nothing is more evident than the per-fect equality that reigned among the primi-tive churches.

'•The people were undoubtedly first in authority; for the apostles showed, by their own examples, that nothing of moment was to be carried on or determined without the consent of the assembly. It wis, therefore, the assembly of the people which chose rulers aad teachers, or received them by a free and authoiitative consent when recom-mended by others The same people re -jected or confiimed, by their suffrages, the laws that were proposed by their rulers to the assembly; excommunicated profligate and unworthy members of the church ; re-btsred the penitent to their forfeited privi-leges, passed judgment upon the diflfejent subjects of controversy and dissension, that arose in their community: examined and decided the disputes which happened be-tween the elders and deacons and, in a word, exercised all that authority which be-longs to such as are invested with sovereign power." (Mosheim's Ch. Hist, pp. 2!, 22.)

The Episcopal form of church law was unknown among Christians of the earliest times. They never dreamed of such a thirg as the Papal hierarchy, nor of the more lim-ited religious hierarchies, aa the different grades of episcopacy among Protestants, in which the people have bat little or no au-thority in the affairs of the churches.

clearer gospel Ught, that floliath of selfish-ness began to ^ e l d and to retire into the " deep back ground," was the opportone sea son for unfurling the banner of Jesus to every breese, on every hill, in v f ^ r j TaUey, in every town and Yillage, to all the people. Hnrorists have occupied many of the cen-ters of influence. When the withering influ-ence of the Antimission spirit had rendered the very name of Baptists, in the minds of many people, odious, the way was opened wide for Pedoes and Campbellites. Very many, who were Baptistic in their feelings, for want of proper instruction by Bkptists, have been led oS by the disciples of CkiBp-bell Not a few, demanding immersioii at the bands of Pedoes,' have gone into their societies. While »e, as Baptists, are n»ch fewer in number, in proportion to the popa latieo of tha country, than our brethren in East or West Tennessee, I think the per cent, of immersionists to the population is, perhaps, as great as in any territory of the saate extent ?he desUtution around andonr inability to supply it are coase-quences that find their adequate cause in the Antimission spirit, that, as a nightmMe, smothered our benevolent enterprises. I t haa not been a want of Baptistic sentiment that .has kept us so much in the rear. It has been and—though now less—still is the An timission—I was about to say—croaker.

How much of that Anti feeling yet remains among the members of Missionary churches ? I:et those answer who do nothing, and sacri-fice nothing for the cause of Chrsst How many Antimission preachers are titere among us ? Let those answer who never, like Paul, ^ h COTgregations to abound ia the grace of Unevolence. Paul never would have turned the cold shoulder to an agent or missionary sohciUng help for the needy.

A. COPKLAND. i (To be coDtina«d.)

Kew S e r i e s — V o l . Y l l . , N t . 4 0

Big HateUe AssoeUUon. f P H E failure of the Memphis and F ^ u c a h A RaOroad to reach Ripley. Tenn., ! B I S 7 3 ,

prevented this body from meeting in Epley as it had resolved to d a Durina tks la.t

« w, 9 tofusi'iset,] »

1 Co:__i

M W IJSM - UD • UTfit u o n .ssga 300 oolaoo ot

E«"t t^nnessee General Assoc^tion, the G e n e ^ ^.aciation sf Middle Tennessfe

h f r i h Alabama, and the W a t Tenner Pee Convention, and at the meetiags of each of t he^ bodies last fall delegates were ap-pointedto meet in Murfreesbaro April l oS ,

«- . re«ion mat the railroad wodd be b ^ t l J S J S i e Ib a good

During the last Mssion it again resolved to assemble; next Angnst m Ripley. That rote prenuledl with the impression that the railroad wodd be

the next anniversary. Now it is cerUSi the road wai not reach Ripley as expected, and we write this notice that the churches of the AssociaUon may Uke sc-me action, ifjtbey desire a change of the location, as t ^ y a« ^ i W e . While we are utisfied the I^pley Church will take pleasure in sending wfigons and other vehicles twenty mileB to Brtwns-ville, and seventeen mil^s to Covingtc% for the accommodation of the delegates, we do not know that the delegates would take pleMure in being hauled" over those rfusty roada. If, however, the churches fail re-spond to this noUce, their silence wSl be considered a confirmaUoii of the resolution to meet in Ripley, Tenn., on Saturday bafore the first Lord's day in August, A. D. 1^4.

CHAMP. C. Ccjm&, M ^ . Joss.»H H. BOROM, Clerk. Ripley, Tenn., May, 1874 !

^ . ^ , brethren wiH M t t a l a w d read the papers? SDmebod,

Ba!(f the BaptisU are the U i d a simrOfr tons - 1 partly bel^ve i t T. T. E A T C K .

l i After this eaAh shall havs been purified aad ths asvthsavsna and tie new earth

i a „ b«n lighi„ed aad prepared aa a place f o r ^ e final abode of the re-

wil^escend sot of heavea with «ta h i t Uhetn^de will be with

S " ^ ? ® lie

J T J " then be eoaelliated aad ^ r f o t t s i n entered ia'o the world.

renounced their sins, and particularly the devil and his pompotis allurements, were immersed under water and received into Christ's kingdom." (Mosheim's Ch. Hist, p. 49.)

" Writers of all denominations aSrm that the ceremonies daring the earliest times were baptism of adults by immersion, and the Lord's supper." (EccL Bea., p. 50 ) THKT BAPnziD SOSt BUT BKUIVKIB 15 CHtlST.

" In the earliest limes of the church, all who professed firmly to beliere that Jeaus WM the only Redeemer of the world, and who, in consequence of this profession, promised to live in a manner confbrmable to the parity of hii holy rellgioB, were im-mediately received among the disciples of Christ This was'all the "preparation for baptism then requirdd."

"Thra baptism was administered to such only as had given satisfactorr proofs of pioos dispositions and upiight inteations." (Mos heim's Ch. Hist, p. 25 )

THXT MAnrrAGns cntracH nrospisBKycT. Mr. Robinson says that "Writers of all

denominations affirm, aad a strict adherence to truth compels them to do so, that the churches of the earliest times were small independent societies, who assembled at leMtoncea week on the first day, each in ita own place to worshio God." (EccL Reaearches, p. 50.)

" The ehnrches, in those eariy times, were entirely .independent, none of them being sshject to any f o r ^ jwiwiiotion; but eMh goremed by its own rulerB and its own laws, for, though the d r a r ^ e s feaaded by the apostles had this particatar deference shown to them, that they were eonsnlted in difS-colt and doobtfol cases, yet they had no juridical aQthority, no sort of supremaey


Were it necessary we-might introduce much testimony, showing that the early churches were careful as to the qualifications of these admitted to the privileges of the Lord's supper. As with the BaptisU of the present day, with them none were admitted to membership unless they gave evidence of "pious dispositions. ' And, then, not until they had been bspt'zed

Df. Mosheim says : " Those who were in a penitential sUte and these who had not re-ceived the sacrament ef baptism, wers not admitted to this holy supper." (Hist, p. 70.)

With the brief array of the foregoing facts, surely none will doubt that the Christian churches of the first ages were Baptist churches. But, if this fact shouM not be admitted, surely .-dl will admit that the Bap-tists of the nineteenth century mire nearly resemble the primitive Christians than any denomination of Christians that now exista

At leart, so far as truth is concerned, when we examine into their principles and prac-tices, such as exclusive immersion for bap-tism, a converted church membership, re-stricted communion, and church independ-ence, we Cfn form no other opinion than that they were BaptisU, a a i that, too, of the purest type.

We have now found a Christian people in every ago who professed and maintained the principles of a pure Christianity—communi-ties that were either acknowledged to be B-iptists, or have been shown to be such; and all of whom we have shown to be cf an evangelical spirit, and who engaged to p ra mote the glory of God in tke spread of Divine troth; a n ^ therefore, were miasionarieB, ex-cept the Baptists of the first and second cent-ones. But, that there also were Missionary Baptists, w« propose to show in oar nex t

(To b« eottUcnad.) New Hartford, Ma 1574. R. S. D C S C A X .

Trust One Another. Look Into your brother"s-^e, man.

And bid him read j o m own : One-half the strife of h<uaan life

Ia bom of guile alone t Deceit creates full half our hates,

Aad half our love it slays ; Look i s each other's ayes, men,

And meet each other s gste '

Pardon vour brolieri . faults, mm, And ask that he-forgive ;

Could human sin no pardon win. No mortal soul might live.

No need of heaven were none forgiven. For aone would reach its doors ;

Pardon your brother's faulu, man, . \nd bid him pardon yours.

Feel for your brother's grief, maa— No heart is safe from woe.

Though lips and eyej full oft deny The sorrowing weight below.

A gentle wife, a pitying smile, May sweetest balm impart;

Feol for your brother's grief, man. And you may win his heart.

Stand by your brother's side, man. And bid him clasp your hand ;

to him be just, and yield the trust That you from him demand.

How simply wise, with soul and eyes, To tru.-t aad still he t r u e -

Doing to those we love, man, What we would have them do.

S '

Middle Tennessee. So. 1.

OMEFHING of the present condition and prospecU of the Baptista in this

section. There are about fifteen thousand BTissionary BaptisU in this part of the State There are p good many Antimission, and probably more of the; Separate Baptists Among the Antimission BiptisU there sre a few who are generous and well disposed toward Missionary Baptists. Among the Separates, there is a respectable number m sympathy with ua. WhUe there still remains cojiriderable oppontion among both wings of these sections of Baptists, it is a a c h more drc*mscribed, less violent, and, hence, less potent than formerly. We hare not haUed, with proper zsal and activity, the melting away ^ that Antimission mountain of ice. The chilling inSuenee of that Antimission spirit had well nigh froisn up the channels of benevolence among ail sections of Bap-tists. When, under the pane-jaUng rays of

The University.

T HE meeting of the committee of nine to locate the University has been post-

poned to the 2d of July. Why has eo UtUe notice been taken of our action in this direc-tion r No effort to awaken interest, to at-tract attention, to arouse enthusiasm 7 Is it possible that the educated, enlightened Bap^ tisU of Tennessee feel no interest in this movement 7 The Episcopalians hare in sue cessful operation a magnificent institution, huilt np within the last few years. The MethodisU folloiv the example, and hare already laid the foundation of the Vande^ bat Unirersity at Nashrille; and swi't on their heels come the Presbyterians with an institution for the Southwest, already locatec at Clarksville These three magnificent UniveRiities, rich in endowment, broad and deep in foundation, fully np to the require menu of this enlightened age, in their courses of instruction, and in the xnany aids and facilities for the thorough training and education of the youth of the present and of aU coraing generaUonr, wUl pour meridian splendor upon the mind and heart of Ten-nessee. Will the BaptisU of this noble com-monwealth be content to hold up a nuh Ught in the face of the sun at noon ?

I am pleas<Ml to be able to inform the read-ers of THS B A P T I S T that our sister city Jack son proposes to do for our Baptist Cnirerrity what she generously tendered to the Pres-byterians. If I am not misinformed, they offer OS.what may be considered equal to fllG.OCO, to JocaU our Unireisity among them—and I am of the opinion that no more eligible situation can be found in the State As one of the committee of nine, I am for-bidden by delicacy Md propriety to express

preference for any place. But as in the competition between Jackson and Clarka-ville for the Presbyterian institution, the action of the locating Board was true to the law of giaritatioD, and the larger body drew tbe prise, so I judge it will be in the gener-ous riralry which I hope to see for the pos session of our Baptist school; the largest snm of money, social, topographical and econom ical adrantages considered, will be sore to attract to itself this nucleus of a rising sun

Broirnsrille, Tenn. W. P. Bora, Sa.

Bevlval Sews.

T h e Watkins Grove Baptist Churc4 in West Nashville, closed a meeting op. Uie

fourth Sabbath of two weeks' continu^ce, at nights, which was a time of great to the litUe church The meeting began uider very unfavorable circ*mstances; but as^osu-al, man's extremity seem."? to be God's o ^ r tunity. The Lord was present to bless.iand did abundanUy bless, our labor?, and w^are very much encouraged During the m - ^ n g we had sixteen accessions to the chtirch. Among the number baptised, three had pre viously belonged to the Catholics, and others of the same faith seem to be much afft^i^d Dark clouds have been hanging over ^ i s litde church ever since iU organiaatio^ in July last; but, thanks be to God, lighl is dawning, and we hops a brighter day ^ in the future. Bro. Inman, of the Central Church, preached once for us during =the meeting; also Bro. James Guy did s ^ e good and valuable service. To God b€ all

glory- R. H. Jo>-^ GoodletUville, Tenn., May, 1S:4. J

' •• Hrtrflmtlve JasUee. ^

AFEW years before the late war there Was an unusually wet spring, in ccinsequ^ce

of which a large portion of country was:in-undated by the waters. This was so, pariie-larly, along the banss of Elk river in Mi<fdle Tennessee. There was a man in Lin»ln county named Cheatham, who had a f%m lying along the stream, which the fast ri^g waters were rapidly covering l ie watiAed with eagerness the rising dood until he saw it would soon sweep away his fencing. Sis passions became uncontroUable. He rusfed out to the edge of the swollen stream and %e-gan to swear furiously. He then waded a stert distance into the water and began to b|ap imprecations on himself; compar&g him to some old drunken sot in the cc|o-munity, saying " he had put it to ndniftg, had gone to a grocery, got drunk, and f o i ^ t to stop i t " WhUe going on with these hs»r-rid oaths, he fell down in the water, having received a paralyUc stroke, from whichae nerer recovered In a common way G o | is slow to punish sin; but some crimes artejo heinous in their nature that he manif^iU his displeasare by quick and sore p u n i ^ -

o H Q

Eagle ville, Tenn ,1874 j

Our University. !

T HE meeting of the committee to de t | r -*mine where our University shall jbe

located has been postponed till the 21'of July. The chief reason for the delay that some cities wanted to ^ e steps l o s -ing to securing the institution, and w a n M time to get t h w offers into ^ape . Ttliy claimed that June 2d, the timefintappoiat ed, was too soon. The oommitteedesired^ gire every place the opportunity to har^ a hearing, that complete satisfaction to i l l might ba given. The committee are as flk-lows: West Tennessee—M. Hillfman, G. Grifiin aad W. P. Bond. Middle Tennevle —E. L. Jordan, Wm. Shelton and W. h . Jonea East Tennessee—J. F. B. Majii,f. B. Eimbroagh and T. T. Eaton. ?

T. T. EATOX, Sec'y.l Chattanooga, Tenn, 1S74.


Rgnres. • •pnGUEES are said to be conn«cted with A Mt^nomy and mythology. The con-" t e l l ^ Anes is the first. Aboat the 2l . t of M ^ days and nighU arewuaL The sun « ^rpendicular to the eqaaor. This niakes the straight line called ths figure

The moral idea is the upright Qjd. the right mim.

The son, April 19, is in Tauruf. goes up to C a n ^ , shecce down to the equator, Septem-ber 22. Aries is 1, Taurus is 2

The constellation Gem'mi ia 3 Caster and Pokux are t r o stars in thii constell^ Ucn. Cwter was divine and P.illux was h u ^ - One wished to make the other • i n n e Jupiter agreed to it, if Gamier would t ^ e Poaux out of Hades, convert him. and take hia place in Hades. On Kay 10 he • i ^ d s a UtUe distance to Cancer, and thence feUowing the track of the sun, comes M the e<lnator at the point of the sutumnal equinox,like our interrogation point He then gom below tbe line to th- •>Ut of Decembw to Hades, aad finds n r . PaUux. butgoinaupto January 25, he fade him. ^ e two.dots, one* on the sumaai and the other oe the winter san, cat the figure one third above and two-thirds b »bw This •iso iUusJrates the gospel Christ ctme from heaven fo earth that maa might go from earth to heaven

? 4 Is the int«rsect:oa of the line of ihe equa-

U>T with the ecliptic. The other lias meas-ures as much as the ma shines u;isa.

1 5 The top corner ta the traple oT Cancer

t ien it gees straight down to thaequ to r the 2lst of Septeaber. Going doma to the tropic of Capricorn, it turns up with a ebied eye 'dke the l i ^ Januar; 23. '

J - ' o Tbe suit's open diac is on the Hue of thfe

equator, throwing off his reign wf cumme*r months as a dot after he leaves Cuieer

T The horizontal line connects th<. two equi-

noxea E ^ m the autumnal equiac* he sinks below the equator. We ask, wiM he erer come again for seed time aad hardest 7

8 It 3 the summer ard win '^ suas meeting

together r t the autum»a! eqainoa S u n s ^ ^ ike and equal, suitable aa scales t{ spring cstice. Aa righteoumtss and truth belong

to them as the promise of the coming year, so mercy and peace are the crowning fhiita of the &11, and this figure uniting them shows that mercy aad truth have met to-gether

6 Is the Bun standing with open dise on the

equator, from which be makes an atv in de-scending >nto Taurus, vainly trying to hold up the weight, the last of the i«ign of months o? princes before the drowning of the world

W Is the 3un himself, or the whole circling

year. ^ by stop and aot go to tirrUe, tha sum of aU the consUUaUons? F « three months in the year the Kile flooded the land. Thu is given hy some of tha great writers aa the histoi? of the figaita. An e^tor aoae years ago asked me t» gire the history of V, the Roman letter fw 5 It is much more easy to f j k questions ihaa'to aaswerthen. But inastronomy the Roman leltM X for 10 is ths intersection of the equator iHlh the ec^ptic. Take away the lower part and you ha^e V, t i e half of 10. It is said tbe corner-stone of every ItnOdIng is in the nwtheast It ia sUted that the sun neitr the month of thb N^s rises rather to-ward the northeast E. Dicsos.

Uilnfonaed Baptists.

T HERE are plenty of good Baptist b r e l ^ ren in Tennessee who do not read t f e

papers, and yet when some denomlnatioi^ enterprise is on foot, complain at thme w ^ hare energy enongh to do something, t h | t "we didn't know"—" why didn't you p i ^ lish something about it 7" Now for weel4 and weeks before the meeting of our l a t ^ formed State Conrention at Mnrfteesbok there was scarcely a number of T B I B A P I £

but had something a b ^ U e Co&rentiM Rapeated notices a p p r t ^ J in the pape^ published in other S l ^ s , wUch hare s o i ^ circulation in Tennessee, anl^yet about U* time the Conrention met, here cameale t t^ to me from a good bo ther (and he is agoal brother), stating that lie had accidental^ heard of the meeting aad had some thought of going, and wanted to know " whj* we h ^ kept it so secret" For two years the Statt Conrention had been talked aboat in t l 9

Arc Yoi flappj ! The elder Eothtchilf, who wa» geeeraUy

regarded as the xich^t maa in t ^ miid, was once aaked, " Mr.-| RothschUd, aie you happy?" He repUad:," Happy I h w could a maa be happy, if be had o n h a U b l e a demand for fire hundh«d pounds clerling, with the assurance tha L if tbe gold wss not forihcomlnf, he mighT at any maoientbe ass-is^ated? Happy! What if a n a n must never pleep but with a loaded fi»lo5 under his pillow 7 O no, I am t o t bapf^." The weslthy Mr. Astor, in snswer to ^ garnet qufititm, replied, with a sigh, ' O n9, for whun I dia I must l a r a the whala My moaey caanot deliver:me f'om ticiiBesa or death, and I am in coratant fear of them." But when a poor lann woman, who with d iS^l ty^ Mcceeded i r finding m t n a to nuMt her modait wanta was asked tii» m a e qoHtioOj ** Lydia, are you happy 7** aa-swwed, " O yee, I canno: be unhspi^." But happy when you are HI poor and sick 7 " " That i^ stothing," was I t e » . ply. " I hare a Sarior, and it is wriBn, *ail •re yours, and ye are Christ's and CUH* Gflifa'" Reader, cm you say tfaa^wn"^ thlag r—TrtmtbUdfriSiHe &>i:bote.

F O V C B T T crares manylhingi,

i i


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B - A . I > T I S T - M E M I > H I S . J X ^ i l S r E 1 3 , 1 8 7 4 .


_ n m U M eiwch bo | ibody ef immerwd MUnna wia imra been immeiBed I j » duly H g i i r " - * ' * ^ of » l e s ^ n i d ehsrch.

m e r e Kt BC Scriptanii ^ l>eea dnly maUudatd i y » SeriptnTri «

. . -p. lor there arote a disturbance of zny kind, to his successor. Tiberius was just going to L o u i s i a n a J j e p a r i m e n i . I ^^^^ J^J^^^ r^j. armies to come down Rhodes to study rhetoric, a common thing

these magnificent roida. in that day. Agrippa had died six years be-" T h e commerce of Seme was chiefly ^Jf"®^

^ ^ h e Mediterranean a n i « « t h r ^ or four. The ^ . c ^ a s They i ^ dtwolute young man. Livy was middle

t . Eace ie mB*irTid«tt t ^ tie fact Itot we teaei mow BffiBCJtoei l y example tiaii

t y fiwpfc—ti®"*"*! ®® " ^prepri-wlB w r paipita for the offiiial pitaciing of t i e (Kiptl by tisM whom we ainaider daly baptiied m i ordained to the ininiatetial off ce, it is equal-ly ludisLibA^ U ia u to UTito a$m teaciers to occopy iiem we know a t r a t i t h a b a p t ^ ncr oTdainei, and tqeda l ly naee tiey claiai to be and eonatnie M kUou cm oar part inte^ rwgnit ien of their Z^bu, and t iM conflrBi their fcHcwer. in

§. Scliiag can be mors IncotBisteat tiaa to tiose preachers i»t» tux pulpita whe iold

u d teach doctrinee '.a ^eowat cf whiei we wmHi exclais both bca atit pnlriie and eiarciee ^ adalater cf ozi owa gencminatien. This, «« daim, i« one rf l ie ^ landniarki of tie I c ^ t CSiuci. '

i . 31ai a body of immsrted belieTers ii the hi^Mt Mcledastieal a n t ^ t y i s t ie world, •ad tie only trfbanal for ' ie trial zt cases' ef ttdpUae; that tie acta of a e is jc i are of sape-•iar binding foroe crta t i^e cf an Aisociauon

•avesiiaB, Ckinaoil, or Pfeabytery—andno As-weiation or ConTention omx impcse a moral ob-HssKob eonfiUtfent parts composing

t . Th f liace each Chnfoi of Christ is an in-ilfcsdeai bwj, SO one o&irch can expect any ( A s to indorse ila acts, snly bo far as they are b itziet Moordance with .^e laws of Christ. If ^ ezelodea m member nsjutly, any other Aarci can reatare him i£it seee fit.

T. Wieneres any o i o u i acts ia TioIaUon of A t directiona of her on<r IjawpTcr, aa found IB tie Sew Testament, l i s beccmea rebellions — i s acta null and Teid; %nd all ether cinrcies,

[ ABoeations of ohor&es, and ConTeaUons,

Rmohtd, Ti»t we M pre«e«« »cc«ft Th« BiFTttT u oar StaU ors>B ob Um lltowiBg condittoa* Tiz.:

1. A nMoaabIc portloa of tbe r ^ r ttaU b* alfaved to npnMBt onr local internu.

S. That tbe MiButcn knii other Baptlltl ef the BUU be loTited to write for laM pmper.

a—btd, therefore, that me do pledge as.-te!Te< tend the drcnlation of the orE n thai Ml*et<d.

Baalmd, farther»ot«, that tli* abUity with whlcb Thi BaraiT ha» heretofore been coBdncted—ttaI icomprtmi*. inc defeaee ofMond foep®; prlnciplee and Ute; arj mei it»~ commend it te the denoalBatian aa one ef the b«K llTlBg expoBCBU of Baptift bith.—loaincaa BuU Qmtt^m.

carried on upon ^ c k MBS, and only in the summer. • a — < — t a d BOt comfortBble or strong enough « « | »ge<Jaand gair ed his great victory t h ^ y e a „ ,eU for winter tritTel In spring time tbe 'before. >trate was travelmg, making his wBter was crowdcd T^iih veasela. Wheat t n d e emplojedxo&ny vessels to Home' from many places, but especially Egyi't. Piul s vessel, wrecked wheat. Sp:ces

fei Alalta, was laden with , and precious s.c:ier, and

•ksold withdraw their fe^wship frcm ier n n ^ •ka repenta and rectifies ler order, cr tiey be-faae tis partakers sf ie^Biss.

8. Tiat BO Asscciatic^i. or CcnTention, or On ti' i is « " CoETt cf i&ppeal," or has any KStiarity cTer i±e chorines, but is simply an ttvUnry eonncil; t i e r e f ^ it has no right ts ilstste to t is oinrehes, A to demand snpport ttl BBy project or Boheme which it may origin-liB, bat may only reccmn^end, adTise and urge H perfonaanoe cf oaty | i subserrience to tie ( m t Ctristian TolcnUrjl principle.

t . Wis* any chnrjh ^ a r t a from tie faiti. ot violatts the order, of ^ goEpel, ia tie jadg-•amt ef t ie Anodaticc, E can and Bionid witi-tew ita ftilowship Srom er and lea-re her to hazialf Bntil she repenif. This is bo inter-lifgnefl wit i her intemal^egulalicB.

10. Baptists are net P^teatanta. Since tiey a c s a iad any eccleaia^ieal scnnecticajwiti ifca Tapaey, tisy are noi4 and iare been, tie i^ndiatora of t ie princ|plea and practices of

Home<Lire in the Seminary. 111.—THB SEW TMTAMKST, ESGUSH DtPARTMEST.

T QE school of New TeaUment Interpre-tation ia cared for by an acorate logician,

a kind hearted gentleman of the very sharp-est inught, and extraordinary critical ability; ^ man who has Jesus in his heart, and so a great preacher. Such a school could not be In better hands. With the utmswt reverence for the blessed Sivior, Dr. John A. Broadus seeks with pains Uking diligence to ascertain, by the most accurate methods, what 13 the correct reading of the original text, and then what ita best Englith equiva-lent. "Search the Scriptures" is no idle injuuction to him His work, his care, the vdue he clearly places on the words of the New Testament inspire the students of this school with the desire to study wiih the utmost care that word which is "able to make them wise unto salvation." Dr. E ' s reputation as a scholar, a writer and preacher, needs no indorsem*nt of mine, but it will surely be gratifying for the brethren to know what he is in the lecture room. Often do we hear the brethren say: " I could easily imagine I had myself been to Jacob's well (or Bethlehem, or some other place), Dt. B."8 description was so vivid" Certainly his power of picturing scenes in simjble, livicg language is wonderful And this is a strong framework, a splendid background ou which to place the events of New Testa meat history. I have always felt that to be with such a live preacher daily for months is itself worth a residence as a student at the Seminary. It is just as he himself said at the Jefferson Convention: '' An older preacher helping on tbe younger ones.' His exposi tions of Scripture arc thoroughly appropriate to the class. Remember' that in the Xew T^tament English are men of all capacities and every degree of preparedness. Some can little more than read and write cor-rectly, others are pretty good Ecbolars— college graduates. Some will probably take the full diploma of the Seminary, others will not pass one examination. What do they need, then, seeing there is such a di versity of aim and power among them ? It is easier to imagine the necessity than to supply it; hence they need a wonderfully alive prtdcher to select such points as are best suited to the class, aud to elucidate them so that a child could understand. I have never heard of a student who could not understand Dr. B., or who failed to enjoy his course in this department It is certain that the School is as near perfect as its organization and design will admit Every student would be glad, were it possible, to spend at least two years in i t

What is done in this school 7 Daring the first half session the class is occupied with

Ovid was writing love wrses, Lucretius, Cornelius X^po, and Lncollus were not yet bore, nor were Juvenal and Tacitus. It was just at the close o*" the golden period of literature- It was a mod-

fabrics of cotton and silk came from Asia., world having an old civiH.uion, a gran^^ The India trade involved much money, but | o d country. I t had r e s c h ^ lU strength, not a great deet. wa. extremely coetly., f glory, i ts .bsme. everything. Armies, The trade in animals was a very in>portant A^ets - . a l i h luxury, l.terature. Aague^^^^ item of commerce. Importers v^ed with Herod, present a grand spectacle. At l « t away from God. each other in bringing for the combat the t^e High Triest went one morning mlo the

temple at Jerusalem. I c e peop.e waued, but be did not return. At last he came out whether this or that rests upon a pa?t:cul3r and made sliins that he could not sptsk, and spo; of ground Bat when the fun resiches

Like seeks the company of congenial spirits, ^ Q ^ e m Bapt iS tPubl lCl l t^ODSoeie l j * and doers of evil, company together against i | l e K ^ w i n t t i - j law and order. Sinners love not G>i. they ; f ^ ^ W ® J f .4 ;


love not his praiaea, they pray n o t nor do they weriihip him who is "separate from ranera.". Qod's'liouse is no home to them oo earih, and certainly heaven is infinitely the opposite of what they desire. So sic VeEins by being the very opposite of the crowning glory of D vine excellence. It begins away from God, contrary to his law.

ejhaTe engaged t i i i column o act a: ac«at for another y>ar. We wint to raisf eevc!gy-five thousaud dollars by i l l our aeen cies flhis year. We cannot Sisit you a r personally, and wr offer you th^ opportnci'T to en»ll your name among the founders ef this

, Poclcjy, that your children may hare a rsice in : t | direction after yon are m laore. Tou

j aro ^^t called npsa to but to innst as-1 you ^oald in any oticr joint sSock company. • Any «f yen can sell or transfer Jt>ar stock to s

and necessarily leads further and further child^s you can any other sttwk. It is ex-

ftfwvj, wietier found iH Home cr ia t ie Prot-Mtaat aeeta tiat carae ouf of her.

11, We regard Protesti«ti9m,aa wen aa the, . ^ 0fia27, aa bleed on tie aanmption the four gospels, using Clark s Harmony, and

cr-nging most terrible, the fiercest and strangest, beasts of p r ^ . this trade took many vessels. Th r t r ade in builj ing material wai exceedingly brisk. There were large quarries in Asia ^Inor . Augustus bossted that he found Rome brick, una lefi it m-ixLle So he encouraged others to build. Herod imi tated him, and so did others. The slave trade was by no means unimportant Delos was a great slave depot, they were sent thence thrcugb all the world. Rome bought Thrician pe.<i£anu to till the ground, but got; elsewhere learned slaves—sometimes edu cated Greeks. Daring tbis period travel was safe The veseels and roads built for military transportation were now used by the youth of the land for traveliisg purposes. Tbe spirit which led them before to war, now spent itself in adventurous travel i Tliere were many great cities in Augustus' day. Among them Tardus, of Cilicia, was "no mean city,' tu t cf great influence Strabo says it was a second .Vthens. Heie were teachers in all departments of learning. In the west (Marseilles) Massalia was noted for its school?. It was patronized by Rome iUelf. The populaiion of Rome was about oOu.OC'O to l.i 'X'.w.'. Zones us in Asia Minor, Cc-rintb in Greece, Cyrene in Africa, Barca, south of Athens. At Cyrene Simon and other Jews lived. As to Rome itself, we should note that ii h.\d immensj wealth, but mostly confiaed te a few persons, the great patrician families—the descendants of the consuls and pro-consuls, rulers of tbe pro vinces, who had sbun.iant opportunity of enriching themselves. According to Lord (Old Reman World, p. 4"o), there were persons whose income was $ j annu-

ally. This great wealth was the foundation of an extitivagant, outrageous lu.\ury the world has never seen equale i Jlore money was spent in the days of Augustus than ever before. The entertainments ccst fortunes. t dishes of peaco*cks' tongues. Literally their god was their .belly, the highest par sonages indulging in shameless gluttony. It is related of C. ^uiius C»=ar aadothirs , that at a banquet they ate as much as they could and tlien ail went out. vomited up their food, rested and drank wine to restore their appetites, and returned again to the table. Divorce was common, as also conjugal infi delity. Faiderasty was openly practiced. (See Lord's Oid Roman World, Suetimuj XII., and others ) A wonderful empire of strangely heteiog^neous materials, yet thoroughly organized.

"The Roman government a: the Caristian

from him, and from his holy hibitation. Men sow as they reap; the harvest is an increase from the sowing: begin life t s inner . live a sinner, die a sinner, and the end must be infinite sinfulness, which is to be ipfin.tely

The morning dawn mingles light t n i darkness, so that oft we cannot clearly tell

thus opens the New Testament llis'ory." Greenvillt. S C. R s

' ' Thy Comforti IMfgbt My S j a l . "

I know the fair, green enrth is thine, And Thine, O LonJ, ibe starry heaven ;

from The« the blessf J light iloth shine. By Thee the soft, sweet air is given :

.VaU dear are all the cemmon things That tell of love from day to day—

The bud that blooms, the bird that sings, And tender faces round mv wav.

Tis rot tb:il any gift from Thee Is less than perfect, that I prize

The comforts of Thy grace to me Aliavo the sights of earth and skies.

Thyself Supremo, Eternal, Gooi, Art more th,iu all Thy works discl.'se ;

0, Laiab of God! Thy sacred blooi To me love s deepest secret shows.

From mortal ills I am not free, Nor have I walked an easy ruad ;

et every step was dear to me, Since by the Man of Sirrows trod.

Thr.'.igh all my dark las shine Thy face, Thy p -ace has flowed beneath my pain,

Stumblinc, I fell in Thy cmbrac?, M_v lo-s by T<;e3 was turned to giin.

And I might tell of hours apart. In lonely path an>l secret place.

When burned and glowed wHhin my heart The wondrous meiinings of Thy grace.

Ecough that Thou diJ'st there abide. And break the Ireai, and call mafrieni—

Thy comforts, O Thou Crucified? Refresh me to my j jurney's end.

No wonder that my weary feet Gro^- strong in sight of Calvary ;

That all Thy gifts are passing sweet, Embalcjid in lovt s j great and free.

Thy perfect beauty dawns more dear, As nearer to Thy crois 1 come;

In Thee my life i a only clear, Thy iieart, O Christ, is Heaven and Ilome.

—jiion'i Herald.

its meridian all things are clear, i j shall it be with K3. Now is the morning twilight,

.when sianers and saints are scarcely dis-[ tinguishable, but in that great and awful 'day, when eternity's noontide splen-lorshall reveal all srcrets, and men shall be made manifest before the Allseeing One, s^n shal! be burled back to tbe midnight oJ pt-idition.

(b"i Si^ dishonoTs God It begins ard con-tinues in unbelief of his trutafulness. Jt

' supposes that he is either not Governor, cr that he is a corrupt one. It makes t-in om-nipotent and triumphant over holiness. For the two are incompatible; can never mingle or have fellowship together. Tht- admit-tance of one into hearen makes it utterly impossible for the ether to find entrance there.

God not punish the guilty ' What a charge ' The Holy One permit crim'.-staine-l politicians, murderers, seducers, liars, covei-

|ous men. and the whole army of sicners to go«o:it f r A ' G,->d permit the unbelievei,

! the denier of his truthfulness, to enter his ' Loly i-lace' Monstrous thougat ! Sooner j expcct the noonday sun to ciill bLo-ok mid-night forth to share his splendid throne, A good man who has courage to defend his

' own character, will vindicate it by excluding : thoie who defame him from his company

T '

that th« piopiesiea and ^eoXaraUosa of Cirist ts««Uag iia ciurca aiS falae, tisa making Gkziat aa imposter, aad ^ reformers, and not (AlUrt, tie »viera and pr^aerrera of the ciarci. j

Smith's New Testament History. The period of Bible history fro n the close of tbe Old Testament canon, is also studied. We have to work up the life, words and works of our

.AilOlia . ! Lord, Bystematically and carefully. We X, Ike naimmersed boliea of Cirisliaaa are j have to learn the root facts of sectarian de

aiatarefaeijnsr are aa^ privileged eempaaies I velopment from the dawn of Phaiisaiim at tie i^uirch; mase ail ?edcbapiict j ^cd Sadare^ism, Herod's famUy and their ijBBTfiiiitttwiiiii u e only ;|eli^oaa accietiea.

3, l i a t baptism and ^ official relatica to a sksieh are prcreqsislte k a regular gsapel mia-ittlj i fcesce aH erdiaaa^ administered by ac •abap&ed and naordaiifed, aliiongh Istmersed tfaiatry, are soil aad '

1.5aeisroii3aarigl i | toiearacvecrcagit M b n it ia violatioa the law o£ Ciiist. l i e ipadfleatiea of tie ord<' to be observed ia tie fzdib&iaa of aay cthci^ordsr.

i . . 5o membsr aisali^anbmit to an arraign-Btai or tzial brsnght i^d condusted ia viola-tiaa of tie lawa af C i ^ one ia iadi-•ttiasBy respoasible to l^iriat for tie &itifal •itHTanea of iia lawa. |

S. Biaee rigit aaly, nit might, iarigit, a con-miscrity ia ^ all cases tie Bcripto-

n l Asre i . I I . Aa aaooaatitatioiu^ or diaordeTly majority

MBOt ezslad* a membi» of aa acknowledged gaacUtoiiaaal einrei.

T. He ekarei aioold pem% tie kttera oi; or tk« •amimt baptised a diaorderly einrei. V v •honli it ^ n i t to i k naaanaioa tie mem M » of assi a ehnrd^er ia any way eonate-

I ox B^inld iia dis^der; it .lioald keep no ' witi it th&i, I tt oiiiamed.

BAPI i : . '^(..l^'Ur. 1. To be ia all t i i s ^ eu&sisieat with our

jtiatiplM, wietier wej^ia cr lose asmbera or lafptdarity. j

L Ta flilim OCT peculiar missloa, whiciis, to M tfca iritaaaaea of Cirflt a t n t i againstevery ^jitam of errer, and ^oae who crigisate cr adToerta tiem; aad aiove al], by co act to iBSateaaace, reeogBlse| aid or abet ticse wio tesek c n r , s ; to tioae w i j u e in ma. I

a. To employ all tie Inergies cf the deccml-jASoa fiir tie coaTera&a of sinaera and tie ipMUing of Orisfatkingdam, tirongi tie Boat iftKhisl meana ^ d agencies set ineom-- sfiila w!ii t ie Wcrl 4

t Tb oeenpy every fniage and city ia the witi a snitably |caliSed, faitifai f ner-

2 aad devnisd i ^ i s p r . i . To fondsi a paatOJf to e«ry einrei, aad

doings, the history and geography o! cities, towns and districts, and peoples which throw light on the events of the Ume must be gone over carefully

The Etadeats are required to be prepared for daily recitations, which are in harmony with all of Dr. B.'s work, aad are real tests of study.

To the illustration of the New Testament Dr. B. brings an extensive and accurate acquaintance with cotemporiry history— the Grecian, Persian and Roman being especially important The Doctor is a Ger-man scholar, an-l keeps up with the latest results of the really wonderful works o ' such men as Meyer, Lange, etc. O: course he does not follow any expositor without tae beat critical reasons.

I give a specimen of his csndensaticn of historical information, to throw light on the gospel work:

General reviaa of :.le Jtotian t:orld at ih^ opening of the Kew Tfstament A. U. C., 74 S Twenty 5ve years aflsr the battle of Actium Angrzstus Caasar was the absolute irrespon Bible mler of the world. H e was elected to all the important Roman offices for li'e, declared exempt from aU laws, was senator, pro-consul, tribune of the people, pontifex maximus, and life dictator. Every /JTTTl of a republic, elections, etc., was carried out, yet Angnstuj was absoluta ruler. This was partly in consequence of the universal desire ibr peace which pervaded t t e world, Ke had all the Mediterranean coast, popaUtlon in the year 1,1C>0,000.000;. European Spain, GanJ, Italy, Greece and Macedonia, 40,OM,-00«:i; Asia Minor, 25,000,000. The Roman army was 350,000. There were legions on the Rhine, Danube, Euphrates, two each, of iO OOO men, in Spain and Egypt, and a navy of 40,000 or 50.600 men on the Danube, Black Sea and the Rhine. Tiiere 'were re markable rosuis built in_ail the Roman provinces. The m Ht famous was the Appian

Piinishmoiit the Vindication of God's Char actor. ^

I HE truth of ."ill others which men are! prone to avoid, is that which exposes i

the hideousness of sin. the vileness of the sin- I ner. Yet without correct views of the " sin- j fulness of sin," men will not feel very deeply their personal need of the Savior. This truth, th t t God ui'i punish the sinner, lies

And God will exclude sinner? f-om his presence so long as he is able; so long as his character is the same, and that is eter-nally.

(c) Si-i is rcldlion ajainit God. Being ! utterly against him and his government, fcin I seeks no less than the very dethionemcnt • of the Sovereign of the universe. What • madness; what appalling blindness' Vice ! naturally seeks to drive good men out ol ! power, to ruin their iniiaencs. So our sin I fulness would drive God, a pure, Loly Go-i,

from the administration of this government , How. then, can God vindicate his own char acter as an infinitely holy Being, aa omnit-o tent Sovereign, ju i t and wise, except by the punishment of the sinner? H's nature dem;.nd3 this vindication; the nsture aad results cf sin demand this displ.iy of sis Mouaess, henc3 the punishment o." the sin ner is just as necessary, sure and ss eternal as the very existence of God himself.

To the sinner th'is truth is all importasi. It s'lould be presented lovingly, tympa th;::ingly, prayerfully, from our pr-lpits. It Is the sinner himself, not sin in tbe abstract wh ch is to be punished, and he should be

pec-.e|l that, when once in fnll operation, the Socse^ will declare a dividend of twenty tf thirty per cent annaally. Tiig yvu will receiTt annulflly, or twice a year, in the publicatisni of fhf society. These you can o»e, give away, sell, 5r ordir sold for you by t&e Kepcsitorr, and teceive intereat in cash. T i e grandest feam^ of this sociciy is, that it makes eTsty stockholder a disirl^utor to the. extent of hie divldjna.

ThtfSocietj went into operation, doing job workA Auguit 10, lt>T3. AU "stockholders who paid iu fall their stock before =that date wll! be rsfitleJ to ten per cent in their money ic th' piblications c-f the Society from the 'first day cf the quarter after their mosey came inis our lAnds. Since August ICth- they will be entit^d to the divi-Jend declare^; on the Irs', day 0? January, IST-j.

I C O N S T I T D T I O n . Atki. 1. Tie name of this Society shall be t ^

•SOtri HEKS BATTIST PrSMCATiO* BOCIETT." Ami. 2. The object o. this Bosiety shall b»

to promote evangelical religion by means d the Btiatinfc Press and Colportage.

Aaj. 8. Tie stim of S50, subscribed and paid n, w^l constitnte cae a member or stockholder a t ^ Society, aad entitle him to a certi£cat« of s t ^k and a vote, personally or by proxy, in t ie Action of all the officers cf the Society. I t i s^ecia l ly provided that no one shall be allowed to represent by ballot mere t iaa $1000. " or »: iold more t i aa $2500, except by speciai p e m ^ i o n of t i e Board of Managers. It it kiso gprotidr^ That eaci stockholder shall b« promptly pud the dividend npon iia stock de-elar^ at the annual meetings of the Society, wd wat iia stock shall bi traasferable apea tie ^ k s of t i e B^iety as tie stock any )tie£ compuay.

Afc. 4. Tie Officers of this Eociety siall be % Priaident, 14 Vice-Presidents, CorrespoadiaiL ' 3e<n^ary, Kecording Secretary, Treasurer, aai tweiAy-five Managtirs, who shall be elecUd aa-a o a ^ by ballot, and wio togetisr siall consU-inte^ Beard ef Managers.

Air . 5. Tie Board of Managers siall ,iave pow^ td sppiiai i u c-^a meetings; elect iu iwn!Ciainaan and Secretaiy; appoint an Editor >f i g papers aa^ pnblieatioas; Btaadiag aad 3pe^al Committees; also, its A^nU aad C«l-por^nrs; fill aay vacancy which may occur la ita C*a body, or in the office ot Corresposdiaj 3ec«tary cr Treasurer; enact it* own By-Laws; ^iV^'itrf clvayt, They conform to this Ceastitt^ dos^ assign the duties of the.Correspondlai Secftt&ry: Euperintend all pubUcations of thi Socftty; establish Depositories; an£ ia geaer*] to va tc i over the iaterests and transact ti» business of the Sosiety. Seven members shal jonititute % qnorum, who shall receive a hberts soni^nsation for the time given to the Society! business.

J^T. 6. The Trsasurer shall give bonds s« nicS an amount as tie Board may appoia?; l i M be under the direction of the Board ; t t i i ia | l make an Annual Report t« tie Society.

I ^ r . 7. Tie Society shall me«t aaanally, M i t t^ t ime and place as the Board of Hanigea aag appoint. Speeial meetings cf the Socie^ a a j be caUed by the President er CorTespon4-ing^Becretiry, upon application of the Board «l Uaiagers.

i | iT. 8. Ko OfScer. Manager, Agent cr Cal-porfeur of the Society shall be tligibie to offict, jr © a vote in the election of the Board st

he be a member ia go^


1. OB

Chat oni

1 Cor.

Sope ax Jasti£'

t -

Doctrines, HipoaTAST ,

Lord, one Fait^ S. T at aa immersic

faiti ia tie Cia oae Lord. Bee Boatj^*

29; 1 Peter 1. ri<Qrace of God,

Faith in Cir

era was vigorous. If any ru'er of » province at the bads of ^o^fecrated personal Chris-j ^^^^^^ faithfully. To the Chrir.tian the truth is no less important, as leading to e deeper senss of indebtedness to him v'uo

was guilty of mal administration, there was opportunity for relief. .\ny m'^! adminis trator complained of would be tried, and if such, would be punished, r. p.. P.iate, .\ntoDy A chance for justica So the citizens of 'he Roman world were happy. There bad never before been such a period of peace. The out ward facilities for traveling were grei^, and 30 tbe facilities for spreading the gospel There was peace, there was oae universal empire, the citizens of which spoke Greek,

tianity, and however unpalatable to us, we should, we rr.'ist ciear our^elve3 of tbe blood of men by faithfully warning (Ezek. x ^ x i i i ) , ^ ^ ^^^ ^

I way for a growing consecration, a.nd a proper 1, IKepunieh^eny-.f the sinner w appreciation of all the doctr'nes of salvation

frim the nat\~Te or God. <.)ur Creator is puier than the purest man,

than the most chaste maiden. We know that these abhor crime, and much more we naturally expect to find God's word teach.

oa. «. The|fford of God the'

Spirit o^Qod t ie Agent b I adnlts. .J - "

4. Eae^ visible Cinrci of Bcriptiially immerse-i believersfod tieir tauonp^et cr* on pn^ t ioa , ) asBoeiatt !l aant to olfcy aad execnU a 11 Cirist, ia i ing the same org in officers, aiM ordinances of salem, aafindependent of edgiag noMwgiver in Zioi mitting tc|ao law he has Bern i : 7 | l Cof. i : 2; Ep AcU ii: d i 42.

5. The •Lord s Bnpper' eommemoi^ve ordinance i by a Church of Christ tu tuc, capacity), tat aa a test of personal fading of one oo^: another, at^Pedobaptists errin only to Bliiw forth Christ " again; a a d ^ i a g a Church

^ ieatally, alymVol of Churc

scqnently. fcly tiose chitri in this o r d ^ n c e that agree tice. The ^ember of one the same f a ^ and order) Dunioa of and not by being made ^ e gnardian of fhe sacred f e a s t ^ invested wiih|Lhf discipline tj4se whose rebiti«i^


gives the rif^t ^ 6. Christ i^ Baptism is

believer in & t e r by a qnali in the n a m e ^ tie Trinity, ii the buiial ^ d rtsnrection fession of a Seath » s:n. nni

Br)eai. ' sAother only by a * : r ^ h t , for each chai|ih|

consecration: therefore, ca; tessisn of ba lism eannot be except " the I \adrta of Goi i 16 and xxvii; : 17; Mart xvi:

ing that he abhors sin according to the I Roman gentlemen spoke Greek more than purity of his own nature, fn.-imte/v. Holiness is j . . ^^^ their own language. Xo passports were tbe crowning excellence of Divine character, needed. The existing religions held no and holiness is utterly opposed to sin. Give

by grace. If this or any other truth is preached

dryly, as if the preacher were net human himself and seem to be really glad that ein n?rs are to be punished, of cour»e it will

! only tend to increase sinfulness, aud not to s s J.

strong holvi on the masses of the people. The only widespread worship was faat of the Emperors. There existed a great relig-ious void as to religious sentiment, which was

to the purest, most perfect man absolute rule over the State, and we should expect r just administration of the law. And th^s not from the nature of law, reformatory needs

undoubtedly a part of the preparation of I of the criminal, but from the character of the the world for tbe Savior s coming. 1 Governor. What, then, of the Sovereijn,

The Jews were at this Ume very wealthy | whose throne is in holiness, supreme and and numerous in and out of Palestine. They infinitely pure? The gravest charge now were spreading everywhere. Love of trade made against governments is to the effect tvas t he^ ruling passion, as now. In pur- i that crime is unpunished. The demand of suits and character very much as now (cf. ' our land is not for better political principles, James iv. 13), transient merchants, traders ' stronger laws, or a more perfect system of not landholders. (Bro. Jaeger suggests that i government, but for pure men to administer * the Yankees are tha descendants of the! the existing laws. The execution or non-"lost ten tribes." ) Politicians were wont; execution of law against crime fixes the then, as now, to conciliate the Jews and 1)or | character of the government Crime is ua-row money from them. Yet they were de- i punished because Judges and Governors are spised and ridiculed. Credat Jnd.Tsas Apelle! | weak or criminal And weakness in such (Horace) Esj'ecially was their circumcision places, sach offices, is criminaL Tweed ridiculed. Their history is wonderfully va-1 believed in the triumph of crime. Vice ried, yet wonderfully the same; wonderful I ruUd and he rejoiced. Those who believe for statesmen, Joseph, David, Daniel, etc.; ! that God will leav« sinners unpnnished, wonierfal for wealth and money making, believe in the omnipotence of Bin. They They hat,l the favor of the great of their time, charge God with criminal weakness, and

BMoMHea of tie ero4 for every de9tit:ne re- way toward Biunduiuim. All the roads were St io3M aad al^Md, cadar t ie w i^e , a a l to a a a t ^ ^ a m .

ft amiimiaalan t^eTaagelias tia aaiiona l a a i a t boaa givaa t a ^ i a o i n e i tiroogi t ie ifaaOaa^ aia eaaaot #lcg*U ie r astioiity or karxaagoiiBUliiy to a|i«dy aa a Bovd ontaida • I h v Aneiaali iGald aaleet, aaad far ••^••aliTii aihiiliiaiiila of tia croafc

53a a « ateadfutaarjl HBoomproaiaiatadTo. «UV tf Oaw r r i s t i ^ aa4 t iU policy tiia fayKisdtTotad. "

paved with hewa stone, and graded, for mili tary purposes. In Palestine, near Hebron, &om Jericho to Jetttsalem, near Bethany, orer IConnt of Olives, are remains of Raaaan «»ds . Paul came by the Appian way. Ail of these roads were marked by Roman mile-stones. The influence of these roads ijpon the imagination of the people was'undoubt-edly great. Commg upon one of them a man could look away as far as eye could reach, toward Rom& If the people rebelled,

ofAleiander, of Cm =&r, of the greatest staUs- connivance at that which is utterly abhor-men of antiquity. After the body of Julius i rent to even a good man. A good king Cicar wai removed from the temple, the purges his kingdom o f v t c 3 ; h e puts do*n Jews went there by night and wept for him the criminal and exalts the j u s t God is —they hsd lost a fr iend Yet with all their! purer than the purest, stronger than the outward prosperity they were at home sadly ! strongest, and the "Judge of all the earth," depraved Divorce was common. Foreign and will punish the sinner, domination wrought injuriously upon them; j 2, God must nc.'csjari?^ punish sin from ils interfering with their civil and religious! very noiure. rights, endeavoring to root out Judaism and j The criminal at the bar is not competent plant in their nation heathenism of all kinds., to decide as to his own guiltiness; no more At this time strange reports (74S A. U. C ) ' is the sinner. None bat the Allwise God went cut through all the earth. Everybody j can know the whole truth as to the nature tjeh'eved that something strange was going j and results of sin. Hence the necessity of to happen. In E ^ p t and elsewhere was the depending on God's word for testimony as belief that some one from Judea would rise , to the guiltiness of the sinner, praying up and rule the world. The ilagi of the; always that the Holy Spirit guide us to feel East had the idea that the appearance of a j the force of its teachings, certain star indicated the birth-place of this i (a) Sin u ui itz natitre directly opposite U> holiness. person. At this time Philo Judceos, of Alex- j I t is to holiness what is to l ight andria, translated the Old Testament into | " Without holiness it ia impossible (Heh. ziL allegories. Augnstus was growing old; hav- 14) to please God." Truth and falsehood are ing no son, he was anxious about a saccesior. utterly antagonistic; never can compromise. Hia grandson had died. He was having a j So God and sin can never consort together, census made of all the empire, a condensed : Sin naturally shrinks away and Iiidea from sUtement of all iU resources of great value | h l n who walks in the gardens of innocence.

Letter from Big Bend. Brothek Gsives;—The Lord is trying the

faith of his people here on Bayoa des Glaises. For five weeks their lands have been izun-dated from the breaks in the levee of tbe ilississippi about Lake ProviieSca The fences in miny places are washed away, and the crops completely destroyed They si'em to recogn-zj the hand of God in this calam-ity, snd knowing that he doeth all things well, that he means it unto good, and that good to them will grow out of it, they are not depressed in spirit, but exhibit a spirit of resignation and humble submission to the will of God

We have Divine service every Sabb ah , and a goodly number attend. O.Jr mode of trnveling is in small ilatboats and skiffs that will carry from six to eight persons, in which are often seen whole families, the father using the oa-s. The people tnanifest a gr-jater interest, and seem to enjoy religion more than they did before they were so oppressed. This calamity seem^ to draw them nearer the Lord,

The Lord has chastened them torely, and smarting under the pun , they have not gone away, ba t like a loving, trusting child, when the chastening rod of the father falls upon it, they draw affectionately and with child-like submission closer to him. A^ the brood of young chickens, when threatened with any evil, gather themselves under tha winga of their natural protector, so this people re-duced to want, and knowing noi. how they will be supplied with the necessaries of life during the year, have taken shelter under tbe wings of God's loving kindness, believing that, as he feeds the fowls of tae air, and tliat, as he will not so much as soffer a »par-rcw to fall unnoticed to the ground, he will will also provide for them. What a blefting it is to know in whom we trust-; to know that he caretb for us, and that hu will sup-p l j all our needa a . T i e k t .

Big Bend, L a , May 20,1874.

MaSagers, except itafding in some regular Bapti-t Church, isslm iti^aa privilege be specially granted, andananal iy, % A two-thirds vote of the Board of Maaageak j

i ^ i . S. Alterations of this CoMtitntica pn- j pos|d at a previous Annual Merting, ar recoa- | aefced by two-thirds of the Besrd of ilanigaB* ma* be made at tie Annual Meeting by a vet* 3f lire-thirds of the members present

I OFFICERS, I J, E. CaxvES, Preti-ient. t Vice-FrendentJ:

E S, Campbell, Mo., G. W. G.-iffin. Tenn. E. I. Montastie, N. C., J, L, Reynolds, S. C., M. ? Lowrev, Mies., W. J . I'lrker, Ala, S. Blakewood, La., W. M. Lea, Ark , J . ^ Wood, Ga., Gen. Ja:i. Ilarri£cn,Tei. VT.^. Cooper, Fia., 'Wm. Loikhan, Va.,

} Thomas S. Storts, Ky. iTiijfnws ilcKc^erend Trtatarer—y!. D. Marfitll. Raiding Secrctary-^y!. W. Keep.

? BOAiD or MASAOCKS. C. Ycuce, Miss., Jos. H. Bcnim, Tern,, J. B. Searcy, Ark^ F. Courtney. La., G. Lofton, Tenn., E. M.Tarks, Miss., B. J>. Gooiwvn. Tenn., Wm. P Bcnd,TeEO., J. f". Dillard, Tenn^ W. E. Tenn., Tex.. R. Buckner, Tex., C.R.HrndricksonTeni

B. F. Tiarp, Ga., G. F. Cooper, Ga, W. C. t.Vane, D.D.,Ttl-3»' M. S. Buckley, Ark, Jno. T. Freeman, MiJRir? J . AV. Lipsey, Miss. >.j


Eli. J. R. Graves, G. A. r.oflon, S.fLandram, Geo. W. GHSa, M>P. Lewrev, C. E. Eendrictson, w a . r . Ev-nd, W.-D. .Mayfield.

ECSt-SESS COMMiTtTE. JcRn T. Dillard, n. D. -joodwya, J.iTl. Graves, J- B. Canaia,

i E. P. Lticcadc-. i c ! e*«iT onr p«y a u entirejfcare If l>«

dnr tng tfce montb af M-Vt IS 'J j to? secure a areat bargBtn In a -wfrk In, and »aT« Intere-t ou past *i» aMonnts.


Acts viii: to GalL i u . 26.

Bnryiag in only action; the only " lik

be close; Rom.

;to his service, answer this i

water of one de iBce tie burial i aess"' orrefir

J. J . Canada, Tenn., R. J . Burleson, Tel., E. P. Lnccado, Tenn , I l iG. Hudson, Asa, F,.^. Coleman, Ark, W.|P. Marks, Tesn.


ia the world,; i r i t is called the%^ n roETxiT parser

1. The and the Bihlt

with human fievices or tradif; has been, the g i o a of Bapti4

2. PotiHte 1§WB (fcs baptism i ol bapUsm, u e not left tf be] la all cntu ret ure t^iitivr andf er exanpliM. <

8, To divid the positive Christ into Hale and non-eut how far Ghris^ is to be obeye poinu we ma ' safely disobey fase to obey t le ef the least o f ' h ^ j qniremeaU or o Uath others s | ia the gnilt of riolating aU.

4- Every poi iUve law, ordinAcf^ in the chBTch, lot e ^ e u l y com: ' pled, is pehtivi y forltdden, rince tf onr thing it < r prohibition of

all h u s a a inveatioas and .«et baptism, iprintUng, poi pracUced for ri agious riles, fori ttiral warrant be found, an rlaftiL

H u l u s nature ia EO c o n s t i t u t e that all "ee,_afld judge better, in Uie afEai?* of other men than in their own.


fi-Ko RoapeL

* •Tier.

± •orhM

1 6. CSiriat ga 5 no mea, societa Wihority to Be with the ordii iaatioa ef his t inrch or K i a g d ^ or change hia 1 ws, aad subsUti •aother. To sn^Bdcr what he ia frMciery—tofhange them, f rA.

6. PriacipleaJ eaa neither b '*npronued.

iacts. .dU teholar : criUa and Uzic

aote, ssimtaoui > declare that <iJ t-first) and Ua ^ s ign i f i caU^f

« to dip or worn wt, while some if J •eholars of any jge, affirm that I

{Liddt !laadScoti,C_ 2. Buadard] atoriaas MwmBiS

F'wittw and <9>< lolii baptism ' the immertu i qf heUevert _

|«Mie of the Trij ity.-rstewart, • w all.

jrearig aU landed PtdoB, adaiit that i ka Bible does ni«

ewwumrf ; r, n txampU of n « « there is the! tmost disagre-a^^

MioBf 4 n OB what purpese it | to be admiaist

1 AllBUada^ hisf^riana naaa t ie rowiwfc tf cf tia a j pare^ iau ^ ( t i»t ^ ,

^ ^ or Bemba ihip,) »ad mUOt^ , repuhUe*. All reUgiBua

•MloliM fimert, And tleriad pTenuaeata, (ti |l is, at t ie haad

• V * " » •« loa,) art ij, uiaiea which no^

coaaUa ieee, nor ahen ws •, recogaiied

' ^ e a , or tiei preachers as o l ^ l

•ociety,! gaaiiednponj

be eallll » ^pel thoxl j r * b r a , > of the cA«rcl

other." 1 ptoriana frank p

^ ^ U u t h . ^ , lodahice tie I Booietia i wiiBh have pr

THE - Amazon Web· i«gKiaiIr Mari> wor ikj Bmf*. k «nJ1-kBa«a Aothara. Priea T5 r ctx (sell. . S n - [PDF Document] (3)



i I

t B a p t i s t P i i | l i e a t i o n S « e i e t 7

i c E ^ r l i n t 1874 . learage-i tku e^ama ta act ma a p a i lather vemr. 'We want to raig,

I ihcTMttad d u U ^ by aU our «g«n We cSMot Tiait joti all

j and we -iffigr "thia opporliicity ^ name amoiuii ihm toandew ef tiia

t your childrw m a j iuiTe a r^ice rtjon after jo« w e n» dore. Tau

opsa ta bat ta ixtest as IB any atker^ts t stock connanT.

sell or tznxfer your Btack to'a I any oAtx (tcck. It ia es-

wbfn once {» fiill aperation, t i e deeljtre a dividend af tweutj ta

tent, annually.tTkia you wf I receiTe ' t rwice s jearibi the puhlicatlana

f . Theam yof can use, g i w away, •r Mid for yStt h j the Depcaitsrr^

interest ia kasli. T i e granJeii Itiis ' ^ z t j ia, .hat it makes e^ary

a distrfbtttail to the sxtant of his

W5nt l!i;a-«wjwra.tion, doing joa It TO, lara. AU'stackiulders whe-— their siecii fi»«fore that i i ta will te tea p-T asoiL in their n s a e j in

itiens of the a>iriaty from the first (^aarter after tieir money came i n u

Since An({u« lOth they wiil be the diTi'ltfui ,i«elare-i cn t i e l i s t

litary, 1-73-CQSaTITiTTIOSr.

The name of this Society shall be the I BJJTKST PraJiiCATiaa Socistt." The sbject ef-this Society shall be erang^cal feJigion by means of' - Press and ciljortagt

le mm at $53. snbserioed and pail liinta one a Kcmber or stockhaider-

icty, and >;atid* him ta a eertilcata a Tote, peraoaally or by proxy, ia of aE tie oSera of the Bocisty.

J y proTided tiat no one shall be represent by b^Jlot mars thaa 31000, more than except by special

of the Board af Slanagsra. It is rJ, That each atackholder shall be

. the iiridewl apoa hia stock de-annnal meetings of the Society, stock gh&O -be transferable npea the icsiety' M the i twk 19 aay

—r- t The Officers o^ this Society shall be

14 Tice-PredUeata, Cortvspoadiag ' 'otirdinff Secretary, Treasarer, and lansKers. wife shall be elected aa-ilot, and wiu^^ogethez shall soasti-

i.sf Manager^ £he Board of'ilanaiers ihaH.ha-fe

lappaint its owU Bieetinps; elect its ,a an 1 SecrefcUy; appoiat aa Editor ! and ptUueatiims; Btaadiag aad

immittees; alsoritx Ageat« and Cel-' any racanck which may occtir la , or ia the o|tee of Correspaadiag Treasnrer; eisct its owa By-Laws;

oiicsyi, They ct^orm to this Ceastita-iga the doiies :of the Correspoading

saperinteni pablieatioaa of the tabliah Dspaaitaries; a a t i a geaeral •Ter the inierssts and transact the

he Society. iaieTen members shall liiDTTim, wh^iiiall reeeiTe alibetal I for the tima giren to t ie Bociety'f

he Treasanr shall gi^e bonds to maant aa the' Board may appoint; ider the iirwtJoa of the Board ; aad

in Annaal Export ta t ie Society, i s Sodety s^all meet aaanaUy, at id place aa E&* Board of Kanageia .. Sp««ial meetings of t i e Society d by tha President sr CsBrespoad-

:ipajrappa«atioa of the Board sf

To Officer, SBtaaaer, Agzat or Cai-le aaciety siiail be elijribie ta ofBce, ia the e l w i c a of the Board ef

except he »e a member ia good some regala* Baptist Church, Eoifxi 'ge be s p e c i a l granteo, aadaaanal-oiiria Totaofllie Board of Maaagea.

Alierationa ai tiiia Coaatit*tica prs-a preTioas Aaraal Sleetiag, ar recom-- 'wo-tMrds af .the Eaard af llaaagOT,

is St the Aaaual Meedmg te a T5i» of the members present.

OEFWERS. 1. B- GaATSB, J'rtnieni.

Tla-Friikksii: jzp^ell, Miu, fi. W-SriSn. Isan. Intacne. 5". C., J- L- HemoI Is, 5. L\

•e^ Jliss.. J. Parker, Ala, tewoad,U., JT. iL J>«, Ark, 1, f-sn- J IS. IUrti»on,Tai^

loper. Fla.^, Lackhart, Ta., l i a n a s %t2rts, Ey.

Jtcr.trjtr aiti r'faiarcr—VT. D. JlajSell-W^W. Keep.

B3AEB Of jtASAqKaS. e, Miss., Jjs. H. Ecnaa, Ttsjt-i #

ircy. Ark., T.. Cottrtaey, La., ft(m, Tenn., -E. IT.Pariis, Miss., ^ •dwm. Tenn., TTm. P. Bend, Tern., » Haul Tena^ Sr. E. Penn.. Tex..

C-B. Hendrii-ksaa.Tena, , I . F. Xharp, Ga., is. F. Coaper, Ga^ tr. C. Crane, D. D.,Tex.^«-

S. Bsctlcy, Ark., ino. T. Freeman, Miss, J. W. Lipsey, Miss.

W. W. :lleep. caniCAXiaa: rajmiTTEi:.

j n r a s , C- A. Loflan, f e e . W. Sri£ju

(wr-rir, £ . K. HenArickson, D- ilayfleld. j

BtStS'ESi a»,tf»£TTEE. j ^...arJ, R. D. GoodTvyn,

83, J . B. CanalJ, E. P. I^'caJo. ic par cBtire shars W he tltc miMtb at rraat baramtn in m. b a a n ta - - - — past d »

•ry on irLns tit- —

a Vraat bar||mtn In. and m t « faatetest

^ 3 *

1 1 4 • .


s: 1 2 ^ ^



is. o 3

an C ^

^ CO

" s -3 «

I .-9 9

g<9tlst O^trtaes , Prtadples and Fact?.


OXTAXT DOCnntlS. w L One L o ^ one Faith, one Immeniea, Eph. 6. That ^ immeraioa ia the professisa of

tkat en« f^A in tk« hrioi u d raMrrte&m. of tka OM LorJ. BeeEonuTi: 4-6 CoL u : 12 1 Cor. XTi 1 Peter i i i : 21.

L l i e Q n ^ of God, the only fooadatioa of flope and Fiith m Christ, the oaly mediua of Xostifi atioa^

S. The Wot^ of God the laatrumeat, and the Spirit of Goethe Ageat ia the regeaeration of adalia. |

4. Sach Tisible Chnrch of Christ is a compaay af scriptaraU^ immersed belierers only, (not of belisTers aad^eir tmcMsertai chUdrm and teek-rt on probati^) associated by ToInnUry coTe-•ant to obey tod execnte all commandmeats of

C h r i s t , - d s c i r i a j o , jficers, and o^ainances of the Church at Jem-lalem, aad iacfepeadeat of all others, ackaowl-edgiag ao IaTr|iTer ia Zion but Christ, aad snb-mitting to ao Hw he has net enacted. Read B a » i : 7 ; l C b r . i : 2 ; E p h . i : l ; CoL 1:1-5: AeUu:41, 42.

5. The -Lo^'g Bnpper" U a posiUTe and eommemoratiTrtoitoanoe to be obserred oaly by a Chnrch of IHiristMfBeA (that is, ia charch e»P»eity), aot m a teat of ChriMtian/eUowMhip or personal feeliai of oae eommaaicaat toward another, aa Fe<^ptiata erroneously teach, bat »aly to show ftrtk Christ's (fart* till he comes igain; aad being a CTarei act, it becomes, iaci-

^IsataUy, m a y n ^ l of Ckureh rtlatiofuhip ; con-ieqaently, onlyttose chttrches can participate ia this ordiaaals that agree ia faith and prac-tise. l i e m e s ^ of one charch (though of the same &ith a^d order) can come to the com-Bsaian of anatlsiW oaly by an act of ^nr im^ utd Bat by risHi^ax each church is iadependeat, being made the faardiaa of the parity of the uertd feast, is ^Tested with t ie authority to iisdpliae those %hese relationstip ordiaarily giTes the right, t

S. Christiaa Ebptism is the immersioa of a belierer ia water by a qualified administrator, ia the name of tl^ Triaity, ia rtprtiatiation of the bsiial and feaarection sf Christ, and pro-fession of a deatf to sin, uaioa with Christ, aad saasecratioa to l i s serrice. One mode only, therefore, can anjwer this design, aad the pro-hssian of baptiail cannot be made by children, aeept " tie eMU^ af QiA by Faith." Matt, u: Kaadxxriii: l l jMarkxr i : 16; Johnii i:2,3; lets *iu: U the-iose; Rom.Ti: 4 ,5; CoLu:12; SalLia. 26,27. J

Baryiag ia water af one dead to sin is the ntly action; sia^^ the bnrial of a dead man is lis only " likeae* " op repreaenUtion of death ta the world, fer^ia caUed tie likeness of death.

nw«9rA3T rantcrPLia. L The Bait, axd the Bible alone, nnaUoyed

with hamaa de<^ea or tradition, is, aad ever k»i been, the relijBon ef Baptisu.

J. Pori&tt Uwa^as baptism and the subjects af baptism, eta) ^ nor, left to be mftrred, but ia 3U. eatei reqair#j>onttn< and plain commands, W ezsmplet.

•1 To dlTide t 6 positire requiremeats of Christ iato meatia^ and n<m-eueittiale,ia to decide how far Ghrist ia is be obeyed, and ia what joints ws may aa&ly disobey him. But to re-liM ta obey oae ^ the least of his poaiUTe re-quiraneata or to t ^ others so, iaToWea one ia tie guilt of T i o ^ ^ g aU.

4. jTery poaiti-^ law, ordiaaace, or practice Sa the charch, not eprmly nanuaded or exaa-M,iBpo«ta.lyf^iidden,tince the tpecification tfne thing u thej^ohibition qf every other. Those

all huaiaa iaTijotioaa aad tradiUons, aa ia-ft t baptism, s p r ^ a g , pouring, etc, now faeticid for reUgilos rites, for which ao scrip-®»l warrant caa U fassi, aad th^^ore, taftii.

Oiriat gave b | men, aociety or church the •Bittity to tnrfle 4 i t i the ordiaaace or orgaa-"•eMufhisCharihorKlagdom, aa to make o tiange hia laws, aad substitute one thing for

To aurrente what he has eaUbUshed, change them, treaton.

«• Waciplea e 4 neither be cMrtded aor •••VrimueJ. i

TOQ^AMT lACtfl. I. ^ e r r a n d Uzicogr^h^ ofaay

Mm^MZjr deUare that the primtry (that 7 ™ ) i««&v|ii«nificatioa of "Baptiao," ^ «p or namcne, While aome of the Tery beat •Mtos of aay ate,»ff im that U hat mo other

{LiddeU a ^ ScottjCaraoa, Aathon,4c. J t fcaadard hiato«aaa nomnotniy tyrt* that

tad apottolA baptiam was admiaiaUted ' « mmertiom ti itlievert m mater, ia tha ^•f th•Tria i ty4^^tewart ,Bobinaoa aad

T H E . B ^ I > T I S T ^ A t E M I > E [ I S . J U ^ ^ E 1 3 , 1 8 7 4 .

Arkansas Department.

s i I i

lJi» CkrtotiM ilioald m«k* ewrythinj bea<l to hia r»U. lion, »n<l«now rtUcioB to Usd t* aotWnj f. L.JtMm.

"There I« BO mtdiH* (tosbiI betvtca Oathallci aad ••ptltti. AU th«neti prsctiefait iaaat ipclakUax an ««»ad>e. or oahoote of tko CotlMUeoUT* tRo, aad tk»T • » With It partakm of It. root and btaeu" (U •.. J«-

Brr. J. T. Taam>. B». of Strmskiirs. The CooTention of 1K3 Uii the report with reference

to a Stnie or^n Bpon the table. Some brethren thereby eoaclude that this nrerte* tha former action, at ex-pTTMed abore, and otheri maintain that tile former action remain! nnchanged. Be it UBdentfod bj all that this page i« itUl ofered to all Arkasiu BaptieU— leariag oat the qaeition of orsan."

canae all men are not now at peace with God. May we not, from the same premiaea, eonclndd that it wUl nerer be complete, as all men will nerer be at peace with God 7

Truly Webster defines atonement, 1st, agreement, reconciliation after enmity; but

122 of Discipline, and we read: «What shall be done with those ministers or pr^chers who hold and diaseminate, pub-be y o? priTately, doctrines, which are con trary to our Art-clea of Religion ? Li t the

that which is rKCAiriwI in mmtUfm^n^^ r ttjt . ^ _ f •k'j, wb reaa.

" T k e Higher Life ."

Th e following extracta I take from a little tract enUUed " Jeaus a Savior from ain."

The author saya: " I beliere it will magnify

t ITearb, aU rimiStri Ftdoh<^ti»i commeaU-^adfflU that the Khla doea not foraiah one

/br, a the atm«k diaagreeiaeat and confra-

• k T J ! ^ ' the«=oa what grouads or for parpeae it ta toibe admiaiaterod.

^Mstaadardhiaferiaaamisalmonsly affirm ^ ^ the apoatoUo ehorehea ^ ^ ^ itmocTMg , (that ia the r r " •eailKMhif.) aad «a rts thMrche* bid,.

A ^ r e H g i o a a w o r f i ^ h , ^ -powm, a i 9 dtriad or mrittoem^

r * ^ " ' " . ife in the haads of th« e l e r o * ^ a a a s€^-oi|) m U i ^ a y M a ^ jT^wfiMa t y r a a a ^ wUchao Christiancaa ^ ^ ^ nor ahsoldaueh aocietiea

way, Seogalscd sa acriptaial J^J^^^lhe i r pre^ken as official miaiatera

the grace of God for me to record somewhat of the Lord's dealings with my eouL . . My conrersion was very clear and unmistakable. . . I knew that I was born again; that I was a child of God and an heir of a ^orious in-heritance, and nerer from that time hare I doubted this. Never have I had a moment's fear about my acceptance with him or my present possession of eternal life. . . I saw how complete was my judicial standing in Christ and my judicial completeness before God in him. . . But notwithstanding aU this my heart waa Ul at ease. . . At the end of eight years of my Christian life I was forced to make the sorrowful confession that I had not even as much power oyer ain as when I was first converted . . I could not but see that although I was not under the law but under grace, still sin bad more or less dominion over me. . , Often I said to my-self that if this was aU the gospel of Christ had for me it was a bitteriy disappoinUng thing: for though I never doubted the fact of my being a child of God, justified and forgiven as a possessor of eternal life and an heir of a heavenly inheritance, still when my heart condemned me—and this was almost continuaUy—I could not have confidence toward God, and waa not happy. I began to long after h<rfinesa. I began to groan under the bondage to sin in which I was still held. My whole heart panted after entire conformity to t t e wUl of God and unhindered communion with him. But to thoroughly convinced was I that co efforts, or resolutions, or prayers of my ew a would be of any avail, and so ignorant was I of any other way, that I was almost ready to give up in despair. In this time of sore need God threw inte my company some whose experience seemed to be very different from mine. They declared that they had discover-ed a way of holiness, walking in which they met neither failure nor defeat. . . I a.iked them their secret, ami they replied: ' It is simply in ceasing from all sfforts and trust ing Jesus.' . . Like a revelation the glorious posaibUities of a life su?h as this dashed upon me; but the idea was too new and wonderful for me to grasp. I had never thought of Christ as being such a Savior as I now heard him described to be. . . T had learned how to trust him for the forgiveness of my ains, but I had always trusted myself to conquer them. . . I lay awake whole nights to wres-tle in prayer that God would grant me the blessing he had granted these Christian brothers. . I could not believe; I did not trust; and all else were worse than uselesa But for hope, not altogether uselsss. . . The last barrier of unbelief was broken down Jesus revealed himself to me as worthy of my utmost confidence, that I could not help trusUng him. . . I believe the truth that he was my pracUcal aanctification ai weU as my justification. . . Jesus became my present Sirior, and my soul found rest at last—such a rest that ao words can describe i t . . The secret of holineaa was revealed to me Thus that flesh which I had diacorered to be so utterly corrupt and incapable of im provement, I now found could be aban doced. I / e a d : ' Ye are not in the fl-sh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.' By faith I knew that the Spirit of God did dwell in me, and therefore by faith I could triumphanUy cry, ' I have crucified the flesh with the affecUons and lusta. I am dead tevertheleas, and live; yet not I, but Christ lireth in m&' And accord-ing to my faith I found it waa done unto ma. I c reckoning myaelf dead, I found that I was pracUcaUy dead unto sin. Ia putting off the old man by faith and putting on the new man, I found that the one waa actually put ofif and the other was actually put on. I waa enabled, in short, to walk in the Spirit, and therefore not to fulfill the lusU of the flesh. I entered into the reat of faith— that ' keeping of Sabbatha' which remaineth for the people of God, and there I atOl abide."

In my judgment the abore is a novel Christian experienca I may reriew some points in i t in the fature. But as it respecU 30 vital a queafron, I ahall be glad to see the riawa of the brethren generally on this rab-jecL May it not be that many of the con-rerta of this " higher life " order are taught to b ^ e r e th«» ains are pardoned before they enter into the reat of faith ? j d s.

that which ia receired in aatiabction for aa offense or injury and this seems to me to be the sense in which the word is mostgenersl ly used in the Scriptures.

He seems to confound atonement with redemption. Are they not different in their object, deaign w d nature? It is GDD, not man, that receivea the atonement; but man receives reconciliation through the suffer-ing! and death of Christ Paul says, « when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of bis Son," etc.

Atonement ia offered to God aa its object, and made to satisfy his JusUce; to satisfy his noUted law so that he could be just and thejustifier of all who would become recon-ciled to him through faith in Christ: hence Paul says, "God was in Christ, reconriling the world unto himself," not atoning for them.

KedempUon is purchased or procured for ^ by the atonement, and is a benefit con-ferred on man; it is the deliverance of men from sin, and thU is still going on, and will continue until the end of time.

Paul says " we are bought with a price, ' and I view the atonement as the price paid for the purchase of all true believers, and that the price is fully paid; for by one oflfer-mg he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. (Heb. ^ 1 4 ) By the blood of the covenant, I have sent forth thy prison era out of the pit, etc. (Zech. i s 11 )

1 believe the atonement was made in view of and to satisfy the violated law , and until

I f a member of our church endeavors to sow dissensions in Eny of our societies by in-weighing against either oar doctrines or dis-cipline, such person, so offending, sb.HlI be hrst reprorei by the senior minUter or preacher of hia circuit, and if he persists in each pernicious practice! he shall be ex pelled from the church."

Now, mark you, the Disc-pline, as quoted above says that they will exclude a member for holding, either pubUcly or privately, doc trines contrary to their Articlef. of BeUaion. That they will expel such offenders, may be seen by reference to the rise of the Method-ist Protestant i^hurch, as given in Williams-History of that denomination. The erime with which members of the 'church were

Inhere are a few points that I d« tabUsh for the aatisfac^on of my neighbors, on Catholic authority, fore, ask you to refer me to some standard works that treat on the f< topics; also where they can be ob

1. Indulgencea, their origin, age, , ^ t e d ; also the natijre and auth the book entitled " Tax of the Sacred »omaa Cfcanc-ry," referred to^in Encyclopelia of Religtous Knowledge, page 6.V,. ^

c l ^ n J ^ ' prohibition, referred to infEncy. clopedia of Religious Knowledge, p s l - 34 to read the Bible without a U e e ^ f ^ m ' thair superiors. — — ^

3. The sacrament of to ly matrimo^. 4 The laws of disciF4ine sad eoi^ta of

appeal ^ A deicription of th« trial b e t w e ^ the

Bishop of Illinois and Father Chia iq^, re--erred to in your issue of last March J ^ h in

charged was. " for having been actively ea- - L T l f f i ^ l ^ ' t h a gaged in the circulation ofan improper p e r i - ? ? » t r o r e r a y w^l gaged in the circulation of an improper peri odical nork," entitled "Mutual RS^Ma" The improper character of this work waa, that It contended for the mutual rights of members with ministers For this, mem-bers were charged, arraigned, and expeUed, in Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee and e'sewhere, and thus origi*. ated the Methodist Protestant Church. Then how can these people be inv4ted back to take the Lord's supper amonf; tbem r

And are not Baptists, and Baptist preach-m p i l t y of holding private'y, and dissem-inatiag, both publicly and privately, doc-trines contrary to Methodist teachings or doctrines? Djes not the Disciplics- raiee lU solemn warning, saying to them, " N o

I would state, in conclusion,

r> .u • controreray w%h a Catholic, is the effort to identify the Bakata with the Protestant a e c ^ based on mee'angs and pulpit affitaUon. If th« W t struggle of the present ^ e , as weU a f t h e past, lies between Zton and Babylo^ we ought to be watchful to surrender orlcsm-promiae no principle of our faith our p t ^ e e . We cannot deay that we ^ in foUowsh jp with theadrocites of alien i i ^ . Kons, pulpit affiliations and union Qieet-tng»,M»dour opponenu can, hence, fogi®.

deduce our identijy with the^ de-Dooiaations w th whom we recipr^ate

be reconciled to Go i , and that which pro-rided the way for the salvation of one opened the way for all who would repent and believe " for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. (Lev. xviL l i ^ Hence 1 believe the atonement was com-plete-f inished when Christ died on th» cross.

Christ said. It is finished What was fin-

per among us who is guilty of any such ?i-ac-' tices—any practice for which we would e x -clude you ? • And do aot Methodist preach-ers know that Baptists hold doctrines oon-t rwy to their Articles of Religion ? 3 o c -trines which debar us, accoHing to their I>i3cipline, from their taWe ? Do not L>»«8 byterraas. as well as Protestant MethodiaU, 2piseopaljaas. Hefornse.-^ and others hold,'

ished ' Was it not u- '^erorcse.-s and others hold,

cording to their Discipline, would exclude been predicted ot him by the prophets ? All that the justice of God required as an atone

these so called courtesies. TrosUng you will afford me the d($red

infMmation at your earlitat conreniei am yours, fraternally, Frakcis J J

Morganfield, Ky., May 10, I STl. A.f3WER._We refer our corresponde

" The History of the Counc'd of Trent, the creed adopted by that body, which furnish him with most of the aothorit i he needs. For this Md othw works, aen l to-Smith i English, bookselfers, PhUadel^ia.

It is a fact that we do express oar chu'ch-fellowship for aU those sects who»e bapt ims and ordinations we indorse Suc i a c U ^ r e acts of communion as mutJi as the p a r f c i -pation with ttiem in the Lord s supper. F

lair denaacded, in order that he might be ust in bestowing mercy on repeat ing and

believing men ? Who . . , bi.-e our sins in his own body on the tree by whose stripes we were healed. (Ist Peter ii. ) If a tonement means reconciliation, why is it said atonement is made for inanimate things, the altar and vessels of the temple ? (See Ex. xxix. 36, 3:, and in other plases ) Does it require sacrifice and suffering to make atonement for s i t ? Now, t ec iuse I have presented my views to some ex ten t with my questions, do not accuse me of arguing the suhjMt and trying to impart instead of seek ing light. I have simply stated my views, that if in error you may see just where my error is, and thus be enabled to give the needed light to an lN\.riRKR

New London, Ark., 1574

f i i f ^ ni a ^ 8

^ • ^ t y . orga^ed apoa jwiieyfc, differ-^ ^ of the hpottoUc ckynka, having

t h J r ^ enfcnia the mixutry

• " • J ^ l t o t h a thiag are t .

hiato^aaa fcaakly adiaitOat

. ^ . ^ j ^ j ^ ^ w J a hare preserved pure

More l i g h t Desired. " D R u . L. Q U I N N , in T h e B a f h s t of the - U 25tli of April, states what he ander stands the atonement to be, and if hia ex-planation is correct, I tntertain erroneous news on that subject, and if ao, desire to be corftcted; and I hope he will not think me troubleaome in aaking a tew queationa, and I wiU alao atate some of my riewa that he m v see where my error is, if in error.

He says the atonement u a comolete rec M c ^ t i ^ Doea he by this m e a i aU that Chnat snffered, did and wiU do for the aal-ration of men ? Then it must embrace the sacrifice, sufTeriofc intwceaaion and redemp-tion ; for it requires aH tMs to bring about a eompleterecoodlialion, the atoaeaient I nnderaUad reebaetltaUra to be somethiaf whidi takea p k t e between parties timt w«re at variance or diaagreement, and atontment something that ia done by a third party to bring about the reconciliation. He con-cludes the atoneaent ia not complete, be-

More Persecation. Dear Bro. Graves —I wish tostatt^toyou

a circ*mstance which occurred at Esgle Hill, Ark., a few days ago. v^hich shows that the spirit of persecution is in the bosom of the granddaughter also. The circ*mstance is this: Eld. John Boyd, a Baptist minister, was m conversation with Dr. Wagner, a Methodist preacher. After talking awhile upon the teachings and practice of their denominations, Boyd told Wagner that his church sprang from Roman Catholicum Wagner got mad and told Boyd he waa a liar two or three times. Boyd evaded fur ther conversation with h im But not con tent with this, after a few minutes Wagner walked up to Boyd; aaya he, " you caUed me a Roman Catholic," and apat in Boyd'a face. The fieshly pride could no longer withstand • Boyd hit him, when the bystanders inter-fered and prerented further collision. Xow BaptiaU will commune with Wagner by re-ceiving his baptism aad by inriting him to preach in their polpita—thoa fellowahip one who apat upcn Chriat, " for,' saya the Mas-ter, " inasmuch as you hare done it to one of

my disdplM, you hare done the same to

guilty persons shall be admit ted to the Lord's supper among them ? Cin - close c o m a o n ion Baptisu have any closer rule than the MethodUt establUhes on t h e communion question, and which MetlbO«iist preachers have sworn to observe ?

Let the MethodUts practice their own rules and law., a n l the cry of "close c o n -munion will come with as much force against them as a ja ins t the most high-church Episcopalian. May we not justly say to them, when charging us with clone communion. "Happy is the man that c m -demneth not himself in the things wh'ch he alloweth? ~.r M />,,, , . Wesism R.c^r.Ur

What Our Fathers Thooglit. A wrrter in the Biptist We^Uy speaks! of

Smyth's Confession, published in lClI , |a3 probably the oldest Biptist creed, or a p o l ^ , of modern times. From the copy t rans l&d from the archives of the c a u r c h X i t Amsterdam, for the " Eiriy English Bapti ls" of Dr. Erans. he quotes :

"That only the baptiied i re to taste I m elements of the Lord s supper." |

He cites, a'so, a shorter confession of f ^ h

l e r s f a s

' A C O L p a t o BE 8TCVIKB. ' AXKMfB

M ttligioas ar^aaces are Mta of oJeiasa^

t Wa obedtaaae that is not ptrmmel » e « is ao obtdleaoe that i , act eohou^.

I. Rare u ao obeiieaae that i , t n m p M by hie, aad aooompaaied by faiA. 7. K^ety act of ^bedieaoe isi like baptisai

a food eoitteiaut iowm-i QoL F r w the aboro aa can aae that ia&at ba».

t i i a ! < a o t a « z ^ « t , b e f l a n s e i t i » B o t a a l •an » as aease H ooasiderod aa act s f oiefc-•cfc Ihere ia ao law fia-it; «»d If eo, tkt law

txereaa rslition, or fWth; n « hare tkay a «o«l ooaaoieace Jo be aaswerea by bantia^ tafcaj Uptiam ,.th«t ia net oaly d s e U ! ^

faadameata pnacipl, of Chriatiaaity-it effectually pa« i t out ot tka

p o w 9f the oaa aprmkled -a uaJwHef to ober a ^ t ^ , . ,amaad ^ b . ^^^ trodaeea tha nnregtaaraU aad toa-baiieren

lafkat. M=ld he regarded aa eiurrhas-woii . lag ruia to their aoaia if thoy beli«»» ther wan rageaerated by it. ^

OILEHHA. L la Christian bn-tiaat ajK,r«uJdaty-t a.,

ajoiart apoa pareata, aa waa oiommeiaioa. « obea&iiaisteredtQtheir«aildrea?

spaaittetbaUerer? ^ If a pareatal duty, like ciroaaeiiioa, it caa

aarerbe ths daty of the ohUd, thot;^ ita p « . •ata w m dercUol in theira—aad iafaat baa-tiaa thiai effectnaUy destroys beUer^nr' b a p t ^ from theaarth. But if it iatheperaoarj duty of a p«aitea« b e t i e ^ S S i it ia not a par satal dut-

BIMILAECaEBDa M ^ 9»7 that bac-

^ salratioa. 1« hia be

^ paaishmeat of aias ia era. iionaly -pardoned of Qod. Baptism oDenfto

Q. "What ia your name T" A. "if.orM." a " J^o gave ypa >iis name? ' iL a^naota i t baptism; wlajwa I waa

•ade a Member of Ciairt, the ch&l of ( S l I S L ^ toheri^r of ih, kingdom of h a w a ^

JStok Vaiechinn.

by i g S T " " ' ' ^ ' b e ^ a u W»,ca ir , "Aad fte ftrat of these is thu wadcM awa*

g ^ t ^ ^ g i a a l Si , by ths appSi^UoViJ • B y b^tiam wo are admitted iato lltf chnwh.

IS hSS^*^®^^ WB Bsade members t>t w S ^

Mettaodbt Close CommaalMi.

Th e "Diacipline" says: ' But no person ahaU be admitted to the Lord'a supper

among ua who ia guUty of any pracUce for which wo would exclude a member of our church." P. 1j7, edition ISTO.

Thia is not the language of a private indi-Tidual of the MethodUt Church, aor of a cir-cuit preacher, a presiding elder, n o / of a bishop, but of the whole Methodist Epi£copal Chnrch South, in Conference asaemWed, •peaking forth anthoritatirely, and in a roice which every MethodUt preacher takes a aolemn ol HgaUon to obey, in hU ordina-tion riewa. The Bishop aaya to htm; " Will you reverently obey them to whom the charge and goremment orer you u cam-mitled, foUowing with a glad mind and will thU Godly admonition? Ans.—I will en dearor ao to do, the Lord being my helper "

p. 242. And the whole Discipline U the work of those "Godly rulers. " ButthU laaetUedon page 78 of DUcipline: "Do not mmd oar rules, but keep them; not for wrath, but conacience' aake." Then it U a certain fact that no MethodUt preacher has t h e r g h t to amend the rule in regard to p w n a coming to the Lord's supper a n o n g ttem, any more .than any other rule in the DUcipline. Then i f W a i ascertaii from the DUdpHne for what they will exclude a member of their own cbtirch, we may de termme who n u y or who may not eome to the Lord s supper among Jlethcdiita. For no person U to be admitted who m £ u i l ^ t f any practice for which they wiU exclude a aember of their church. Now turn to page

JKy Mother. Long years, my desr. lo t mother, have gone by Since thv Jeaih-hour. My cbiUhood ar.U my

Tonih Have i>a«se.l since the:; an i my strv>ng miin-

hood s prime Has fiJed like a visijn. for my years Far. Tir ou'.ni-mber thine on earth I te seea Much, much of Joy sn J s• t .Jw, I hive felt Life's storms lad «un?hiae. but I ne'er havs

known Such rapture a.s my ful! hesr: shared with thev la childhood s fiiry years. Now, time no more Scatters fresh ro5-?3 r-iund my feet, his hand Lets fa'l upon my piih bat pale, torn flowers, Dead blossoms thru tbe gentle Jews of ev.., The morning sunlight anJ the noontide raius Can ne'er reTire. E en thy dear image now. The sunlight of my childhood, seems to fade From memory's Tision. 'Tis as some pale tinx Upon the twilight wave, a broken glimpse Of something beautiful and dearly Iove.l In far-gone yesrs, a dim and tender dream, That, like a faint how oa a darkened sky, Lies on my clouded brain. But, oh! thy voice, Its tones can never perish in my soul It visits me amid the strife of men, In the dark city's solitude. It comes, Amid the silence of the midnight hour. Upon my listening spirit like h strain Of fairy music o er the sea. And oft When at the evenUda, amil a hash Deep as ihe awful stillness of a dream, I stray all lonely through the leafless wools, And gaze upon the moon that £e»mj to mourn Her lonely lot in heaven, or on the trees. That look like frowning Titans in the dim And donbtfal light, that uaforgotten voice Swells on my ear like the low uournful tone Imprisoned in the ssii-shell, or the sound, The melancholy soun J, of dying gales Panting upon the far off tree-tops.

Ves, -My mother dear. th»uga mountains, hills

Etreams Divide me from thy grive, wiere I so oft In childhood laid my bosom on the tarf That covered thine, though the drear winter's

storms Long, long have cast o er thee their spotless

shrouds, .\nd night her p»IL ani thongh thy image

sweet, The one dear picture cUerishe^i through my

life, Grows dim and d:m:ner in my brain, thy voice Is ever in my ear and in my heart. To teach me lore aad geatleneis ani truth. And warn me from the perils that surround Tne paths of pilgrim? o'er thts desert earth.

—Giorjt D. Prtntkf.

signed by Smyth and forty-seven others, follows: ^

" The Holy Baptism is gi-en unto thos^in j thenameof the Father, the .Son and the Hl iy Ghost, which hear, believe, aad with p e i i -tent hearu receive the (Joctrinfj ol tj^e Holy Gospel For such hath the Lord J e ^ commanded to be bapfz no anapeaS-ing children. i

"The Ho'y Sapper, accort'ini; to d e institution of ChrUt, U to be adnunUtet|d to the baptized; so the Lord J « u s hrfh commanded that whateoever he kath ^ pointed should be taught to be ob«erved'

The loose communion laxity which that it was first, in the ordnr of time, U mUtakably remanded to the s e c w d by the verdict of history —/rt<ifr.

Prayer. J What battles has it not fcwght! what v 4 -

tories has it not won' what burdens h a a ^ not carried • what w junds has it not healef! what griefs has it not a s s u a ^ ! It ia t R wealth of poverty, the refuge of sfHictioff; the strength of weakueas, the light of darfr ness. It U the oratory that givea power fe the pulpit; it U the hand th^t atrikea doiA Satan, and breaks the fetters of sin, it t u r * the acales of fate more thaa • i e ed^te of tiA

"If i a ^ U are gnilty of original fin, thea they m p v p n aubjeots ef baptism; s e e i a T u

^ b a w a a h e d away baptiam."—ZHifiSS 246, 247, 249, 260, 251

Coafessiont of Faith, it a l a m e n t "

(Mat , aot only for the aolemn adaOarioa ot tM par^ haptiaed into the vissiWe cfcewh, brt sliB to 6e nuo him, a eifa and swi of thtlan.

of g » c e ; ot his tugraftiag iuo Ckrit ; of fa*gaeretwR; af reraiuion; of siai." * • • -WKeh neraaeat U by Chriaf, owa appciat-• ta t , to b« eoatianed u-ttU tha end «rf U ^ "

• na^^fcaqr of baptia®, (p. 148) ie ast tied to t ^ t mMieat of u me w h ^ a it m a J m i ^ 1'??.' Tf^otwithstaafiing. by the right^ rf this er<^ance, the #rjee • r o i w A ia L i a ^ l

koly ghoatj to auch (whether of age or iafaata.) u t h ^ g r a e e b e l o a g e t h naU, aSordlag t o ^ MMC^ o reod 'a own WiU, in his aj-Joiated

• The ntibU Chnrtk, «hioh U alao Ouhciit aoaaiata of aU those tha. profess tha a ^ T i i ' tigioa, tsgeVier with lirir children; ae-i ia i f a ^ of ihe Lord Jeess CtrUt, tha i^asa ^ damUy of e«i of there is n T ^ & ^ Z oMiiiiUty of tatsaUo* f f ^ ^


sword, the crafl of sUtesmen, or the weigfe of scepters; it has arreated the wing of timT turned aside the rery scythe of dtath, a dUcharged hearen's frowninj and dark , , . cloud in a shower of bleaain^—<7u<AHfc " t

— — I Tritk peace of mind doea not depend,

some aeem to suppose, on th^ external denU of riches and povertj-f of health sickness, of friendship and efimities. It, no neceaaary dependence ujwn aociety secUsion ; upon dweUmg in cities or in desert; upon the poaaeaion of temporal p_ er, or a condition of temporal inaigaifican and weakness. "The kingdom of God within you." Let the heart be right, l e t .

1 be fully united with the will of God, and w ; shall be entirely contented with those ci cnmstances in which Providence has see fit to place us, however unpropitiwis the; m y be in a woridly point of view. He n h ^ g».ins the rictory orer himself gains the r i c | tory orer i l l hU enesaies. *

ThM* who eamaot b« Inflacnced to ml •erltac or rcaaw for <<Ta« Baptist "

NOW or iMfore the l i t of J u i e , wi l l hardly be In-aataead to do ao uat l l wtxt ralL ThI. , the

IS the opportmae time to da a little g^ood work for

Letter frsm Kentacky. THE

paper of tha Somthwest whlch^ha* fk l th-

Ca ipaas i iTt -The baUef of oae ftet, ft c> ^ t Jesus sa t te MessiaU,] is aU t h a f u rjbai:

^ aalvatiaiL balirf of ^ one Set aad anbasaMa to »ae u ^ t o f i o a [immersion iato the mama af tka Tnaity,] expreaaive of it, ia all that ia r w a t ^ of Heavea to admuaioa « t o tka tkorsh. •

Ivary a^h wraoa ia a diacipla parisaad (eauated ta tbe faliaat senae^the aoBfeat ba haa believed tku oaa t ^

U Baptist Cknnhaa v . aot ekankaa a( ftzfat, thea all CampbaStea miaiatera « « n -«»taad aa« wiUmt aatkorit-y to b a p t ^

Vsw, CaaybalHtamtaimera deay that Baptist

Acrehaa a n tka trna akarehea of Ckiiai riatU% r that the daaiga (if tfccir baptuat U ScHjtaral.

.Itay are, thiaraiora. aU cabaptiswi aa^ •aisad. But anppoaa t k ^ graat that^Bf^tiat karahaa are the traa aknrchu ef Chzirt-aaifbemtai! thea naaifMUy arajchUiMLtiaal

aariag bees azoomBaaicatad as kere^«a aad «USMtiOS.

i U oan se« if Baptutf should rtctivt tka iBimssaions itf the above coeiaUes, thej wsald adorse a r i u l error. BtfUimal Jfakotim

lOcieUes, holding and teackiag sach a d^ctiiaa, jaaast be considered fospel ar chiistiaa ihurchea. Sa>e late dratingBished Sr, A. M Paiadexter, of Yirgiaia, decUed wf'^ rtf-«en:e to all inch: i

5ow, If tka bodies to trhich referexoa kai >eaa aada ati: not ScriptaraJ si^iftiefj i * * *

^ aiaistera eavnot be EcriptiiraUy ardaiatJ ada. I itart. The «r4iaatioB can have ao faros ae I raSdlty beywad that wiieh ia imparted I j tka * jody whoae act it is: and If that bady ir aat a

Jcriptaral charch, of coam its orliaatian aaa-Kt ecafer Seriptora! authority.

Ia riew af these cocssderatioas, it frCtw* ^ 8eriptnrri timrches stenid aot a aay way, shesi sicssriftural nrraninfaa« M Sflriptorai—aether by waid or astioi^ aa t t 'M b»4iaa tllMuaivea or tkefar oSeera: A t

- —w,-,.., <r>uca..Ba» raita* Eorros Ba?-i3t :—I addressed you some : » • the h r n c h t» onK»«i«c error

me i i in« .»» ^v.-.. , • f t * " w l t h l « a a w a u i a w l t h o » t . Th Umeainoeoa aome pointa on which I re-quired information. TheSre U, in thU coanty, a atrong Catholic e lement I am in the habit of dUciwing the polity and pracUces of that people with some of thair members. Aa you are aware, they ignore, as mUrepre-senUUon, all BiptUt and ProtesUnt sUte-ments of the'r faith a n i practice.

TIME for which we oScred prcaaloai for old aad »aw •abtcHbera wo^aTeXextcnded ^ f ew weak. loBCM. i trmmr t l . « l»;nearty cut ,

« 0 . B

of Cbrialart to vofmo all daM^ k a a t k a A i t h a a O e K v a r a l J a ^ E a w t s c t ^

^wat. They ftay aot firacseaiM witk of o i» . aira at karesy* Anl -tha o1;t!g^a tkss^ lag aa Bariptnr^ cliatehn bean also^i '^eeyaamberaadavetyeficereftkeseehAii

wdividaal ara* i ^ y tdelfaj to Chriat aad tka tintk tifi

eeaalateet aaeeasiag fr titH fimtdtmenUl error, i > & i k a fk'

. OT a Pi^^aptist s iautar aa a

THE - Amazon Web· i«gKiaiIr Mari> wor ikj Bmf*. k «nJ1-kBa«a Aothara. Priea T5 r ctx (sell. . S n - [PDF Document] (4)

i ; i t i

• I !


i I

.4 s

-iii — If

1 8 7 4 : .

£ £ h £ i

arerzns . i>er ^ a n .Tom. i n a d v a n c e .

Help T«it Editors. We notice tkB nrge i t appeals of most of

oar r e l i ^ u a cotenF«brie« in the Sontb fcr immediate tenewmli ^ d m w eatecriberi, to touble them to meeisaieir expenaeB at this

' t i i a . We can lynp^l i iae with ihem. We hftTe been publiihinf thia paper twenty Mrea yean and ha te W e r been bo pre«»ed

Will oar fti^da and the friends of ja»4 »tood tree in every

renewal, and a new

MOOW. thia paper, who hav trial, aid oa b j prom aabacriber, if poaaibl

Thna far thia moi the receipta have and we are lallen far below e a ^ c s e s

xlei t eed are

have preaching only " onct^month," bat to ila credit, a weekly Sabbaih schocl, and Lro Haley haa one in the morning at a achool-house near hia hooBe H e is aa actire worktr in thia field. We shaU long remem-ber hia Mndneaa, and the friendship of h»» aged parents.

We rested on Monday with Bro. Brown, and left in the evening with B o. Turoer, who came to us from Singleton's Sprirgs, where cur appointment was on the morrow. The road was rough indeed, but the open and generous hospitality of Dr. Sio^all, brother of the late and lamented Eld. Absa-lom StoTall, of Tupelo, Misa., soon made us forget the fatigues of the way. We have seen no part of Mississippi that pleased us batter than this in richness of soil. We do not believe that, all things considered oetter section can be found in the State than

i the Poplar Section.' , We were told that the appointment at

renewing. indeed.

Friends ? n «

obUeed to appeal to oar friends to J i us by ! Singleton s Springs was a misUke, that we ® - - • friends could realize nothing for the Society tber

a rough house in th«.> woods, and a small chuich—but we had a good congregation, and received seven shares, viz.: James A. Scott, $50; A. C. SUndifer. 60; J . M. Fars, 50; A. L. Godfreney, 50; Dr. W. T. Stovall, 50; K T. Turner, 50; Mr. Brilton, 50. Total, 1350

Oar next appointment was at Carolina

Historicftl|Discass ion. The editors of t i e ^ t a r ; Walckman, Nash

Tille, Tens,, sscede | o oar proposition to rerlew E l i Dur-can a r t i c l e s that have ap-peared in this papea and i-oint oat their errora, and at the ^ e time, attempt to eatahlish by the fact* of history that the ^ - i j ^ ^ ' f i f J ^ n miles d s tant But no con-Antimiasionariea ar® the true pnmitiTe B ^ t i a U We thall these articles to the amcant of one eoAmn and a half weekly, and Bra I>a=»= wilireply. I t will be an intercfiting di8Cna5iois|klEdIy and fairly con-ducted, and setUe th«q:iest:ons between the Anti and MoiMnary ^ p t i s t s . We send re-ijuired cumbera this freek.

Donn l?op Sow, O r j o u willmlsa flte deeply inleres^ng

.and important d3ca|Bion on the question, " W h o are the Prfmitive Baptists—The Misaioraiiea or ih> Aatimiasionaries T"

will soon commence between the editora of the Bzr^t Wsiehmcm and Bra Duncan. By all me iia read it and besxw, and talk about t l ^ discussion to your brethren and i i i3a^ce them to rabscrioe now- Try i : five i ^ n t h s for ?1.00 if ycu cannot spare all a o ^

veyance came for us—a fair indication that our visit was not desired. We could not ask Bra Stovall to be at the expense of con-veying us, and proposed not to go, but he insisted, willing to trust to the sermon for hia reward. We went forward and reeched the i:hurch-honse, and laid down quite ex-hausted and sick, and waited for hearers. About l i o'clock there waaacoupleof drzsa —only iuw male mtmicrs of the church ! We preached as good a sermon as was in our power, a sd fell indeed how great was the mistake in thus throwing our presence u j ^ n a church where we were cot wanted, pa^6inE by so many that ucre anxious for a visit If a member of the Carolina Church reads The BAPnsT, we don't know it.

We returned toSetatobia.andres^ed with | our

Thousands can spj^e $1.00 in order to get thia paper five monSis, acd the Historical Diceusai^ Mcn to c temeace .

A Way-Sarks 4n Mississippi.

C '.VfiTis, Hiss., S»J, ltT4.

OUR appoinhnea4 at thia placa for 11 o'clock on Fridaijr we were compelled to

disappoint, as we coiltd not reach it by the train from Memphis; an i therefore had it changed for night. Many who came In from the country, not hewing of the change, were disappointed, and i t night, owing to the n i n that fell ap to tSe very hour of preach isg, the attendance ^as light, but the atten-tion and interest Expressed encaaraging We promised a n o t h » visit, and did not pre-sent our enterprise. ? We sper t a delightful nighiwith Brx L l ^ y , who has removed to thia placa The i*ttle dock has no hause of ita own as ye t "^e were, more than ever impreaied with the ^ iact that the llcuo; trm£5c and d r a m - d r i x ^ g Is paralyzing our town and city churdites. Baptist mercbants will aeil and give airay whisky, and, alas, too many members

fen drink, to the dis-honor of the ChrisUiSi profession. We again aay, what the word ^ God will j o s t i f j as in doing, that no proiased diaciple of Jesus haa the right to do lay th isg that vIU injure the cause of C h r l ^ or lessen, much less deatroy, hia or her cpra Christian influence. Now liquor selling, ^ the large or the small, or the keeping of f-ee whisky, effectually deatroya the Christi^i Inflaence of any m an, aa dancing and theater going will that of a s J slater or brothel. I t ia a fact that any paator in the whole Jand will testify to, that cor dfcnrdies Troulljbe immensely benefited if the lant liquor Efller, dram drinker and dancer were cut o 4 »nd the s tem fact is our dinrchea must | i a k e up their minds to do it, or perish nmif r the malign irflaence of their example t ^ c s society.

Sid. Wm. H. Haliy, firom Arkabr^tla, was preaent with his bujCTi » was Bro. Brown, to take us the ne4t day to their church. Thia waa an a b u a d A t provision for travel infe bat as we hadishared Bra B.'s hospi-tality three years Afore, we accepted Bro. R ' a conveyance, a i d reached hia hospitable roof before noon t f Saturday, and took a hed. We passed a f i c k day and night, and phyaieally enfeeblei, met a large congrega-t e at Arkabutla, ^hich we addressed three yean ago at the .4aociation. That was a great day, a great |oncre^«t:on, and great WBB tttealtentic^'. ^xdhbi-r:!! the aubscrtp-t?mm by the bietJren of the chnrdi aind deleptea unto the Southern Baptist Publi-eaUon Society. B«4 we cannot help it, our paramotmt in terea h&s ever been In the influence of the g o » e I We try to preach, but here, as at o t h « places, we sow the seed —fooil seed, we Eope—»nd go away not knowing what firai^ if any, is ripened from i t But a p p r o a c h ^ Arkabutla on S»tar day, we passed a f m a n whom Bra Haley accosted aa B ia —i-, and remarked to U3 'That man when he went to hear you

go, was a mostthonght-I interest in the preach-l seldom going" into the

long and valued friend, Dr. Mabry, and j P^®^^^ remained in bed under medical t reatment ' until the next day afternoon, when Bra Suggs' buggy came in from Tjro, Eftcen miles distant I t required all our strength to make this trip , but an hour after sunset we arrived at Bra Montgomery's and rested with him for the night He has been for three years pastor of this church, and is well beloved, and is increasing his influence yearly in this section. The next day opened with a rain, which continued until 12 o clock, and we had given up the idea of preaching, but soon people commenced gathering, and Ero. M. proposed that we go down and see them. The result waa thai by 1 o clock we were required to talk awhile, anyway. We commenced, and the longer we talked the mere they came in, until cetween 2 and J o clock we had a respectable congregation-some from twenty m'Jes—and to we com-menced preaching, and by 4 o clock had made a respectable sermon, as to UifC.'i at least Four came forw.vd and subscribed stock, viz : W m Hynes, $.50; R Suggs, 50, J. C. W. Fort, 50; J. B. Wright, 50. Here again we met no conveyance from Hickory Grove, where we had an appointment on the morrow. What was to be done? Bro. Staton, of Senatobia, had promised to Uke us from Hickory Grove to Senatobia, but how to gel to the Crove ? We threw our self agiun upon the kindness of Bre. Suggs, and resolved that this would be the last time


Icracl at Rcau m H E R E remaineth a rest for the people 1. of God." This is as true of Israel in

the flesh as of Israel in the spirit "The wife of the Lamb" "God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew," for " they are beloved for the Father's sake." " In my wrath 1 smote thee, but in my fav »r have I had mercy on thee. Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; th|.,t men may b r j i g unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings loay be brought" (Isa Ix 10. 11 )

After long sges of tribulation and woe, Israel shall experience a national resurrec-tion, and be restored to their own land "Beha'd, 0 my people, 1 will open your craves, and cause you to coaie up out of your graves, and bring you into this land of Israel" (Eze. xxxvL 12)

" Thy sun shall no more go down, neither shall thy moon withdraw iUelf; for the Lord shaU be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy moUl-ning shall be ended " (Ua •x. 20.)

After iHii national restoration, under the e-pecial manifestation of the Messiah and the marvelous outpouring of the Holy Spirit, will follow the conversion of Israel. '• It is written, there shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob, so all Israel shall be saved." (Rom. xL 26)

Israel, reesUblished nationally in their OWE land and loyally obedient to their long rfjected Messiah, and politically submissive to a theocratic government, will become the leading nation of the world. Israel is God b first born national son, aad as such, shall, in the age to come, have the national pre emi-nence, "for the nation and kingdcm that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted." (Isa l i 12 )

Now at rest, and at peace with all the world, poliiically and morally elevated, with a marked spiritual development. Israel will become a great blessing to all nationi.

As it is, scattered, homeless, despised, op down trodden Israel is now the

benefactor of the world—has conferred upon the Gentiles priceless riches. Greece taught the world to appreciate beauty, the wealth of art; and Rome bequeathed to modern nations the eternal ideas of law and govern-ment, but Israel bas given to mankind a spiritual religion. '-Salvation, ' the greatest of all boons, " ia of the Je vs. " The oracles of God, truths of infinite import, the price-less volume of the holy word, is given to all nations by the hands of Israel The peerless laws of Motes, the majestic utterances of the prophets, the sublimer discourses of apostles, the transcendent sayings of Jesus of Nazareth, are the superb gifU of Israel to all mankind. But these gifu, for the most part, are bestowed upon the world during the period of Israel s weakness, oppression and decadence. What may we expect when Israel's sorrows are ended and the sun of her glory is shining full orbed, never again to set in darkness ? Paul referring to this says ; • Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of thfe lientiles, haw much more their fullness ? If the cisting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be b»U life from the dead 7 (Kom xi. 1-', 15 ) The idea is, that the benefactions of Israel in the Rges to

to us, but God alwajs has men and means at hand when he has work to do. He wn'. doubtlesa call into use the mighty agenU now in use—steam and electricity—with Other forcsa yet undiscovered, but above win he aend forth liia own omnipotent Spirit, to quicken the nations as never before. The whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord; while the name of Jeaoa, the King of Israel, "shall be continued aa long as the sun; and men shall be blessed in him; and all nations shall call him blessed." (Pa Ixxil 17 )

" Ue mast reign till he hath put ail ene-mies under his feet; a r d when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the Son himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all." ( l i t Cor. xv. 25, 2S )

Redemption is now complete; the seed of the woman has braised the serpent's head ; evil is extirpated; the good is triumphant ; earthly economies are closed forever, and this earth, regenerated, becomes the eternal abode of the righteoua

Such is the destiny of Israel as laid down in God's holy word. It ia a wonderful reve-lation of God s unchangeable covenant, the »efacity or his promises, the wide extension of h s providence, ind the iiresistible might of his purpose. No one can study this des-tiny without being deeply impressed with the thoughts that God rules among the nations, and that his hand weaves the web of all human history.

Hoping that our readers have been inter-ested and instructed by our exposition of the word of prophecy, we here dismiss the subject H.

Sweep in? Censure.

T h e Memphis Baitist says: "Whoever prepares the Sunday school lessons for

the Georgia InJex should study his Bible a few years longer before he writes more. Ue can get as much untruth in a column as any writer we ever read after. The Savior he describes could save no one ' There was once a man out West who said that a flock of pigeons " flew bo low he could shake a stick at them, ' which he might have done, of course, no matter to what height they soared. It would have been much more to the purpose if the pigeons had only flown low enough for the Western man to Ait ihevi with his stick , but they didn ' t Oar Mem-phis cotemporary, we stroagly suspect, can hardly hit bur correspondent, and must be

Eld TEAGrE, of Selma, Ala, a standard Baptist minuter of that State, aad asicc ate editor of the Alabama Bcptiit, thur tspreuses hiiaaelf touching the Northern lublication Society and its tendencies. His words de-serve attention:

"As to the Sunday-School Board in par-ticular, there are many of us who are unwill ing for any Northern. Association, if we can h d p it, to be ' purveyors of theolcgy for our children.' The orthodoxy of that latitude, we fear, ia gradually becoming lest articulate on the doctrines of grace and of inspiration than of old. We have beard of kctares on inspiration by eminent men, virtually giving up the whole idea, ^ ' e notice that a le«d-ing B.iptist paper appears to delight in hon-oring a man who has. within a ye«r, broad-ened the platforip of membersh p in his church, so as 'not to exclude I'niversalist breiLren." Straws may show the iirecsion of the current Loose communion is on the advance in that region. I do not mean ibat the Publication Society at Philadelphia is subject t9 criticism in these or any other r<«pectB. I am very happy to believe a is not; but if the Board of that Society be never so earnest to preserve its skirts pure, that will be impoestble, as the tide of error accumulates; it will be obliged to reflect the sentiments of the relgious mau. I iidd other items to this count, if people will bear with the truth outspoken and proroucred, though it be painful The practice of church societism, that virtually turns over to the rcn trol of a stock company of outsiders the rela-tions of pastor and people—outsiders whose great concern is a Sunday entcrtainaent and paying pews—is understood to be rife at the North. The books of the Amer.can Publication Society will not dare teach the doctrine of the subordination of races. .Sor can they help being imbued with the theory that might be r ight"

I T E M S . l i oTici: —All the cbromoe due to saucIi5^.

e ^ at CciliersviJle have been sent froai tiltW fPce Ail chremos due up to thij daa^

•e been sent. Call on your posnasskr them.


content with shaking this knotty (and naughty) stick at him. We wonder what kind of magicil " eye opener ' he used to discover in the lessons such an unparalleled concentration of false doctrines?—Georgia ItidiX.

The writer denied, in the lesson we re ferred to, that the Son of t- od sufi'ered in the flesh—never knew a sufferiag or kaew a pain in all he did to save sinners—and we are free to say that such a Savior could save no one. Nor are we alone in this belief; though we should be compelled to btlieve it if no other one in the world should enter tain it. It was the sainted Poindexter, of Virginia, who said to us, at our last icter view, referring to this then mooted subject

"Ululas , " renewing the articles in the i last LMiXeran QiuzTttrly, thus liotices the one on the Evangelical Alliance. " The article on the Evangelictl Alliance declares that, ae a result of that gathering, it is clear that " the high church preiacgofthe Episcopal churches, aad the cloic comm^./iion-ism of the Baptist church, must ba givea up, or these sects m u ' t stand outside " These features he declares " incompMible with right manifestation of the unity ol Protest-antism. We recognize the m-nisiry and ministerial acts of other churches, t. <- , Infant baptism e;c "jWhen e s ^ t disrupU the bond of brotherhood st the very table of the Lard, the breach is too central and viul to allow of any consistent appearance of one-ness, etc , etc. That the Evangelical .Alli-ance has proclaimed sentiments like these, is certainly not true; but we are inclined to thmk t h a t logically, the position of the writer is correct, and that evenU will Ehow its correctness. Waiving ^ i s , d.d it - , • „ „ . , jpiring the Past Century never occur to him to ask whether High ^ = Church Prelacy " and " close communion-ism,' or rather, our views of baptism, are Scriptural or not ? whether men can give up solemn beliefs for the sake oi manifesting unity ? and whether return to the primitive immersion of believers would not do more for visible unity than a thousand Evangel-ical Alliances'/ It is very c-irtain that neither the Baptists Vor the Episcopalians have any notion of abandoning the ground. '

Wk copy the following from a Tacsson, Tenc . paper. It will be seen from thia that the little church, under the efSrient i-astor-ahip of C. R Hendricson, has resolved to

I have this to say, if the liifinity of Christ rise and build. This church h&s never had did not participate in Calvary, then 1 h.ive no said the same at the commencement cf the ' house in order to hold its position in the rap

the sutFerings of a proper house, a r d has been fo.-years with Savior. We ha-l out even a shelter. It mast have n good

discussions. If Bro. Shaver thinks we cannot hit his

correspondent, we assure him that his asso-G. 'ones, can do it.

idly growing city of Jackson, a rd we rejoice that it has resolved to have one. Will not every church in Central Assoc-ation ^e!p a

Mtne will be itcomparably superior to any bestowed in times that are past The wealth of ideas, political and moral, the iflluence

the actual embodiment we would attempt to go to a church that of religious thought, of grouad principle? in national life that

ciate editor, l>r T G. 'ones, can do It, for i little in this good work when railed spon ? he believes as we do, and as Dr. Poindexter We hope so. when the Tacksoc church has did, and old \ irgiaia never gave birth to a helped itself? sounder Eaptist or a better reasoner. I t ! A Xr-J C-iur-i—We havt bera shown the

! thinic the matarca views of such a man as ; Lar^ygug street, east of Caurch street, Tne Dr. Jones of serious and respectful • pjang and specifications were drawn fey John consMera'.'Oc ! Archer, Esq , of Brownsville, and do credit

him as a skillful architect Th« new

ardless of locsition. S'hs Met iodisi is ia favor of reducitp tSi

ni|aQber of prei-iding eldtrs and t l ^ districts in the Methocist Cnarcc 'U cofts the cbu.-fs uow 55'-0,'XX» anrj^ily Ba|)port i'.O presiding elde.-s

•Tiu work of Bible revision is goinp ; di^snI r^^idly ia Englaxid. It will require toLe-

years to cwiplete the revision Ta» pt i l iminar j work is done ly Dr. Gaisbsrg. a^ergyiaan ol the Churca of EnglijjJ.

Riddle Life—loOO cc»pi-« of th.t rare a ^ interesting book have 'oeen iss.trd -oy t M Southern Saptist Publication i-cc^ty, ar® will be promptly sent by mail ior TO c ^ t s , post paid. Aldres: D. MajS&.l, Bi.siness Manager.

^ M i s s i o s . — o r the printer tin a t i t -ui|Dally omittfd from thr list o: ih^rc hnders, taken b.t Mt. Zion, Miss, the

J. M. McGihee, S50; J. P. -lonss, g..,; 1 G. M Caia, 4 50. We thank 3ro.' T.

P | Jones for th;? correction. IDb FriTos, 'he High Cburchmaa, g^i,.

" ^ e t us be understood. New "i'oik ®ooklyn is the denominational latt]e-ftJl • ^ e r e the communion question is tofU f ^ g h t out and settled. In the Long Isliii i^ociat ion it it to be decided whether it j p&sible to exclude a church for adopiitg oien-comsaunion prvjtices and betrajiig;^ t i e principles underlying Bsptist polity.'

iDn. M.'tchel's Presbyteriaa Charch »»f •V^ashington, has adopted responsive rcai-i | g ; and the Washington Presbytery » v^ose attenti(;n the matter was Vroiigit, faitve adopted a resolution declaricg ttat "fthe Idea of responsive service is in iccacl a ice with the 'radition sa^ geaius of P^t-l |fterianism, acd that liberty ia this rff^ji i | in accord wi?.h the history of the crarsii' i | nd so the m.«iter is settled, and setijwl i l |le right way—Vhris'.uzn at VorL

' "A HtsTOKY of the Baptist Benomiaaui ) during the Past Century " ia annouccea ci «|Eca5ion of the cf-atenaial anniversary, «» ^ n i n g an accouct of :hr Baptist grmi ^ d influence during the first hecdni ^ a r s of the Uaited Sut«-s. This work 'a a fe edited by the Rsv Lemuel Moss, i d #ill inc'ude omtrbutions on very fp«ia fiopirs from the Rev. Drs We&Xoa, Justia i imith, S. G. CaldweU, A C Kindrick, L t ^ i t h , J . P. Eogart, and other distiDguiuid Saptist clergyaaea.

The Liberal Eaptist Uaioa held iu idr tieeting in Erook'iya, an i was wrli attecaad.

eversl new n.embers »eie received, lirt 'resident. Gen. F. Pentecost, spoke wonktf

Sheer, impvi ing many evidences of "li iirogress of libera] views. He counseled 3e |ision, bold arid firm expression of coarit-feons and 'cd iitry ia dissemiaalicg i fk . leveral others spoke in the saaie sira a e Ipcouragene t t Plaas wrte laid for eSti-fve work. Ttie Union is tvidectly cs-nsj

n when preKcfa, three j ^ h m sinser, taking Ing of the gospel ^ o r e h u t d l L 3 a t the day yea t skef tcea t , and h k heart that qpokea, and victsd sinner

to a sermon t h r o a ^ o u t ed he did go in and

Spirit of God opened attended to the word om that house a con-

that night h s spent ia pzBfcr, and h e cuwed not tmtil Chriat maui-1 Seated himself to K m as hia Savior. That mmn ia now a w e M member and deacon of thedt tneh . ThaJ ' . t t tdhe , " i s aome Ir i i l (K tiMt aenMSr—iiEh indeed to oar church

•ndxgayyonrwlmimto morrow be eq^nally UoMd." This eccoorage oa. 3Eany cAtirchea have one pMtrar, ba t thia has to^sca aU Bw^ben of h ^ body—Breth. BrawOt Rcafiroe Aid Haley—and yi t they

cared not enough for a visit to convey us a few miles. We are no beggar. .Vll the bene fit of our agency is for their benefit, not for our benefit or some forsign object

Breth. Suggs and Montgomery provided a team and driver, and we reached the Grove and ftjund a full house; it was their regular conference Saturday. We preached and presented the claima of the Society, and when we should have received fiiteen or twenty shares, we obtained three, and we are not cog fi lent that either was a member of this, sae of the largest and strongest churches in Cold water Association! We found that but one or two of the whole charch were readers of The Baptist. They knew nothing about the Society, and there-fore cared nothing. Bra Lipeey, after our effort, rose and said that he could not be satisfied with .this. In 1S70 nearly every family of this church took and read Tuk Baftist, and that it was then an active, pros-perous ckurek, and it would^ be again if the membera wonld again read the paper. He succeeded in influencing quite a number to read it one year, and then, if they will come to the r a i l K ^ for oa, we will visit them once msre and take fifteen or twenty aharcs. Subscribers: R B. McLaughlin, f jO, W. C, Lanpton, 50; B. R. Chambliss, 5<.>.

We reached Dr. Staton's after sunset, and it was because we l a d ascertained that \re could not reach Sardis by any train to preach on Sabbath, after returning from Hickory Grove, and that the appointment was called in through the Sirdis paper. We assure our brethren in and around Sardls that should we ever make another appointmeot there, we will be certain to meet it if alive.

The congregation at Senatobia on the Sabbath was truly gratifying. We were pleaburably surpriwd at the size aad finish of the new house that the little band has so long labored and sacrificed to build for Chriat I t is a devoted band, fifty-eev^a strong. They feel that Bra Lipsey, who is their pastor, did commit a mistake i s re-moving to Coldwater. Senatobia is now the county site of the new county of Tate, aad

j is destined to become a place of considerable sise, and is a point of importance to our cause and should be diligently cultivated. We received the Soilowing names: .T.' 3L Deam $50; Mrs. M. F. Lipsey, 50; J . Mason, SOTj.W . Echols, 50; B. C. EnUedge, 50; S. M. co*cke, 50; D. G. Young, 50; Dr. J . R. Staton, 5a Total, $400. Thia wm the hard-est week's work of oar agency ao far, because

I to The Alternalivc. building will "oe a beautiful one, and an or

uament to the city. The style is a modified will dislicguish Israel ia times to come, will be a new revolution—will be as life from the dead.

The real wealth of the world is cot found ia its gold aad silver aad precious stoaes, seatiments. _ but in its great ideas. Thought is the ruler "enU, and he is correct ia it. If this aver j jn ^ ^ northwest corner eighty eight feet of this woriJ , thought is the priceless, im- 1 the brother who he thinks leads the high, surmounted b j .a^spire o' ^ F ^ i f f ^

DR. wm. HU' • P E R . of North Ciro'ina, is Gothic, well adapted to the taste and wanU out in the LMc^i: rLCCorder, North Car of the age. The exterior dimensions are

olina, in advocacy of bis open communion fifty nine feet by ninety- thr^ . the ^ . . . ,f , 1 dience room IS forty-five feel by eighty clear

- - 'X Here is the alternaUv e he pre I « pj.iac.piJ exterior feature- are a tower he is correct ia it. If this aver ! jj, ^jjg northwest cor

done when we wer* oaly fit for the bed, and [V $1100: -

an 1 then the field sgaia resulted in only $1100: Two days' rest,

(To be coBtiiiQ»d.)

perishable treasure of mankind. Aad in ages to come Israel will be the inexhaustible reservoir of thought for the enrichment of all nations. " Many people shall say, come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the hcuse of the God of Jacob, aad he will teach us his ways, aad we will walk in his paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." (Isa. ii. J ) Under the influence oi this teaching men will become morally elevated, they will be raised far above the ideas of brute force, which have so long governed mankind, and now standing upon a higher plane, "They will beat their swords into plow shares, and their spears into pruning, hooks; nation shall not lift ewnrd against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." (Isa. iL 4 )

Tais reign of pe.ace indicates a most sur-prisiag chaage in the instincts, principles and habits of mankind. The misunderstand ings, irritations, ambitions aad in tense sellish n e s a o f m e n a r e now the fruitful caases of war, because men are too low dowa ia moral development to control themselves by thoughts of justice aad moderatioa. Their reseatments are mostly animal, and they are only satisfied by the exercise of brute force to inflect pain, injury and destruction.

van of the consistently strict Baptists in the I making the entiie height one h u m d r ^ a n d " . J ^ 111,- ! thirty eight feet; the walls are supported by West IS so great that he does not call his lattress^s, crowned with t«tefiU name, that makes no difi'erence. Knowing gneals above the roofl The main entraacea how cordially old Laadmark Baptists are are two—oa^ in the to^ er and the o:fcer in disliked by their loose brethren, we can ex-cuse Eld. Hooper. He says:

The open communionists might with equal justice Bay to their opponents: "Certain Baptist churches in the West, under the leadership of * * *, very consistently re-fuse all interchange of pulpits and prayer meetings with those whom they exclude from the Lord's table." To my mind, if there ever waa an a posttori argument legit-imate anil annihilating to an adversary, this is one. Drink, then, we say to our exclusive brethren, the bitter cup of the L a a l markers, or hand the sacred chalice of Jesus Christ to all whom he loves and dwells in.

The editor of the JReccrdar attempts to de-fend open communion in the pulpit, while he opposes it at the Lord's table, which no man can do, bat wisely concludes.


So may we not add Bro. Redd, of the Becorder, to the list ol Landmark editors— strict communionists throughout 7

Bra Shaver made a similar admission when commenting on Df. Conrad's speech

Under the advaaced ideas of the coming ' in the Evangelical Alliance. There is no age, the clarified vision, the spiritualized middle ground that any one can take; it conscience, men will control their passionste must be open communion in all things, or

•trength and icfluence. Jfaay letters wsi feported fro."n Baptist mlaisters aad k j a t L •pproving the objects of the Union and ufe ^ g for docuraents. In response to i emaads arraagemeats were made to cjfc iate the documents with increased vigor

'i The P i t roai of Hasbandry ia the S^fc | r n States nusiiber at present 2V» graSf* | tnd are rapidly increasing This is fea>« •»ne third of a .I the Bubor('.iaate graag* i | h e United Slates *

£ U.N-I0S Grar-ge, Hickory coaaty, ilo^Li Resolved to buy co more coiTee so ioii« iuch high prices prevail; and that iis^ Interests demand that it shall par^Wt-^ f f e e at lower rates or cease to use it ^

As iatemstioaal ccafweace, to Measures to preveat the sp e&d of c l ^ J ^ k a d for the regulation of & qaarantinfc

, ' 7 ^ e e t at Vienna, Austria, oa the ]5tki*

resentments, and will greatly redaca the causes of misunderstanding, and will appeal to reason and truth, and not to thf> sword to settle disputes.

Led on by Israel, under the King of the whole earth, nation after nation will become obedient to the truth, until "All kingdoms shall become the kingdoms of our God and of his Chris t"

The terrible judgments of God in the first periods of the millennial day of judgment will cleanse the world of much evil, and prepare the surTiving nations to leara right-eousness. What new agencies will be e m -ployed to instruct men and bring them to " the knowledge of the truth " are unknown

close in all, not open in t no ordinances and close in one only.

Q a e i j . If & preacher has been restored to full

fellowship in his church, is he not entitled to his credentials ? j. t. m. asd j. ji.

A^sweb.—Not necessarily. He may be restored to membership, and the cause not be injured, ba t the confidence of those without not sofBciently restored to justify his being placed back into the ministry.

As accomplished young lady of fine family will accept a posiOon aa mosio teacher in a family, (h; Msistant ia a fint class female school Address this office, f

the front. The basem*nt story is two feet above ground, twelve feet higa, and is vided is-to main Sunday-school room, infant r .. ^ . , class room, aad Bible class loom, church gAll Earopeaa powers hsvr acceptea parlor, etc; these rooms are so arranged with folding doors, that when occasion re-juires. they can all be thrown into one audiv>rium The floor of the basem*nt is slopinf from the entrance to the pulpit plaUorm, ena-bling the audience in the rear to look over those in f ront The bsptiitery is placed within the platform, having on each side convenient robing rooms. Tt-e main audi-ence room is spacious and comfortable, hav-ing six large Gothic windows oa eacu side, desigaed for stained glass. This tpom is thirty feet high, well ventilated in the cor-nice an d ceilin g. Thepewsare semi-circular;

ions to send delega'.es

Fiv* memuers of the voluntary firf * artment of Vr.lliamspojf, Pa . srres^^*

luspicien of being inc^adiaries, have; t< fessed to buraicg nearly ali the pro^S amounting to over one millioa dolltii iroyed at that place f-inc. the great S f?* August 1

Theodore t-is Basvills is credited [very happy report by Charivari " Cs» tell me, sir," said a perron, " how veitS* the front gallery is also in this form, while f . ; J , ; . . u t

ead is tinished with three han<isome s»nade, for I confers I have never beet the rear alcoves, and dcs'gned for pulpit in the center, | t o understand ? " the organ on one side, and the pastor's room Really." " You on the other. This church building is^ greatly needei by our Baptist f r i ^ d s , and It will be a most important addition to the attractions of our growing city. Tho brick work, we learn, is already under <%tract, and the carpenters work will be let out next week. The building committee coasiste of Messrs. Lawler, Powell and Hammerly. The Finance Committee, Messrs. Hughes, Gates a n l Sayle. Treasurer, A. S. Sayle, E»q.

Ic is very easyj»» taka lines of n*^®

length, you put rhymei at the end, a ^ " ent insiie of them." ' Ah •"

Bald Moc.vtais inWestjm North not very far from Knoxville, was ve^ ^ quiet, letter writers si>y, about ten dajb * The AshviUe (N. C.) Exposilor ss]^ quakmg wa< distinctly aeard at ; Rock, ten miles from the locality of tif •

To Patboks iSD FaiESDs - W e trust t h a t f ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ all who reslizs how hard these t imes l» !«« ' to t«; c o n ^ l ^ by the evil are, and doubUess wUl be for months t o f ^ ^ " i come, will not permit their paper to suff-r , ! The Athe\s Georgian gives this but promptly renew btfore their time is outf " We would respectfully suggest to i l l fe* ' and the paper stopped. Look at your Sgtiresl slave-ownere to preserve a correct list now. Brethren, stand by the {•aper throughf slaves, and have their names leiorW this hard year, and better t imw are wi thou t | the clerk's office of their respacuve doubt before us all.—Ed. Bap. ' T h i s will re-^uire but little troubls a ^

— ipense , and the day mf.y C32ie wjea f ' HosoEABT.-We are in receipt of a notef returning sense of justice m i g t e ^

from A. S. Jones, Corresponding S«<retary| ti^ig ^ wise present precaution. of the Phi Delta Liteiary Society, of Meroerfthin^, than the payment by the University, Macon, Ga., informing us of our government for our emi^cipated slaff ^ unanimouj election as an honorary meia- happened, improbaSle as it ber. We assure each member tkat we|Beem, yet it may b e Let the appreciate the honor thus conferred » n d | nuide; it w B serve as a eontribatSoBf they will ever enjoy oar best wishes for theipj tory, if not w a step toward ee improvement | jogt and oor?ect deserts."


a.n ccniinnmcati

soTics.—in to Bn>. Orsm, kS 1

r fcr tb» p«JH!r j

1 or R

e i in Pf

If Jl I

ississiprf i X ) E R M . -Pt

Ei^isdpiii Ba^J HIS body mej

.'une session Oxford The er at 10 o ck»ct . M. P i-owre] spent in praye

Mtnphia. This Best—the very

Convention Wii liminary t u ^ i c ^

Ol anitation, the d^ gs !i ^d by re-ele li I'l Bident, Hrv li re; Lry, Rev. A Si retary. The be cdpmenct-d with fkc

'ine guidance b | •fter iavitiiig ^ i j h us acd reot-iv^

g( B, iheCoavecti

"he Convention ai i, after religio '^* 'Di n

dness. A mon B of the even portant coaimi n Missions, Su

J^ i e t e r i a l Edu ithern Baptist

H ssisFippi Colle r< erring of the Afencies of the G

of these reprr well as preaier

I frould like to se , _ _ . Missisiippi el lecially the cne l d a I Theological

this day closed l^i n In at night by

spirit cf t h ' c ^ r e d by the ar^v T I P. Boyce ai^ I^fessors in the ! le i Seminary. t > Frid.iy morcin

CI ved as corr E yce from the U :ky, and Dr. C rolls a Su t e Cofv Bi itiag the t n u ^ i S minaiy. TLi- , oithemselves anil

J. n Gra c|tiventioa, and i A messenger fw C aventior, but •S uthern Baptis c mber of refK)r i t( nporarily dispa e ii portant of th t< nperarily diB{ t< a much more v p t(! bccupy maay l( will cause sad ti It working chi r U ie t'leir belov#I n ike him t'orr C invention eaga ei I vine gaid&nce i ^

The MinisteriaijE I rough its Coy •T toes Nelson, b ird work done ! E iaiFters at Iiliss

Jleport on the f and made 11 r TL A commu: I e Chancellor \ ting the Convei^ ( 'learning T h ^ i I iceived, acd an ^ i irsity. •

•The Committed o f id, without debit

The Conventioi J r. Boyce led in s « After a good dif

i o closk, Dr. I ^ ^ l o c k soon arrifei

Seminary, | e committee wfc aimly comnie ^ousands of So sntly suited, in

instractioa, t ^.inistry. i t res ; speaking venf

^ l ien immersio4. jtUoa, addressed!

i feature of t l | t _ eech. His ca i^ feced a lasting ^ ^ e Seminary, fi ( i be written I-'ri

son of coasol^ Ting) followed 1 bought it a r e a ^ ' ae Semioary.' f"

: &d friends d i i 2C25 in bondi|

; pnual install) ' Iready coatrib Idering the slitil ton, shows ho |)preciate the Meeting Friday

' iaestic Missions r^ev. Jam«B Ni iTuO

Saturday, a t '4ol was called to ordt , report on Si bommends an This report waa ren, Dr. Broad as ^ being disposed' committee on Bippi CkiUege if not the iBaptists. I t is i

1 :State. Its

THE - Amazon Web· i«gKiaiIr Mari> wor ikj Bmf*. k «nJ1-kBa«a Aothara. Priea T5 r ctx (sell. . S n - [PDF Document] (5)

E—All th« rtrtimoa due to saijcrib-l:»»irfllB fasT* been a m t from thia-

lAU ciromtsi Aje up to tiiia d»te-seni. G»ll oa your postmarUr

ItTTos —Bra E l L. Jor iaa , of •boro Tena. proposed to be one of

|<o fiOiTO instead of Slo gan. Reported, for tiw Bapiiat Utryeraity

! of !oca:ioo. I'. r* IB ia f«Tar of miatdcg tlie

of Fresidlag elders, aad CElargiTig 'tfic.a in ilie Melhadist CoarcB Is

ihiirra uaw rM>j aacjisJlj to | 4 j" j wsiding elders. Im-k af Bihle renaioa ia going f^rWird Tin Zag'eaii. It will require soice-

to eonplete the rerisioa The ^^ark ia acne fay Bn Qalstsrg,

Ija&a af tae UuircU of Eag l i ia i

| l e Life—i'.iWi copies of tnla ra,re esting b o o t iuiTe beea isauiid by

l ihem HaptiBt i'ablk&tion icciety, prompdyseal by mail for 7>

po?t p a i i A:.i«be«a W. D. MajSsld, ilansgsr.

— ^ e or the prmter nctnlea— omitted from the list oi shai-e

t&kea at Mt. 2Iion, jSUsi , the c a n e s McCrshee. JDO ; J- P. Jonsa, $50;

M, C«In, f^ti We thank 3ro. J. pi for the corrtetion.

-Tos, the Higii Chorahnian, sayi, be -anderatood. Sew York and

|ya IB the deconnoational I attle-Seld the coHnnoBica qaeatioa is to be

I oat aad settieiL l a the Long laland ias. :t 15 to be tiecided wheUter :t is

| e to exclude » churcii for adopting ssauofoa pnetices aad betrajin^^

Indples uaderijiBg Baptist poLty." fSLTi nsi-'a Prwoyteriaa Charca.' sf

ton. hss sdoipled respooslTe read-ad the Wanhhtgton Preabytery, to altentioa the matter was Iroaght,

adopted a rcsalation declaxicg thai of rsspoaaln service ia i s accord-

^th the tridilion aa I genius of Pres-litm, a n i that liberty ia this regvd ird with th« ki»tory of the csarch.'*

! the arater i« fettled, aad senled ia i t way — C i r i i f i a a at WarJL

irr .u . of the'Baptist DeaomicatiaB ^ the Past Ceatoo? ia u a o o n c e d oa

of the cf-ntenaM aaaiTersary, coa-| g a a accoont. et the Baptist growtk

ngjeace during the fiist hundrad lof the Tnitetl Slates. This work a to pted by the R»r. Lemuel Moss, asd ac'ude cnatrfbationa on Tery specific I ftoni the E«». Dra. Weatoa, Juatia A. , S. (t. CaldwelL A. C. Kindrick. L. E. ,-L P. Ejg&rt, and other distiaguished

at clergymex

Liberal Baptat Uaroa held its iMt Bg in Ersuklya, *nd was wpU attecdsd. »1 aew members were receiTed. The lent, ffea F. PeatecMt, spoke words of

impvt ing nxaay eTidences of tha i of liberal U s counseled de-

I, bold aad Ssts expreaaioa of ccaTic-I and 'cduitry ia diaaemrnating light

others spoka in the sa=se strain rf igPEient Kaas were laid far effect-

Irork- The Union is cTideatly iruaing igth and indjaitfe. Jfaay letters were

hI froai Sap'irt miaiatflr? aad laysiSB, ring the objeda of the Uaioa and aak-

sr -iGcmaeaJa. l a response to i a e « ads arracgsments were nsade to cirat le tlicusieaia wiih iacreased vigor.

: Pitroas of.Hoibaadry ia the Saata-States cninbe? at present graag*

rapidly Lacwaaiag This 'a about L of all the aabordina!* granges is

rnitpd states

Bios Grange, tlickarT county, i l o , ait Jred to buy no more coffee so locg » i high prleeff prewil , and that its b ^

sts demand that it ahail purchaJ 1 mt lower r a t s or cease to use it.

iatematfonal" conference, to discaaa knres to preT«Tit the sp e td of cholera, [for the reguiatiim of a •laaTMJ^,^*^!

at \~frnna, .\tiJrtrii, on the loth imt larop^'an power* have accepted iaritt-

to send dejes<iie. lasKiaers of the rainatary are de-

eat of WL!Ii»aB9port, P i , arretted on irioa of beiag incendiaries, have caa-

to bumiag taarly aU the FroP^T' itiag to over one mil l i jc dollars, <!»•

led 5t that plsea Kac2 tiie great art of

liEODoaz OS Bast i ixe ia credited wish • luppy report faf Charivari " Can joo

|me , air," said a person, "how verse* , for 1 confMs I have never been »bto adOTimni?'' " I t fe Tary easy, a ^ ly." «^ott imks lines of

, yon pat rhymes at the end, and linB^eoftfaem." " A h ' "

t Iforsxixs iaWestam Xorth Carolirt I very Car from JCoazrille, was very ^t, letter writeri » y , about ten days afi

AahviUe - ( y . C ) Erpmior saja ag was diatiBetiy heard at Chim"* ten miles from the loealilf of t t * ^

People the whole c o a n t i ^ ifc ta be convutaed by the e v i l ^ ^

that's what's the matter.

^ Athens Georgim gives this sdviC^ f e would respectfally suggest to all fono*

lers to preserve a correct list of t k ^ and have Uieir names recorded

[clerk's office of their lesgacuve Moa' ! wai re'iuire batl i tUe trouble a a i

, aud the day may cams w i e s * 'a returning seoae of juatice might

a wise, prwent precactian. Str^J^ . than the ps^ment by the g e ^ iment for otu emancipated s l a v e s ^

and imyiebafale aa i t yet it may be. Let thfl r«c««. ^

17 i t win serv* « a conicibation^ f , if not l i f t stap towird tecnrM^^

id correct dewrt i"

T t i E B ^ F » T I S T - M E M i » H I s , 1 3 , 1 8 7 4 .

b i - d k r a c . r . l o w r e y Etlitcnr.


PAll ccmintuiieatjoM deUgnwl for th:* Il»p»rt«ieat > iivM are Eitcr at BSpIij, MiMiwipfi-

mr •<mci.—AH maatj for rabKTiptloM iteold W n=t to B«». •« 1 cannot be r»»poa»Il le r iBonrtfcrthepaper oatilltcoicMlatonij b«B<U,bBt wH:s«r5poB«a!!»lcr»nth»tIr»criTe. M.P.Lowami

I ' "" Mlsefssip^i Baptist State Cobw««oi i .

THIS body met in its tbirty-fifth annual ee^ ios Jane 4 fa, 1874, with the churcb

in Or4rd. The Convention was called to order A 10 o'<dock by the former President. P^T. M P- Lowrey, D D. One hour previous was sp^nt in prayer, led by B r Laadrum, of Mempiiia. Tats meeting was fervent and eaTtsesS—the very mold in which the incom-ing C<^vent:3n was cast. After lh«j usual prelimixary tusiness necessary to peraianent organi^tion, the body was pennsaently or-ganized by re-electing the same gentleman P r e s i d ^ t ; Esv. R. X. Uali, Kecording Sec retary; Est . A Hackett, Co; responding Secretary. The beginning of the session was coiam«^Bced with aa earnest invocation for Divine%uidanc« by the President.

Atte4 inviticg visiting brelhrea to seats with u i and reoeiving corresponding messen-gere, lite Convection adjoareed till 2i o'clock r. jt. s

The Convention met promptly &t this hoar, and, after religious service, proceeded to businau. Among tbe more important busi-ness of the evening were the appointing of important committees on Domestic and For-eign HiBsions, Sunday-Schools, Publications, 3£iniet4rial Education, Orphans' Home, Srathern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Mississippi College, and the reading and referrsog of the reports o! the Boards acd Agencies of the Convention. Some, may be all, of Jhese repcrU, show an enlarged work, SE wel^ as greater energy in the doing of it. I wouM like to see some of these reports in the SE«5iHsippi Department of THE BARNST, especi^ly the cnes on Foreign Missions and the Tlteological Seminary.

Thir day closed with the Convention Ser-mon ^ night by Rev. C. Smith, of Meridian. The ^ .r i t of the Convention was much cheerA by the arrival in our midst of Dr.

about $42,000. It ought t i have $100,000 Adjourned.

Convention met o'clock, the Presi-dent in the chair. The Committee oa Theological Department ia M esiasipp' Col-lege reported. This is'another im^rtant feature in the College. This being disposed of, the Committee on Orphans' Home report-ed. This shows that the Home needs a little more aid. A dwss meeting was held in i u interest Saturday night, resuiting in pledges and money to f950 Tne agent, Rsv. R N Hall, is a bard working, earnest man, whose heart is in this work.

Just before the Conventioa adjourned. Dr. Graves was invited to aidre s it on the Southern Baptist Publication Society. This little speech of about ten mitutes was forci-t ly delivered. The Society is succeeding well in job and book work, and in enlarging its endowiesat At the cocclusion of Dr. Graves' speech, the Convention a'djourned till Monday at 9 o'clock. It then went in a body to visit the State University. T i e noble Chancellor directed tlie wiy to the deparimentfi of most interest to such a short investigation, or rather look, for this was all Ita ge<^gioiI, mineralogical, chem'cai

"the publicans and harlots enter into tHe kingdom of God before the self righteous Pharisees and tkeptical Saddacees." And so the King does add daily to t o n e of the many provisc ?s ia the kingdom the save^i. The King tells us that the law and the (ropheu were until John, bat since that time tlie kingdom of God is proclaimed. Then it is erideni, both from John the "forerunner, and Christ the King, that the kingdom of God, or " kingdom of heaven " referred to under the new dispensation, means that religious "kingdom established"

I s i t JHgM for Ckurch y e m b e r e to IttCBd ^ SaaelBg Parties !

AT a casual glance, the above query seems entirely unnecessarr. To view it in

the light of truth, a negative answer is the only consistent one v.'faich can be given. Notwithstanding this, and astonishingly as it may appear, there are mfiny cbarch mem bers who -onteEd it is no harm to visit such places if they do sot participate in the amusem*nt.

Now, it is the object of this trticle to prove that it is sinful for difciples of Christ to

among men, of which Cnr:st is the Author, frequent d siice?, b&ll?. e'c It i* aseless for So, then, the "kingdom of heaven," in the us to occupy sp^ce to prove that dancing is New Testatuent. does not mean the eternal sinful We pre-urae there i« s o rhristlan abode of the redeemed. who will deny tb's fact We assume the

Bathowarewetoconsideronewboi8"iniore I position, t he r that rj->dern driLcine is io than aiTophet ' and greater than any " born | direct oppoii'ioo to the te>.:hio2 a' Srripiure, of woman.' to be less than the "least in the ' and therefore stnfal. kingdom of heaven, if by this heavenly! If we, then, is Cariit'sns. l>el:f ve dancing kingdom :i is meant the kingdom among us ? | to be an evil. 'hc»u!d ^ s not ^ield si! our In considering this great thought of the Redeemer, i: mu'it be understood that those who are greatest in the - kingdom of heaven " are thise who are ilte humblest, without selfijhness, wi;!:ng to ciinister unto others. • Whosoever will be grest among you, let

iEfljence agsinst it? Sio-jlJ Te i;oi by word, precept and example shon id the woi id that wtf stand opposed to suab \ain and idolatrous practices T Ho* are 'vs to do this if we frs'i'ient suca places oumelves ? .\re we not. by our presence, bidding them »>od

The " Confi^ioo o ' Faith " teAhes, p. 151,; ptjecU of tho work. h o w | o secoro u td " Not only those that do actu^Iy profess | leachers, adrant^es of Ibe social e leaent •aith in aad olediencc nnto Ch&t, but alse ' In tLe school, liow b-rbg the {^okImc the infants of one or both b e l i e ^ g parents , more earnestly intg the i^rk, and tbe like, are to be baptiied." Federalfholiness :b by such men as aCUer, Gttabrel, Prot Jatas-Uught here, L a , the child of be^eviag ps j ; M>a, Lomaz, Mason, Hackett, Walne, coiM. ents is to be baptized. The Wmmission not fail to be profitable. ^Masy of as will says: "He that believeth a n d | is baptized retsra to coir particular schools deteraiKei shall be saved." This makes bsftism a per j w make more effective t]i|e agencies alretii|- ^ eoaal matter. | {employed, and mtrodoce^hen wluch breifc- f

By this "Confession of Faith * baptism is | ren have csed with good ^ialt« . also made a sign and seai of i n ^ f t i n g into The derotionsl part ef these exere i s s Christ, of the remission fof sins |fy his blood fjhould not ba overlooked or slightiy mes-and regeneration by the Spirit |>p. 149 and tioned. Every session mw preceded faf 341 ) Then the child of the b«ieving par j prayer and praise. All-seemed to reoognu^t ent is regenerated in baptism. f B u t again, ihe necessity of the aid rf the Holy Spirit ic

li it is a sin | order to any success, and ihe Divine tssict' d s&lr&tion :ince w&s earaestly and c w t a n t l y iavotsL nnto it, as : apon our efforts. The rejclt was a r^igicat

or saved 'east in every session, an^ «Le confident es.-aptised are \ pecuition of God's bleesiDf; upon our wort

seems to I at home. » does this

odist dcc

it teaches on p 152, that altho to neglect baptism, ' Yet grace are not so inseparably annei that no person can be regene: without it, or that all that are undaubtedly regenerated " T h be a contradiction here But h' agree with Baptist ideas or M trines ? j

and astronomical halU are pretty well sup i aim be jour minister, end whosoever will tpeed? Are we not g ring th^ta the weig'at plied with specimens and apparatus. I:E library could be improved There are seven

b? chief among you, iei h:ui your servant. .John •• w-as ntore than .•>. ,.ropbet " 'n this,

or eight large brick buildings used as Pro-j that he htd been permiut.i to v.e;» thoee feasors' residences, and dormitories, besides things which the prophets hsd only been the University building and the chapel allowed to see through latpired faith; the which wiil seat, I suppose, 1000 persons. Its one bad prophesied of tho^e ttings that the campus is beautiful and large. |ot^er had seen face to ^a.-e He is above

Sunday morning. Tnts day was appropri I snv - born of woman, thrcagh tne peculiar-

of our influence ? .^re we not fsying to the world, ry our action?, tnough we cannot engage in the dance with yoa, yet we love to

Much oi the interest aAd pleasure cf t t e meeting is due to the schoisa in Ozfoid, SKpe?-Jntended by Prot A. J. Qaanche. ThemusiC; 'Sar ducted by the pastor % wife, was dfJiflfct-Jul. No paius were spared by these hre4^

Tiiese are only Eome of t h e diflVretces that exist between t b ^ deJominations. How then can they coaiistentlf fellowship >en and sisters to make Jta feel pleasatl t o t each other in union meeiings o l a t the com the Institute a Eucoess. . It is hoped Uul munion table ? Union or fe l lo^hip implies j this meeting will give fresL impetus to tbc an agreement of sentiments doctrines, cause, not oidy in Oxford, but tlirougksii But is this trae ? If it is, t h e n | it is wrong , the entire SUte. e. -r. e. to encourage separate organiz^ons; but if see such amusem*nts: cur hearse are , „ ^ .

you. and were it not for the humiliation of' it is not true, then to pretend ifeat there is i AppelatBentsinSoith Hlt&issippi for J u k being disciplined by :he church w«! weuid a uiion, is—whatT Will it not ^unfavorably i Spring Creek, near Walfxford, Miss.. Sat-participate ^vith »ou ? It ii u?e!oss for us to Eay that we do not approve of such amuse-

impress the world ? Churches that caa thus

ately spent in worship. There are in ih i s | ' ** both o; hii partntige- and h:s position. | ments, and at the same time honor such | one all the time. There woultf unift should be ^

be no sscri- ]

eity, of about 15t)0 inhabitanU, five churches | K - & peculiar wc k l ie .tood between Their pulpiU were filled Sunday morning I ' - ' ' • i festaniec;- ^as caLed and night by minUters attending tbe Coc- , connect venUon, except the Episcopal Tney were j b e t w e e n the two d.-...u.Htiors all well filled, no doubt, but your corre- , " '^oman, - ^as John

mat liC ecould be called c r.i, > And he spondent could attend but one at a time. He heard Dr. B^yce at 11 o clock a u , in the Presbyterian Churc'n. To say that this sermon was able is not quite expressive enough; it was profound. The Doctor took for a text Ist John v. H 15. He commenced by saying, "This is very confident Unguige." After a few introductory remark?, he grace ftiUy announced his theme: "A place for prayer in the universe of Goi." He dealt very fairly with modern Infidel scientists,

-Jas. 4 Boyce and Dr. John Broadus, spel^ thei;;i;;s;7p"raVe7"rn"theT; P r o f e ^ r s m the Soutnern Baptist Theolog-;^^^,^^^^^^^ , ^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ icai S ^ i n a r y . ; sermon ought to "oe published,

Friday morning these " e t a r e a were re-; ^ ^ _ jj . g ^^ aa /.nrrocTW Tif iniT m«(ie*ntfPTB Tjr t

whica :s t«orn of woman tL-.! tt- should be righteous? What, then, u 'r.ecomparison between John and he that .e the least in holj walk and a godly

places by our presence. .Actions 8p)eak louder > See of principle and therefo-e|no bar be- ' than words. The world Mra'-ches our actions | tween theaL If they Icve each^ other thu"-, as well as our woru^ We are represented | why do they not live together the time 7 ' gs being 'the light of the world, ' the salt It would be more consistent, to the usiv^ i of the earth.' and we should ever let our meeting we see a great'sr sin ^ a n at the light so shine that others seeing our good j communion table ; for ii» the p^lpil we vir vrorks m.ay b« cjnstrained to glorify our tually indorse the preaiber a i d his doc-

urday, June 20. Salem Church, Sunday, June 2".. ML Pisgah, Monday, Joae 22. New Albany, Tuesday^ Jane 23. Cherry Creek, Wednesday, June 24. Pontotoc, Thtasday and Friday, Juae 5

Father who is ia heaven Weshiuld, by a conversation, be

tbe kingdom of heaven,' having entered by a begetting of the Spirit through Christ? The contrast i , that he who has thus entered, ] are we to do this ? though he be least in the kingdo.o. is greater thsn .lohn. Therefore, the lowest grade of that l-.fe which is " bore, not of blood, not of the will of the desh, not of tbe will of man, but of OoU

enabled to point sinners to the L imb of God, ' worship God as the members

trines. Every sect has the it as well as that sanctioned by

erent right, ke Bible, to

>f desire.

Pontooola. Saturday, Joae 27. Pleasant Grove, Sunday. Jtme 28 Tocshish, Monday, Joae 20. ShOoh, Tuesday, Jane -iX We shall be obliged to the brethren at ML

?iegah for a conveyanoe^rism Salem Chorefa,

Albsasr.i J. R. Giuviz.

Commonccment Week: at Clinton, J c c e 1 s, 19 and 22—Elimination of clasiei. .Sunday rrorning, J u t e 21—Commeace-

tackyj and Dr. Broad as from the South CarolSaa State Convention, but really repre-

____ _ _ _ ! a'oove the greatness of that one "born of ceive4 as corresponding messengers, Dr. i ^ ^ t h o u g h he be greater than all EoycCfrom the General Association of Ken- specimen of the South Carolina ; oth-rs • born of woman. We must not.

At 4.1 o'clock p. X , we listened however, consider that all who are members . . , ! t D D r . Broadus, in the l aiversity chap.d. of th? " kingdom of heaven are included,

senti ,^ the southern Baptist Theological ^^^ ^ ^ Everybody went to S e m w y . Thu- .hey did m a style wortny ^ ^ ^^ Broatlus. He read for a text Acts the ^vheat of thetnselves and of tha Seminary.

Dr.j.r. R. Graves also appeared in the | Convention, and was received as correspond-ing i^esaenger from the West Tennessee Convectioc, but really representing the

who taketh away the sin of the world. How | a Christian can, at time*, enjoy^he praise of ^ ^ ^ those of New J^lbany to convey By fre.,uenting places of | God with them, his name I |pt i s t , Meth- f ^ m Pisgah, and wf hope to meet

worldly ama^ecients? By encoui aging them . odist or Presbyterian; but to|Engage in a lyQ^jj^ f.^^j Cherry C r t t i at New A1 to continue ia the practice of toe same? ,Is union meeting, forces every miaister to lay . this the way to convince the world of the ! aside his distinctive principle^ The com ! reality of tbe religion which we profess? : mon rules of gent'emen demai^ this. Can j

that position, however low in j Nay, verily. Does not such conduct by pro-' they preach any doctrine ? & e r y one is S degree, given to man in the " kitjgdom of' feesors of religion, have a depreciating icfla-; controverted. The Protestant religious _ _ _ heaveo through Christ Jesus, elevates him ence on the mind of the world in regard to world is divided on bsptism, i'alvinistic or a-ent seraon, by R?v. S .5 Eelyea, dinl

the virtue of Christianity ? It certainly does ; ! Arminian doctrines. For a i^m to be cn Lou'sianR. yet such is the result of the reasoning of' his guard all the time, preveRfB freedom of Sunday night June 'J!—Sermon WIds those who advocate tbe propriety of church ; gpeech or feeling, and a meeting conducted the Society of Missionary Inquiry,by L;T. members attending dancing parties. i under such circ*mstances ^ill be c«Id p. Miller, Holly Springs. Misa

In conclusion, we assume the position that | enough to freeze an Es-juimaui! Monday night, Jane i l -ErhiLit ic i i ft. attending dancing parties is as great an evil | Bu^ h jg gj^d, we prav for tl® conversion preparatory Depsr'meik as engaging in the amusem*nt and mem- i sinners. This is your duly Inyway, and , Tuesday morning, Jube 23-Address K bers who attend such places should be dealt! t^ey wil) be more likely to feeCthat you are fore the Literary Societit*. by H?v. C

the kingdom, having been • bsrn of God,' | with the same as those who d;ince. Ah, but,! earnest in your ows, churches. If you Gordon, Natchez, Miss.

since there are many tares growing among But as John is greater than any

• born ef woman," so he who is a member of

to a ranch more vigorous work It proposes to o d a p y many waste places in Mississippi It w3l cause sadness at Vicksburg when that >vorking chm^ch learns that it seeks to take '^'ieir beloved pastor from them and mak^ him Corresponding Secretary The Ccnvtntion engaged in special prayer for Dlvise guidance in this important move

Th* Ministerial Education Board reported taron^h its Corresponding Secretary, E'd. -Jamea Nelson. This report shoired mu;h hard Work done to support the forty young minifiiers at Mississippi College.

R ^ o r t oa the Theolog:c,J Seminaiy was ; read, and made the special order for £ o'clock r. A commanic&tion was then read from the Chancellor of,our State University in-viting the Convention to visit this institution o f l e a m i n g Tbe invitation was thankfully receited, and an hoar set to visii the Uni versil^.

Th* Committee oa Publications reported, and, Without debate, was adopted.

Th« Convention now adj ourned for dinner Dr. ^ y c e led in prayer.

Affer a good dianer, the Convention met at 21 o't^ock, Dr. Lowrey in the chair. Three o'rloci soon arrived, and the special order, the aminary , « as taken up. The report of the dmmit tee was again read. This report warmly commends the Semiiiary to the thotiBUids of Southern Baptists as preemi n e n t ^ suited, in its plan and thorouehneis of inatruction, to the wants of our rising mlnirtry. It reserved the privilege, however, of s p r i n g very plainly on the subject of " A l i a immersion^" . Dr. Boyce, upon invi-tation, addressed the Convention, and met this Mature of the report^in a most admirable speedi. His candor, spirit and words pro duce^ a lasting impressios for the good sf the Sraoinary. Dr. Broadus (his name ought to b^ written Dr. Bctmahas, Jot if he is not a ."son of consolation" there is none cow livinf) followed in a melting speech—many thom^t it a real pleasure to cry, and help the&minary." f h b many sf the brethren and friends did nobly to 4ke amount of ? 2 6 3 in bondj, payable in five year?, in a n h i ^ installments. Some present had idrevdy contributed in this way. This, con-s i d l i n g the slim attendance of the Conven t i o u shows how much Mississippi Baptists ^pi^eciate the Seminary. There w.i3 a mass zneeiiiig Friday night in the interest of Do mestic Missions, addxessed by Dr. Boyce and Rev- James Nelson. Contributions about

Sataiday, at 9 o clo:k i m , the Conventicn was sailed to order fay the President The repoH on Sondsy schools was read. It re-cooioends an enlargement «f this work. This report-was discnced by several breth-ren. Dr. Broadas among the number. This being disposed of, the report of the special G a m ^ t e e on the endowment of Uisais-BippE College wjs r e a i Tlua College is one, if i » t the great interest of Mississippi E^tSsta. It is doing a great work for the StatiL Its endowment fimd amoonts to

jJr-r i v 13: ''And of one Jesus, which wis

i dea-l, whom Paul affirmed to be alive.' He, . . . . ' preached Jesus in a most loving and forci ;'boagh he be least in the kingdom,' is | ssys one, this will work dis^ister to the | to create a greater iLfluense, it seems to Tuesday night, June 23—Prize decls.; ble manner. 1. As the center of history i greater than the greatest " born of woman. " , church There are those who, r.^ther than , ^^ ^ ^g^y poor compliment jovi pay the spir- tione. 2 t i^ center of the Bible, a . ^ s t h e l The raestion presents itself I)} t i e truly ! deny themselve? such privilege^ would suffer ; jt^^jity of your churcii, or ^le pro Wednesday night—F£ze dedamatiota.

i'iodman 4 In his great work. H e t h e n j regenerate of I'ne " kingdom of heaven' , themselvt s e.xcluded from the church. We ! ^elp of God. I call suc i temporary unions, Thursday night—Coamencement er ' ' • ' say let them go, the sooner we are jid of I ith churches, whethe; Bapt^U, Method- cises.

such msterial the better for the cause. We j or Presbyterians, " Eccles^tical Free-' The friends of the CoUsge, throughout fear there is too much of the world in the | loveism." The msn who places a commons state arti invited to attend. W. & WESS. church We need a pure membership. We | ^nnElniction noon this definition does not I

Sout l^ rn Baptist Publication Society, 4. I a his great work. He t h e n j regenerate o _ _ number of reports were read and fi.tally or | ^y saying that each of us sustained , o:cupy a more e x i t e d position than did the t e m p ^ a y disposed of. Among more; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^hat each of represeaUtives of the old dispensation, to i m p o r t of these were Domestic Missions, j ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^ • ^h ich the Baptist more strictly b e l o n g e d -

- temporarily disposed of. Tms « P o H looks ; p^om ! seeing that the Sdvior separated him from

this very imperfect outline we give a fami | the • kingdo.m in the i idea of the sermon. The speaker must be seen : --

comparison : 1=


aad heard to be appreciated. His style is lucid, his manner easy and impressive His heart, too, is full of love to Jesu-., it does

^' his soul good to preach Jesus. If he is not Virginia's first born, she cannot boast a nobler boi a The day was c'osed by a ser-mon from Dr. Graves. Text; Ye a'-e my witnesses." Bro. G. belongs to us. We ali know when he preaches what has been done

Mine host and hostess, Professor and Mrs I Qjinche, deserve more than honorable men-

tion. They have dispensed their hospitali-ties ia a manner above praise. Even their t??o littla girls, Annie a i d Helen, one seven, the other five years old, have contributed no little to our enjoyment I love to talk to them about their missioaaty chickens, snd then look at their dolls. They have the prettiest kind of dolls—tbey are made of paper.

Well, this bringi us to Monday morning The Convention has yet impjrtant business before i t We all think, so far. that this is one of our best Convention;. m

least in t"i.e kingJom of heaven js than he? Tiiey certainly do in

construction upon this definittea does not« would be glad to see the views of others in ; p^ j-g thereby that it eiists, sa^e in his own

Pitis't of the C o U ^

the Holy wo can say


Matthew xi . 11. Trtilj I ssy cnto JOB, «iB0ag thtm th»t »r« tcra of \iroK*a there hath sot riiea > greater that Jobs the Baptist; notwithitmndirg he that i! I=a»t io the kiig-dom of hearen ia greater than he."

R B. tVEITS N order to understand fully the Savior s meaning in his comparison between "Jobn

the Baptist and he that is least in the king-dom of heaven," it is necessary to know what is meant by " kingdom of heaven." Prophets had told of a coming King, and the Messiah, when he came, protoaaced himself that king. " Thou sayest it •—I am a King. "For this end I came into the world." To estab-lish "the kingdom of God," or the "k iag-dom of h e a v e n , a n d to present " the gospel of the kingdom." This, then, is the new covenant," and John was the "forerunner"' " to make ready a people prepared for the King," and so he preached Repent; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," that is, the reign of heaven has come near. Jesus preached the same thing. ' Repent; for the kingdom of heaven b at hand." The apos-tles were sent through the land with instruc-lions to proclaim ths same glad tidings. "Repeat; for the kingdom of heaven is at haad." And all who accepted them under-stood that prophecy had been fulfilled; that tbe Messiah, the King, had come, and bad brooght to hand—esUblished, or about to do so—his long prophesied kingdom, which should oltimately fill the entire earth.

When John was imprisoned, the King proclaimed, " The t ime is fulfilled; the king-dom of God is at hand; it has come." The prophets have spoken the truth; " the king-dom of heaven" is estabUshed among us, and though i f ' su f f ere th violence from the days of John the Baptist until now [yes, these eighteen hundred years], and the vio-lent take it by force," yet men press into it

greater this, that thiry do in a higher decree rep' 'e-sent faith. We live in an age o ' facts estab-lished, and walk by faith and not by sight," having experienced a more complete t rans-migratio: from de.ith to '.ife. through a brighter, a more vivid reai 'zition of the new "jirth, by a larger putpoar icg o Spirit, even to tbe extent tiiai wt lo-s we uave p£.ssed from death unto life because we love the brethren, while the Old Testament faith did cot apply the pos-session of Divine t'nincs ba'. only hoped for them, and were believe in hope. " Thtse all died in faitb not having received the promise [ks we of the New Testament have], but having seen them StfsT oil, an i were persuided of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. "

Human n.-iture, it is true, is substantially the same in all ages, and God is the same in tbe past, the present imd f t e future, butjhis plan of saving souls under the prophetic dis-pensation, while it was then, as now, through the Spirit, yet the ;?ork of the .Spirit >Ta8 comparatively limited and secret then to what it is now. It comes now in Christ's

• glorified humanity, brought about by a "larger outpouring" of the Holy Ghost which was not poured out on humanity to that extent before humanity had been glori fied in Christ that it was afterward. Seeing, then, that the Old Testament saintt did not realize in an enlarged sense the meaning of the words "God is a Spirit, and requires spiritual, and not sacrificial worship," we can comprehend how he who is above all, "bom of woman," and "more than a prophet," is less than the least member of the " king-dom of heaven,' made a member by being "born of God • through "Christ's glorified humanity."

regard to the subject we have presented. •Tune 1. TT4 w x 1;

w An Apology—Union Mettings—Consistency.

H Y Baptists agitate the minds of others on the subject of "baptism, doubtless

has caused many good perscns to wonder. I t is said, "Bapt isU do not baptize men to make them Christians, but because they are already such; but it isd.ilicait to see why they create so much strife about it, if this is true. '

It is true, nevertheless 1 feel that an . apology is due the people among whom 1

forced agains hope to ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ a disturbance. U is not my in-'• irtACa el: dt zAi-t •. l\ fontK I

tention or desire to wound any one, great or small, much less to misrepresent any dcc trine, but the commission sajs, ' Go teach all natrons,' and we feel it important to do this wherever we are That command of our Sivior does not say, " Baptize children on the faith of their parents or spoasors, but it says, as another evangelist declares, " he that believeth and is bapt iz^ shall be saved." There must be evidences of a change of heart (at least satisfac^cry to us as a people), before baptism cam be administered. We baptize men, tnerefore, to represent their death to the world, life to Christ and their hope ia the resurrectioa. (Ram. v i )

luiaersioa is that baptism, as M. Stuart, J. Cdlviii and others declare. Believing tliis sincerely and knowing that Carist has said, "If ye love me keep my commandments,'' how c in I do anything else but preach earnestly whit I believe?

Now there is a vast difference between us and other denominations. Nearly all teach infant baptism, and some baptismal reqener ation.

The Discipline, p 14;, in the formula for infant baptism, says: " We l-eseech thee of thine infinite mercies, that thou wilt look upon this child: wash him and sanctify him

A DUemma. with the Holy Ghost, that he being deUvered p E D O B A P n S T S claim the origin of tbe j frojn th ^ i Christian church in the covenant made

mind. It is only intended ttf convey the Teeke will be an aluaini meeting cf ti idea defined in a y trst—tl^ temporary , former students of Missirippi College in 1 union of churches. If t, as a &ptist, could ' college chapel on Tue^ay, June 23. engage in such meetings, 1 wot^d be an open • old studenu invited to attend. Address i communionist, aad if sucb, thea a Pedobap- j Halkett .

This is my opinion about^aptista, and those already Pedobapiats cot^d very weu] O b l t n i ^ . unite permanently. Many Ba$Ust churches ' Mrs. Virginia Caroline Nelson died at practice open pulpit ccmmun|)r, bat they i residence of her parents, ic Tippah coca are very inconsistent, to laborfvith denom- : Mississippi, oa the 12th cf May, ISTi. inations and then refuie to c ^ m u n e with; the daughter of iionry and Frai them at the Lor^i s table. To l e consistent, Ratliff; bom in Anson county, N. C., they must either do this or r e f p e altogether rived in Mississipi witb p a ^ t s i n ^ to hold union meeting!. i c ' ' ~

Natchez, May 2>, 1ST 1. s

Sqnibs. f Bao. Lowret :—In 2d K i r ^ xv l 1<'-1j

we read of Ahar, the i d o l a ^ u s king of Judah. that when he went to |Dam^cus he

nary, In'T ; professed &2th in Christ wfc very youog, and united with the Acade Baptist Church; was mahiisd to J. C. N< 0ciober20tb, 1&T2. Sfce wa« a csnsicfc and bsp{ y Christian, and was much bcioTS by all who knew her. .Tier marriage tion was most happyi and she and devoted young husband were prosperiagl

found an altar of a dixfsrent pattern from - - j • v -.u u A,^ . the world, and rejoiced 1 a bright pros; the one showed to Moses on tla» mount; that i ' j j V il u U ut a^A Jj,- Bat alas' death has sp^ad its dark sha^^ he brought It home and set St up ui the , , . , , , 4 » r n -j , 7 ^ over the bright home t iat was so full of place of the one of D»vmei^ipponitmenti " ; 1. j m we read that »*idhop«-. But her devowd husband, psre-'

brothers and sisters wea? not as those

place And in 2 i Chronicles i x v i i l it was the ruin of him and all L--W. i . t » tv v.: va.

When John Enox tbe G ^ Reformer (?) ^^^^ .v of the Scotch rresbyt«ian l ^ c h of th? w ^ f church went to Geneva. did not perform ® ^ , a similar exploit? How l i | e the altar ' i i s r e a . ! of Damascus brought home b ^ A W is the ^ ^ ^^^^^ S e r m o n - H o r fa Break Dows] altar (Rantism) of Ca'.Tin b r o ^ h t home by i ChuKlu the Re (de ?) former ' And ^ a t a parallel ' in the results. I *Eii5iirt * I

. i


with Abraham, and that New Testament authorities only changed its ordinanc«a

Dilemma: How did the Christian church exist in the days of John the Baptist with-out a Christian ordinance, baptism ?

DILEMMA s o . H.

Methodists teach that a Christian can apos tatize and afterward be converted aud apos-iaiJzs aud cuuveried &g&:D, and 80 on. They teach that conversion is spiritual baptism. They quote " One Lord, one faith, one bap-tism." construing this to be tpiritoal baptism. Is the man, who is converted two or three times or spiritually baptized as often, not guilty of a redundancy of bapliims, or of more than " one baptism ? "

L. R.. Erasiss. Baldwyn, Misa, May, 1S74.

Co - E s:o - of a fault makes half amends for i t

ark of Christ's church,' etc. " In the ordinary way there is no other

means of entering into the church or into heaven. In all ages, the outward baptism is a means of the inward. ' (Doct Tracts of Wesley, p. 250) " A? to the grounds of it, if infants are guilty of original sin, then they are proper subjects of baptism; seeing in the ordinary way, they cannot be saved unless this be wa»hed away by baptism. It has been already proved that this original sin stain cleaves to every child of man." (Ibid, p 2 j l ) This smacks a good deal of Romanism. Many infants, according to this, are lost, if Baptists do get the credit of teaching that innocent children are lost

"What mean you by the word sacra-ment ? I mean an outward and visible sign of aa inward and spiiitHal grace, giren unto us, ordained by Christ himself; as a means whereby we receive the same and a pledge iO assure us thereof." (Dis., p. 319.)

State Sunday-School U £ first annual Sunda; tute under the auspi

of State Missions was held wi< in Oxford, June 2d ai^d 3 J.

Quite a number of Wethre ent parts of the SUte were pi the attendance was n<». so and even expected. l i was regret to se^ so few -sape teachers present, for whose these meetings are hnd.

sUtnte. ichool Insti-;^ )f the Boart!!

the church


L To'lifccourage y o u r p a s t o r : 1. Absent yourself f i ^ one service era

Sabbath, or m i e i i leai^ one in three, if I Is not very strong, om^ ia four times L answer. t

2. Neglect the praye^meet in^ ' 3. Criticise your mijMrter freely—p

!' ' him spa-nngly—pray fo* bim little or differ? ^ If proposes to jnld'ertra me

ent, thongfe , ^ d a c i them <|il |mit your

^ • ^ " ^ l a t i o n . 4 I occasion 0 | j 5 yoanelf no 8eecem whether denU • salary is paid or n o t i ^ ial beneS| ^jerer call on h9b socially, or

t this is the ; j^jak that h i 4 or commencement of s>im gatl^rings in t » tjg ia a matter d f ^ y import State, and no oae shoold " d|spise the daj y^^j. ^ ^ ^ [ of small beginnings." It is fa*ggested thai jj^ To discourage y o v aeUow-meml pastors (and the larger part <f those preseet j Q^ieive the direcSaas given above were ministers) inform Sundt^-school v-orfc complain abcat e fe ty thing they da j ersof the object and working of these iosU j^jju ^ do. ?

attendacci 3 Coatoive to makeijcuKelf the he« t a minister, g. clique, and by their! wsistance and the advaiS- ^^^ induatry, keep t l ^ ciurch in hot

e woaH g^nerallr ? ^ B to attenft , .j vThile doing this,ilBVe no opport work, how|o ;^jgj.jj ,pj^northe M ^ t m e n t . D m n e h l e e - ^ i ^ i n g . ^ ^ dties of i^e 5 mach likeSiotrephcs andi

lie like Paul as you cfru 6. Discard charity aiM candar, take j

Xrastto r«ar bosom | s t d make your specialty. f >

7, Be sure to keep «r»T from the't


tutes, and insst up>n th One Buperintesdent present, sa.TS that if oar brethiren k tages of theie exercisci,. main away if at all j?i Mutual consultation ab<iat do it, and united praf«r for icg, is one of the givat S' Sunday school cause in the^tate . try to have a larger j a t h w t ^ of who are not m'mister»at thsijiext Inat i lu^

Though the attend*nce w d small, the e*-eteiMi, condttcled Wy ReTl^T. J. Wali were quite intfrestinjt and 1 rofitable.

of t ^ Let #

l a b o r ^

discussion of sach snl-jecU a | the aims a ^ [ i meeting. 1. .

(C^nthinea oiiilcbtti l»S«-)


t t--

THE - Amazon Web· i«gKiaiIr Mari> wor ikj Bmf*. k «nJ1-kBa«a Aothara. Priea T5 r ctx (sell. . S n - [PDF Document] (6)

T H E B - A . I ^ l B T - M E M i > E C I S , J U : > s E 1 8 7 4 .

alamif&'s Luae j j v boot brace.


IS '.•ii


Bneta wilt tw MSt to raiaiaters st cr 10 atw snbaerll^n. All arJen

s o * before the lOth of Jnae will b« illeL will be aeax to UiMe not misiaten

• t J J J . la l o t i cues a eerafieite l be requirtl

•to tWriy a*,7s' me, or the i s m l price will l a le^a l r f l T r i t i joat wJiat jou tJiiab of it.

»—ii t i« anlT sciiatifia 3i«i l ler Br»M a—i« the ta ' . j &i«atific Lo«f Brass:

«nj:pcru tht Sack; li—enpportf the Abdomeai

—tUfp^rtJi U>t Stomaeh; euppe*U tie Lnnga; fzeresta Laantada; jrereala Eoaneaeaa;

2k—jxerents Files; yreTeaia Eeraia;

IV-prereata ConaumpUon. lV-iae»aief the BreatUag Capaoitj at—prea Streagtli to t ie Boiy; IV-iaereaaea t ie Vital Powers;

ezpaaila and ealarges. t i e Loagi; Tenders Breatiiag free a«d eaay; U aaed by Lawjera;

3—sa ased by Siagera; i i wed bx Miaiatca;

Ift—lanaedby Laborera; 3—nlieraa wiea all otier. mctaa fkil, 3—will laat a lifetiae.

^aefita la OTcry eaae. ICbteTcr doea lut, t r e r j miaiater aionid ast

M . Measure two ineiea below t ie Up of iips. and aroaai! t ie abdomea, ores t^ drawera, a a i m a i Beasore ia inciea. Friea to mlaiaiera,

i* otieia, SIS. Bead Bioa«{f, wi-Jx oris; •Bdiastruetiosa bow to lead, io j . B. 62AVES, Agaa^ 3S1 STaia Street, aienpiii, Teaa

SECE5T TESTIMOSIALS. P . - 0 . 3 2 ] ^

3 * . Seate? :—Doubtless it w^uLl bs a aufi-ealsgy from me to state tlfeat my present 33 the second that I ia»e warn, bsti fur-

•^•d t i rougkyoar agency. Daring the spring I was sttaeied by hMnarrhigfl of t ie

and soon after I obtained a braes from jer Bro. D. B. Ray, which I wire cnnstandy

t»B years, and waa- incalculnblf beneSted by ^ a s e I leak* i t «o that I'c<ia!d no longer

is, anS now I i a re siown BTy faith ia t ie mtril. of Banning'a Brsie by ordering

XCoaJ. I do not see how I toald do with-• t a i i . I *fll jaat make iMs paaaing remirk,

InTeatiana generally are counterfeited aaoffl. after bcng introduced, but I tiink this oaMiaa isapplicable to t ie brai:e, because I wmdi not exohaage ti ls one, for whiji I pail

fsr the Srst one I ware that coat me $20, •BM it aaw. 1 wai only add Uiat Baptist min-SKasa a re you a debt of life-long graaiuJe fo-

st i!c raorta to prolong thtir lires and aaefalaeis. Toar brother, "W^ M. PaicE.

Jbrnboidt Tena., May 11,1573.

[-Te. 33.] S i c . 6aArE3:—I iave jusi xacelTed my

fcrjaa. 1 a n satiaaed that it ia a capiul thing. Em«1 Bro. W. JL Bead s brace receatly at a pro-

a^eting, and I foand it a g?eat help. I sfcaerSi'.ly reoommend it to all wi^ suffer with l e a s e d lnag» and an aching bac t


[So. 3L] Jtta. Gavna : — Ha-ring ased Bannings

Ifeif ami Hody Brace, and receiving great fcaeSt from ita cse, I recommend it ts all mia-

H . B . W E S T E * . Tennessee.

rSa. .35 ] Jtoo. Geatib:—In compliance wJti the con-

Uf on which I got my brace, f write yon actice. I hare been wearing thebrace since

I broke the first one I got, a«d seat for senad undei the liberal offer jou a»de to

len. I can say this maei foi t ie brace, were deprived of it now it waali cut off tiir-la of a j speaking power; In other

I speak with mare ease Eir an hour a i i l f witi it on, t ian I caa a half iour ijflJL It maka no difference 4ow long I

aatl-witi wiat riolence, when I hare it I B«ier feri that goneness so coaunon to

speakers. Money could bay the So wear one £rom me. I wonU aiy also

of t ie brace that I iad ti« good for-to iare 3Ir. Banning iimaelf fit mine to

«nd eiplata tie fhiloaophy of |t3 action; i s aecordascs witi iia idea I kave nerer a man i a r s one on rigit yet. Could you

SI* aa accurate cni of a good fit Asd put it .« papmr? I t i l nk i t wool J help tlw brethren

tieiia io faeir bodies properly. With •y tiaaka far past kindneaa, I ' am, truly

E. 2f. H a l l . [ 5 0 . 8 6 ]

o. GEAras —It waa net reqairei of me in toma of p n r c i w , bat I feel it dus you lhat

e a aCatemwit »» reg|mis the feenefit de-flroa aa* Brtt« I pur-

cf yoi^ and i lk^ abw been wearing it sightMa oiaatH iad i s all eanior would

;» yoa that It £s regarded by me a* one of aoat Ttltttbl? pieces of prop*Hy exer

me. I iaTC iad a broaekial affec-for t ie last fifteen yeart, and fro« that or c t i « eacm a jetteral debility of t ie ays-

tvlttKliM ^ a t n r a t S T v y e a n i g o I waa pciled te d i a ^ ' « m p « t i o m from t iat of Bine and i a t e rtaea IbQawwl a^dto w d

laaifat , Tiui aiaage h<elp«« to some Bt^ but I aooa became exceedingly eoatiTe, amth ao t i a t i£ Memad iapMmkk to Uve Mat taking medicine r ^ I a d T all t i e it; I aUn for t ie laat hw yean f a r* been R l to a apiaal Effe^im, w i i ^ i a r e all • w ^ r f ^ t t e u * af ymv BfSM, axe^ t ^ s i i a l a S M t i o B . I hare («kM b ^ w e of medicine ainee I i a n baea wear iu

»lni» • 'M. • •• •

Family Department. Taking u d Orenla t in? a Bellylons Paper .

ra« ErugeUcal MMKBg«r c<TCt the foUovlBB rMtou tiklaj lac" ctrcoIaiiBC a nllgioiu paper: A jood religiouj pap«r aaket Cbriitians mere la-

^ Ts mafcei thea more nsefnl. : It iecutM better pay for the paator.

It««Br»a bettar teacher* Car the Sandaj-Khool. It Kcnru better attentlaoce at the prajer met ting. It leada to a better QaJerttaodlBS of the Scriptnrei.

T. .It iacreaae* Intereat in the ipread of the goipet. 8. It helpa ts tettle maay difflcaltiea. 9. It giTea aaity of faith t&J practice la the denoml-

natlDs. 10. It ezpoa-a error. U. It piacee veapoai ia the haaJa of ail to defeod the

truth. 12. It affordj a channel of commanioation between

brethr»o. 13. U glrej the aews from the charch-*. 11. It bringe oBt ti»e taleat of the denoaiinatioa and

make, it awfal a «ider scale. IS. It fhr iM lijht opon obicnre qneetioas of practieal

iat^reat. IS, It giTea light OB obacnre pauagee of the Bibla. 17. It caltiTat«!« a taete fur reading. Ij. I: makea the children more iateiligeiit. 19. It makeibitt-rpareBti. 10. It maki.'i better cliUdrecu -L It avaLea* iatunac for the lalratian of soaU. 2X I tg lm ^neral religiooa news. 23. It gires the man important current news of gene-

ra! istert^t.

o l We mnat St/iae what he says to us in the Bible, elae it won't do otur hearta the leaat bit of good; it won't help them to grow. But if we take him at his word, and pray to hira to make ua grow up like cur SiTior, the L j rd Jeaus, he will help us to begin growing straight, and he will keep us from growing crooked—only we most truit htm.

Grow; don't be a weed. Let othera grow. Help othera grow. Grow up for hear en. Grow away from ba i places, bad people,

bad reading, and that worat of all bad places, helL

Grow like Jeaus. Ask him to make you groir. s. a J

The Voiceless. We count t i e broken lyres that rest

Where the sweet-wailing singers slumber; But o'er their silent aister's breast

Tlie wild aowers who will stoop to number? A few can touch the magic string,

And noisy fame is proud to win them ; Alas for those that neTer sing,

But die with all their music in them :

Say, grieTe n i t for the dead alone. Whose song has told their heart's sad story !

Weep for the Toiceless; who have known The cross but not the crown of glory r

Not where Leucadian breezes sweep O'er Sappho's memory-haunted billow,

Bat where the glistening night-dews weep On nameless sorrow s church-yard pillow.

Oh, hearts that break and gire no sign, SdTe whitening lips and fading tresses.

Till death paars out his cordial wins. Slow dropped from Misery's crushing presses

If singing breath or echoing chord TJ CTery hidden pang were given.

What endless melodies were poured, sad as earthy as sweet as heaven :

— Oln-er Wendell Holmes.

Enigma. JC3T, AJfD r i T COSTRlDIcrOBT.

1. Jair waa the ion of Uanasseh—but 2 Jair waa begotten by Jadah. 1. Attai was the son of Shesan—but •1 Attai was begotten by Jarhe. 1. Esther was daaghter of Uordecai—but 2 Bather was begotten by Abihai], 1. Uoaes was the son of Pharaoh's daugh-

ter—but 2, Moaes was begotten by Amram. 1. Obed was the son of Naomi—but 2. Obed was the child of Ruih. 1. Hiram was of the tribe of Naphtali—

but 2 Hiram was of the tribe of Din. 1. Zedekiah was son to .Josiah—but 2. Zddekith was son of Jehorachin. Who will answer? W W KOXE.

Grow! i Ve nust grow whether we want to or

no:. A little while ago the learcs were buds, the grass blades were in the seed; wheat, corn and weedi were a'so in the seed, but naw they are out and are growing.. It sffema to me when I'm out on these nice warm days lhat these things are all saying just as strongly and loudly as they CM, grow, ^row,

Sercnty Miles an Hour. Clear Creek is a miniature river that runs

through tho canon of the same i:ame. It descends upon a down grade of four hun-dred feet per mile, with here and there a fall over a rocky precipice fifteen or twenty feet in height. Large boulders forty or fifty feet in diameter, and weighing thousands of tons, imjiede iU dashing progress every twc or three hundred yards, while its curves

pith or biU of wool, that might happen to be near it. Uore than two thoosand years ago he did this, and it was a Tery wonderful thing at that time, because no one had ever done anything of the kind before. I t aeema to be a yery simple thing now, be-cause it has been done ao often and men hare learned to do ao many things more wonderful What only the wiaeat men could find out how to do at that time, may be done naw by almost any little boy or girl If you will put some small biU of cot-ton on a sheet of paper, then Uke a loog atick of aealing-wax and lub it with a dry silk or woolen cloth, you will find that the wax, held jus t a little aboTe the biU of cot-ton, will puU them all up to itself. A little thing like thin ia what astonished all the wise men in the world two thousand years ago.

Another very pretty little thing you can ejsily do in thia way:

Hang a long dry ailk ribbon over the firat finger of the left hand so that the two ends shall fall together beloif. Then put one branch of the ribbon between the thumb and first finger of the other hand, and the second branch between the firat and second bngen: press them UghUy and puU them quickly out from between the fingers. The ends of the ribbon will no longer fall together. Indeed they seem to be trying to get as far away from each other as possi-ble. Move them about as you will, they refuse to touch each other, and you cannot easily make them came together if you try. But while they show a strong aversion to each other, they will quickly Hy toward any third body which may be held near them. Put the hand between them, and both will tly toward it; or bring it above either one and lhat oae will rise a little meet i t

The force that lifts the bits of cotton to the sealing-wax, and that mores the branches of the ribbon iu these curious ways, is eleeirieity It ia brought into action by simply rubbing the wax or the ribbon.


way to


M A E Y S H A R P COLLEGE. E S T A B I . U H S D I S 1851.

This old and celebrated echool for girls and jouna " Wl.che.ter. Teaa., Va a b«n^" o'f

i?*£"»f®''»"<>."onBtaliia. within aome tea mil.« of a hea thy; •alBbriOBs cliBMte, para air, Meetleat water ai><

wife as Hatroa of the instltntioa. It it e i a ^ ^ ^ i t. hosts of frieods. inciudiag more than o n / h n f l L l J l ^

••-The T w e n t y - i l i l r d Collegiate Tear of Fortr-menrr^h*' i " " Christmas, r ^ Jnae U. m ' " ' aad ' c : ^ ,

Faca l tw. f r ^ r ^ ^ / President. Moral Phjlo«,phj aad Lo, c.

R T ^TAvHYArv*^' Pyot Mathematics.

M M E S J M TSPB^D*!- P^P Departm-ct. aiua E S. J. MABCa, Primary Departaeat. F a c u l t y of H n i l c .

B. T. STKIKHAO£-\. P,«ideBt. w.ti a fuU TuUlon. Colleiriiite P'.wer, , ,,

Prep*r«tory P r i m a r y — — .".".i"::.':;;:;;:;:: IL t., Piaao aal Organ Coitar... ^ Plating, W..terC»lors"',nd oIi; e«h:.::.::: 4C .0 Drawing, per Schola.tic yar .... 5 oo Frenchl«gn,g,_„.„...-'. • g ^

a s . See Ca'alogu. f«r Coarse .f Study. Tuition must be paid one half the in

P U B L I O k T l O J y s .


'00 4f

I s o r T | i i i B . \

fept^t Pabliiation Sofiet? I M E H P H I S , TE.VX.

r i l e n i m a t D a l h b y T h r e e i j J . R. Graves. Is baptiin in the urch Taltd? ^.VoProtesUat « n de-

w • • " without na-b*ptmng>nd unchurchiag t ie whole Protesuat worn. I»mo.. 15G ruiffM • »mo., 15G pagee; price, 00;.

L. S. H. Fori, Li. D. work is a cancise hisU

time from

adTaace. theotber'h«llTh,"4tst"of JebrLri. Where

30 CO

amonnt ia raary.

U1 bf aJled.

are so sharp ar.d so frequent that the stream ' P t a r Trci?. can nowhere be seen for £i distance of a Rupert sat, at the clos? of the day, in tho'isand feet. Granite cliUs two and three ^^^ sliat^e of a beautiful tree, which mUes high project over it on either s ide , ! s too l before the house, while hU grandson and give a frightful, romantic and d a n g e r - o f the pears, and cotild n j t cease prais-ous appearance to the rushing torrent be- ' sweet fruit.

payments art delayed, tea p«r cent. Board ing .

Therf is ac boarding department connected with (he College; th.t Is a Urge thr. e story brick edifl.e with •xuadn wings, aad it nsei for teaching pcrpo^i on y ; bet by are eit<nstTe Uarding-hoase^ b»Dt especiallT for the College stndents. whl.<a\re c^er the rn esanddlsripliaeol the College. It U belie»d tfcat UI.9 arrangement offers many ad^autages over that of teaching and boarding nndar the same r«of. as comi..-tiUon among bo>rdin.<-hoiisea certainly in«nres better accommodat >ns. whHe fewer persons being brouitt diseufT' 'n the same hons. , t*:ero is i^biUty to

li fct"^ t * . * faricles fB..l. lights aail waihiag—on- -luz-n p r , for mi,.-r ta-. t,^ will be extra tUargea a: re jular prices. Boar.l terms same a:* tnition.

^Seni for Cata'ocne. C ' S . WALMSLET. Treaanre r . WIXCHISNA. TE.N.V.


COBPS OF TEACHERS cl.^f A- LL D , Pre,!d.nt. A -

M- A . -V J-ra LatMia.|.: ard

r f » 5 " tracing B a p t j t s bythemile-stones of u ; e " o m

i ' price, 60c.

M I w ' l ^ * By Miss M J Wel:^,. This IS a prize-book cf ihe San-d.c .schoo|Bsard, setting forth the coomoa oJ>jections|o Baptist faith and pn^^tlce made by the Pei^btj.tist world, answering them with such afci!:t|, and in a st.?ie so fascinating as to rnt ' t le t | . autiior to t i e gratitude of all true Baptists. .SSEO., cloth, 21.3 pages; I.rice, 60c.

T h r e e ^ e a s o n * W h r l a m n B a p - l By i . M. rendletoa. All wLo see the

t i tk of th i | l i t t le book, ahd know tUe author, win at onc | recogaiie its value. Ism

pages ;jpr:ee, 60c. T h e 4 f o B c i u c n t .

Th!« is a t ^ t i s e oa the atonement of Christ, wiih an esAy .on justificalion. to both c t which are aided fcaestiorj in an appendix. 18mo 21! pages ;&ricc, >;.5c. '

C o r r e < | i r e C l i u f o t a D i s c i p U n e . Bv V. S. W|rrcl!, A. M. This work i , a r t v i e . of Dr f i l e l l 3 Charch Wsciplin- with aa intr.«juctio| of thirty pipes by Dr. Crawford-ahc, an a r | 3 n d i i of 120 pages, whica contains a ?cnp tu r | : tneihol of., church discipline ISn- olotl52w pages: price, COc.

r a r i c n .

, cloth,

By J. M. Peadletoa.

G r a c e cotTersioa, clott, 12-i J

- t v e n g D r.uck. '

neath. .last below Black Uawk, on the aide of the stream, a small reservoir Las been constructed in which is kept a i ordi nary sk'fl One Sunday, two little boys.


Then said the grandfather ' I must tell you how this tree came h t r e

'"(ne evening, mare than fifty years ago, i , , b^re when there was empty space, but

aged resf<ct:vly tea aad twelve years, got { "^lere now this pear tree stands, and com-mto the bt)at and were sp 'ashin- ' o a rich neighbor of my poverty

I- 'how nerfectlv cantPr»i«..l

i dbfenae <

Brace, wheraas before it waa a daily a e e ^ ! T O M S ia Chriatiaa affectioa,

J.M.To*rsa«,ooD. nm, Taxaa, ICarch 13,11(74. [So. 371 i

u a lo t i of February. I was Ihw ea-rn «rtmT»I m t i s g ia BlottattiUa. aad

» » M at that point, aad t h w w a ^

a , a w t t t & a ease a y roice waa toad .nd

twa mmiM with my brae* an and aatbS S t • • I moaa • i ^ t i t t t a a M t t e r t o b w a i k e p u ^

d to t ie braae, % « i f c l l y ^ V ^ h » iraad e a f ^ ^ l t y ^

•ad ereiy anaiiter, atnaj^br waat Mcora one u aooa a? f asaau. i S

Some of the little plants and trees are growing straight, and some are growing crooked. Some are growing up to be great, ugly weeds, choking and crowding out better plants, and others are growing up to hi beautiful and useful. How are^ou growing ? Are you a weed, growing up spiteful and ugly, keeping somebody else from growing up for gaod ? Or a-e you trying to grow toward Jesus and heaven, to be good a n i of usfl here and happy after you die ?

2 Sunlight, fresh air, and many other things are making the leaves and vegeUbles grow; and the same thing?, with others besides, m a t e our bodies grow. If we eat what agrees with us, take plenty of out-door exercise, go to bed at the right time, and also if we won't eat and do what hurts our health, we are apt to grow up with strong, h ^ t h y bodies. Oar minds, too, will grow, crooked if we let them, atraight if we make them Boys' and giria' minds as well as grown people's, must hare aomething to make them grow right, else they will grow like weeds, to be useless and to hurt othera S tudy makes the mind grow. What striking on the iron is to the tiacksmith's muscle, study is to the mind. Study is mind exer-cise The mind gets hungry, too, and we feed it by reading, by looking around us and lesrning with our eyes and ears. If we read good books and papers, and hunt up things that are useful to men, and find out about them, our minds will grow up like good com, or fine fruit trees. But if we read trash, our minds will grow trashy. You wouldn't feed a UtUe boy on fodder and straw, and expect him to grow stoat aad atrong, would you ? Well, then, don' t feed him, o r a UtUe girl either, on trashy stories, novels and nonsense, which are mental sawdust, and won't do the mind a bit More good than eating sawdust will the body. Carry yonr mind into good company,

sake a i m a n t af w * to

I Depa , Teas, April 14, t J

feed it witfc God's word, abore all things, and with good reading.

3 H«zrUffroui, tM. They are more like frnit trees than they are like u y t k i a g else of the regeUble kind. Some of them are rery much like crab apple trees—it takes a heap of pmning, and hard work, and long, patient waiting to ever get a good, sweet apple from such a tree,- and our hearts all need lots of trimming and training. They are ao much like the fields where com aad cotton are planted. Weeds and grass come up with the com and must be chopped oat, rise the com won't grow. Well, the w e e ^ must be got out <rf our hearu, too if w* want to grow up for heaven. J3in must be got out, the great, ugly thisUe that grows in eT«y one of oor hearts, else we will never be fit for hearen.

Who will do this f « Bs ? Hare yoa eyer ^ to kill the M O T weeds in the gar-den? It'a hard work, ain't i t? Ah, but i t ' . W o - w o r k ti» KB sin ia oar hearts, to stop Mg»T thougW^ to keep from sayiag bad

I ^ s t o ^ e the ^ to beltere aU it say. Jort a . we beUeve

oor (Mwr, or nofher , or tewlier: ie lk thir ip. W»

n ^ t unleaa these thiag. are aU d u a g e ' ( t o ^ ^ k S ;

telGod. We n a n ^i^tctiod. He a n . t tram us. He

with a stick when the fastenings gave way, ami the boat went drifting toward the rap-idiy-runniog current. The little boys soon discovered their danger, but were piwerless to avert it, they clutched hold of the sides of the boat and with palid countenances await:d their doom. Soon the beat was caught by the current and began descend ing at a fearful rate. ("a she wert ; ihe boj-8 hats blew off and their hair stood straight up Over Black Hawk rapids they went like an arrow, clearing a distance of sixty feet at a single dash. Lighting again on the torrent surface the boat seemed to have gained a new impetus, and shot by the bculdera and around the rocky points with the celerity of a sunbeam. At a distance of about six miles below the starting point conductor Gibbons, who was standing on the rear platform of the down Clear Creek train, saw the boat coming, and immediately stopped the train All hands repaired to the water s edge, and did everything in their pjwer to arrest the dying boat, but past them she went like a bullet from a rifle, s-nd was out of sight in a moment The conductor then ordered the engineer to put on a full head of steam and follow as rapid-ly as possible, which he did, constanUy sounding the alarm of danger. He did not

gat anotlier glimpse of the boat, but the alarm brought the employes at Beaver Creek Station to the lookout, and quickly making a slip noose, sought to throw it over the bow of the boat as she came under the bridge. This they succeeded in doing, but could no more hold it than they could hare held a thunderbolt, and over Beaver Creek falU she went with the speed of the light-ning. The falls are thirty feet high, and at the foot are a number of large boulders, but

perfectly contented should I be if I could only possess one bun dred dollars.'

" The neighbor who was a vfise man sadi " ' 1 hat you c m easily do, i ' you only set

about it. See,- said he, ' there, in the soil, where you stand, are more than a hundred dollars if you c m only get ihem.

" A t that time I was only a foolish yourg man, and so in the following night I dug in the ground sn the spot, and to my great mortification found not a single dollar In the morning the neighbor saw where 1 had been digging, and laughed hsartily at my simplicity.

" ' I see,' said he, ' that you did not under s t a n d e e . I will send you a young pear tree; set tha t in the hole which you have dug, and af ter a year the dollars will begin to appear. '

" I set out the young tree. It grew and became what you now see it. The luscious fruit whxh it has borne year af ter year has brought me in far more than a hundred dol-lars, and it is yet a capiUI which yearly brings a good interest '

'' Open your eyes, And opea your mia I,

Work with your hand.-;, And riches you ll find. '

~Fro"< 'he German.

Mathematics. f ; jonxgos. Arsl^uiic Dep.rtmetit

c S e n f c . " "

Terms, 4 c. Fan Sesfion opeej Septeail-r Sih. lin, luJ ScriD.-

th.. Annual thr third Hedoi^daj in June, ISTt

Charges fer tvssion of twaty »e-lc», on<!-h.V.f 13 aii-Tance aud t aUace du» at mi i.!lr uf —31. Literary D«partm.-t,tii respectively Sin, {: cu'

•Conting-nt LaEgu»ge«. eacti Instroaientsl Mu«ic i. Vucal Miuic.. ...,

-.-arh. ... O.nitheniM 'itt

2 01 5 I J

(.1 5 11

15 »> 5 T'L

D R . M ' L A N E ' S C f l e b r a t e d - • \mcr i can


V E R M I F U G E .

tUeic T l i c

PRO iDEvrr .^ueb:

pagt- : pric«

the velocity was such that it cleared them eaeUy, and struck the water aome twenty feet beyond. From here no mortal eye saw the ^ t or its living freight untU it reached a point one hundred mile, below Denver. Through Golden into the Platte river, and under the Denver bridges, . he went unno-ticed, nor slackened her pace unUl she lodged in a drift at the distonce below Den-ver already mentioned. The PUtte does not ran rery rapidly, but the boat had dc-quired such a wonderful speed in iU descent from the mountains that it far outrode the current A man who lives on a farm near the drift where the boat lodged, discovered the boys stiU in the boat which was nearly full of water, and took them to hU home, they were restored to their over-joyed parenUthefellowiBgerening, after having accomplished the most perUous journey in the quickest Ume ever before made by any human being who escaped alive. The distance traveled was a hundred and forty miles in two hours, but how it was ever done, or how the boat escaped being dashed to pieces upon some of the huge bould-ers or rocky cliffs which everywhere inter-c u t the coarse of Clear Creek, u nothing short of a Providential miracle. Probably not again in a thousand years could the jobraey be n u d e with the best appliance, and by the mmt skillful mariners.—Cen/raJ a:i / (Colorado) Oach.

, — — mast remore sin from oor heart., else it n e w wai be got rid

What & the JJsrhtBie?! Who has not heai i of the " seven wise men

ofGreeee?" T h e n a a e o f one <?f them was thalea. One of the wonderftil things he d U waa to m b a piece of amber briaklr, and m that way ^ v e it the

A Note for Mothers. A number of physicians, practicing in

New York and Brooklyn, have come to the conclusion, after comparing observations, that ona leading cause of the mortality among children arises from their being left too much to the care of servants. It has been observed that chUdren wh® are direct-ly cared for by their parents, undressed and put to bed by them, and by them dressed m the morning and kept under loving mother s eye during the day, are, ss _ general thing, far more healthy, good-tem-pered, ar.d intelligent than those who are left almost exclu jively to the care of servants. In addition to this, it must be remembered that most of the accidents wh'ch happen to ChUdren, whereb> they are seriously injured and sometimes cripple 1, maimed, or r en -dered idioUc, occur through the negligence of those in whose care they are left l y a n -thinkine or unloving pmatt.—Home and School.

Beeipes. CREAM PIES.—Oae quart sweet milk, »hree

and a half caps white sugar, six eggs, six tablespoonfuUoffljur. Bea^ the eggs u i d sugar weU together, make a unooth paste of the flour with a litUe water, and add to the eggs and sugar. Have the milk hot and pour into Uie vessel .lowly stirring the milk aU the time. Sot the r n s e l in boUing water and cook cntil it thickens. Flavor with lemon or vanilla. Bake the crusts, take off the top one when cool, put the cream in the pie&

QtiEss OF Proaisos—One pint bread CTBtabs, one qaart .weet milk, yelks of four eigs, piece of batter .ize of an e ^ - Flavor and bake. Beat the white of the egg, to a froth w i t h , o n e cup of pulverized ragar. Spread over the pudding a layer of jeUy. Pour the egg over and brown sUghUy. Serre with cold creaoL



CHEAP McFFiss.-One egg broken in a pint of cold water, beat briskly t m it foams, addaourwff ic ient to make a t h i t batter


T H E countcnancc is pale and leaden-

colored, with occasional flushes, or a circ*mscribcd spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eve-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and some-times bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with hummir.g cr throbbing of the cars; an unusual secretion ot sdiva; shmy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, somctimci voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomir-ing; violent pains Aroughout the abdo-men ; Iwwels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy; not unfrequcntly tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard ; urine tur-bid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanicd by hiccough; cough some-times dry and convulsive; uneasv and dis-turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable,l-c.

Whenever the above symptoms arc found to exist,

D R . M ' L A N E ' S V E R M I F U G E Wil l certainly effect a cure.

T h e universal succesj which has at-tended the administration of this prepa-ration has been such as to warrant us in pledging ourselves to the public to

R E T U R N T H E M O N E Y in every insUnce where it should prove ineffectual: " providing the symptoms at-tending the sickness of the child or adult should warrant the supposition of worms being the cause." In all cases the Medi-cine lo be given IN STRICT ACCORDANCE W I T H THE DIRECTIONS.

W e pledge ourselves to the public, that

Dr. M'Lane 's Vermifuge DOES N O T C O N T A I N M E R C U R Y in any form; and that it is an innocent preparation, »«/ cepahU t f ithg thi sKzht-est injury to tie most tendtf n^ani.

Address all orders to F L E M I N G B R O S . , P I T T S B U R G H , P A .

A prize-look oa early •y Miss Launs H. Daytoa. ifico . ces: prije. -}(«c. IK o f t h e K I c c t . By Her. D-10- are interested ia the sec-

CQi coni:!:Ja-al reign of Christ oa «ariii will find in linle s in i -hing to interest

PfSiB . price, r f r« i< B a p t i s t C h n r c b I n

xor TiiE OLi.r-r iJ . i r rw CacEcH n^ S A U a . , d o i i

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T r a l u l n ^ o r C h i l d r c D . By A Jones, J r . AU pareifg ought to procure this book a n d r e i l it ca^^fuUy. cloth, 72 pi^gesj price, '-Oc. >

T h e H e r | o r T r u t h .

postage stamps, or OM vUI of VerSfiie for

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A Consumptive Co Whea dtftUl vas hoortr upectwl ftem Cm^mm^

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O r c l M r « ] ' « f l i » t o r r . E j G. H. Orthard, of EngUtid. vi l t tBe 1 ia a history cf foreign Bsptia-s. Volu.-4e 2 is » histor/ of the Bajt isU IB EnglMd, bofs chronalogleally arranged. IJtno.cla-h. Vci 1. S32 psges, S1..30. VoL 2, 3i6 pagea, Sl.oO.|

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riTl TIOS OF B-lj

K i ^ h u r c l i cf ChriBti-e t r l s t ^ 5s divine, sac

tnd perfect ia ll«3 u IMU U M


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O U T H E H a r

T H E B A . i > T l S T - : v i E M I > H : i S . j u : s r E 1 3 , 1 8 7 4 . T


BftPTIS The Oldest Baptist W^tkly, Sav.'

One, ia the St&tli,

T H L $ B E I I A G T O L L M E X \ X


Tb« cinii« ef ChTistis fcistingdom; its et n-. ctit*dcn ii diTialf, iiicrea'i» Its fnilrrSty,'

ia<lperfee»-ia its p!«. To alter is ;o . sjcre it; ^ U ia^aon—ucs to slight Ool'i i wi»lDia tc iaterftre iritli his reign. Thas' ?sf«i7 befta. Cimrch oScera, bj degrees,! •smied&svpv^ars; newriteswereintrtd'acfd,; new rules wd down; ti« TnconTerted were' recelTed, tlN nngodly were ordaintd; mtn's will waa txaUed, God's vill left undoLe. CJiaage folSlwed ebaoge. corroptioTi trinayb«d, and at len^h tie Man ef Sio -sras firialy seated cn Ms tSrofie.—Galatians it. lO-'JO; 1 Corinth- ' iftnsT.l-lSi 2Thessaloniaasii.3,i; 2Iiaotliy} i. IT, 18; BeTelatsons xiiL S-IT. ]

The qu-HBion, therefore, is of the greatest I i^wrtasee^ WKat eomtitutiott hat Christ firen j to hit cAure&Pt? It is ia consequence of their j *iewa on this sabject that B»ptist churches • differ in Aeir constitntion from all otter' charchet The points on which they differ fron ' them, and tieir reasons for so differing, are s s

i L Tie B^tis chnrcies regr.rd it as Chris-s-1

till that all church Eemhtw should be rcn-rrted p^rscnt. When Saul ~ essaytd to join tnwelf to the disciples" at Jerusalem, they Jeclined ta xeceirehim, becatse they "belieTed aot that he »as a disciple." Tt was not till th«y Moertaiaei this frsm hearin* that h9 had •<ee«ti the L*rd in the way," and had preached boWly at Bamascus," that they permitted him tfl be "witk them, cominr in going out, at Jerwaleai.".—Acts ix. 2tt-2a All the mera-bere, aieo, ot the first church a(« addressed as taints.—Remans i. 7; 1 Connihians L 2; Ephc-liuia i. 1.

Bat in Fedobaptist churches many persons are Bsnber* who are notr«ceiT«das conTertel. Ia the rpt*cop«l and Presbyterian establish- ! Bents, and :3ama cf the bodies formed by those | who hare teceded from, tken, yersc'ns are! received to fiiB eovmunicn withoct eridence of their conTcraon; and though the Coagrega-tioaal Pe^Wptista Tcqtiire proof at conTersicn before reeving pexsoas to the Lord's table, and to fail BH BiMrship, they mostly cenrd infanta aad luofBi^ted persons, whea baptized, as members of inferior degree. The Westminster •skfesaion tf Faith, which speaks the riews of jTObyteriaas, and of many Congregationalists

tUs sai^t, says that tie children cf fambert ^ iiaiuel::a membert, born Kithin tie church. ^me ladef^adeats differ from this riew, but •ry many «f thux rega^ both infants and the soBTerteJ, wh» baptiisd, as connected, in

Mme degree, with the church of Christ. (See Dr. Wardla* and Dr. CampbelL)

Baptist enrobes, on the contrary, receiTe af members th«ee only who giTC credinle eridenc* of their eon?rer«ion; they,do not ackntwledge ether infants or the tinconTerted as haring any risible conn tioB with the church of Christ.— Acts iL 47; tl Cor. iii 16,17.

n. Baptftt chnrehes (strictly so called) regard it aa Christ's will that all belierers l«ceiTed to Membership should be l-iptizei.

New Tsstanent churches consisted wholly of baptiied belieTsrs. Peter said to belieTers on the day Pentecest, " Be baptiied erery one of you," an4 they "were baptiied."—Acts ii. 38-41; see x. 43. So that the Baptist ihnrches at^ in this respect, "followers «f the ihurches of Go'l," as first founded by Christ Ud his apostles.—! Thess. ii. 14.

But in dcing so they differ from a!l other ihurches; firsm tha Quakers, who reject fcap-csm; from the P'Jobaptiats, who substitute aaather rite for th- immersion of belieTers, and from all open con —unionist whether Baptists or PeJobaptsts, who admit persons without being baptiied at all; instead of requiring, as th« apwLles and first churches diil that all belieTers skauld be baptiied before being RceiTed to nembershipand communion. Chrisl has glTen to iiis chnrehes no duffnrin^ power to Thej kiv? a large tcck stcrf alrmdy. set aside his laws; no U latise power to make nsw ones; bat was enjsined on them to "obserre all tiiags v-haltoeret" he has commanied (Matt, zxviii: 20_i; and, if eTer tempted to neglect his lawe " to obey God rather than men.'— Acts T: 29.


I ;



f- PUBUCATIOak " "


BilFte.'Jtig tfnl, (u-nnt »t!'1 proRWtiT*, thf «'H«in»' nilb ttr b<-»i prrinJirak of tbs daj. .Ic t»k.i _ ikF cb»*P«H An ltML Sl«g«2(ce is tb4 coabiry, sivtr* thor CKhljr Mb! itiOed titU fbx peop • in their •ocial.aaddamutic life tbaa naj otLer. , i

U ••d

" P I P S I S S I W A Y P O N S , ' ^ ica^ liftr aBd character, has an article in ettrry cnmbe'r.

W I N D O W CURT.\IXS. A n(W eprial itstT by T.S. Author, will coii.n;ftc»fi in tie Jari-irj lumt-cr of lije Hoiu«

" MY GIRLS .U'l) T." Ij. p niible acd pf t-d, to te crirm DCt'd in ihr Janaarjr bumbtr.

! BUTTERICK'S f**T »r. 1 ilr «€t-§. larfi ivfn tj «re<-ia! arratjfpni L1 f-Tfry m. atb. Bj ui*azi<i f the e pattfrL9, trery womka may low b«brr drt-Minakrr. TUP J.PFiT n 'r EHi LDMAO AZISE -f Amrr- , lUU UlWLt.'ll ici fitet in»n Mding for th I »bJ » gre»t!T v»rietv, fcitid to vTi-rj' o! :he i famitj, jcuug msd old, thaB May imtgtiZ' f FFfiPi l A »hcl.-k on F; C':!it!r», ff,.nj r LiUlt.Hj. »•:• .iriciiiil Qi»tu« ript. by * ii.ij-„f it-dnuBfUt lod riprrimc,-. «-:ll l-r girm daring 1 74. . .pp i f 'p BE VSTo THIS Hi'i-SE." » m4,rEiflc,-i-.t I Ij engriVirg. th>- Ersnjb cofj'of vihicli « 1!» for $U. ia trot frr* tr. rvtrr sab cri; i-r.

11 te Under ttie Same Editof!

Whose aim has eter teen to AdToc ie and De-fend


$2 50 A TEAK is tl.f . f •• • rtiiEr's nioMraici H< dos M»(:axin»'." It for by Xewndrtl. -r». P-.anci, f»b-i-et >eu!a« Slmchiot-f, Bo< k", <-te.. ilroost .rtT.n iway Prmvtira« for rcbacribt-rn. St-nd ."frr Prt-miuiu List, C^uvi—Ag-at» wkat<'i «rry«h«-rf. n raj T f ArtllU2> n-i'f.r ot-. 1 r. 'rKV T! jirtcnic a •j., i »" lnuMri.t,<! a .ni,- Magazine

T. S. ARTHI IC A: SO.\. TlTtf PhttOflcIphIa, Pa.

Tbi9 Hacikziiif anu Pitlurp v;tb Tuk Bar7i>l w;il be 6rt»t tc '-Tt-rj at-* at..l tri.- wi: ^ riber, 1"T 51 J1-, dc.-icg the month cf.iino»ry. I P.Gr ies. Editor. PKOSPSCTUS for 1874-SEV: NT I YEA2

[ StT SKIB 8?auaz, Kt 13 ZultAi Etrtr J Prlnta all telfmphis n«wi at AswcUl«d Pr« daily : alwajf lndri*ndent and fmleaa ta the txpnmlm i tta virrs; la Its n.Mr «Mrtm»nt wcond to no p»per la the SonthwMt; TrJ-W«5ly « fall coiap*Ddlara ifi tiro d»lly iMB,* Including mirktt report, tod t»:»cr«Pb; ^ e»li;y edili.m rontaina carefully preparad •siunan of tbo newa of the brouicht down to tb« tour of eolac to preaa. f nmlabed for 1574 at f oUowla« r.ttet: '.-."'"i'i'"' —leaner. ..JtJO OO »»0itfA», in orfranrey 5 oO

ir^eAfy, IS montht, fn adrancr, » OO n»tnlttat)te« may be mada by draft, money rr ier. or reds!,, red letter, at oar ri»k. Clre Post Oflice a.i(ln« to full. tBcladlneStafe and Coanty. and addwa.^^ EOBfilTS A PITRVI r a s 9

T H E A L D I N E ,



illt trat*-' Monthly ItiirnAl, •.•1 to ttff iiALil»'0;u,-»t Prriwi;. a

A Kt-p.''-?'L lAl and ( i i American Ta-t-

W. i.f


I'Si:;; vhirb it is pabl ckrd Ltiiy is r-t i=t icanECi- aiy city ic the South and

.4. Strong Baptist Paper Shonlt! be Sus-taiued Here. : f /

Th? 'ri'LcIics rfcc;:cizing the iiiLp.Ttance cl" tiiia Ci!}, tare thij year rctiim.actd the pob;:c*t:oo of a wteKly psj-er, tL&t boast 'i Titkia one voek cf bavii; a iiirgcr city circa:;iti3n :!;in acy otbrr paper prinred in ;hec!:y '


HL Bapti«t churches regard it as Christ s will that all ehorch members shoald be i-it-Tifiirsf meniert; that none should be made mfmbers. either agai&st their will, or without their knowledge. God is the Spirit, and those who worship hi« must do eo in tpirit, in truth— (John IT. 24); their serrice must be that sf loTe, faith aad abedience.—1 Cor. xiii. 1. Hom. riT. 23; XTi. 26. Ihey most " gield thea-ulvei unto G44, as those who are aliTe from the dead."—Ranr. tL 13. In ererj ^rt of their jerrice, thej: mtisl hare " first a willing isiad " —Cor. Tii* 12—must first giTe themselves to the Lord, ani then to the charch, by the will of Sod.—2 Cor. Tiii. 5.

But this r uBtcry rtertifrsM^ is epposel to th» eerripuUiannskdbj manj national establishments, and to the fi*es, imprisonEent, or worse penal-ti^ by whici membership has been ecforcel; it is equally opposed to the initiation cf ujjccc-tcicu infanti|by baptism; and to m^Vership by iirUL |

rV. Baptat churches maintain that Clirist reqtarea if/^ ac 'ri m evay member. Church •embers are poken of in Scripture as lively Itonea," fcm&ng part of "a spiritual Lcuse,'' which is devited to God.—1 Peter u. 5. The ptmg are to:fce instructed, (Ephesians Ti. 4); ia tinrtily Earned, the feeble-minded com-fcrted, the w ^ supported, y Thessaloniaas T. U); these ^ o rejoice, rejoiced with; those wfcaweep, BTmpathiied with; those who are DereaTed Tfcted.—Jamea L 27. To the sa-godly the is to be made known, (1 Hifc, ialoniana i. ; and good done to all men.— Salatiaas TiaO. these labors all thememb s engage Bat the dcsi ».'aijjg^jwo^l^|pt>bliahmenU eannot, ncr any Peds-baptist nor lof hi the matteJi

y. Ikptist iiM^^kfiUfrT* Ula-^ Christ e •m, thai wI4i UMwrrice should be gizen aitkirecig iifit iod Aat every eh-arch naaSfl-, whoft able, should thus'giTe. When making a ccUection for the poor saints at Jeru-ttlem, the apejtle say s: " As I hate given order to the church^ of Galatia, even so do yie; upon the first day if the week let aer^eiu ^ you lay by him in atoie, as God hath pr^pered him. ' -ICQnrri),?,

Thii injttnliictt sisws thsi H i« th? dnfy f crery ehnrck member to cwtribaie aa God enables him.; And the Apoatla ^ya, "If there b« first a vtSiiy mad, H is aee^t^ according ta Uiat a mab hath;' ihowisg that a willing mind ia neediU to make si»h aid acceptable to Sod. Ghtrrcl membera are to " bennd in this gnes" of iie|i and liberal giTing to the caose ef Chiiof.—2jCbr. fiiL 1-1& Bat infants can-not thss glre* and payments by compalsion, as ia 8Ut« chnaehes, are not a "gift" at alL—2 ^.Tiu.1. ;

VL Baptiat churches regard it aa Chriat'a win that all itia churches shauld be ttparaU and £*tiiietfnmtMeKOTli<cidaroriti*. "Xe are not of the world."-^oh» xr. 19. The teceptiea of Ikoae only wSo haTt been baptiied at their own daiirak •& a fiofeaaiaa «f fidth, makea a real and Tiaible fiitinetion between the ehnrch and thewodd; tetinfentmemberahip, by departing from thia ml% blenda tha church and the world ugether. Th» baptism of infanta and ike nn-jsarertci jciatcts the members of Christ with these whs ar# stin aeabers of the world. But the apoEtle sjws- "What commtmien hath light with datkcKf T and what concord hath Christ nth BelielF' Wherefore come ont from among them and be ye tef xrait saith the Lord, and toach not tke andean thing; and I will receiTe yon," etc r-SjCor tL6, 14-1&

It ta clear'that mry ayatem which exteada the aiga of Cbiatianity and ef isitiatioa into the ehsr^ t thoee who are not nae bent, doea, to that extent, alao obliterate the diatinctioa tetweea the church aad the worid. None hot bptiat ehnahee eaa realise the aUtemeat of tke apoeUs, -Te, aa Stelf atoaea, are buOt tip a

hon e, ai prietOoei, to offer np S S ^^

isd str-zgthf:: their r- Iff- ''i*'* bate tees compelled lo droj »!1 -.b f -best time expired c= !te art: of Msrch, Tticb has rtlaccJ ocr l it by eonie thossani?. Th-«, •hculc be regiicrl, a.-d di-y rs re, thi» m.,ntb.

Xow is the Time to Subscribe I

ITe-s- is tte Tisie for E7ery Friecc! of The Baptist to Work for It.

HOT fur S LE m^OK or SE JTS STORES. THE ALI'lSi.. » Liie i-ttiej witi, aM tLe r..-ni»rity, has n. ae of lb-ti-ir[- Tarv i.r timti; i.t- r- t cuaractti -iati.- of orJioaty p riDdfcnlj. It an rlteam minceilany cf pare, light nnd ra. rful literatoie, at. I a Coiiectioii of pictcrea. tbe ramt »p«cimek« r.f artijtic ditili, in Ma.-k and wh t'-. .\!thou;:b each bUCC'-edin; tnuil—r affords a frefh p!eaear- to in frieod<, tbe r««l valae and beauty of the AlJine »il; m'->t appreciated aft.-r it baa i-e-u Iv. ctid .it the oluse ot tl,e y<«r. Wbi!e otbi-r pablicatioQ may claim superior cbeapne a, &9 compared with rIvaN tf* ttaiilar cja.«s, tin- .\Miae is a uaiqt:- and "ripinal cot:ce(.t:i u—•Ion- an ! •.:narpro.ic!.<-,i—»l,,„lBte-!y coai;:?!;t:oa i-r-. i- i.r ,hirsit?r. Tbe seafor >.t a c mplete eoiiime caaatt daj-Iicate lb? q jaa-tity of fioe paper and engravinsa in any other rtap. or o» T.-lames fjr t -t. iim.s in" co.'. tLen. tbere aii' tbe cbrtunt—. t.e«ides '

. IBT DEP.IKTMEXT, The intiiitratA-ns . f the Aldiae hare won a *orl i irid.' re(.n!»t:.>c. a?!.! in the .irt c-nt-rs Karoi..* it :•« an ad-mitted fact tti»t lt« wood cnt« art-example" of the bijtbe»t perfect! a evrr iltaiaed. The ci.r.imon pri-iudice in faeor of •• »terl plHteii," rapi lly yi-l.!iag to a m i-edi!c.ited and Jiscrimiaaiing ta.t'which rtcoin.zn the adyanta;;.-? .f enperior a~rti«t:c rj,:a;ttv with cr-»ler facility of pro iuction The wo»J lutJ of tbe Aldme ikh-sfff-» a!! :he d; !ica<y Jtid eUb rrite hni-h of tbe m .n C0"t!y »tee! plate, while tb- v- aff ul a tett.r r«t ! rinr tbe arti»t"« c.riviaal. T* faily realize the wnnderful wcrli wbicb the Aldine is doing for tbe cauae,.f art culture in Americm it !«on!y mc. j.ary t,. tlir r..»t t - Ihe people of ;iny t.Ihtr decei.t represeatati<.s« vf the prila-ti-.m cI frvat paiiitera, lu adaitien to liesigci bJ tbe mnalera of t.he >4tion»l niy. and other n- t, J American arti>n, ih Ald.u. will reprrduce exampl s . f th.i I. et foreign mamrj, Vctei with a lieu to tbe b.ghe.t artistic «u,CfM and sreat.-at central iiit-r.Ht. li.n-i the snbscriber to th-.AlJine will, at ;i tr fiiii; tost, etjoy IE bl« own hame the p!e.%»iire« and refining inilaencea of trne art Tbe qaartetly tiutrd plate« for 1674 will l« by TLox >• ilL"av and J. V. WcoJarar.!. Tbe Chriatmaf i»«ne for l**?! will coi,tain uperiai . e-•igCB'priitr to tbe Ly cur le»! artifti, anrt •»i!i .Crpa;- ia ittr»ct;.>ni »ny of itj prsdectusura.

A G E I T T S W A N T E D fort beck

' ' TeUI tAW' A I-itc • F.ltK-ricnce In Momwai'm. lij Mrs. T. B It. Sicn. rr Late Ot.. *-.,h .n I, Harriet Bescher Stowe. ike teocm. .»ui..ik.fn; I liy «( anedjcalei Udy. iifr lia» heeo ™iii lo o!liirli.-e-«ra<- criio-i.-?.. arid 4oc> fleet of til. Filou. Irr»inr.« T«t ncr» tui. Xo IS, T.a.i> i» riLi. tv nw t i romplet* la d--taiJ. dvllriia ia itTl . than fl rtui m-re ifiriiiinj iLan tmun-e ItijiMi..M, r.i*riM n. i ujioa liie •ubj.-et avta warrrxN ty * am. UoKu-.a S u>i0..rtniora.Cticf.Jiiiti««. J-odi-.. r,i,u>i. C;.t.

i,.:4. OitSt txxij FoU partic«iirs."teV!.miiC .~terK.'e:-ettt frtt. yI. EE-V CITY PCBLlaHIXG CO . Clr-loBUr, O. A 7 I". « If, i •I

A eve? V-v. liT.t GENTS Wawted


or ih- LiTt an-! Character* <»f the r rinrijal Pfrr rnaces recorde.l it tLf Sair .J Writing*. U itU »a intrt>victtion ty R"**, Il cry \V«rl and Arpradss, coc-tuiu'L ta:r:> ri-s -r:Alioni» u thv Ev!»it-acf« <f Diricp RfT -Ii ioL fub 'lli-b <i «rith upw«rJ of Tw . H ccirt-d aad FiTty KncraTiuz-. I*art!ruUr« fr-»» Kin \ h bi r. I'v r; ( o., g T r> 4:: --I" North »-th St.. St. ! • M-. AQKXTS WAXTED ""


Tbf left -r.i r! tUf liTtn? aal dead Pnacht-rs * f tht- mriJ an J ol »1J iarge xasfs, I • jaat:fu!ly U-nnn, aui i;m?:r:*irU «.tb fttrt^l •ttpraTiuare V-r* I w-pri-f.i. Sol? • o't ly -scnptiot. ant] cttt r bo"tE at alt hke ic. E\ rv «-.\nta a ocpy ai.d a£» J.'T ! .u Fw-r 9ix:i tiyt circulttrt m st Hlxrai tf m to acpn?«. addrnii, F. A. t ' o.. T.4T.r»i: 1 Lt-n e W A N T X S D ! ! !

H O M E . i-Tirerj'il

•W".;i set one active friend at earb pDitc S-e casrafis fer reai-xaij ?

TTe Wi:] s-ad 1 lut of dropped nanje? to sncb, aad pay turia 3. b»nifoaie casl: cmmis«;cn f r iLi-ir lalor, or sticb preminots as they may prefer.

Five H;::idrtd Eibltf Baptism " as preniinms '.c f ae «;tl; ?: We ttant to atcd our

1000 A IVEEK firsii leels tnctmp. Xotice our Preminmt.

To every CEe saUcribiag or renewUg for The Eirnex wlthia tilrty iiys will lead tbe Masa'ficeit En-zriT'.nz cf

is a view in tbi \rhite Mcnataim, Kct UaapsLir*, the other fire* the CliiTi.of Green lllT-r. Wyoming TtrriU'iy. Tbe dill Tence ia the uature of the szcaes thttasflvea it • [l.'ating rf-ntrast, and affords \ gcod d!«pl«v of (he arti-fs acoje alid rr.Ierlng. The cbromea "are each worked friim thirty d:-tinct pl.iten. an 1 are in »ilc (IS ly IS) anJ appearauee exact l»c »ini:;,» tt th? cr;i;:L»l». The pr-!»eatat:..n cf .•» wt rthy fx.aiple tf Ai.ier:cA'e sre«te«t laneacape painter tu tb embcribera of the .A!d:i;e wr.s a bold I at pecali ,rly bappy idea, and its »ncc»«ifnl realiz.tion ii atteated by tbe f.Ilow;i,g t.sti-mon;»:, ITer the signature of Mr. Moran himself, XcnAaF, N. ;., jejtem'.ei 20, ItTJ. 1 Mt-sas. J»Mr« SriTov .i Cn • I

GtMi !::•I» —! am Celii:bted with t!i- prcofj in coli r ot I jonr tiuuaioa. Toey arc wo6der;ui,y cttcceasfui repro-j AGKSTS W.WTED tv ty viLer f. .'i!:i-ni-w aad rea'ations by aitcbaa-CAl priKiess . f lUt triiiual paint , beantifaliy !i:r.«trTt-d I -ek ,.! the Ant "r'1 Thirty Very rfSj ctfuUT, ! Trora" Lire and Adveatcies aniia.- tb- ludiacs, la the f?;ptied,) Tnos. JIORAX. I Mexican Wars, huatint w:i.'aninal'. etc.. et-. Thrill

Azt-af ii. - very touu in the I. uitnl Statf" -o •••rcnu*te onr t.-tr b< ok . Ct.'EtA;uiij.; over page aii-I iHa*. trarei Sae ftt.l eajli-.itis«. It ! wiLt. We i-ut'ish a ; SPLE.VDil) Ql ARTO FA-MILY DIBLE. t Send for ciTCaT:ir. Tli« II. It. PI BLIStllXG C O., N.r» . h, Conn. X 7 111 41



These cbromoe are in ere-y sen?? .Via-r;c«n. TUrj arc 'nslj int-ritting. and etiiir.g by an orirlnal American prncfss iritb mat'-rial f .\ajeri- 'before kro!*rn. Send for Iiln.rrate-i rfrrTilar 'F. K. ; fjster l.-.iil.


•aiia fTiry passage In the

can manEfactnre, from desijtns of Ameriian tcniery by aa American paiDirr, and preseLltd tJ euI.scriWr* to tha Snt aocceesfal Am-rimn Art Journal. If no bct'ir b**cai2ie of all this, they will certainly poasoss an inter* est EO fureigs projaction can inspir®, ktd neiihiT mt« they any the worse ifby reason of ptcallar fto tte* cf production they cjst tue publisherj only k tnB», »hile •'jnal in cTery respect to ofh'r chromot that are told sinjTly fur donble tie prjce cf the .Udine. Panow of . taste will pr z» these pictnrM for tbeOUdTef—net ' price they did or did not cost, and will apprecUta tie

IIC'cniN* >N t Co.. St. L'lUis. JIo. aytUiig «Ttr Tilar F. !

S- •< r.i

Testament aliaiias to j euterpris* that reodera their distribstlon pMilble. baptism, arranged aroaad it. I: is t-oth Ixaatifai aad ' » prefretnct f ir

AG£XTS AVASTED t, 1 a copy-if O i: R H O M E P II T S I C I .4 X Tc> every 'amiiy ia ti.e land A oew i.u l popaUr guide to the ait 'f pi<-strTing hmUh aad tnatiug tUsraae, withadvict f'r all medic*! »ti 1 stir -irjl etceig-jiClf* of tbe faaiilr. F.'F t- rnu '.V ;• fJrrv- Wc.trnN Fi niisiiisj Ccn-r.i.NY, H.-- \VV.t FiUith eitetl, Ciaciacat , i.'. A 7 II

asefcl, aad should b« ia erery Baptist family. Will not Baptist Fastora engage to gather np the

dropped names at their offices? We will pay handsomo* I7 la b«o1u or oaah.

We wCi wad a $15 Brace for '23 new aad scriber: !

Tb< nibts of 50 Indies, ' ktirg eyaaj ft^re subject, the pnblisners wiir send Boae," a new and beantifal cbromo. 14 by ruprtsentiDg.t little Itaii.iu etils whotc sp< bt tray tbe lo giaes of bis heart.

TER.1IS. <nswed scb-1 55 per asniiri in Aavaace.witii Oil Cilromo f e

For 50 C»iit« cztm. the cbromos will I? sent.


Woman in the Tenipcranco Iterorm. or,

WUI not the Sisters help ? They thall receirc Madame . m o o o ' - . i - p r e p a i d l.y mail. .,1.1. i. i n. _ f The .Mdloe Will hereafter be obtainable only by «nh Dem.Tr,.st • Monthly, witl. the Sl.5 Oil Chromo, ftr 10 ; .ctiptioii. Iher.j wiU be no redncM orelab r V

•t I" rt f/ia.trrt:o"> iiill>:'iJ-j am! pn-,-to liO copies a d iy. Oni 17, St. . gects caa sell ii a-iy. uni 17. si. Addre4*fi Gootlspted'a Empire Pub. Ilonar, C Iticago-

new aul renewals. Cash I


I for subscriptions aoat bo lent to tho pabUjhera direct, : or handed to the local caOTasaer. without reaponslbibty I to tbe piiHitliers, eif'pt in rases where the certificate is giren, biaring tbe fac limile signature of Jamee Sut-ton & Co. CASVASSERS WAXTED.

The Superb Serial " The Destiny of Israel," ; vasser viU be continued thrc-ugu this It it p«<stiariy rich In tbe interpretation of the Prophetical Scriftures, and will increase in interest to tbe end.

Another Valuable Historical Series vill be commenced, <'Tbe Snfferlngs of Baptlat* InPnat Ages" —for the aeatlmenta we hold to-day.

XeTCT was the Influence of The Bim=T ta< re needtd b7 the Baptiita of the Soathweat than now.

Without ia. The graat Battle with the North—that is ajitattag the question of forciig mii?d schxli cpon Bs. Thia qaeation mtut be met.

Within Is, The efttrt of oar Loaia and Liberal 2Iinis-ten and Hemlxn to carry the DencBisatijn into

OPBX C09tMU<II0jr.

The qceation mtut beaet, and can only le sticceasfully met upon thegrouad occupied by this paper.

Brethren, Ujou thtaV it la net-led, extcul now iti circulation at your oSce.

We shall aim to publish a Taliuble Exegetical Article Weekly, and a good Sermon f om car belt Fieachcn.

I<(«cial atteation wQl b» paid to the

Family Department,

and the readiiUE selected fer the Children. Tha paper will be aent fog One Uosth toiaak brethren

as Pastors deem to ICS the paper, with a rlev to their lubacrlbiag.

Loot at joar figures aad do not perajt you' be dropped out. Addresa

Any person wishing to act permanently as a local can-isser will receire full and prompt informatieu by appSyins to JAMES SUTTON & CO., Pablisieis.

T17 38 Maldeu Lane, X. V.


CHARLES SUMNER, Willi an Introdnction Ijj- Ex-Gov. < laflln, Is readyr, Tlie ctaaracter and aervlccaaftlie noble hfatei.uian, the special advantstgea poisessei! Iiy Hie nelUknotm aiitliorw, the •beantlfnl hello'ty pe parlrntts, enijravlng^ fac almilc letters, Ita size <304 pages, KmOO and low price $l.5'ii. combine to render thUthe JtlOST POPVI.Aa TOOK of tUe day. .fgenta wanted. c. L07nr.vr i ".o , ra;;:8he-i. r 7 W 42 S-nl fur lbe!r fLilI 11 u.trated •atai-pue.

SEMI-; Clobj of tea crjnore, each.. .. MQirrHLT—Single copy

pXPERIEXCBD CAXVASSKR« waited for " •• WAKOES S private LIFL AND prBLIl! SER-VICES OF SALMOS P. ('HA<E. • K-yaloctaT J, nearly OjO pages, » work mre to fotnmao 1 ptiMic attention and patronage widely than ai y pcbli-ib d for years. Onl3t and tc-cad Pro pecta. 51 Hire p&rti- ciar» tc- expe; icLce and chjice o' letrltcry, snd aJdresa WILSIACH. UALDWIK i: CO., ri cusiits", A7 3t-I» , 141 «Tij14lKj>f» rtrwt. ripcTitiatl.

CiObs of ten or more AdCress

7 31 tf C. SCJISE5. Marion. Ala.

Bqok, Agents

M c A L I ^ I S T E R ' S S A F E T Y W H I F F L E T R E E !

[A Great Opporlnnlty to Make Xoney and I to do Cooil by Saving Lives and Properly.


Cross and Crownl The spirit and power of the teHstoB of Jmvs Christ as I trioasplu of Ua fellow-

• I ^ B A P T I S '

came to . illustrated in the suSeriags and ! ers. A nobler, swatter and more Solemn story ts aot to be found in all Uw range of history. MagoUccntly inns-trated on steel, by Sartain and lUman. By far the most baaaUfal and attractln book of tbe year. Fend for circolara with full descripUoa and terms to NATIONAL PPBLISHISO CO.. MemphU, Tean. 6 JT (7 H)

] S r o . 3 6 1 M a i n S

Memphij, Tenn.

11 Bo«k Afenta Hejolcc t Bard Tlmea no Kore: e e t , ^ - — A G K ,

This Ke* PaifBt SAFETY VViitFFLSTnET is to simple aty ll-icktmith n.a mike it. Strta;. ee nre it its iiitcb, and so perftti ia it. arr itgetcett that *> L 'r»e maybe re rased ircta venl-l* or as i-'ct as thscght. by thesimp'e jerk ofa sttis.f. i Xo Extra Haru(>.«i« l i e q u i r ^ .

A Wild Hcree M.17 bi Wo ked vr th Perfect ' Safety.

It may bn uwi ia Single or Doable n«r9«s. is Cheap and Darab'e, acd tbe mete si<c!>t of it will commaad it to any maa of ordinary sense. lu utility is aot qiiestioned by any whir bare seen it. By its general use uaay Una and limbs, and much property would be isted. Territory fer sale on rery J«tf?r8 !« tersEs, »S!?

now ready. SecuraTerrito before it U too late, CanTasalsg outfit n.50. for terms addreai,' . Comtlmental PoblUblac CoBBpanys

ETliElS SewOrleaaiorSt J i.

- , _ ri^U-aa honorable and proStalle bustnees—would da w<I ito ad. dress the Inrentor befsre tbeir choice oftelrltaiy is S«U to (ome otter person. AQdress







I X T H E S O U T H E R . S O C T | W E S T

C R E E N | 1 S

mmim B T I T I R S I


orgacs afttB ii uia

Bs L O W E X S T E D f & B R O S .

t i t ;5tte City We woa'jJ resf tcifjil; it orm c=r Tritn >

aa i Country tbat we »re Bo it in EMeij* of the Li- J . t acd I


- C K - I


Kver Broiiicht to Ihl* Hark


Th» stoBiacb is 1110 ot the m'jst h=ni»a system ; ai. 1 the intUetsUhle it by he reqTi:rem.nts of modem sovSty, kt ap it :b

A STATE OF CHBONIcjDISORDE^ whicfiisfillowelLya resort to totfics nd alt-ra:i»« tit rtliel. It un'oriunately happefs, >owe»»r, thm: manjtof the medi'-ines ased for thi purpose c»ntaj« alcolsl, ahicb, po<ueJ into a disease«at ach, prodcM ImtsSion, creates iEflammation, ai a>cnia;.ec than jood, j J OX*GEXATED IlITT%:ilS

T.4.131 AIXOk^lM bat aae a purely tt^^al preparati4, .ich. in c w or B iPEPSU, PEAKTUCBN, l!r|>IffESTIO>, «.iaB otherike disorders, at once restores tie slonath u. .u

NATURAL CONDinOX ( i F t a E i L f l . ThP OXTGEK.ATED BITTERS hi*-, t-ca the k<«

ti fz ar riBttdy 10* ta- atore comp!* o<» tr the tsiit THiaiT voias, ai-i atiU maiataij rDrriaairr. Pric. T per bottle. j

SCfel ETEBrWHEil.; JC'H.N r. HEJJaT. CrBRAS ± Ct. l rtipr tjiv.

E 7 gt IT rr ' SandSOollep.f'l.f,.


Biack ajuliJohrea Gros Grai&ilks, "•W-".-"':'"*—''*' •III!

Elack, Colored and Fancj Faille ^ks,


FIouentIne)« and Epinglii

IRl.'^H L)NEX.>; WHITE Gioi tS ,

Enibroidfrifs, E' al Lafj aH EiLfr-il.

Book Agents Wantird f r the t'JIDEVELOPED WEST, or Five Years In tha Terrilorlei. By J 11. BEA-I'Lii, Western t%<rr«p oden i-f Cinfiinati CVaoiercial. Tbecalyc mplt ta histcry r.f that T»«t region betirefn the Mississippi acd th- Pacific. Its Besources. tliniite, Iuh»b!ti!i:«. Natqral Curiusiti.s, . tr.. witi. lif 11.'! ad-Tvlitareoti Prai ries. Monntains and th« Piciflc Coast. The fc.fok 1, ;ll3slrate.i with -jrer :iVJ fin- • n.jiaviucs. Send for» w.t!: t-ra:« .Address. NATIOSAL PCBLlS-HlNG CO.. Kemuuis. Teas. • l -if (7 16)


Belug of Our Ow

We are fr.f ar..i to t


NES ^ ^ ^'a^^rite Homel8|iiuidjl

a: at ion

PSIi'ES Cv.\'5:PEtiABLY L -WER o Tmn these goc.d, have ever before b;eB sold at

or any orn-. K»:k-t on the fvuiioeat.

" -—rf - .U .Awe MU QOCUXT:. bi'ia. Altw o»er rcaiT iixas' trial It is rtlD- nc wiae b t*»tiaonlals to lu Tinn« from ^ ofthe hiihest eha-aeter aad resprotai ty. Esilc-physitians reccmm-Dd it as the nUt^-

- EFFECTUAL sPEaF:!c Fcsr aU diseases of the Urer, Stomseh •usJ S-rleaa.

Ar a Bemedy in \ Cemplaints, *>nt>.psU K!et_ I prs ions, ResUe nsss, Jaandice, 'p^a^Sii eS^ ache, roue, nstipation and BUiuuss s ^^^


1 T r30:8 31

B A r . V f t C R E m - n s ^ ? OS .

TLe EXAKTHF.MATIO METHOi> cf ODIE. The^imi ie acd ewty m«coer in wiiia atese remsj

are ajfplied rrajirs it practicalle fi.: oas Co them *itii scccess a his own familr "

3 tkis or


Ladies' Ready-Made Saifs an I Im-

ported Costani<-s { 0 : - r l '

Fr;. 1 fU t the

Bs L O W E A S T E I N ^ BBtoSs ,

and 'j44 3IakuSt ,Car. JciTcr

r (T .vo aiemphls, "Rnn.


J. D. WILLIAliES, Whtilfsale ud Ert»II De»!tr li :


(Hothing-Pumighing A.1..S0,

Trunks, Valises, Travelin. Robber Goods, Shawls, Hats

Umbrellas, etc., etc. jfo. 3ar M-A-iN ST.,

A Liberal DUroant made to lUIster of the G ti-3WTii.41




Foreign and Domestic Ory (|i)ods, would especially call attention to thei' splendid DreM G0-V..S, Lin-Hosiery city.

Gor-ds, Embroijnries, L , the lest assortment if iloariSng 0 SiMPLE? SEfT FBEK •

t«ct ol ;es aad ia tb»

ordeis amounticg to SJf .oa or after, wiufte sent free of freifbt cliarpes l.j- Eipress, h«! parti sthw orders are not accoapa-'iid by the mjaey, ac hsTiac their goods »< nt C. 0. D., mrst pay fer rttutsofthe money. W T 6 2T

Book P.-: B«*srBcf ccuaterftit*. LlNl>K.>, Practica. Bfcnacheldtist, A 7 a g rr aS) CieTeland. O. V >1. grawe.- «Tt.

I OR. T. P. DENTIST, i ;

Ho. a ST aala Street, (r]^St^rs,t lLi£ SI3U?HIS. T«1.

F i t s Aud S p i l i b p s F . jsitiTily cured. Ti« worst caae*. of ^ by nsiii DB. HKnS.ARO'S CT Ka ;ositiT>ly cnred. T^ worst caa<i«. nf ti Mt Btaaa^

£r:Ab.ttieatt FEEE tcali addressi&e J. E. DirtLsii, ^ra^t, Mt fck aTerue Tork. i ^ A T »<S


Assets, $1,534,433.97. Aninal Iac«ac, $1,000,000.

Tee Leadiag Life Company c:' tlU E-IAED OF D BECTCFJ, iTKiirara, TEKE-

T. A. l»el»oa, A. J. Ithi*?. Jac.>C-Vreae.-, Amos Vo-l.-sJ H. A. Partee, Ben. Kay. C. W. Fraa. r, F. 8. Prrrt, W. E. (3.erry, Ghas. Jorirocfc:. W. C. Ireland. .1 Kf. K. C. iSlar. Get. J. B. Cordon. Ge, F. M. ini-t«,'

S- H. Townsrnd. OFFICEE.?.


..Tlc4.PrMlt« Secreta

..i.Tr» ATLANTA DEPARTMENT, ATLANTA, QL Oen. lOHS B. GOklMN..: A. HiCOHiriTT-, __i.„l.Tiea <e J. A.1101;EI3 Ilea. Seentaiv A. AtSTELL, E. W. HOLLASD £..i.Fia. Csc.

_ < Its Sacctss Asrared. Its Ec^tay IThoS"

Tsissed. Iti Security Un^^stWMi. d ^ ^ a isssad Atlaafc paid. AGESTS WABmi.-AetlT) aOdAt Mi nuM Aseats'and Solieltotj wanted. ASdreaR 4

. BES. HIT, Set V. lfe«phls,|refla. T-3-tf &ea.A.H.COLQUITT,V.P trAtt*at».<fc.

Po'irfrs of er Fartsi*%l


TYPE ^tei'eotvre ar|i 3ileiitrotvf^


SLLISON, ^MITH & JCHKiol >iAxi F.<.rrur.Er.s of, and DEAicr.s i.s- i

B O O K AND N E w ^ T v f e A-d PatvriNi Matekmj ot everj dc'crpAn. STEREOTYPING, ELECTROTVPING. fcl WOOD ENGRAVING ia all ?hcj branches. p. ntR* IJTTiL-ti fjr FeS»iii:rs. | Ti-19-tf , I


cir<7< %'r sate rary a CawssiE wilk ws raLgiac troffi 3S« indisa,a

ConaaSSg - ¥

4 <»<> LociesM. Ujur tua eiaa:

The subscriber Fonr &colar Ba pert*«t4r;er. Also »

One ^olemas's 18-SLKCH RO€

The Sill look the First Prrmiura and UiMisstppi State Fairs. This MiU to be s arpsoe iand is In peodoTder. Aldn^atoece B.B. :c7 tf • Johnsioa's Statiatt. Bsar aiaatit, W. KUGl , ntAin a a


S*. I T«mUa'i lUeQkt Korthmat Crraer i»t Ualn aad Aarssa

5 JACKSOS, TKSS. f j i i. ? Vatcaes, aovba and Jewelry I Call ted aee Be, »B-1 try my woil I glTe ««:aafa*gti.>a. f ^ I.watrsst

1 J. w. Biu.aA5. .e 1 jUE^.!

A S I L V E R T I P A d d s P i v e C e n t s

T O T H E C O B R O F A . ^ H R ^ . a n d SI to lis y a f j c . 1

GZX^Ai: COMMISSION l^^HAFaC-^ • • ^ - 2 ' ' 61 poydra* Strr(| i

I NEW <|:U£A5S, in-attention i atd to ccuIciSiiiitiits of fVsili DBS. ? . t e-M

i 4

OoloBS, tXe

51 7 BUCKEYE BELL F 0 U » 0 ; EstablishK a;

EuperSur Tm, »iotaited.: wi:T»

^ liu^tei OsMiirw mouzLVii

102 tad 104 Cast Sccsad SUCut, C. 6730853

E. C. lltWWELL.: JQai!^ JOEEd Hi l^owiLL & J O I A ' 5 ^ ,

A 'FT 0 I L ^ B T S A J L A l ^ ^ Nffc 43} kADlSOX STga^T.

, AlUANTA^^^ J W L L S , SMtES O B M O ^ , ^ K ^ i t t e e c h

Tdt <f<cS»sa of "^e^ ' we rriTtt 8e|!» ' - A

The m i i - G l T B ! tofiad' Addt«a,wl:aittH»p.X.C. 6TS4S37

issM<CdM T^CB

- i

THE - Amazon Web· i«gKiaiIr Mari> wor ikj Bmf*. k «nJ1-kBa«a Aothara. Priea T5 r ctx (sell. . S n - [PDF Document] (8)


T H E B - A J P T l b T - M E M 3 ? H i S , J T J Z S T E 1 3 , 1 8 7 4 . i


i 1


at (CBBllBB«ltr»a*«kP«(i»-)

m T o dertrof the cori&lei^ of the com-. .W.- —* -

3i dterro the iiBregoiag disfetioiw.

Z die i M p I e thai yof m n ia the

j i o i A br T o M orcircomstkoiea, bst hare

a o m p O T t f o r t i w m r m w f a i ^ bodneM is

auPcfaluh the fsolU of yaur brethrea,

lakiag c u e to maeBifr.tliein. |

4 X a k a no effort to indace people to

ittead the church. i

9 Tahe ao part ia the h b o n cf the San-

Jky-wAeoL ""

c: F a b l ^ ft on aU occaaiona that yoa hare

Ao-confidaice ia the oonem-^redlct that

Ajaant tdl—to dawit-^Kow vjf—and nerer

mseaed. i-

3f c^iaerTing theaa dinctkMa futhfoUy,

joa mar hare the mtisfaction, if e chorch

ii ao( BBoatalir T^oroos, of iv-^essing the

rf yooriB^ctionai

The l o e M a n s SidGEms.


K d l o c s oa the Sih inai,

th» foUowiBg meuafB to Gen-

a e i Btiknap, Seeretarr of W a r : " T h e

•afSA- eonunittee r e p o ^ that the lof-

AKxacftom the OYerfloir reaiaitaa Bosbated

M Ateha&IaTa, LaFoarehe, t M Ooachita

thmzgh tiiera ia aome ilhatement ca

_ benia <k t ^ I G n B i ^ p L "j^e cimmit-

^ ara laoiaK faDr fbrlj tfaoflland rations

U X i sBd isx totae dirtricta ar^wmpelled to

xatriet their r ^ t f t o t h e w o c ^ aadchild-

aea, eren. where w o ^ ii not ittainable for

ikit able bodied. If fha geoiRal gorern-

x s a t would order the i w n m y of tireaty

tomiaad ratims daily from first appro-

•fiatiaa, it would avert mneh •Bfferiog."

^ Xethodlst PaUIahiog H e « e at Nash:-

TiUe u d HirdeCs TmBcs. .iTidence h u beea obtaiaad reeentlyin

raatter of tiie claim of the Pabllshiag

Mnme of the U . E Chnrcb ^ t h , located

at SaahTille, T e n a , for the oa* and occapa-

iam and appropriation of, and danuges to,

H|8«? piopertj daring the w w hy the United

Xates militarT aathoritiea, shoving that the

FcAabliabment printed Hardee's tactics for

of tse Cimfnierate army, not under

sDSBpslaion, as is alleged, but tiat the work

was obtvned by the said Souse aa the

bidder. The claim a jfer f45S.G00,

the TOte in the Committee on W a r

•f is understood to be wkj close, an

I presfure harin^ b e ^ brought to

Bear firom the South to leco^ at least a

of the c ^


Baptist Publication Society

A T W O R K .


The Hymn aad Tane Book.

This book, pr«p«r«I by the Editor of the old

SoaLhera Psalmist, is dssigotd to take the place

of it altogether.

It is a colleetion of all the mo3t precious

Eymas and sweetest Songs in use.

The tjpa is large and clear, the piper good

the fdrm coaTenient (can be carried in the coat

picket), and all that can be

O K S n U B D F O R C H K A P X K S S .

By the doi«a, $ 1 2 ; by mail, $ 1 . 2 5 .

It giTcs the most general satiifdction to all

churches using it. Lst erery church supply

itself this au!Bifi«r. Let every father mike a

present of one to each child that c&n read, and

ihey will learn <o sing. Music in the shaped

notes most approred.

j a r t ^ allowance lun. Judge

Zamcnce, chairman of the c^nmlttee, ia

asderstood to be opposed to thf payment of

3ihe claim, or any portioii of i t , u d it is not

IS^ei? to pass the House daring the present

JBWun.—Wasnhgian dispatek of May 13 to

(Xejgo Tnhait f I h—

Prcx & JoBssas, the well k n W a law firm

i * Washington, tekgraphtd thf Little Bock

SaseUe on the third instant, t$at they ap-

j m n d before the Congrewonal Committee

^hst day aa the representatiresff Arkansas,

s a i F S e n m l K k e argued thwfprotest, and

Hut the chairman asthonaad Ihem to say

fasfe committee has dec:4f d| to risit Lit-

Je BiJck at an early der- - llcC&re, Turner,

3aniEgton, Dorsej ana ikher^ they add,

already testified with m u A rtchneas,

jod they swear with moch e e a e ^ aa awfixl

Teiga of ternnr, aad that the of no one

ssafe who is not for Baxter, but all ia

^i-—Appeal I

• emphls Cotton Martet.

Jkn^ad btfJiOM d Cbj/bt, Ihmi Street

Maarsis, 4 5.=., Ja^e 10,1874.

OKfiaary -4-.—12i@I2}

The New Psalmist.

This ii th» ab.?»e b-^k without the music.

Its supariority orer the Southern Pdalmist con-

sists in the following features, tii. :

1. Its large, beautiful, clear type. Oar older

breUiren will appriciate this. It can be used

with a dim light aad at night.

2. The index of first Itaes is also in Urge type.

3. It is scarcely felt in the pocket; lws like

A BaicK ia shape and weight.

I T I S C H E A P E R . P R I C E , 85 CENTS .

4. It ceataias all the bsst Soags of the old

Psalmist, and a great many more.

5. It csntains no Hymns that teach bsplisnial

regeneration, no Songs to dead sisters, brothers

or babes, and no invocation ef angeU.

6. It is a CHEA.PB& and in all respecU a

B£TT££ book; price 8o cents.

e ® " When you order this, write: " Send the

Sew Psalmist vrithout nates."

15 ©15 } flswl uidiaary—...

Srtr wddliag—I—

n d i E a g i 17'@lTi

atatt aiddBxng— 4.. . . .17j@18

^ood* a£UIIiig„......... . —

The Little Seraph.

This litUe book contains all the music in the

flyBin aad luae Book, and is dsslgaed for

Sunday-Schools, for Prayer aad BeTival Mee't-

ings, and for the Family. The object of the

Editor was to gather into one book all the best

D m c n o n . % Omr Sc««na.—ir« aiBot hold n d f ttapaaii-

minrtiMtlmtf eainBpaadMtatacu» m Bt to

*gKr-B0»». Whn viik jaor yapar ii»aTStBa«»«twt«t:y^ffl«»TO» — i f a t ^ t t , ssi

M t k a r n tiw n a o ^ T-«0, Owfnt Icars tsIU •H&aTOlM—taad tt»weo»il amrihr yo« tta« ia

D- C 1 • lara.—Write oa^ si o n la a ihaaJ. tfcwt arMa^Os^ Ibka two or • raBkcn sfjvu KtUa rtfker Oa^ writ* • loax

' •Maiiiiltilliiu WiUaia itwMof uo»»^ui yoar we-OoMtmiaiuutldBUiaaiaaMitagat uA

i »SiSm •liiiiaaH fty' • ^ • • t M taMian njactad a e ^ or «tat f m viili to tk« pna.

SdnvateaaaoMoiMit ia kMket. U

I wka a frfTak rqltr to j w iBrf"" . tacIoM • . or ititca MWlBH (Ual7 dnetad to jonr

and sweetest Soags aad Inaes now in use, and

to reject all those that inenlcate unscriptural

sentiments that abound in so many of our Sutt*

day-School books.

It has been awarded this praise: " I t eon-

tains more of the best and sweetest Sunday-

school songs than any on* book offered to the

pnblic; aad, best of all, the sentiments of its

songs are oaexceptionable."

The music is in the seven shaped notes, which

can' be tu*d ai ronnd ones. It is designed for

ths miUioB. Let every i>arent present one to


Price per dozen, | 4 ; by mail^ 4 0 ceats.

All oiders will be promptly attended to.

. vat jon pMlB«aaa^1l,lhBt • • i Ma^ftaaawaaavcbMk*. tajd eTwaHQgant AawtiiMtoiaariiiil Hi?

SlHTTB. u m H o m . — ^ W e nafl your

i ^ t o 9 a e k :HiIl ,TenB^aa4 ik » seat

h A W h i t e ikouIdtil iaMi^?

Aok P . JOXBS—Sead all t o ^ Qoina'a

(tore, S o a m k , ] C m , - 4 # t t i »

• a * will cara all tote eyes «a !t|dhl>u«a.

Hoa, Arit—Write fa^^BU. W. D.' J k r i e } d , B a s a s n IXaaacv,

hooka. Beaditlil P a s t a 9 >

i i Sat Cor. u . Sat. ;

Itfc A . i XcSaaa . T e w t — f • e h e e e f U l y

I S IB til juji pBTHOTsitiottand

tatdtbasda. ffledtoWr p o ^ S i i i d K w f r i i a r ^ t . f i t

J . M. l U H | r r l i i a . - > m eaoaot

H o w isfay A m b do

jpR«UlBkim9iiddoiitBia: t ^ i r ^ S a t

rHiBcnMr . W c s n a t a

e B . T q 9 B * » Wm-^Yaae W 00

leea'aed bsl It r; aoi ia


1 the l a e * j ^ f e . U i k i f t ,

W . M l C a z n n o L

n e Bible Dtetri ie of the FntareLi«B.

Jast is3ned and «aady for delivery.

Price by aiall, eeets; per doxen, $ 6 .

Address all orders, wiUi cash, to

J . WL C M A T E S ,

June, '74. f61 Main Bt, Maaiphls, Tean.

'm- ^ . J- - ^

PH««a soMI T a s M BeiM^


l a F i r f a i S i S S IM u s a ^ - i . ;„„ ;f ;r : tss

UffWfc- -r ,,,. ^ 1 0 0




UPCIS I n a u u B t .

. I B

- C ® 18



u n u t s n & r a .


W . D . K a T n n s , Boa. ICaaager,

P I C T U R E P B E B O i H S F O B 1 8 7 4 .

F o r to every one subscribing or

renewing fbr Taa B a m s r in Jaanaiy, Tax

Barox ( i ^ } , MadMa^t)iiirirt 'a Monthly

($3). aa i » t M ehMli6, the Ntall price of

F W 38.60),

Diutiratti Horn* MaffcaiTU ($2JiO) aad apre-

nium pletnr^ "Peacs be Uato T U s House."

F o r f 9 k S O » to every new subscriber, aad

everyoao Naswing in the month of January

W« wOl give Taa BArasr and a boautifal


Extra to CaaTassen.

Evtiy sister, or brother Bialstar Mading ks

five new 8«Mcaa&«n, flhtO have hia or her

paper gratiflLiO^A ehraoo, aad each new

(ubscribar aball hat* a pbtor*.

Or any mialatcr or meaher renswing ten old

sabsorlbMi shall have hi* paper gratis aad the

splendid pictnr^ "Seriptnal BapUsm," and

each reaeirer shall have a ehromo or this pic-

tore. These offers good for January.

We want all to go to work this week for new

aad renewers.

C a r p e t a a n d F n m i t n r e , at loirets

prices, at Ames, Beattie & Co.'s, 396 Main street.

H . G . H o I I e a b e r s , 3 9 4 M a i n St. ,

Clarke's Marble Block, corner Malison, has

the largest stock of musical instruments ia the

city. 7 40 tf

S u c c e s s B a s e d u p o n M e r i t . — I t ii a subject of general remark, among both whole-

sale and retail druggists, that no me<iicine

introdaceil to the American public lias ever

gained such a popularity and met with so large

a sale in all parts of the land, in the same

length of time, a} Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical

Discovery. This cannot depend upon its

having been more largely advertised than any

other medicino, as such is not the case. The

correct explanation, we think, ii found ia the

fact that this medicine produces the most

wonderful and perfect cures of very bad caae?

of bronchial, throat and lung diseases, is un-

doubtedly the most perfect and efficient remedy

for all kinds of csngbs that has ever been intro-

duced to the public, and at the same time pos-

sesses th'i greatest of blood-purifying and

strengthening properties that medical gcienee

has been able to produce, thus rendering it a

sovereign remedy not only ia the cure of Con-

sumption, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and Coughs,

but also fcr all diaessfs of the liver and blood,

as scrofulous diseases, blotches, rough skin,

pimples, tlack specks and discolorations. It

has therefore a wide range of application aad

usefulness, and it not only gives the most per-

feit salisfaclion to all who use it, but far

exceeds the expectations of the most sanguine,

tbureliciting the loudest praise, anl makin;

permanent living advertising mediums of all

who use it. For these reasons it is that there

is not, perhaps, a druggist in all the vast

domain of thii continent, who tries to please

his cnsiomers ard supply their wants, that

does not keep and sell large liuantities of this

most valuable medicine.

jEsrp, low.v, May 5, 18T3.

Da. R V. PiERCi—DfarSir.—We take plea-

r.ire in saying that your Medicines have sold

entirely beyond oar expectations. W e regard

them as the best medicines extant, and hear

them spoken of in the highest terms of praise.

R. L. SsiTH & Co.


O U R G M I E A - T




B . L O W e . ^ $ T e i I \ & B R O S .

Belag Dttermlail to R>dac« car Imnease Stock sf

S T A P I . I : . 4 3 i D F A X C ¥

SUMMER DRY GOODS Wa h»T« MaJ} iao'.ijsr

S w e e p i 11 a ; R e d u c t i o n ,

And will Sell Lower th'aa the Lonest.

T h e largest »to:k of sheet music at Hollen-

berg's, 291 Main street.

M a t t r e s s e s , all kinds, manufactured by

Ames, Beattie & Co.

T o O n r P a t r o n s . — W h e n you call upon

•r send to any Srm advertising in our paper,

please do ns the favor to state where you saw

the advertisem*nt. Yon will confer a favor, as

well as secure better bargains by this course.

W o n d e r f a l W i r e M a t t r e s s , at Ames,

Beattie & Co.'s. i-28-{7-34).tf

T h e latest songs out can be had at Hollen-

bergs, 294 Main street.

T l M X a m e " C a s b m e r e B o a q n e t , * '

as applied to Toilet Soaps aad Perfumery, is

registered aad patented as a trade-mark by

Colgate & Co., New York, and can be used

legitimately only by them. Purchasers of the

Cashmere Bonqnet Soap and Handkerchief

Extract will secure the genuine only when

bearing the name of Colgate k Co., New

York. 6 41 3 1 (7 20)

W i a d o w g b a d e s , aU kinds, at Ames,

Beattie & Co.'s.

A l l churches wanting a good organ ormelo-

deon can be sapplied by H . G. Hsllenberg, 2 W

Main street

T h e H o u s e h o l d P a n a c e a a a d

Fuiilt LtaixKKT is the best remedy ia the

world for the following complaints, vix.:

Cramp in the Limbs and Stomach, Pain in the

Stomach, Bowels or Side, Rheumatism in all its

forms. Bilious Colic, Neuralgia, Cholera, Dysen-

tery, Colds, Fresh Wonnds, Bums, Sore Throat,

Spiaal Complaints, Spraias and Bruises, Chills,

aad Fever. Pnrely>Tegeteble and all^healing.

For l a t e n t and exterMl->m.~ Pre^red by

CUBTIS it B B O W H , Ho." 215 Fnlton stfeet,

New Yorlc, aad tot sale by all druggists


F a n M t a r e a n d C a r p e t s , a*, lewest

prices, at Am«s,Beattie & C-o.'s,S96 M a i n s t r ^

Memphis, Tenn. ^

A t t h e Southwestern Mode House, 294 Main

atreet, yon can gel a splendid guitar or violin

ehe^ier than elsewhere.

W e irnwlte a t t o a U o n t « t h e re-

awval ef the great Sonthwestern Mnsic Honse,

E . Q. HMtcnber^ profvleier, to Main street,

Ctarhe'e V a t U t Iftoek, eenwr Madison. Oar

r k a e f vOl « a i there |ha beat selwtion of

P I m ^ <l|t|;HM, mosle, xanaio boeks, vioUnSj

fpliMaBieTeiTthiat belsofiag to themi i^

teade. 1 h . « * 6 a t ^ Hweiiiead thia hrassto

t n f t ^ ^ taimg m m m i they eaa do ae

better dtaa at fiSHeOtif's 2»4 Main strMt,

XBBphit. ^ 7 27tf


Silks, Dress Goods, White Goods,

P I Q U E S , H O r S E F U R N I S H I N G G O O D S ,


Cassimeres, Embroideries, Ribbons,


£e?ardle$s of Cost, as W e are Determined

to Reduce Our Immense Stock

During the M«uth of June.

P r i n t s & D o m e s t i c s

At Lower Prices Than Sold Elsewhere.

B . L O W E N S T I I N & B R O S . ,

and -J** ?I»ln St , Cor. JefTerson,

G.'50 (7 40) Menphla, Tcnn .


Bible Com U o n Boo Frame Co We npply t; teracfn. Ad

PCBU3HIMO HOCSa, CMsaco. B 7 35 8 36 (7 40)

QOMBINATIONS. Bible ComMiiaUon,th<? Comblna . U o n B M k ILUU ^ p Cbart a n d f ^ m e ComblnaUon. We ta* PubUesUoni of Jobs K. Pot-ter a Co. Addreii. OOODSPEBO'3 EMPIRS


•t A BcvbmtmtlMaRar Wrillac bf SeuKl; >c<a>-

«ttb <t s t tSSS^STpee l^ IW pcr'mlau? ''tiw tn-

X T M 8 4 eow

D1BI .K8 , ' r a r e r Btrna Hooka. Tracts, " etc.. icnat T«ri*ty >t J . ^ Melmtrra'a. Ho. 4

8 T A X O A R D

OABE MAOHnrEBT, For Sorgo u d Snsur Cane

The oalj rseosaixnl tUodardi in Can MkU>m ar* tli* C O O K B V A P o a a T o a


There are of tbeee aaeblB«( > V B R 31 ,000 I S r S K .

Th*7 kave tskeo the F I R S T P K B K I V J K S at I I T B T & T K F A I I U .

S.-na for DfRriytlTe Catalogae and Price Ltoti.

B:.rUTXB aAXFrACTTTBISQ CO., to SM Stk St, Cloeianatt, 0.

Sbaker Threeher, Wood Sawiag Xadiiaea, Com Traa-en, Steaa aatiBea, Fam aad Caarch Ball*,

a 7 sr, ti cow



RATES. G A Z E T T E E R Vki tE a complete •acTCloyedia of all the Btatea, eosatlea,

towBehtpe, dUaa. rUlacM, yeatoffle«a,Boaatalaik riven, lakee, etc.. with thetr climate, yepalatioa, aertcaltnre, manafitetoriee, BlBiaf, commeree, railraad*, capital, edacatlea, (overnarat aad hietor7,aaawlBf the glfutic retalce of the

¥ i m 100 YEARS r e p u b l i c . Ageata aakt ttoo to fsno per m nth. Send for circalar. Z I K G I . b r * H ' C V R D T , 180 W . 4th St.. ClB.,a,

8S0 OUto St.. St. Lonla. AT2S 7 40eew or Xnaphia. TMia.

^ MANur.iL- c o s

O T so I tt'aov

A piano and or|»a coabiasd; nerrr raqnlr'aUBl^. Uaiie daaleta aad 'all latercated In maakahoaldkBow

of thU voadefial Idveatloa. Acente wanted. Addreaa O K O . W O O D S * CO.» CanhrUsepert, K m .

Jf 7 4i> 4S 44

R X T l H i A M S , l » « B C » P O W D K B FOa

aata. Bad baff. Botha, eta. ^ , Jf • Carwua * Co , Hew Terk. ; E 7 37 48 -••iT. V ^ galeaaata.

eaoi K S B iiaBN*. T K U a ,

8TS8 41

/ A Q r e ^ - c o M D aar* > a n a n B ( » T 8 n n K D »

A ft Sawa aad

tfni I Tit ilfci Id apata. Baa

Ml, IwtaTffia, ijr. AVMMB<43

T O f u t i i t a j E S o y ^ j E n S ! B 0 2 C J E 1 S I B O S l X l f i l s f B C ^ a C E I l ^ '

T H K W o | o i > W O I ^ K S Hare on band and Make to Ordrt Ivery J^ripUoa of t «

I T R U I T j ^ N J D J P A ^ C S l I p r G B O X E S . B a y Yoar Boxaa at Home, at Kartkcrn f>rlcca,|aad Sara W m * aad Freight.

? ' ' C « i h , * o r C U T A e c ^ t a a c e . f

Abo Wholeeale and Setk I Stalsi^in j ,

D O O R S , & I . I S D 3 , S & S B , C B I L i a o , F L O O R i a O , a i D I K G , I . A T H S , S H I B G L S a . BOL .O .

I SGS . S C R O L I . - W O R K , A S O KIIfi>S O F ^ V I L D I S O JKATBRIAS. .


F a c t o r y a n d L u m b e r Y a r d I V e a r M l t a i s s l p ^ a n d T e a n e s s e e B e p o t .

O V F I C B A X D S A I . B 8 R O O H 334 aad 3 9 ^ S B C O S D 8 T B X B T . ' 7 3 !.-.

SntrrtxiMUat'Jffa'a cnlar aaowlas bow ISO iTret-It can be mad: br Uklnj;

^ ATi.^. TIU* t« U«

Beentan tt, S. T.

an acner tor the fwnrzfi Atlam. Thi* t« U« aeat.

I X.7 168 16(7 40)

" " H R y e S W I K T R J i S f M ! atvleand parfect i n t o n e

^ cveraaade . X H K C OX-t C K B T O M O V M (ikcbcat

c\cr placed <it erg C r ^ a n . / iiprtitKoiiy an mia*ct</'rr.ih,pe-ClUiatlv Toiccdt Ut

BTWrXT-f^li'Xu n o S T t H A B m > I^iC a n d ao< L . a T i n R i 5 i R , ill m i T A T I O . V . fltt n V I M A N i ' O I C E ia S I .

l»EBB.r-i«.» W,rrr. W A T E R S '

^ P h i l h a r m o n -

ML-Jbau . • Ic. V e s p e r

fk'beiit tfiadr, on.i tousMnc I*t HI 'J Y-/ V O i C I > V I >'>> e n at oliiiuc loiiv. Nallalil^/or I».4Ki C M . ( U l K C n . ir mi-.M t H A l 1 .

W a t e r s ' N e w Scale Pianos kir' «fri-nt p o w t r cj-i a fine kinKingr tone, i-i'-A all nif!ilrin i niproTrnit-nt«, aifl art Ike BE:.«iT P I A N O S .VfABE. Tbrac Onranw "mi Pianfta art warranted f<r Ii ymrn. P K I C K S E X X M K . V I E U Y I . O W r casta <"-part rnhb,t»><' batnnce in montii-If CI- qiiartrrljr pnjintnfai. !>ccanii> h a n d inalrii luenlH inkt-n iKCxtbaner. AliK.XTS W a ? I T K D •«« very < onnl>m tkr ir. M. cn'i C a n a d a . A llbctal dii.-tCc. lU.V^^RATKD i ATM<nim MATLTP.

i i o u . ^ f c AVATiu is i so:>. 4SI nromlWRT. ><-iv Vnrk. 1*. O. Ita.x 35C7.

6 49 8 5 (T 33)

L a Create I •'eatiUna


s la Create.—.'to. 4 Frice

©••a o-> 3 1 3 S S e tz:

o 3

3 o(re 2 ^ r i p ^ p

o q 3 » 5 g 3 rtVi 3 S S p p

o 2 . S / » -

o « a 2 3 r. 5 f V

A 7 38 8 » (7 3S)

J»H« vr. DiLuaa. B. L. Comv.

D I L L A R D & C O F F I N ,



General Commission Merchants,

avt Front Slreel, Bcmpbla, T c n a .

Barfa*g oar own Warrboaae, pretided oT»r bj Carefbl and Experienced Coitoo CUrkt, rnablee ai to Qaaraatee Correct WVijjktt. PUntt re' otdere promptlj ailed at Lowtat Market Eatee. 7 18 42

To Clerks of Associations.


!• now prepared to pat up the




Send naaiucrlpt bjr aall or expren and JflnQt»» wi l be returned. tn» of coat, to any expreaa offlce in tb» Swth. Addreaa

Soatbera Baptiat PabUcatloa Si>clatr>

»«»tf S«1 Main St., Xaaphia. Tenn.

d f i E A T m m N R 0 1 T £ ! Hew Orieani Mail learet Mt mph'i ijilj at t.OO r u Expnaa Train I>«»«t Meaphii da!U a' 4 15 p New Orieana Mail arriT.-e at Xeaphia daily at...t-JO p k. Kxjpreea Train arritee at Meiapbie dallj a.

The only route Sonib making coanertioLi, b»T'ai two Daily Traiae.

Bew Orleaae Vail a*k elaee ceaoeetios* »t 6reiu4a Mth tr^na aa Vfednippt Central t*U:oad for «U poini* Sonth, Sontheaat Md !<oBihaeat.

azpreaa Train makea oaBa«ctioa« 'or all polate aortb ofOroadaon •lart«eippiCeatr%Ue«i<nr t » tbe Kertb andXaat. Partiei caiag R«rt)i Wiif eoaonlt tb<ir ia-tareatiaad confoct by procn ing ti<krt< via Milan anl Cairo. Xlesaat aad romaodluai Slrrping Cara bO aU

laqnireofJAMKS SPEED, Ticket Agent, tST Maia t t ^ wbara all into aution caa be obtaiaal.

Shipper! will Had thia route the aaegt »p-diUoa> to all pomu on the .M-aa'nippI Oeami, Sew Orfeah*. Jaekaoa aid Great Borthern, aad the T.>tk*l>iirg aad Haridlaa. u tnlaa laaka clow raaaectloaa Cara c* tbrocah A m Meaipbia, locked and eealed. to aU poiato oa thftBinit. aippi (tatral and K»w Orieaiu, Jwkaon aad Bleat Korth-era raUroadt witfcoat drteation or break o| balk.

W A N T i l D . A M i u l e Teacher of Kip.rlenre aad AKl.ty can

git a good lalary ta th«.

MERIDIAN FEMALE GOUEGE. AGoatleaaaia preb^red. 8-ni Application to mi at

Meridian. Viae. 1,. m. a T O S B . M»y30,mi. 7«>tO

^ I > J E R S O I S r S Who wieh »o aecare a pemaae- t biuineat and maka

" otk*r»l««. aallin* mj U I W 8TXAM WA8^«>.•xtaariaalTaSSrtliedln w

a W f e m e a t . arldu AadJSTfor circ«l«« A TStYI . Pittebarg, Pa.

A Lady ta taacb a aua tn *u»ic. Addree*

w . J . F . iU,I.K3r/

It the Saa, Barcau'le. by Enh*; The i-rr- -^I. by ArdiU; LaBalteriaa, ^olke. by^lchtser; When ta* SwaUewe Ho :;«rdny,^yOeatea}r— • - - -Cggbard. * 5 piaeea for.

50 ct-:

I.a' Cr«aac£ Crcma.-'

HonntaiaSt »B Ma,

, .. ••vu owMavWB uu^c-Oeatea: Eapitglectaa, O^iice, by

50 cu la

Bo. 5 tHe fol. •iBtle.JCcti. : Ooant

S? I ^wa , Iaat.,by Hattie: MayB I.a Cre—^

C r c m * » ton t ai n I o win 'Ihant da Thine

P«ji«r>-MootlUy ccnfiinj mute

Boatiur . coatjiina the ^ m a ^ Price}

Bcrenadp.Sy Thalberg; Tbe Aainri B»' jerle, by Mage; The W M * « ; . Bomantii. by Ikrag. Sfiecaafor .^.Tilcu.

Kaolrat fJto. 80, I follewinx PriaaSOctf

S T a ter....SOcu.

ftaaleal , B o 8 1 , f (atlowin ;

* mil II. ini. -I'll »»««30 cts« J*?. «»* " » by < •11*. obA} «tewart, a Tria for raaale KViiws > 5y Abt: c r « i Quartet bj Ikaaka^o t^ ikm, = pretty Ifr. and i M»rci. 11 pi»crt CM.

0N;REC^PT of fheXARKEPPElCE. iddress L . P E T E K ^ P . 0 . Ho-: 5429.

^'a^ *?-4* r ^ o " M-tropsiitan Hotel.

' D l ^ S O l S r & C O . ' S

l O M E « I S I € 4 1 L I B i A B l . Prfce o f i a c h Baak, ta Boards, $2 .50 ,

a o t l l $ 3 . 00 , F a U CHlt, ^l. 'iO.

Mt.'SICALMCASURZ. Voe^L 81|.V«RC®BD. Vocal. , W « A T H C^ ar MS. rocai„ GE»3 0Fs|CBEDSJStJ. Vocal. GfiVS or G ^ H A K SONG. iVafad eKSI3 OF S^lTIbH SOS 1. Total. OPKIUTIC., EARLS. VoieC i

. SSnWEBOfPElRLS. Voc»l Oastj OIWAN AT 'SOMI, R^ J Orga:»MMi=. la trum^ntil.

'n rnnna-jl HOaiK CIR(J,K VOL. L luvimairaULi. H(5JIECIB^* VOL. ir. I.!»tr«aeat«l. PIASIST3 fcBCM. iBttraaenta. PIU<OrOR|GGEUS. InatrkaenuL '

Larjp, eplfi^d booli orbocal maiie. 800 to 2 » fna mneSaire, u d contUa a ntj Ur^f prjpjrtioa

of aS the (ood&eet muic eTri' idaabed

SoHby ail |»Iar». EiOaarawk itat pt t-paU br retai« prire. j

I .T02I A HJCALT , Clkleaaa, OLITES o n ^ B & CO, (MAS. S. DITS05 & 00.

Boatoat _ ^ Til Brealw ty, S. T.

ia Kew York ia4 By .(Tendne j and pifiL. Ticifcty, amo^whom are

^ 5 B T WABD Bit REV: DBS. wfeHBrBS* . ; FAtlfckiLD

~ <^SBT , . • BCtlBBKi. S&0RB3, CUTLER.

BEv.^a.W3C i D A M S i F A B B W l L t i S K a M O S l n FCLtl

caAPiN. - ^ c m a c i K . - KbnaTHWi.


W. C1?ADWICS. R<kB®IT«>A'?IB wra.

uthen. J A J ^ T R E K U S e L A i K i r » i fort*iB all, are pab iehed ta -


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.