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Assistant Professor of Clinical Small

Animal Emergency and Intensive Care:

Two positions available. Veterinarian with

advanced training in small animal emer-

gency and critical care. Clinical experience

and competence in small animal emergen-

cy and critical care is required. ACVECC

board certification, or eligibility for certi-

fication, is required. Documented record

of creative scholarship or potential to

develop an independent clinical research

program in some aspect of small animal

emergency and intensive care is required.

The position includes a 70% clinical com-

mitment to the Emergency Service and

Intensive Care Service of the Veterinary

Medical Teaching Hospital. Responsibili-

ties include clinical and didactic teaching,

diagnosis and treatment of patients, rec-

ognition for accomplishment in a focused

area of clinical practice, development of

an independent clinical research program,

and university and public service. For

fullest consideration, apply by November

15, 2006; position is open until filled. A

complete position description is available

on-line by/a href 5 ‘‘http://www.vetmed.


emergency.pdf’’S clicking here//aS.

Interested applicants should submit

1) a signed letter of intent outlining spe-

cial interests, qualifications and experi-

ence, and career goals;

2) curriculum vitae; and

3) the names and addresses of three pro-

fessional references to:

James H. Jones, Department Chair

Attention: Larry Hansen, MSO (e-mail:


Surgical and Radiological Sciences

School of Veterinary Medicine

University of California

One Shields Avenue

Davis, CA 95616-8745.

Phone (530) 752-9774; Fax (530) 752-

6042. E-mailed applications will be

considered immediately but should be

followed up with signed applications in

the mail.


Clinical Assistant or Associate Professor

in Small Animal Emergency/Critical Care:

Clinical Assistant or Associate Professor

in Small Animal Emergency/Critical Care

Purdue University, School of Veterinary

Medicine, Department of Veterinary Clin-

ical Sciences invites applications from

qualified individuals for a full-time (12

month appointment), clinical track assis-

tant or associate professor faculty position

in small animal emergency/critical care.

The successful candidate will join special-

ists in internal medicine, neurology, sur-

gery, oncology, anesthesiology, cardiology,

ophthalmology, clinical pathology, diag-

nostic imaging, behavior, and interact

with 7 interns and 14 small animal resi-

dents. Qualifications for the position in-

clude a DVM or equivalent degree and

board certification or board eligibility by

the American College of Veterinary Emer-

gency/Critical Care. Shared teaching re-

sponsibilities will include clinical, didactic

and laboratory instruction of professional

students, interns, residents, and veteri-

nary technician students. We seek candi-

dates with effective interpersonal and

communication skills and outstanding

clinical teaching skills. Innovative teach-

ing methodologies are encouraged. The

successful candidate has the unique op-

portunity to develop the emergency/crit-

ical care service with the support of the

faculty within a growing teaching hospi-

tal. Purdue University is committed to

supporting career development with op-

portunities for personal and professional

advancement. The intensive care unit is

staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week with

excellent, licensed technical staff. Week-

end and night emergency duty is per-

formed by interns with primary back-up

by residents and secondary back-up

shared by faculty. Clinical research oppor-

tunities are available in the clinical trials

group or in clinical research laboratory.

Collaboration is encouraged both interde-

partmentally and within the veterinary

teaching hospital. The university offers an

exceptional benefit package. Private prac-

tice consulting opportunities are available.

Salary will be commensurate with quali-

fications and experience. The position is

available in August 2007. Review of ap-

plications will begin on July 1, 2007, and

will continue until the position is filled.

Applicants should submit a letter of

intent, a description of professional goals,

curriculum vitae, and the names, address-

es, and telephone numbers of three pro-

fessional references to Dr. Ann Weil, Chair

of the Search Committee, Department of

Veterinary Clinical Sciences, School of

Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison St.,

West Lafayette, IN 47907. Purdue Univer-

sity is an affirmative action/equal access/

equal opportunity employer.


Faculty Position in Equine Emergency

Surgery and Critical Care: Faculty Posi-

tion in Equine Emergency Surgery and

Critical Care at The Ohio State University

The Department of Veterinary Clinical

Sciences at The Ohio State University

College of Veterinary Medicine announces

an outstanding opportunity for a full-time

clinical track or tenure track faculty posi-

tion in Equine Emergency Surgery and

Critical Care. This position will have a

clinical emphasis and candidates must

have a demonstrated commitment to

excellence in clinical aspects of equine

emergency and critical care. A DVM or

equivalent degree is required and board

certification by the American College of

Veterinary Surgeons and by the American

College of Veterinary Emergency and

Critical Care is preferred, however, indi-

viduals who have completed residency

training or have gained comparable expe-

rience and credentials through an ACVS-

or ACVECC-approved program will

also be considered. An advanced degree

or equivalent research experience is

desirable for tenure track candidates.

Candidates must have a demonstrated

commitment to excellence in patient man-

agement, client service, clinical teaching

and advancing knowledge through clini-

cal discovery and outreach. Collegiality

and the ability to function as a team player

are important characteristics. The appoin-

tee will be encouraged and expected to

help work cooperatively with other facul-

ty to develop and manage a 24/7 equine

critical care facility. The principal respon-

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sibility for this position is to provide after-

hours (nights/weekends) coverage for

horses in need of emergency surgery and

critical care, and the appointee will share

this duty with other emergency and crit-

ical care, medicine and surgery faculty, as

well as with residents and fellows. There

is an emphasis placed on ensuring all

members of the team have an excellent

quality of life and the position is sustain-

able. The Equine ICU is a modern, fully-

equipped and staffed facility. Clinical-

track candidates will be assigned up to

75% time in clinics, which will include

clinical teaching, patient management,

client care and communication, consulta-

tion and referral services with private

practitioners, and leading or collaborating

on clinical research projects. Sponsored

research is not required for clinical track

faculty, but collaborative clinical research,

publications and other scholarly activities

to advance clinical veterinary medicine

are expected and encouraged. Tenure-

track candidates will be given 50% off-

clinic time to meet expectations for devel-

oping an extramurally funded research

program that includes collaboration with

other scientists, advising of graduate stu-

dent research, and publication in peer-

reviewed journals. Teaching responsibili-

ties will include lectures, labs, and clinical

teaching of equine emergency surgery and

critical care to professional students, in-

terns, residents, and graduate students.

The appointee is expected to foster a

vibrant and diverse caseload through the

delivery of efficient and comprehensive

consultative and diagnostic services to the

clinicians and clients of the VTH and

referral veterinarians, including both in-

hospital and ambulatory services. Partici-

pation in continuing education events and

outreach activities for the animal-owning

public and private practitioners is expect-

ed. The appointee is expected to be

involved in professional services to the

department, hospital and college. Faculty

members are encouraged to develop col-

laborative endeavors with clinicians and

scientists within the College of Veterinary

Medicine (www.vet.osu.edu), including

the Departments of Veterinary Biosciences

and Veterinary Preventive Medicine, and

other units on the university campus. The

OSU Health Sciences Center (www.medi-

calcenter.osu.edu), including the Center

for Critical Care (www.medicalcenter.osu.


care) and the Dorothy M. Davis Heart

and Lung Institute (www.heartlung.

osu.edu) are within walking distance of

the College, and their faculty and resourc-

es represent unique collaborative oppor-

tunities. Columbus Children’s Hospital

(www.columbuschildrens.org), the 5th

largest and one of the top-tier children’s

hospitals in the country with an outstand-

ing pediatric critical care program, is

located nearby and provides excellent

collaborative opportunities. The appointee

will join the section of Equine Medicine

and Surgery within the Department of

Veterinary Clinical Sciences. The section is

comprised of 12 faculty, 8 residents, and

one intern and is housed in the Galbreath

Equine Center in the Veterinary Teaching

Hospital. The Department of Veterinary

Clinical Sciences supports a faculty of

over 50 clinical specialists, educators,

and investigators along with extensive

training programs for professional stu-

dents, interns, residents, and graduate

students. The College of Veterinary Med-

icine is ranked 5th among North Ameri-

can colleges of veterinary medicine by US

News and World Report. The Ohio State

University (www.osu.edu) was recently

ranked third nationally in the list of best

places to work in academia, according to

The Scientist magazine. Columbus is the

15th ranked city by size in the United

States and supports a vibrant, multifaceted

community (www.experiencecolumbus.

com). Collegiality, civility, mutual support,

and respect for others are strongly held

values in the College of Veterinary Medi-

cine. We support diverse beliefs and the

free exchange of ideas and expect that

faculty, staff, and students promote these

values and apply them in a professional

manner in all academic endeavors. The

appointee should have excellent commu-

nication skills and an ability to work

cooperatively with other faculty and staff.

Salary will be competitive and commen-

surate with the candidate’s qualifications

and experience. Applications will be re-

viewed beginning September 1, 2007, and

continue until the position is filled. To

apply, interested candidates are invited to

submit a letter of intent stating profession-

al goals and interests, a curriculum vitae,

and the names and contact information of

four references to Dr. Rustin M. Moore,

Chair, Department of Veterinary Clinical

Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine,

The Ohio State University, 601 Tharp St.,

Columbus, OH 43210 or via e-mail (moore.

[emailprotected]). Please direct inquiries re-

garding this position and the program to

Dr. Moore, by e-mail, telephone (614-292-

7105), or fax (614-292-0895). The Ohio State

University is an EEO/AA Employer.


Assistant/Associate Professor in Small

Animal Emergency and Critical Care

Medicine: Assistant/Associate Professor

in Small Animal Emergency and Critical

Care Medicine The Department of Small

Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Vet-

erinary Medicine, Texas A&M University

invites applications for a position as a

clinical or tenure-track, assistant or asso-

ciate professor in small animal emergency

and critical care. Applicants should be

diplomates of the American College of

Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care

(ACVECC) or ACVECC board-eligible.

Applicants should be eligible for licensure

in the State of Texas. The successful

candidate will devote 50% to 70% of their

time to instruction and patient care in the

Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital.

Clinical duties and continued develop-

ment of the emergency service will be

shared with a Diplomate of the ACVECC.

The remaining time will be devoted to

classroom and laboratory teaching, the

development of a creative program of

scholarship, and academic service. Nu-

merous opportunities for collaborative

research exist throughout the College

and University. The 3,000 square foot

Intensive Care Unit was completely re-

modeled approximately three years ago.

The successful candidate will have the

opportunity to interact with 40 faculty

members in the small animal hospital, one

criticalist in Large Animal Clinical Scienc-

es, and 21 interns and residents in the

Department of Small Animal Clinical Sci-

ences. This faculty position is one of

approximately 400 new faculty positions

added at Texas A&M University over the

last four years, including 37 in the College

of Veterinary Medicine. Interested candi-

dates should submit a statement of career

goals and professional interest, curricu-

lum vitae, and names of three individuals

who have been requested by the candidate

to provide letters of reference to the search

committee. Application review will begin

on June 1, 2007 and applications will be

considered until the position is filled.

Please send applications to Dr. Maureen

McMichael, (Chair of the Search Commit-

tee), Assistant Professor, Department of

Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of

Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M Univer-

sity, 4474 TAMU, College Station, TX

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77843-4474. Inquiries may be directed to

Dr. McMichael at (979) 845-2351 (phone),

(979) 845-6978 (fax), mmcmichael@cvm.

tamu.edu (e-mail). Texas A&M University

is a smoke-free workplace. Texas A&M

University is an Equal Opportunity/Affir-

mative Action Employer/Educator.


Clinical Instructor/SA Critical Care: The

Department of Medical Sciences, School of

Veterinary Medicine, University of Wis-

consin-Madison, invites applicants for a

full-time Clinical Instructor position in

Small Animal Critical Care. Applicants

must be board-certified or candidates for

board-certification in the American Col-

lege of Veterinary Emergency & Critical

Care. Responsibilities include 38–40 weeks

of clinical service providing oversight

of the critical care unit, supervision and

teaching fourth year veterinary students

and interns, and interaction with residents

of other services. Some didactic and lab-

oratory teaching of third year veterinary

students is expected; and continuing edu-

cation for veterinarians in private practice

is encouraged. Salary will commensurate

with experience. Deadline is September 1,

2007 or until position is filled. Applicants

should send a letter of intent, curriculum

vitae, and the names and addresses of

three references to: Dr. Mark Markel,

Chair, Department of Medical Sciences,

School of Veterinary Medicine, University

of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015 Linden Drive,

Madison, WI 53706. Inquiries may be

directed to: Dr. Markel at 608-262-3573

(phone), 608-265-8020 (fax) or e-mail to

[emailprotected]. The Uni-

versity of Wisconsin is an EOE.



Critical Care Intern Opportunity: Florida

Veterinary Specialists (FVS), located in

Tampa, Florida is offering a unique im-

mediate opportunity for an internship in

critical care. The position offers significant

mentorship and didactic training with

excellent preparation for residency. The

large caseload offers many opportunities

for the intern to gain intensive experience

in emergency stabilization and diagnostic

procedures, medical and surgical defini-

tive care of the critical patient, and critical

care monitoring. The Critical Care Intern

will join the department working with

two boarded Criticalists, two Critical Care

residents, and rotating Small Animal In-

terns. The internship is supported by

board specialists in Emergency/Critical

Care, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Sur-

gery, Neurology, Oncology, Ophthalmolo-

gy, Radiology, Dermatology, and Avian/

Exotic medicine, along with a team of

residents in Emergency/Critical Care.

Consideration will be given to the right

candidate for a resident position begin-

ning in July, 2008. Florida Veterinary

Specialists functions exclusively as 24-hour

small animal referral and emergency cen-

ter and is one of the nation’s premier

facilities. The facility provides up-to-date

specialized monitoring and diagnostic

and therapeutic equipment to enhance

learning. To learn more about this

immediate opportunity, please contact

Dr. Marcel Aumann, DACVIM, DAC-

VECC at [emailprotected]. To

learn more about our hospital, please visit

our website at www.fvs.com.



Head Technician/Practice Manager:

Affiliated Emergency Veterinary Service

(AEVS) is looking for a Head Technician/

Practice Manager for our Rochester clinic.

This position includes working in a tech-

nician capacity, managing, supervising

and coaching employees in the areas of

customer service, hospital maintenance,

finances, and inventory. The Head Tech-

nician has a tremendous support system

consisting of a Lead Technician, 5 other

Head Technicians/Practice Managers,

Medical Director, Executive Director,

Maintenance and Human Resources. The

successful candidate will be outgoing,

self-motivated, detail oriented, customer

focused and work quickly in critical con-

ditions. Management experience pre-

ferred. CVT required. Fax resumes to

952-746-5754 or [emailprotected].


Southeastern United States

US1 - Emergency & Critical Care Practice!:


Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care:

Well-established, outstanding State-of-the

Art practice! Freestanding 4,300SF facility

built on approximately 1/2 acre. In-house

laboratory, surgery suite, ultrasound,

radiology, treatment area, pharmacy,

laundry, and kennel area, indoor runs,

and outdoor run, doctor’s office, manag-

ers office, storage, doctors rest area, oxy-

gen support systems, and 4 exam rooms.

There are computers throughout the

hospital, with a total of 12 networked

computers available. There is a strong

following of veterinary referrals from

immediate area and many surrounding

areas. Strong history of growth! Gross

income over $2million in 2006! Few com-

peting colleagues in area! Code: US1.

Other Practices for Sale: Alabama, Cali-

fornia, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey,

New York, Vermont, Virginia, & Interna-

tional Genetics & Reproduction. Call PS

Broker, Inc. at 1.800.636.4740; WWW.

PSBROKER.COM, [emailprotected].



Emergency & Specialty Technicians

Wanted: Veterinary Specialty Center of

Tucson is the preferred hospital for emer-

gency and specialty care in Southern

Arizona. Our award-winning 10,000

square foot hospital is equipped with the

latest medical equipment and technology

(digital radiography, CT scanner, ultra-

sound, endoscopy, in-house lab, ventilator,

CO2 and therapy lasers, etc.). This is an

exciting chance to work in a fun, fast-

paced, challenging environment with a

diverse case-load, along-side a seasoned

staff backed by a dedicated, experienced

administrative team. The continued

growth and expansion of our hospital

means we are always looking for motivat-

ed, talented individuals who are commit-

ted to our mission statement and core

values. If you are an enthusiastic team

player with high standards of compas-

sionate medical care, proficient technical

skills, personable communication and in-

terpersonal skills, and are energetic and

detail-oriented, come join our exciting

organization! We are committed to pro-

viding the highest possible quality care to

patients, pet owners, and referring veter-

inarians. The doctors at Veterinary Spe-

cialty Center of Tucson are what set VSCT

apart from the crowd. They are amongst

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the most experienced and recognized

specialists in their fields and are commit-

ted to mentoring their staff and colleagues

to foster an environment of education and

development that has established them as

leaders in the community. Technical staff

at VSCT has the opportunity to work in a

variety of departments to develop their

skills to the fullest. We have the only

board certified emergency critical care

specialist and neurologist in Southern

Arizona. We also have specialists in

surgery, internal medicine, dermatology,

dentistry and oral surgery, behavior, inte-

grative medicine and rehabilitation. Par-

ticipation in continuing education

programs is highly encouraged and the

opportunities are plenty as part of the

professional services the Veterinary Spe-

cialty Center of Tucson regularly offers to

the surrounding veterinary community.

The leaders at VSCT were the first to

organize a monthly veterinary technician

lecture series open to all veterinary sup-

port staff in Arizona. Our experienced,

professional hospital administrator orga-

nized the Southern Arizona Veterinary

Managers Group, a highly popular orga-

nization that meets monthly providing

on-going administrative and managerial

education to the veterinary community.

Please check out our website at www.

vscot.com Excellent employee benefits

including health and dental insurance,

vacations and paid holidays, 401(k) retire-

ment savings plan, profit sharing plan,

paid continuing education, uniforms and

pet discounts are just some of our em-

ployee friendly benefits in addition to

competitive salary plans. Tucson is a city

of over one million residents, surrounded

by mountains and noted for its affordable

housing, low cost of living, and year-

round sunshine offering a multitude of

outdoor recreational as well as indoor

cultural activities. Interested individuals

should please contact Ms. Jan Woods at

[emailprotected], (fax) 520-795-

9960, (phone) 520-795-9955, Veterinary

Specialty Center of Tucson, 4909 N. La

Canada Drive, Tucson, AZ 85704.


Veterinary Technicians Wanted: Florida

Veterinary Specialists (FVS), located in

Tampa, Florida is currently accepting

applications for the following positions:

Emergency Service-full time positions

available. Basic skill level needed to start

would be entry level to advanced with an

interest in learning and advancing one’s

skill level. Training will be provided.

Overnight shift differentials paid. Critical

Care: Full time position available. Ad-

vanced technical skill level is required for

this position. The schedule is rotating,

presently two weekends per month. This

position is perfect for someone with a very

keen interest in critical care and enjoys a

fast-paced environment. Specific training

will be provided. Feeling a bit stale in

your current position? Looking for a

chance to challenge yourself outside your

comfort zone? Well, we have the perfect

position for you! Florida Veterinary Spe-

cialists is one of the nation’s most premier

24-hour referral/emergency centers in the

country. As we continue to grow, we need

additional technical staff to join our team.

To learn more about our hospital, visit our

website at www.fvs.com. To learn more

about the positions available please con-

tact Shirley Sabin at [emailprotected]


ICU Tech Supervisor: Small Animal In-

tensive Care Unit Technologist Supervisor

QUALIFICATIONS Required: Associate

degree or Bachelor’s degree from an

AVMA accredited Veterinary Technology

program is required. Candidates must be

registered in Indiana within six months.

Three years of experience in a veterinary

practice or veterinary teaching hospital is

necessary. Critical care/emergency expe-

rience is required. Must possess the ability

to work under pressure in emergency

situations and follow verbal and written

instructions. Candidates must also possess

good oral and written communication

skills and the ability to read/write En-

glish. Must have the ability to lift and

carry 25–50 pounds frequently and up to

60 pounds occasionally. Preferred: Super-

visory experience is preferred. Teaching

and computer experience is also preferred.

JOB DUTIES Supervise the technical staff

of the Intensive Care Unit of the Veteri-

nary Teaching Hospital. Prepare work

schedules, emergency schedules and as-

sign daily tasks and responsibilities. Over-

see the recruitment, selection, training and

annual evaluation of the ICU technolo-

gists. Provide clinical instruction to veter-

inary and veterinary technology students.

Perform various types of clinical services

relating to specialty areas. Monitor inven-

tory supplies and order when necessary.

Perform record keeping tasks. Assist staff

clinicians with various research projects.

Must be able to lift and carry 25 to 50

pounds frequently and up to 60 pounds


TION: Will participate in rotation for

after-hour on-call emergencies and holiday

coverage. A check of criminal conviction

records will be made for employment in

this position. FLSA: Exempt (Not Eligible

For Overtime) Retirement Eligibility: TIAA/

CREF Contribution Waiting Period. Apply

for this position at http://www.purdue.


shtml Questions may be directed to Dan-

nell Smith, VTH Administrative Assistant,

[emailprotected] or by phone at 765-



ICU Technician: The Southern Maryland

Veterinary Referral Center has an imme-

diate need for an ICU technician. Primary

responsibilities include providing compe-

tent clinical critical care nursing proce-

dures in the Intensive Care Unit as

directed by a criticalist or clinical staff.

Teach/ instruct other technicians/staff in

technical and manipulative skills relating


Veterinary Technician Certification pre-

ferred but not required. Minimum 2 to 3

years experience; physical ability to move

about freely & lift 50lbs of weight; strong

verbal & written communication skills;

personal computer experience desirable.

Ability to place intravenous catheters and

to perform endotracheal intubations;

knowledge of basic nursing skills as well

as knowledge of basic anesthetic equip-

ment and monitoring. You must possess a

willingness to learn new tasks, basic sci-

ence knowledge and be a detail oriented

attentive person. We provide extensive on

the job training. This position requires

flexibility in working schedule including

working days, nights and weekends on a

rotating schedule with other technicians.

The Southern Maryland Veterinary Refer-

ral center is located in suburban Washing-

ton DC. Currently we have a professional

and support staff of over 40 people and

offer specialty and referral services in

Small Animal Surgery, Medicine, Oncolo-

gy, and Emergency/Critical Care medi-

cine. Our huge, 25,000 square foot facility

is equipped with digital radiology, on site

CT, dedicated ICU, and state-of –the-art

surgical facilities. Compensation is ABOVE

industry standards. Benefits include

health insurance, paid vacation, paid CE,

and a retirement plan. For immediate

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consideration please e-mail your resume

or CV in complete confidence to vfox@

toadmail.com or send it to: Valerie Fox,

Southern Maryland Veterinary Referral

Center, 3485 Rockefeller Ct, Waldorf Md.

20602. To discuss this opportunity further

please 301-638-0988 or 301-659-4400.


Veterinary Technicians: Tufts Cummings

School of Veterinary Medicine has exciting

opportunities for experienced Veterinary

Technicians on our beautiful Grafton, MA

campus. Immediate openings in Emergen-

cy & Critical Care, Anesthesia, Ophthal-

mology, Neurology, Dental, Surgery, Small

Animal Medicine, Large Animal Medicine

and Pharmacy sections. Our facility is

state-of-the-art and we value Veterinary

Technicians as essential team members.

Excellent benefits package. Visit our Ca-

reer Page at www.tufts.edu for more

information about these opportunities or

call Human Resources at (508)839-7975.

Apply online or fax resumes to (508)839-

8704 or mail to 200 Westboro Road, Graft-

on, MA 01536. AA/EOE.


Full/Part/Relief Veterinary Technicians:

Emergency Veterinary Technicians wanted

to join a successful and established group

of emergency vet clinics. Full-time, part-

time and relief positions are available that

will challenge and better your skills. Suc-

cessful candidates have great communi-

cation and tech skills, a desire to learn and

thrive in a busy environment. Experienced

CVT’s are preferred Current opportunities

exist in Eden Prairie, Golden Valley, Coon

Rapids, and Rochester, MN. Please submit

your resume to Human Resources at

[emailprotected] or by fax 952-746-5754.



Licensed Vet Tech Wanted!: Vet techs

needed for a new, state-of-the art emer-

gency hospital in Las Vegas. Fully

equipped for dogs, cats, and most exotic

species! Must be licensed or a tech-in-

training. We provide great benefits and

perks, not to mention a fun and extremely

fast-paced environment. Fax resumes att:

Maggie, c/o Animal Emergency Center of

Las Vegas to 702.207.1025 or e-mail to

[emailprotected]. Call 702.457.8050 for

more information any time after 6pm on

weekdays, 24 hours on weekends and



Emergency Registered Vet Technician:

$2,000.00 Sign-on Bonus Full time regis-

tered veterinary technicians wanted for

busy emergency clinic at a specialty refer-

ral practice. You will work with Emergen-

cy DVM’s and Specialists who will use

your skills and knowledge to the fullest.

We offer a high salary, sign-on bonus,

profit sharing, paid CE, uniform allow-

ance, 401(k), health insurance, paid vaca-

tion/holiday/sick/personal time and pet

care allowance and discounts. Telephone:

216-831-6789; E-mail: kgeorge@nvanet.



Technicans Needed: PENNSYLVANIA –

We are a specialty/ referral/emergency

and critical care practice located in Valley

Forge. We have a brand new 18,000-sq. ft.

facility with state-of-the-art diagnostic and

therapeutic equipment. We offer a com-

petitive salary, multiple healthcare pack-

ages, CE compensation, 401(k), personal

pet discounts, and a generous amount of

vacation time. 3- to 4-day work schedules

for the Emergency Service and 4- to 5-day

work schedule for specialty. University

level medicine in a fun and relaxed envi-

ronment. Contact Julie Banyacski, CVT,

VTS (ECC) at 610-666-1050 or fax 610-666-


Veterinary Technicians: AVETS -Alleghe-

ny Veterinary Emergency Trauma & Spe-

cialty- has immediate and on-going career

opportunities for experienced, VTS, and

new graduate veterinary technicians.

Competitive salary commensurate with

experience and specialty. Benefits include

90% employer paid health, dental &

vision, pet care discounts, simple IRA,

paid time off, & uniforms. AVETS is a 24

hour emergency, critical care and specialty

referral hospital, located in Monroeville,

PA. AVETS is an ACVECC approved

Residency Training Program Center with

2 board certified and 2 residency trained

intensivists. Our new facility with state of

the art equipment including digital radi-

ography, stat lab, ultrasound (both emer-

gency and board certified radiologist run),

helical CT, multi-parameter monitoring

units, a critical care ventilator, soft tissue

and orthopedic surgery suites and ICU

oxygen cage will provide an ideal setting

to develop hands on clinical skills and

fully utilize your training. Pittsburgh was

chosen by Kiplinger’s as one of the top 10

smartest cities to live, meaning you can

live on your salary and enjoy the abun-

dance of culture, sports, and the outdoors

the area offers. Please send CV and cover

letters to Human Resources AVETS 4224

Northern Pike Monroeville, PA 15146 on

line at www.avets.us, or fax to (412) 373-



Experienced Nurses: The Animal Emer-

gency Center of West Houston, the fastest

growing, AAHA accrediated, emergency

center in the country, is currently looking

to hire compassionate, honest, flexible,

confident, motivated, loyal, independent,

inspiring, optimistic, team-oriented and

experienced nurses for full-time positions

in our state of the art facility. Potential

candidates should show a willingness to

learn, have a caring demeanor, love to

interact with people, be able to market the

practice, have good typing skills and

knowledge of microsoft word and excel.

Candidates should be able to multi-task

and be willing to work nights, weekends,

and holidays. We offer very competitive

wages (to be determined with experience)

and benefits (health insurance, vacation,

sick time, CE, license fees, uniform allow-

ance, etc.) Interested candidates can e-mail

their resumes to aecwh.aecwh@hotoffice.

net or fax to 832-593-8388.


Critical Care Nurse/Supervisor: The Re-

gional Veterinary Referral Center is

seeking a VTS (ECC) with supervisory

experience in both emergency and critical

care to become the leader of the nursing

staff of our emergency/critical care unit.

Our professional team consists of a Board

Certified Criticalist, experienced clinicians

and an excellently trained nursing staff.

We are looking for someone who enjoys

responsibility and the opportunity to use

and develop their skills to their maximum

potential. This position is a combination of

practical and administrative responsibili-

ties. It is an exciting chance to work in a

fun, fast-paced and challenging environ-

ment with a diverse caseload. We are

committed to providing the highest pos-

sible quality care to patients, pet owners

and referring veterinarians. The ideal

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2007 315

(PDF) Classifieds - DOKUMEN.TIPS (6)

candidate will be an enthusiastic team

player with high standards for compas-

sionate medical care and proficient tech-

nical skills. Excellent benefits offered. For

more information about us visit our web

site at www.vetreferralcenter.com. We

will arrange transportation for qualified

candidates to come and interview. Please

contact Lynn Chiappane radiocatlc@aol.

com or (800) 569-7070.


Specialty Hospital Seeks Techs: Animal

Critical Care and Emergency Services

(ACCES) is a 24-hour, small animal spe-

cialty hospital located in north Seattle.

ACCES has departments in emergency/

critical care, radiology, internal medicine,

and surgery and we share space with an

oncology practice. We are a privately

owned hospital and provide a fun, sup-

portive environment with an emphasis on

compassion, teamwork and learning. AC-

CES sees a large diversity of cases which

provides an excellent opportunity to apply

your skills and be utilized as a profession-

al. We provide the community with the

highest standard of medicine and patient

care. ACCES opened in 2003 and have

grown from 12 employees to 75 in that

time. Though the practice is still growing,

we continue to maintain a non-corporate

environment. We are looking for licensed

technicians and very experienced assis-

tants. We value learning in the workplace

and are committed to the education and

training of our staff. ACCES offers com-

petitive hourly rates and generous benefits

including health/dental/vision, 401K with

employer match, CE money and paid CE

time off, paid licenses and memberships,

personal time off, pet care discounts and

signing bonuses of up to $1,000 depending

on the position you fill. Please send

resume to [emailprotected] or

fax resume to 206-364-3667. In your cover

letter, please refer to the position for which

you are applying.



Adventurous Vets Wanted: Is the mag-

netic pull of the North Pole drawing you

to Alaska? The After Hours Veterinary

EMERGENCY Clinic, Inc., only about 100

miles below the arctic circle, seeks a new

team member to help provide high quality

EMERGENCY medical care to small ani-

mals throughout the Interior of Alaska.

We offer a full or part time flexible

schedule in a well equipped and growing

facility. Our staff contains a variety of

professional, fun-loving individuals with

creative problem-solving skills. From the

Yukon Quest, to Midnight Sun Baseball, to

a ROCKING hockey season, Fairbanks

hosts many opportunities for various

unique activities year-round. Those inter-

ested please send a cover letter and

resume including references to ahveci@

alaska.net, phone (907)479-2700. Visit



Board Certified or Board Eligible Critica-





Emergency Animal Clinic, PLC (EAC) is

seeking an ACVECC Diplomate or a

residency-trained ACVECC candidate to

accommodate the continued growth of

our practices in the Phoenix metropolitan

area. Our position opening is located at

the EAC in Gilbert, AZ. This practice

shares facilities with Arizona Veterinary

Specialists (AVS) in the Arizona Veteri-

nary Specialty Center, an exciting new

venture in specialty and emergency med-

icine in the Phoenix metro area. The

Arizona Veterinary Specialty Center hous-

es several specialty practices, including

internal medicine, surgery, oncology, radi-

ology, ophthalmology, cardiology, derma-

tology and dentistry, all independently

owned and operated by board-certified

specialists. There are fifteen board-certi-

fied specialists and one board-eligible

candidate working together in the facility,

along with the emergency practice. Our

mission is to provide comprehensive, high

quality emergency and critical care to our

patients. The Arizona Veterinary Specialty

Center is a new, state-of-the-art, 32,000

square foot hospital that has 23 patient

examination rooms, five special procedure

rooms, four surgical suites, a dedicated

24-hour emergency and critical care treat-

ment room, a separate isolation ward, a

linear accelerator radiation therapy suite,

nuclear medicine, a helical CT, two radi-

ology suites, an in-house laboratory, mul-

tiple patient treatment areas, and two

large pharmacy areas. Four separate re-

ception areas for the specialty practices

and emergency clinic promote efficient

and personalized client interaction. The

basem*nt level houses a conference center

designed for hosting continuing education

seminars. For a hospital tour and further

information about the EAC and AVS,

please visit our website at www.azvs.com.

Since its establishment in 1974, the EAC

has built an excellent reputation as a high

quality emergency practice with a collab-

orative, stimulating, and team-oriented

culture. Other opportunities, amenities,

and support include: - New, state-of-the-

art hospital facilities - A highly functional

administrative and support staff - A stra-

tegic marketing plan to grow the business

- A local market area of over 4 million

people - The amenities of a large city

(Phoenix is the fifth largest city in the US)

with the cost of living comparable to

much smaller cities - World-renowned

winter climate and year-round outdoor

activities, including world class golf and

recreational facilities - Phoenix is a pre-

mier destination, with more than 300 sun-

filled days a year and average tempera-

ture of 74 degrees - Major league sports:

baseball, basketball, football, hockey,

NASCAR, PGA tournament, and baseball

spring training leagues - Symphony, op-

era, theater, museums, and major concert

events The EAC offers a generous salary

and a comprehensive package of employ-

ee benefits, including group health, life,

dental and liability insurance, a 401K

program, a profit sharing bonus program,

a flexible schedule, paid overtime, CE

allowance, paid professional dues and

memberships, paid licenses, and generous

paid time off. The ideal candidate will be

an enthusiastic team player with excellent

communication skills. Interested candi-

dates should contact Dr. Signe Plunkett. I

look forward to hearing from you. Signe J.

Plunkett, D.V.M. Director of Medicine

2260 W. Glendale Ave. Phoenix, AZ

85021 office (602) 995-3757 cell (602) 399-

0999 [emailprotected]

Veterinarian Wanted: Position available

for an enthusiastic veterinarian at 24 hr

emergency/critical care hospital. Continu-

ing growth in the Phoenix Metropolitan

area requires that we hire an additional

veterinarian. Join our collaborative, stim-

ulating, and team oriented approach to

provide high quality emergency and crit-

ical care for our patients. Generous salary

and comprehensive benefits, including

group health, life, dental and liability

insurance, 401K, profit sharing bonus,

flexible schedule, paid overtime, CE al-

lowance, paid dues and licenses, and

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2007316

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generous paid time off. Average 40 hrs/

wk. P/T also. Starting salary ranges from

$73,000 to $94,800. Contact Dr. Diane

Paster, Emergency Animal Clinic, PLC,

86 W. Juniper Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85233. 480-

497-0222, [emailprotected]

Experienced Emergency/Critical Care

Clinicians Wanted: Veterinary Specialty

Center of Tucson is seeking experienced

emergency and critical care clinicians, in

addition to a 2nd criticalist, for our well

established 24 hour award winning hos-

pital. Residency-trained ACVECC candi-

dates will also be considered. Join our

team of five experienced (2–8 years),

internship-trained emergency clinicians,

as well as specialists in surgery, internal

medicine, neurology/neurosurgery, emer-

gency/critical care, dermatology, dentist-

ry/oral surgery, behavior and integrative

medicine and rehabilitation. We will be

adding a radiologist in July 2007. We have

an excellent, experienced technical and

administrative support staff all working in

a team capacity committed to providing

compassionate health care of the highest

quality and service to our patients, pet

owners, and referring veterinarians. We

opened our present state-of-the-art,

10,000 sq. ft. hospital featuring 7 exam

rooms, 3 surgical suites, separate dental,

video-endoscopy (flexible and rigid) and

color-flow Doppler ultrasound rooms, a

large central ICU with oxygen cage, ven-

tilator, in house lab with colloid osmo-

meter, spiral CT scanner with 3-D

reconstruction, digital radiography, CO2

and therapy lasers in July 2004. To meet

the demands of our rapidly growing case

load and ever expanding specialty and

emergency services, we will be commenc-

ing on a 12,000 square foot expansion to

our present facility in autumn 2007. Please

check out our website at www.vscot.com

Currently we have the only board certified

criticalist in Southern Arizona and draw

cases from New Mexico and Texas as well.

Our emergency and critical care case load

is very high and in order to maintain our

excellent reputation in quality of care, we

are looking to add additional experienced

emergency clinicians as well as a second

criticalist to our ECC service. Tucson,

Arizona is a thriving city of over one

million people offering a mild year round

climate with abundant recreational and

cultural activities and a lower than aver-

age cost of living. Our employment pack-

age includes a competitive base salary

(plus incentives), full medical/life/dis-

ability insurance, 401K, paid vacation

and CE time, state license, association

dues and VIN membership. Future own-

ership is encouraged and flexible sched-

uling will be considered. We place a high

priority on professional development, job

satisfaction and quality of life for our staff.

You are encouraged to apply if you are a

clinician with high standards of medical

and ethical care, superior clinical and

communication skills with a leadership

ability and a desire to share knowledge,

interested in working in a dynamic, team-

oriented group practice dedicated to the

needs of the pet and client, and belonging

to a successful hospital in a city which can

provide an excellent livelihood. Interested

applicants should contact our hospital

administrator, Ms. Jan Woods at janet-

[emailprotected] or (phone) 520-795-

9955, (fax) 520-795-9960, Veterinary Spe-

cialty Center of Tucson, 4909 N. La Can-

ada Drive, Tucson, AZ 85704.

2nd Board Certified (or Board Eligible)

Criticalist Wanted: Veterinary Specialty

Center of Tucson is seeking a second

board-certified criticalist and experienced

emergency service clinicians, for our well

established 24 hour award winning hos-

pital. Residency-trained ACVECC candi-

dates will also be considered. Join our

team of five experienced (2–8 years),

internship-trained emergency clinicians,

as well as specialists in surgery, internal

medicine, neurology/neurosurgery, emer-

gency/critical care, dermatology, dentist-

ry/oral surgery, behavior and integrative

medicine and rehabilitation. We will be

adding a radiologist in July 2007. We have

an excellent, experienced technical and

administrative support staff all working in

a team capacity committed to providing

compassionate health care of the highest

quality and service to our patients, pet

owners, and referring veterinarians. We

opened our present state-of-the-art,

10,000 sq. ft. hospital featuring 7 exam

rooms, 3 surgical suites, separate dental,

video-endoscopy (flexible and rigid) and

color-flow Doppler ultrasound rooms, a

large central ICU with oxygen cage, ven-

tilator, in house lab with colloid osmo-

meter, spiral CT scanner with 3-D

reconstruction, digital radiography, CO2

and therapy lasers in July 2004. To meet

the demands of our rapidly growing case

load and ever expanding specialty and

emergency services, we will be commenc-

ing on a 12,000 square foot expansion to

our present facility in autumn 2007. Cur-

rently we have the only board certified

criticalist in Southern Arizona and draw

cases from New Mexico and Texas as well.

Our emergency and critical care case load

is very high and in order to maintain our

excellent reputation in quality of care, we

are looking to add an additional criticalist

as well as experienced emergency clini-

cians to our ECC service. Please check out

our website at www.vscot.com Tucson,

Arizona is a thriving city of over one

million people offering a mild year round

climate with abundant recreational and

cultural activities and a lower than aver-

age cost of living. Our employment pack-

age includes a competitive base salary

(plus incentives), full medical/life/dis-

ability insurance, 401K, relocation expens-

es, paid vacation and CE time, state

license, association dues and VIN mem-

bership. Future ownership is encouraged

and flexible scheduling will be consid-

ered. We place a high priority on profes-

sional development, job satisfaction and

quality of life for our staff. You are

encouraged to apply if you are a clinician

with high standards of medical and eth-

ical care, superior clinical and communi-

cation skills with a leadership ability and

a desire to share knowledge, interested in

working in a dynamic, team-oriented

group practice dedicated to the needs of

the pet and client, and belonging to a

successful hospital in a city which can

provide an excellent livelihood. Interested

applicants should contact our hospital

administrator, Ms. Jan Woods at janet-

[emailprotected] or (phone) 520-795-

9955, (fax) 520-795-9960, Veterinary

Specialty Center of Tucson, 4909 N. La

Canada Drive, Tucson, AZ 85704.

Emergency Veterinarian and Emergency

Director Needed: Full time emergency

veterinarian and emergency director

needed for fast-paced 12-doctor AAHA

practice in Tucson, AZ. Small animal,

avian, reptile, and exotic veterinary care

provided, utilizing digital radiography,

ultrasound, and endoscopy. Excellent sal-

ary and benefits including work/life bal-

ance, dues, CE, medical insurance, and

401k/profit sharing. Please send your

resume to Alan Schrope, Hospital Admin-

istrator at Valley Animal Hospital 4984 E.

22nd St, Tucson, AZ 85711. E-mail Asch-

[emailprotected] or fax (520) 748-

0897. Check us out on the web a www.



Emergency Clinician: The Veterinary

Emergency Clinic of the Monterey Penin-

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2007 317

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sula has expanded and has moved into a

new 24/7 state of the art Emergency and

Specialty Center and has an immediate

opening for a highly motivated, dedicated

and service-oriented person with excellent

medical and people skills who will join

out team to serve to Monterey Communi-

ty. We are offering excellent compensa-

tion, comprehensive benefits and a flexible


We welcome the opportunity to meet

with you. Qualified candidates should

sent resumes to or call: Katja Herrmann,

DVM; 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 150;

Monterey, CA 93940. Call 831-373-2543 or

E-mail [emailprotected]

Emergency Veterinarian Wanted: Pets

Unlimited is seeking an enthusiastic, ex-

perienced veterinarian interested in emer-

gency medicine to join our dynamic

veterinary team. We are an AAHA certi-

fied non-profit veterinary hospital and

animal shelter located in the heart of one

of San Francisco’s most beautiful neigh-

borhoods. Pets Unlimited is the largest

full-service 24 hour veterinary hospital in

San Francisco. Work as part of a team of 14

veterinarians in providing state of the art

veterinary medicine and 24-hour emer-

gency care in our well equipped facility.

Our caseload is challenging and our staff

is highly skilled and enthusiastic making

for a fun and exciting practice environ-

ment. In addition to our general and

emergency practice, we also offer alterna-

tive and holistic therapy, including acu-

puncture and Chinese herbal therapy. Our

hospital mission also involves supporting

our adoption center where we rehabilitate

and shelter homeless cats and dogs until

we can find them a loving home. If you

are interested in learning more about our

unique organization, please visit our web-

site at www.petsunlimited.org. Contact

Dr. Thomas Mason, Director of Veterinary

Services at (415) 568-3044.

ER Clinician: Experienced ER DVM to

join our 24 hour specialty hospital. Well

equipped and staffed hospital in North

San Diego county. DVM should be inter-

ested in working with interns and spe-

cialists. Full benefits and competitive pay.

Fax resume to 760-738-5204.

Career Emergency Position in the Heart

of Southern California: Practice emer-

gency medicine in a specialty environ-

ment. Irvine Regional Animal Emergency

Hospital is a traditional overnight/week-

end practice just launched from a long-

standing specialty hospital with great

relations with the local general practici-

oners. Your job will be to practice quality

fundamental emergency medicine and

provide great service to clients while

maintaining those great relationships with

the GPs. Our goal is to make a position

that’s friendly to an emergency veterinar-

ian’s quality of life, family, and career. We

anticipate each DVM working 3 shifts/wk

at full staffing. This is a great ground floor

opportunity with both practices set to

move into a new 20,000 square foot facility

in summer 2007. Teaching opportunities

also available (but not required) as the

specialty practice has an internship pro-

gram. Location: Irvine, Orange County,

CA. Hospital: over 15 RVTs, blood pres-

sure, ECG, pulseoximetry, in-house lab,

digital radiography, ultrasound, sevoflu-

rane, endoscope, GIA & TA staplers,

computerized records; fluoroscopy, on-site

MRI, physical therapy, EMG/NCV, prox-

imity to Antech and Idexx labs. Benefits:

medical, dental, vision, professional lia-

bility, 401k with match, uniforms, CE

stipend, paid vacation. Submit CV to

Kenneth Kim, DVM at kkdvm@hotmail.

com or call 949.294.6255.

Full time Veterinarian needed: Full time

emergency veterinarian needed for 24-

hour emergency and specialty referral

practice in beautiful Santa Cruz, CA.

AAHA accredited, well equipped practice

offering state of the art radiology, CT scan,

ultrasound, complete in house lab (Laser-

Cyte, blood gas analyzer, electroytes, coag,

Vet test), Intensive Care Unit, a highly

trained professional support staff, and

responsive management. Close working

relationship with baord certified internist,

surgeions and oncology consultant. Gen-

erous guaranteed base and production

pay; great benefits including health care,

CE allowance, 401(k), licenses dues, paid

time off, flexible schedule, relocation. Ex-

perience in emergency medicine required.

Candidates with internship or residency

level training are encouraged to apply.

Visit us at our website: santacruzveteri-

naryhospital.com and then fax CV and

cover letter to Molly Lyons, Hospital

Administrator, at 831-475-5420 or e-mail


Emergency Vets Wanted – Coachella

Valley, CA: We are looking for experi-

enced emergency and critical care veteri-

narians to join our team in Thousand

Palms as we expand into our new 24-hour

specialty referral practice. We offer very

competitive compensation packages that

include base/production, Med/Vis/Den,

retirement, paid personal/vacation/CE

days, and a CE/dues allowance. As part

of XLNT Veterinary Care, our hospital is

part of a regionally focused business

strategy that places us at the center of

our referral base as the only 24-hour

multi-modality referral practice in the

Coachella Valley. We hope you will con-

sider joining our team as we reshape the

model of veterinary care here in the

desert. Submit your CV to jobs@petdrx.

com. Please put ‘Emergency Vet Coachella

Valley’ in subject line of email. NOTES: 2

openings. US Residents Only. Employer

will assist with relocation costs.

San Francisco Emergency Hospital: San

Francisco Emergency Hospital is seeking a

veterinarian for full or part time. Must be

experienced, efficient, and empathetic.

Benefits include medical, dental, and

401K for both full and part time. We have

ultrasound, banked blood products, tele-

medicine, access to multiple specialist

consultants and surgeons. Excellent tech-

nical staff. Please contact Joe Graff DVM at

[emailprotected] or 707-


Emergency Veterinarian Wanted: San

Francisco Veterinary Specialists is seeking

a full or part-time emergency veterinarian

for our 24 hour specialty referral hospital.

We are a state-of-the-art facility with a

complete in house lab (2 I-stat machines,

Heska Spot-chem and CBC-diff, SCA-

2000), digital radiography, ultrasound,

and access to multiple specialists includ-

ing internal medicine, surgery, oncology,

cardiology, and holistic. Antech Diagnos-

tic Labs in same building. Our support

staff is highly skilled and motivated. We

offer very competitive pay based on pro-

duction with a guaranteed base. We have

excellent benefits that include medical,

dental, 401K, a generous CE allowance

and life insurance. Experience in emer-

gency medicine is essential. Those with

internship experience are encouraged to

apply. Please visit our website: www.sfvs.

net and send or fax your resume to Rob

West, DVM, 600 Alabama Street, San

Francisco, CA 94110, Fax (415) 901-4201

Equal Opportunity Employer.


ER Veterinarian: Join a slower pace of life

yet get the adrenaline rush of a busy ER.

Full service ER hosptial in Grand Junction,

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2007318

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Colorado needs part time or full time

DVM to join growing staff. Clinic is

progressive and growing rapidly. Full

benefit package including IRA and relo-

cation stipend available for full time

position. Fax resume to 970-255-9919 or

via e-mail to [emailprotected] or


Emergency Clinician: Position open for

PT or FT veterinarian in Colorado Springs

Emergency practice. We have a great

support staff and are well equipped. We

are looking for someone who wants to

provide the best for client and patient, has

a desire to learn and expand their hori-

zons and has a good sense of humor. The

scheduling is flexible with plenty of time

off to enjoy Colorado. Competative com-

pensation with health, continuing ed al-

lowance, pto for FT, afflack, simple IRA

plan. Please contact Veronica at 719-473-

0282 or e-mail at [emailprotected]


Associate Veterinarian: AAHA-certified,

small animal, 24-hour hospital. Well care,

critical care, trauma, surgery and emer-

gency, with advanced diagnostics. Quality

medicine; a ‘‘caring, knowledgeable and

talented support staff" that works well

together. We are a full-service, 12-doctor (3

specialists) practice. We have 3 positions

to fill: well care clinician, an emergency

doctor, and an exotic clinician. Some of

what we have to offer: high income

($65,000 for new grad; an experienced

clinician will earn much more), 3 over-

nights or 4 days is full-time, credit union,

digital radiography, digital ultrasound, in-

house lab, interesting cases, no on-call,

liability protection, licenses and member-

ships paid, medical and dental insurance,

paid CE, relocation assistance, retirement

with employer match, rounds twice daily,

3 weeks paid vacation, much more. Call

Felix Leopoldino today at 888-aPet-911

(toll free) or e-mail [emailprotected]

for more information.


Emergency/Critical Care: Animal Spe-

cialty and Emergency Hospital is current-

ly seeking 2 small animal emergency/

critical care veterinarians for their rapidly

growing emergency clinic in Brevard

County, FL. Full-time and/or part-time

considered. A board certified surgeon and

2 board certified internists are available

for consultation and mentoring. Our new

8400 sq. ft. facility is well equipped with

in-house lab, O2 cages, Endoscopy, Ultra-

sound, MRI, PC-Vetguard1 (wireless mul-

ti-parameter patient monitor system),

isolation cages, 2 surgical suites and

extensive surgical equipment. We are also

a blood repository. Our hospital is fully

computerized and has enthusiastic and

skilled support staff. Compensation is

competitive, and benefits include paid

vacation and personal days, 401K, health

insurance, generous CE allowance, licens-

ing, discounted pet care, relocation allow-

ance and a signing bonus. The schedule is

negotiable, but an average of twelve shifts

per month are anticipated. Rockledge is

on the east coast of Florida, 45 minutes

from Orlando, 20 minutes from Kennedy

Space Center and 5 minutes from the

beach and Indian River. The area is great

has ample opportunities for surfing, fish-

ing, sailing, hiking, birding, golfing,

beachcombing and other outdoor pur-

suits. The King Center, a local theater,

has many musical and theatrical events,

and local community theater is thriving.

This area of Florida is less crowded than

south Florida or west coast Florida, and

is a very affordable and pleasant place

to live. Check out the web site below for

area information. http://www.space-coast.

com/ Sound medical and surgical skills,

deep compassion for clients, strong com-

munication skills and outstanding bedside

manner are essential. Recent graduates

considered. We are a State-of-the-Art 8,400

sq. ft. Specialty and Emergency Hospital

located on Florida’s Space Coast, with it’s

beautiful beaches and spectacular sunsets.

A caring and knowledgeable support staff

of over 30 employees focuses on excep-

tional medicine and excellent patient care

along with superior client service skills.

Our Emergency Hospital hours are be-

tween 6 pm–8 am M-F and 24 hours on

weekends and holidays. To learn more

please send your CV and cover letter attn

Linda Wheaton-Sanko to: e-mail linda.

[emailprotected]; fax 321-752-4882;

Phone 321-752-7600.


Associated Veterinarian: Associate want-

ed for emergency hospital in north GA.

Excellent location. many willing clients,

progressive shareholder & referral base.

Beautiful facility. Competitive salary. Ro-

tating schedule. Please mail/email re-

sume’ to Judi Bailey, 1956 Lawrenceville-

Suwanee Rd, Lawrencville, GA 30043,

e-mail: [emailprotected]

Emergency Clinicians: Full-time emer-

gency/critical care veterinarians needed

for rapidly growing small animal, referral-

only, specialty practice in Alpharetta,

Georgia. All Pets Emergency & Referral

Center is committed to providing an

environment of committed professionals

working in an atmosphere which pro-

motes the optimal well-being for our

patients and clients. We have unbeaten

support staff of caring, service-oriented

nurses, technicians, and receptionists. We

routinely manage a diverse caseload of

critical cases. All Pets is equipped second

to none. Enjoy working in a professional

environment with close interaction with

specialists. Service to our referring veter-

inarians is also strongly attended to. We

offer a competitive salary, bonus based on

production, profit sharing and matching

retirement plan. If you are interested in

working in a growing area with a high-

level clientele; many opportunities for

cultural, sporting, and outdoor activities

in a pleasant climate; please send resume

to Dr. R Itkin, All Pets Emergency &

Referral Center, 6460 Highway 9 North,

Alpharetta, GA 30004; phone (678) 366-

2500; [emailprotected]

Georgia - Staff Emergency Critical Care

Clinician Needed: Staff Emergency Crit-

ical Care Clinician needed for progressive,

busy, 24-hour clinic in the metropolitan

Atlanta area. We have two state-of-the-art

facilities. One 15,000 sq. ft. facility also

contains internal medicine, surgery, der-

matology and ophthalmology specialty

practices. Our other 8,500 sq. ft. facility

contains a surgery practice, and other

specialty practices are being considered.

Only thoses interested in pursuing a

career in evidence-based emergency and

critical care medicine need apply. For

more information, check www.cobbevc.

com. Please send resume to our medical

director, Michael Grasso, DVM, Cobb

Emergency Veterinary Clinic, 630 Cobb

Pkwy., N., Ste. C, Marietta, GA 30062, or

e-mail [emailprotected]


Emergency Veterinarian: Emergency Cli-

nician Wanted: FT position available in a

well-established emergency and specialty

hospital located in beautiful Boise, Idaho.

We are seeking a motivated team player

that puts quality medicine and client care

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first. Flexible scheduling allows you to

enjoy the unending recreational opportu-

nities available in Idaho. Compensation

commensurate with experience and in-

cludes competitive benefit package. Con-

tact: Ann Selander at (208)375-1600 or

e-mail resume/CV to [emailprotected]

Criticalist: Criticalist position available at

WestVet Animal Emergency and Specialty

Center located in beautiful Boise, Idaho.

We are seeking a motivated team player

that puts quality medicine and client care

first. Flexible scheduling allows you to

enjoy the unending recreational opportu-

nities available in Idaho. Compensation

commensurate with experience and in-

cludes competitive benefit package.

Contact: Ann Selander at (208)375-1600 or

e-mail resume/CV to [emailprotected]


Veterinarian Wanted: Exciting opportu-

nity at Animal Emergency & Referral

Center, one of Chicagoland’s premier 24/

7 emergency, critical care and specialty

referral hospitals, dedicated to providing

the highest quality compassionate patient

care. We seek a boarded or residency

trained emergency veterinarian to practice

in and manage our emergency service.

Our professional staff includes 5 dedicat-

ed and talented emergency veterinarians,

6 veterinary interns, and board certified

specialists in the disciplines of Cardiology,

Internal Medicine, Surgery, Neurology/

Neurosurgery, and Radiology. Wide range

of diagnostic and monitoring equipment,

CT, MRI, Fluoroscopy. To learn more

contact Sheri Rothschild at: srothschild@

aercenter.com, or visit our website at: www.



If emergency medicine is your passion, we

would like to talk to you about joining our

practice. At Animal E.R., you will enjoy

working with a talented support team and

have use of a wide range of resources (full

in-house lab, direct digital radiography,

on-call surgeon, and more). Animal E.R.

has a flexible multiple-doctor rotation, so

you can have a short workweek and still

enjoy a generous base salary, production

bonus, and full benefits. We are sure you

will love it here! To learn more, please

send your C.V. to David Aul via e-mail:

[emailprotected], fax: (847) 394-

5773, or mail: 1195 E. Palatine Road,

Arlington Heights, IL 60004.


Emergency/Critical Care Veterinarian

Wanted: Eastern Iowa - Enthusiastic and

Motivated Emergency Veterinarian Need-

ed. You would be joining a growing team

of board certified specialists, including a

surgeon, internist, dermatologist and oph-

thalmologist. Along with an established

team of emergency clinicians. Practice

progressive medicine in our new, modern

hospital with the assistance of our well

trained, compassionate support staff. East-

ern Iowa Veterinary Specialty Center is a

24-hour specialty hospital located in Ce-

dar Rapids, Iowa. The Eastern Iowa Vet-

erinary Specialty Center opened in

September 2005, in a new 8,100 square

foot building, with state-of-the-art equip-

ment. Compensation based on percentage

with a guaranteed base. Excellent benefits

package. Flexible schedule includes mul-

tiple days off in a row to allow ample time

to enjoy all that Iowa has to offer. Cedar

Rapids was featured in the September/

October issue of United Express Skywest

magazine as ‘‘the best of the bunch’’,

when searching for a new hometown. To

read more visit, www.skywestmagazine.

com. Send e-mail to: adamato@horizondvm.

com or send resume to: Alyce D’Amato-

Executive Director, Horizon Veterinary

Services, Inc., 4706 New Horizons Blvd.,

Appleton, WI 54914. Or call 920-882-4350.


Associate Veterinarian Position: Jeffer-

son Animal Hospital, AAHA certified

and OPEN 24 hours since 1980, seeking a

qualified veterinarian for day or night

shifts. Competitive Salary and benefits

package, well equipped, beautiful hospital,

check our web site: www.jeffersonanimal-

hospital.com for tour and information.

Fax 502-966-3904.


Emergency/Critical Care Veterinarian

Needed: We are a very strong clinic with

a high surgical and medical caseload.

Working here is not for the faint of heart.

We pride ourselves in turning out very

capable clinicians, medically and surgical-

ly. The learning curve is steep but we are

available for constant mentoring. In addi-

tion we are the only 24 hour hospital in

the state of Maryland affording you the

unique ability to monitor your critical care

and surgical cases while you are away

from the hospital. We also are the only

small animal clinic in Maryland to have

Eklin Digital Xray. You will appreciate that

in ways you cannot imagine. Employment

here is competitive. Voted Baltimore’s Best

Vets- 2007 Send Resume to: Ron Sand,

DVM [emailprotected]; or mail to

6314 Falls Road Baltimore, Md. 21209



Emergency Veterinarian: Essex County

Veterinary Emergency Hospital, is seeking

an experienced and/or internship trained

emergency clinician to join our medical

team. We are looking for a strong team

player with excellent interpersonal skills.

Our well-established hospital is located in

North Andover, 40 minutes north of Bos-

ton. In addition to 24-hour emergency and

critical care, the hospital offers general

practice with 15 doctors and a board-

certified ophthalmologist. Schedules are

flexible allowing for blocks of time off for

pursuing outside interests. If desired,

there is an opportunity for a combination

of general practice and emergency hours.

Our organization is committed to provid-

ing an extensive in house continuing

education program as well as weekly

meetings for rounds, journal review and

case discussion. You will have the support

of our referral hospital, Massachusetts

Veterinary Referral Hospital, that provides

specialty services in the fields of ophthal-

mology, internal medicine, surgery, critical

care, oncology, radiology and neurology.

Compensation is production based with a

first year guarantee. Benefits include med-

ical, dental and disability insurance, con-

tinuing education package, professional

memberships, 401K and pension plans

and paid vacation. Please contact: Diana

Cooney, Director of Human Resources

Intown Veterinary Group Inc. 247 Chicke-

ring Road North Andover, Massachusetts

01845 Phone: (978) 651-2274 E-mail: dco-

[emailprotected]. Visit our web site at


Criticalist Opportunity in Boston: A sec-

ond board certified or residency trained

emergency and critical care specialist is

needed for our rapidly growing emergen-

cy/referral hospital. The appropriate

candidate must possess strong communi-

cation skills and have a team-oriented

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attitude. Our emergency department cur-

rently consists of a board certified critica-

list, eleven internship-trained emergency

veterinarians and a dedicated support

staff. An internship program is planned

for 2007. Twelve specialists in the fields of

internal medicine, oncology, neurology,

ophthalmology, radiology and surgery

compliment our emergency service. Mas-

sachusetts Veterinary Referral Hospital is

located in Woburn, 11 miles north of

Boston. We have recently expanded into

a newly built 26,000-sq. ft. hospital. Our

new hospital boasts wireless PC tablets, a

plasma screen triage board, wireless te-

lemetry equipment, in-house MRI, digital

radiology and ultrasound with a CT scan-

ner and a linear accelerator planned for

2007. Competitive compensation and ben-

efits including medical, dental and dis-

ability insurance, 401K and pension and

profit sharing plans, a generous continu-

ing education allowance, and paid vaca-

tion. Please send resume to Diana Cooney,

Director of Human Resources, Massachu-

setts Veterinary Referral Hospital, 20 Cab-

ot Road, Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 or

e-mail at [emailprotected]. Visit

our web site at www.intownvet.com

Attention Specialists and Criticalists:


Board certified/eligible criticalist, cardiol-

ogist, internist, radiologist and ECC vet-

erinarians are desired to add to our

expanding departments. Our uniquely

designed, expertly equipped 17,000 sq. ft.

facility, in Waltham, includes a complete

Surgical, Internal Medicine, Radiology,

Ophthalmology and Emergency and Crit-

ical Care Departments, a part-time Cardi-

ology consultation service, an Oncology

practice (NEVOG) and Radiocat onsite.

Our most valued asset is our certified

nursing staff, including 5 VTS (ECC)

nurses. In addition to all of the state of

the art technology such as CT, and a linear

accelerator, digital radiography, fluoros-

copy and an invasive catheter lab are on

the way. Our website, WWW.VESCONE.

COM, has more information about us.

Base salary plus commission, sign on

bonus, moving expenses, excellent bene-

fits and CE. Buy in is possible for the right

individual. We are family friendly, offer

full/part – time and support a flex sched-

ule. Amy A. Shroff, VMD, co-chief of staff,

781-684-8387, fax 781-890-2891, and

e-mail: [emailprotected]

Emergency Veterinarian Opportunity:

The new Veterinary Emergency & Special-

ty Hospital is growing! We are seeking

emergency veterinarians to join our thriv-

ing hospital located in a beautiful area of

the Pioneer Valley. Work with our board

certified specialists (board certification not

necessary if you have experience). Our

hospital is open 24-hours a day, 7 days a

week, and includes the latest in diagnostic

equipment. Enjoy a 3-day work week with

plenty of time off to explore the region

and all it has to offer: culture, great

restaurants, outdoor activities and more,

with Boston and NYC a drive away.

Candidates must be great communicators

(with clients and co-workers) and dedi-

cated to a team-based workplace as well

as continuing education. Full benefits

package. E-mail Dr. Kirstin Losert, Chief

of Staff, at [emailprotected]


gency Veterinarians Wanted: CAPE COD,



Referral and Emergency Center (CARE) is

offering an excellent opportunity for

Emergency Veterinarians to join our cur-

rent staff of emergency clinicians and

specialists. Our new 10,000 sq. ft. state-

of-the-art small animal referral and emer-

gency hospital is located on beautiful

Cape Cod, Massachusetts. CARE is the

only 24/7 referral and emergency hospital

serving Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Mar-

tha’s Vineyard and currently includes

specialists in surgery, internal medicine,

ophthalmology, and radiology, as well as

emergency veterinarians. Our hospital is

well equipped with digital radiography,

flexible and rigid endoscopy, color flow

Doppler, ultrasound, ECG telemetry, re-

spiratory ventilator, oxygen cages, central

ICU/CCU nursing station and trauma

room, biphasic defibrillator and external

pacing, blood bank, blood typing, and

complete in-house laboratory. There are 2

surgical suites fully equipped for all soft

tissue, orthopedic, and neurologic proce-

dures. We will add CT imaging and

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in

Fall 2007. Compensation is production

based with a competitive first year salary.

Benefits include 2 weeks paid vacation,

health insurance, and a generous CE

package. Please visit Cape Animal Refer-

ral and Emergency Center at www.care-

vet.net. CONTACT: Garrett M. Levin,

DVM, Diplomate ACVS Medical Director

79 Theophilus Smith Road South Dennis,

MA 02660 508-398-7575 glevin@carevet.

net www.carevet.net


Staff DVM Position: Michigan EMER-

GENCY DVM – FT or PT position avail-

able in our after hours facility. Need self

starter with excellent communication

skills. Emergency experience preferred

but will consider new graduate. Devoted

team to share the fun. Enjoy the challenge

and pay of emergency medicine. For more

information call Dr. Jeff Dizik (MTWF

days) 313/389-2222 or fax resume to 734/

284-7990 or e-mail affiliatedvet@comcast.



Seeking Emergency/Critical Care Veteri-

narians: Seeking clincian for progressive

after-hours emergency clinic in beautiful

Missoula Montana. Home to the Univ-

erstiy of Montana, Missoula is nestled in

the heart of the Rocky Mountains. From

world class fly fishing, white water rafting

to extreme skiing, Missoula and surround-

ing areas offer an abundance of spectacu-

lar outdoor recreational opportunities

balanced with the social and cultural ame-

nities of a university community. Direct

inqiries and/or resumes to chmikesell@

msn.com or fax to (406)541-3745.

ER/General Practitioner: F/T positions

available for SA vets seeking work in

new AAHA certified hospital in beautiful

Montana. Experience preferred for medi-

cal, surgical and ER care. 3 FT vets,

visiting specialists, all the latest lab, sur-

gery, radiology/endoscopy and US equip-

ment. Excellent staff w/CVT’s and RN’s. 4

day work week/rotating on-call. Great

benefits including IRA, CE and all dues/

licensing/PLIT paid. Exc. salary, incen-

tives and bonuses. Call Dr. Thomas #406-

255-0500, fax resume #406-255-0510 and

visit our website: bestfriendsvetcare.com


Emergency Veterinarians Wanted: Now

hiring emergency/critical care veterinari-

an in Las Vegas, NV for a well-established

emergency clinic with a large referral

base. Position has potential advancement

opportunity for Medical Director. Beauti-

ful new facility equipped with digital

radiography, computed tomography, ul-

trasound, and in-house laboratory in

addition to an excellent support staff.

Offering full time or part time positions

with outstanding compensation and gen-

erous benefits. Please send resume to 5231

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2007 321

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W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89146

or Fax (702) 822-1932 Attn: Alli.

New Hampshire

Emergency Veterinarian: Excellent op-

portunity for a full time emergency veter-

inarian. We are a progressive emergency,

critical care, referral hospital located in

beautiful NH close to mountains, ocean

and Boston. Boarded internist and sur-

geon are on staff. We offer competitive

salary, commission, benefits and positive

professional, compassionate team envi-

ronment. Please contact wendymunroe@

capaereaves.org, 603-227-1199 or CAVES

22 Bridge Street, Concord, NH 03301.

New Jersey

Emergency Veterinarian: Staff Veterinari-

an for Emergency Service in Central New

Jersey, minutes from the Jersey Shore.

Excellent income over $100,000.00 Nights

and weekends. New Jersey license re-

quired. Prefer experience. Call 732-528-

7800 or e-mail [emailprotected]

Emergency Veterinarian Wanted: Enjoy a

challenging and rewarding full-time ca-

reer in our extremely active emergency

service in Fairfield, NJ. The case load is

large and varied. The clients are pleasant

and cooperative. The technical support

team is knowledgeable, cheerful and de-

pendable. Learning opportunities abound

while working with our large staff of 15

other emergency clinicians and 11 special-

ists. Our goal is to deliver superior service

to our patients and clients while providing

a safe, pleasant, and fiscally rewarding

career to our employees. Our primary

facility was recently built and is state-of-

the-art in all areas. We offer generous

compensation and an excellent benefits

package along with a reasonable rotating

schedule. The ideal candidate is a veteri-

narian who has some experience in gen-

eral or other emergency practices, is

confident in both their medical and surgi-

cal skills with excellent communication

skills – both verbal and written. This

position is not appropriate for a new

graduate. The ability to multi-task and

work as a successful team member are

essential to success. Only hard-working,

honest, cheerful, dedicated individuals

willing to commit to the highest level of

patient and client care will be considered.

More information about the hospital

can be obtained at our website – www.

animalerc.com Submit CV to Dr. Betty

Pyatak-Monaghan via fax 973-788-0502 or

e-mail [emailprotected]

Emergency Clinician Needed: The New-

ton Veterinary Hospital is a 24/7 hospital

in an 11,000 square foot, state of the art

building. Digital x-ray, blood bank on

premises and more. Highly qualified staff

of 75 for support. Make over $100,000

working 2 days a week. Call Dr. Don

Costlow at 973-383-4321 or e-mail at

[emailprotected]. Visit our website

at www.newtonvet.com

Emergency Veterinarian Positions: Black

Horse Pike Animal Hospital is a rapidly

growing practice in Washington Town-

ship, So Jersey. While constructing a new

state of the art facility, we are expanding

our practice to include emergency and

critical care medicine and surgery. We are

offering veterinarians the opportunity to

join our team as we expand our services

and hours of operation. We are dedicated

to providing So. Jersey with the highest

level of veterinary medical and surgical

care. Currently, we are a well equipped

fully computerized and integrated hospi-

tal which offers leading edge services such

as ultrasound, video endoscopy, oncology

and advanced soft tissue and orthopedic

surgery. Successful candidates will need

to be committed to setting the standard in

patient care, customer service, client edu-

cation and exceptional communication.

We offer a lucrative benefits package

which includes health insurance, a Simple

IRA and paid CE. For more information

please contact Sandi Ryan at 856-728-1400

x 102 or e-mail [emailprotected]; fax

856-728-1811. Visit our website at www.



Full-time Emergency Veterinarians

Wanted: Albuquerque Animal Emergen-

cy Clinic is a well-established practiced in

Albuquerque, NM. We are seeking to add

two full-time emergency veterinarians to

our 24-hour emergency/critical care facil-

ity. Emergency veterinarians work closely

with our specialists to help provide top-

quality care to all of our patients. Benefits

include: health insurance, 401(K) profit

sharing, VIN, AVMA PLIT, discounted

health club membership, VECCS, Albu-

querque VMA, and CE to name a few.

AAEC is located within the Veterinary

Emergency and Specialty Center of NM

facility which is a 12,000 sq. ft. state-of-

the-art facility. We offer 24-hour emergen-

cy and critical care and provide a center

for other specialties working from our

facility: Internal Medicine, Dermatology,

Physical Therapy, Oncology, and Acu-

puncture. Our facility consists of 8 exam-

ination rooms, 4 treatment bays, separate

isolation room, endoscopy room, ultra-

sound room, large in-house laboratory, in-

house helical CT imaging, hydrotherapy

pool, three well-equipped surgical suites,

conference room for CE and much more.

Telephone: 505-884-3433; E-mail: vssnm@



Emergency Clinicians: We are looking for

additional full time clinicians to round out

our staff. We currently provide a full

range of medical and surgical services

during weeknights and 24 hours on week-

ends and holidays with plans to expand to

24/7. Our highly trained staff and full

range of up-to-date equipment will allow

you to practice high quality medicine.

Competitive compensation package in-

cludes health insurance, uniform allow-

ance, CE allowance, professional dues and

retirement plan. We believe that your job

should be rewarding and fun. Send, fax or

remail your resume to Veterinary Emer-

gency Center, 2115 Downer Street Road,

Baldwinsville, NY 13027; Fax: 315.638-

3647; [emailprotected]

Emergency Veterinarian: Full time expe-

rienced, enthusiastic veterinarian needed

for busy 24 hour emergency hospital

located on the east end of Long Island.

Well established practice. Fully equipped

with ultrasound machine, in house lab

machines, surgical ventilator, Doppler

blood pressure monitor. Great opportuni-

ty to practice alongside our well trained,

compassionate support staff. Competitive

compensation and benefits including

medical, dental, vision, and disability

insurance, 401K, a generous continuing

education allowance, and paid vacation

and sick time. Relocation bonus available.

If interested, please send e-mail to Dr.

Matthew Kearns, Medical Director, at

[emailprotected] or send resume

to Laura Andrews-Hospital Manager, An-

imal Emergency Service, 280-L Middle

Country Rd., Selden, NY 11784 Phone:

(631) 698-2225.

Emergency Veterinarian Wanted: NYC

Veterinary Specialists, located in midtown

Manhattan is currently seeking an experi-

enced after-hours emergency doctor to

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2007322

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join our growing hospital. Our new 20,000

square foot hospital was designed with

specialty and emergency care as the focus.

NYC Veterinary Specialists was opened

September, 2006 As one of the nation’s

premier practices, emergency clinicians

work closely with 20 plus board-certified

specialists in Behavior, Critical Care, Der-

matology, Internal Medicine, Neurology,

Oncology, Ophthalmology, Surgery and

an established team of experienced emer-

gency doctors. NYC Veterinary Specialists

is the place to advance your professional

career as well as enjoy an outstanding

work environment and quality of life. To

learn more about this position please

contact Dr. Neil Shaw, DACVIM at 813

758-8361 (cell), or e-mail NeilShaw@

nyc-vs.com. To learn more about our

hospital, visit our website at www.nyc-vs.


North Carolina

Emergency Clinician Wanted: Emergen-

cy Critical Care Veterinarians needed for

emergency hospital on the Crystal Coast.

We are starting construction on a new

facility at this time. This hospital covers

emergencies for 15 partner hospitals. Very

competitive salary with comfortable

schedule. Modern equipment and well

trained staff. Plenty of time for beach and

water activities. Nice community for fam-

ily. Phone: Susan Lloyd, DVM 252-504-

2097, Fax 252-504-2391, or e-mail: live-



ER DVM for progressive referral practice

Cleveland, Ohio: Emergency Room vet-

erinarian wanted for 3 shifts/week for our

dynamic and highly respected multi-

specialty practice in Cleveland, Ohio. Dy-

namic multi-specialty referral center spe-

cializing with cutting edge equipment,

strong management team and highly

trained technicians providing the highest

quality of care and compassion in a team

environment. Boarded specialists in inter-

nal medicine, oncology, radiology and

surgery. Join our ER center that monitors

inpatients and sees emergency cases. This

area is one of the country’s best-kept

secrets on many fronts including afford-

able housing, great recreation/entertain-

ment, topnotch education and training

institutions. Generous salary, 3 weeks paid

vacation, health insurance, 1 week paid

Continuing Education, 401K and reloca-

tion expenses. If interested, please contact

Victoria Travis, MS, at 888-468-5737 (toll

free), 720-207-0340 (fax) or e-mail victo-

[emailprotected]. All respons-

es are confidential.


Emergency Veterinarian: Banfield, The

Pet Hospital is looking for Emergency

Hospital Veterinarians to allow us to open

both a 24-hour emergency services clinic

and an Urgent Care hospital. Join a team

committed to practicing the highest qual-

ity medicine with modern equipment and

diagnostics, and an excellent paraprofes-

sional staff. Outstanding compensation

and benefits including production-based

bonuses, paid vacation and holidays, gen-

erous practice-sponsored continuing edu-

cation allowance, dues and licensing

benefits and career development pro-

grams. Contact Dr. Lester 503-407-2644,

email [emailprotected] or visit our

website at www.banfield.net

ER/ICU Veterinarian: Northwest Veteri-

nary Specialists is looking for an intern-

ship trained veterinarian with

emergency/critical care experience to join

the emergency service team. NWVS is a 17

doctor referral practice with specialty

services in neurology, surgery, internal

medicine, oncology, ophthalmology and

24/7 emergency & critical care. Our hos-

pital focuses on patient care and client

service and we are proud of our reputa-

tion within the community. We value and

endeavor to maintain an environment of

open communication, cooperation and

collaboration. The F/T position comes

with a full benefit package and competi-

tive salary based on experience. For more

information visit our website at www.

northwestvetspecialists.com Contact Jo-

hanna Baldwin 503-656-3999 or e-mail


Veterinarians Wanted: Banfield, The Pet

Hospital, is looking for Emergency Hos-

pital Veterinarians to allow us to open

both a 24-hour emergency services and

Urgent Care hospital. Join a team com-

mitted to practicing the highest quality

medicine with modern equipment and

diagnostics, and an excellent paraprofes-

sional staff. Outstanding compensation

and benefits including production-based

bonuses, paid vacation and holidays, gen-

erous practice-sponsored continuing edu-

cation allowance, dues and licensing

benefits and career development pro-

grams. Contact Dr. Lester 503-407-2644;

e-mail [emailprotected] or visit our

website at www.banfield.net


Criticalist Wanted: Veterinary Emergency

Clinic (VEC) is seeking Boarded or Board-

Eligible Criticalists. Established in 1994,

VEC is an off-hours emergency clinic

sharing facilities with Pittsburgh Veteri-

nary Specialists (PVS). PVS is Southwest-

ern Pennsylvania’s most well established

multi-specialty referral hospital - offering

surgery, internal medicine, ophthalmolo-

gy and dermatology. Our two groups are

joining forces to become Pittsburgh Veter-

inary Specialty and Emergency Center. We

are constructing Western Pennsylvania’s

largest veterinary hospital. The new facil-

ity will be 28,000 square feet and will offer

MRI, CT, Radiation Oncology, Surgery,

Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology and

Dermatology. We will offer 24-hour emer-

gency care in the new facility. We are also

actively recruiting specialists in other dis-

ciplines. Boarded Criticalists will enjoy a

36-hour work week, daytime hours, com-

petitive salary, production-based bonus,

and excellent benefits. Pittsburgh is a

beautiful, safe city with a low cost of

living, excellent health care, world-re-

nowned universities, exceptional cultural

amenities, and great professional sports

teams. Southwestern Pennsylvania offers

a multitude of outdoor experiences in-

cluding mountain biking, hiking, white-

water, skiing and snowboarding, fishing

and camping. Please contact Dr. Kenton

Rexford at 412-559-2279 or krexford@


Criticalist Wanted: Veterinary Emergency

Clinic (VEC) is seeking Boarded or Board-

Eligible Criticalists. Established in 1994,

VEC is an off-hours emergency clinic

sharing facilities with Pittsburgh Veteri-

nary Specialists (PVS). PVS is Southwest-

ern Pennsylvania’s premier multi-

specialty referral hospital - offering sur-

gery, internal medicine, ophthalmology

and dermatology. Our two groups are

joining forces to become Pittsburgh Veter-

inary Specialty and Emergency Center. We

are constructing Western Pennsylvania’s

largest veterinary hospital. The new facil-

ity will be 30,000 square feet and will offer

MRI, CT, Radiation Oncology, Surgery,

Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology and

Dermatology. We will offer 24-hour emer-

gency care in the new facility. We are also

actively recruiting specialists in other dis-

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ciplines. Boarded Criticalists will enjoy a

36-hour work week, daytime hours, com-

petitive salary, production-based bonus,

and excellent benefits. Pittsburgh is a

beautiful, safe city with a low cost of

living, excellent health care, world-re-

nowned universities, exceptional cultural

amenities, and great professional sports

teams. Southwestern Pennsylvania offers

a multitude of outdoor experiences in-

cluding mountain biking, hiking, white-

water, skiing and snowboarding, fishing

and camping. Please contact Dr. Kenton

Rexford at 412-559-2279 or krexford@


Emergency Veterinarian: Veterinarian:

Valley Central Emergency Veterinary Hos-

pital – established in 1993 and growing

rapidly, we are the premier night, week-

end, and holiday emergency hospital in

the Allentown PA metro area. Located

about 1 hour North of Philadelphia and

about 1 hour South of New York in the

Lehigh Valley. We are seeking an emer-

gency veterinarian for our 4 year old

12,0001sq. ft. hospital which we share

with a daytime specialty referral center.

Emergency experience a plus, possible

director position for the right candidate

that is either board certified or board

eligible in emergency and critical care.

We offer a great location, new facility,

ample support staff, top salary and ben-

efits package, state of the art equipment,

access to specialists, even a fully equipped

ambulance for patient transfer, and an

excellent work environment. Overnight

rotations and some weekend daytime

shifts are required. Come and add to our

growth and success. You need to be a

positive, team oriented person. Please

send resume and cover letter to Bart

Ueberroth, MBA – Hospital Administrator

at [emailprotected], fax 610-435-2690,

or mail 210 Fullerton Ave., Whitehall, PA


Emergency Veterinarian Wanted: Emer-

gency veterinarian wanted- Are you look-

ing for a position with 9 days on 12 off;

that challenges your medical knowledge;

with a dedicated support staff; in a fully

equipped hospital in a progressive com-

munity? Requirements: DVM degree or

equivalent with understanding of the

human animal bond, compassion and

excellent communications skills. Come to

picturesque Lancaster County, located 1

hour west of Philadelphia. Pet Emergency

Treatment Services, (PETS) is seeking a

full-time small animal emergency veteri-

narian to join their dedicated staff. PETS,

established in 1990, recently moved into a

new, fully equipped, 8,000 sq. foot facility.

The hospital is well equipped including

a CT unit and excellent lab. Rotating

schedule, hours negotiable. Base salary is

$100,000 with a compensation package

designed to meet you needs. Please phone

Trudy Daniels, hospital manager at 717-

295-7387, fax 717-295-1948,or 930 N.

Queen St, Lancaster, PA 17603.

Emergency and Critical Care Veterinari-

an Wanted: Metropolitan Veterinary As-

sociates and Emergency Service is a large,

specialty referral and emergency practice

located in suburban Philadelphia, outside

historic Valley Forge. We are looking for

another emergency and critical care veter-

inarian. We currently have 12 specialists

as part of our daytime referral staff with

which our emergency veterinarians work

closely. We are open 24 hours, which

allows for numerous rotations for our

emergency clinicians. The support staff,

nights and days, is excellent and well

trained. We have a brand new 18,000-sq.

ft. facility with state-of-the-art diagnostic

and therapeutic equipment, which in-

cludes ultrasound and CT. Compensation

and benefits are excellent. We do academic

level work in a relaxed environment.

FAX curriculum vitae to Julie Banyacski

CVT,VTS(ECC) at 610-666-1199 or e-mail

to julieb917@verizon

Seeking Emergency Veterinarians: North-

view Veterinary Specialty Services is seek-

ing to expand our services by offering

emergency overnight and weekend cover-

age for our specialty practice. Three doc-

tors are needed to join our growing, busy,

referral center in the beautiful western

region of Pennsylvania. Northview Veter-

inary Specialty services co-habitats with

an active, six doctor AAHA general prac-

tice. Present expansion will include a

separate three story wing allowing NVSS

to practice in its own facility while still

being able to utilize facilities in the newly

renovated part of the general hospital. The

18,500 sq. ft. hospital has state-of-the art

equipment, including digital radiography,

Biosound Megas ES ultrasound unit, com-

plete flexible and rigid endoscopy (Storz)

capabilities including arthroscopy, as well

as pulse oximetry with BP monitor, EKG,

sevoflurane, stored blood products and I-

Stat. Surgery equipment includes a com-

plete compliment of Synthes orthopedic

power and plating equipment and SK

Fixators. Ct scan and canine rehabilitation

center are to be added with the expansion.

24 hour care 365 days a year is provided

by our excellent technical support staff.

RadioCat is housed within the hospital to

provide treatment for hyperthyroid cats.

Antech will also be housed within the

facility to provide our doctors as well as

surrounding hospitals the fastest possible

lab results. The referral base has been

established over 30 years and draws from

155 doctors. Current specialists represent-

ed in internal medicine and surgery.

Pittsburgh, with its three rivers, is a

beautiful city and was recently ranked

one of the most livable cities in the U.S.

Three pro sports teams are represented,

many museums, three major universities

and some smaller colleges are all within 45

minutes. Outdoor sports, whether skiing

or snowboarding in the winter, or hunting

or fishing in the warmer weather, are all

within and hour away. The position at

Northview Veterinary Specialty Services

offers a generous salary as well as excel-

lent benefits package. Our hospital staff is

friendly co-operative and well trained.

The successful candidate will share our

dedication to practicing compassionate,

quality medicine. Please contact either

Dr. Lisa Assandri, Dipl. A.C.V.I.M at

412-364-5626 or [emailprotected] or

James K. Beebe DVM at 412-527-4221 or


Emergency Clinician: The Animal Emer-

gency Clinic of Wyoming Valley is a 24

hour emergency, critical care, and referral

facility. We are currently looking for a

highly qualified emergency clinician to

add to our staff, which includes a resi-

dency trained criticalist, part time sur-

geon, and three full time emergency

doctors. We have a large referral base

and caseload to support our growing

facility and area. The staff prides itself

on practicing state of the art medicine and

surgery. The facility is equipped with a

complete in house laboratory, digital radi-

ography, ultrasound, endoscopy, and nu-

clear scintigraphy. The hospital is located

in northeast Pennsylvania in the city of

Pittston. We offer a competitive salary,

license fees, vacation time, CE stipend,

medical coverage, a 401K, and moving

stipend. Preference will be given to indi-

viduals with internship training. Please

fax or email curriculum vitae to (570) 655-

0960 or [emailprotected], attention to

Dr. Louis DelGiudice.

Emergency Clinicians Wanted: 3 day

work week! Emergency Veterinarians

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2007324

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wanted for FT positions in York and

Lebanon. Experience valued but not nec-

essary as we will mentor the right person

with a sincere interest in Emergency/

Critical Care Medicine. The ideal candi-

date will possess excellent medical and

surgical skills and have a desire to practice

compassionate medicine in a progressive

and well supported environment. Com-

petitive salary, with production based

bonus and generous benefit package. If

you are interested in joining one of our

exciting and growing practices, please fax

resume to Dr. Shaka Monroe 717-764-8725.

South Carolina

Emergency Veterinarian Wanted: Imme-

diate opening for an emergency veterinar-

ian at our two sister, after hours, emergency

clinics in beautiful Charleston, South Car-

olina. We offer excellent compensation (90-

100K possible) and benefits with plenty of

time off to enjoy the coastal life. We are

looking for a veterinarian that is dedicated

and enthusiastic, with competent medical

and surgical skills, as well as outstanding

interpersonal skills. Both clinics are well

established with skilled and caring support

staff, and have onsite internal medicine and

surgical practices. We have excellent mon-

itoring and surgical equipment, a complete

pharmacy, an extensive in-house lab, and a

fully equipped ICU. If you want a chal-

lenging and rewarding career and a rotat-

ing, flexible schedule, please give us a call.

Come and enjoy the beaches, fishing,

kayaking, and a port city rich in culture,

history, and entertainment. Please contact:

Dr. Jeremy Libby (843) 324-7423; Dr. Adri-

anne Sprovero (843) 532-3483.

Emergency Clinician: Veterinary Emer-

gency Clinic seeking associate for well

established practice in beautiful upstate

S.C. Very desirable lacation that is one

hour to the Blue Ridge Moutains, four

hours to Myrtle Beach, and surrounded by

numerous inland lakes for recreation. One

university and 5 colleges are located in the

practice area. The practice is looking for a

motivated, energetic associate with good

people skills that will grow with the

practice. Salary commensurate with expe-

rience and clinical skills. New graduates

will be considered. Telephone: 864-585-

5233; E-mail: [emailprotected]


Emergency Veterinarian: Full time emer-

gency clinician sought for an after hours

clinic in San Antonio. We offer a positive

work environment, hard working staff,

competitive pay and benefits, flexible

scheduling, and management opportuni-

ties. Want to know more? Fax your resume

to the Animal Emergency Room at 210-

737-7385 or call 210-737-7380.

Opportunity: Looking for doctors com-

mitted to emergency medicine in Houston,

Texas. Work in a friendly environment

with good equipment and staff for good

compensation. Schedules to suit. Col-

league consultation available at all times.

Criticalist oversight. Training and CE

available. Contact us about the potential

for a satisfying career. Mark Rubash, DVM,

DACVECC. (281) 499-7242. mrubash@


Emergency Clinician: Full time position

open as an emergency and critical care

veterinarian in a large, progressive, after-

hours emergency practice owned by 95

local veterinarians. Practice operates three

after-hours emergency facilities, a 24 hour

critical care facility and is the emergency

department in an 18,000 square foot spe-

cialty referral and emergency center.

Fourth emergency facility is under con-

struction. Practice includes 19 fulltime

veterinarians and a staff of over 75 moti-

vated individuals. All locations include

digital radiography, ultrasound, defibril-

lator, ecg, spO2, etCO2, ventilator, coag

analyzer, central venous, Dopler and osc-

illometric blood pressure, istat blood an-

alyzer and IDEXX lab system. Benefits

include: retirement plan, generous CE

allowance, licenses and professional fees,

professional memberships, health bene-

fits. New graduates welcomed Texas

license and DEA license required. Inter-

ested candidates contact Dr Thomas Han-

na at the Emergency Pet Clinic in San

Antonio, Texas, Tel: 210-822-2873 or

e-mail: [emailprotected]

Emergency Clinician Wanted: The Ani-

mal Emergency Clinic of Central Texas,

located in a suburb of Austin, is seeking a

FT clinician, dedicated to the highest

standards of veterinary emergency care.

Clinic is fully loaded with requisite equip

- in-house lab/radiology/US/endoscopy/

blood products/telemetry/istat/coag, etc.

We are open nights/wknds/holidays and

operate in conjunction with a surgery/

oncology referral practice. Our doctors

enjoy a strong support staff, competitive

salary/benefits/CE allowance, communi-

ty involvement, in-house CE and flexible

scheduling. Contact K. Christy, VMD@

[emailprotected], or Office Mgr Kara

Watson @ 512.733.9475.

Veterinarian Wanted: The Animal Emer-

gency Center of West Houston, the fastest

growing, AAHA accredited, emergency

center in the country, is currently looking

to hire a fourth associate for our state of

the art facility. Candidates should be

willing to work nights, weekends, and

holidays. We offer very competitive wages

(to be determined with experience) and

benefits (health insurance, vacation, sick

time, CE, license fees, uniform allowance,

etc.) Interested candidates can e-mail their

resumes to [emailprotected] or

fax to 832-593-8388.

Emergency Clinician Wanted: Full- or

part-time veterinarian wanted for a pro-

gressive 24-hour critical care/ emergency

clinic located in prime North Dallas area.

Clinic provides high-quality medical and

surgical care to a large referral base and

carries a moderate caseload with a variety

of challenging medical conditions. Our

doctors are supported by a highly-skilled

nursing staff and a 9000 square-foot, state-

of-the-art facility. The clinic has a full, in-

house lab, including a new I-stat blood gas

machine and two SCA-2000s; an endo-

scope; ventilator; Cardell surgical moni-

tor; defibrillator; and infusion and double

fluid pumps. Future plans include the

acquisition of an ultrasound machine and

digital radiography within the next year.

During the day, there is a referral neurol-

ogy practice with an on-site CT scan and

the capability to schedule MRI studies.

The pharmacy is well-stocked and in-

cludes most transfusion products includ-

ing Oxyglobin. Our philosophy is to

provide proactive care and outstanding

compassion for our patients and their

owners. We also strive to maintain concise

communication and excellent working

relationships with our referring clinics.

The veterinarian we are looking for

should be energetic, progressive and have

a desire to be a part of a great team!

Resumes may be emailed to [emailprotected]

or faxed to 972.466.3721.


Emergency Veterinarians - Needed Im-

mediately: Veterinary Referral & Critical

Care in Manakin-Sabot, Virginia is a fast

paced, high-quality, Veterinary facility

providing 24-hour emergency care, critical

care and advanced internal medicine and

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2007 325

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surgical services in the central Virginia

area(Richmond/Charlottesville). This rap-

idly growing, state-of-the-art faility has 2

utlrasound units, digital radiography,

multiple video endoscopes, in-house lab-

oratory, 3 surgical sutes, telemetric EKG

capabilities, 2 separate isolation units and

a fully equiped 3,500 sq. ft. ICU. Four

surgeons (3 board certified, 1 setting

boards in 02/2007, four board certified

internal medicine specialists, 3 emergency

medicine veterinarians and 18 LTV’s cur-

rently support the facility. We are seeking

2 full-time and 1 part-time emergency

veterinarians to join our team. Experience

is preferred but will consider all interested

applicants. Applicant must be licensed to

practice in the State of Virginia. We offer a

competitive salary and and excellent ben-

efits package including; 401k/profit shar-

ing, continuing education, paid personal

leave, health insurance, disaility insur-

ance, liability insurance and professional

association and license dues. All interest-

ed please forward your CV to the atten-

tion of Brenda Marrs Hubbard at 1596

Hockett Rd., Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103, e-

mail to: [emailprotected] or call me at


Immediate Opening for Emergency Cli-

nician: Full service Emergency and Criti-

cal Care Facility located in Fredericksburg,

VA is seeking qualified applicants for a

full-time Veterinarian. The Fredericksburg

Regional Veterinary Emergency Center is

searching for a 3rd experienced clinician

to join our staff and assist in continuing to

develop our reputation within the local

community for high quality and compas-

sionate Veterinary Emergency care. As a

full time clinician with the FRVEC com-

pensation includes salary with the poten-

tial for year-end bonuses. Benefits include

full Medical/Dental insurance, Disability

Insurance, State License, Professional

Liability, CE allowance, AVMA or VECCS

dues, local association dues and VIN

membership. The Veterinary staff operates

on a 3 week rotating schedule where we

work 9 shifts in a 21 day period, leaving

ample time off to pursue personal inter-

ests and hobbies. Consider joining FRVEC

now as we are planning our transition

from after-hours to 24-hour emergency

and critical care where your input can

assist in shaping the future of our clinic.

Please contact Dr. Jason Taylor at 804-310-

7884 or [emailprotected]

Emergency Veterinarian Positions: Look-

ing for an emergency practice that is

growing and ready to seriously expand

in the next couple of years? We are

seeking emergency veterinarians who are

ready to take on the task of being excellent

clinicians; work well with others and

enjoy the thrill of emergency medicine.

Valley Emergency Veterinary Clinic

opened its doors in 1998 and has been a

proud veterinary presence in Winchester,

VA ever since. We’re teamed up with an

excellent surgical group that boasts board

certified surgeons. We are on the path to

add internal medicine and critical care

services in the near future. Our current

emergency staff consists of 4 DVMs, 12

excellent LVTs, and as many assistants

plus receptionists. Don’t miss the oppor-

tunity to join us now as we prepare to get

even better! Contact us today at: 164-4

Garber Lane, Winchester, VA 22602 -Fax:

540-662-7870 or e-mail: vevcmanager@


Emergency Veterinary Medicine Oppor-

tunity: Emergency-Critical Care Clinician

position available at well established (25

years), progressive, after hours ER prac-

tice located in Yorktown, Virginia. Hospi-

tal has adjacent Specialty practice-Surgery,

Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Neurology,

etc. Staffed with experienced, well trained

team members, LVTs, and Hospital man-

ager. Fully equipped including digital

radiology. Located with easy access to

both mountains and beaches. Advance-

ment opportunity available as Medical

Director Position also open. Base pay with

productivity, excellent benefits package.

Experienced candidate preferred, but in-

terested new graduates strongly consid-

ered. If you are seeking new areas of

growth please contact Dr. Greg Piske 757-

877-6464, or [emailprotected] to dis-

cuss your future.

Veterinarian in Charge: Since 1998, Val-

ley Emergency Veterinary Clinic has been

the area’s premier choice for emergency

services. With a team of 5 DVMs, 12 LVTS,

and many assistants and receptionists,

you will be moving with us into the area’s

first full-service, newly built, referral hos-

pital. Since April 2006, we have offered

24/7 emergency services. We now have

board certified surgeons available and will

be adding internal medicine and other

specialized departments. Located in Win-

chester, VA, we offer easy access to the

social and cultural benefits of Washington,

DC as well as access to the Blue Ridge

Mountains. We offer an excellent employ-

ment package. We welcome your interest

and encourage a trip to our clinic. Please

send your resume to: 164-4 Garber Lane,

Winchester, VA 22602; fax to: 540-662-

7870; or e-mail to: vevcmanager@ntelos.


Emergency Veterinarian Needed: North-

view Veterinary Specialty Services is seek-

ing 3 emergency doctors. Northview co-

habitats with an active, 6 doctor AAHA

general practice. The 18,500 sq. foot hos-

pital has state-of-the-art equipment stan-

dard in most referral practices. CT scan

and a canine rehabilitation center are to be

added with the current expansion. Radio-

Cat is housed with the hospital. Antech

will also be housed with the facility.

Pittsburg, with its 3 rivers, is a beautiful

city and was recently ranked as one of the

best cities in the country. Three pro sports

teams are represented, many museums, 3

major universities and some smaller col-

leges are within 45 minutes. Skiing, snow-

boarding, hunting and fishing are within 1

hour away. The positions at Northview

Specialty Services offer a generous salary

as well as an excellent benefits package.

Please contact Laura Anderson at

[emailprotected] or 804.798.6573.

Veterinarians Full and Part Time Wanted:

Tidewater Veterinary Emergency and Crit-

ical Care Center has immediate and future

employment opportunities for veterinari-

ans to work in an established (30 years)

24-hour emergency and critical care center

located at 5425 Virginia Beach Blvd., Vir-

ginia Beach VA 23462. We are in the

process of constructing a new 13,500

square foot state of the art facility. We

are seeking full and part time emergency

veterinarians who are team players with

good client communication skills and a

desire to practice quality medicine. The

hospital has a surgical specialist and

cardiologist on premises. We have a ten-

ured support staff of 8 full time LVT’s and

well-trained assistants and receptionists.

We would prefer doctors with a back-

ground in emergency medicine that have

1 to 2 years experience, but new grads and

interns are welcomed to apply. We are also

looking for other specialist to work out of

the new building. Our full time day shift

doctors work Monday through Friday 8

am to 5 pm, Saturday and Sundays 8 am

to 8 pm. They are schedule one week on

then one week off. Our full time evening

doctors work five shifts every two weeks 5

pm to 8 am. They have 6 nights of on call

duty per month. We offer in-house blood

banking and an excellent range of diag-

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2007326

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nostic equipment. There is a competitive

salary and benefits package in place.

Contact Stephen Brooks at 757-499-5463,

fax 757-499-3916 or e-mail your resume

and any questions or to tdwtrvet@yahoo.

com or [emailprotected]


Seattle Veterinary Specialists: Seattle

Veterinary Specialists is seeking applicants

to fill fulltime positions in small animal

surgery, internal medicine, cardiology, on-

cology and emergency medicine. SVS is a

new, nearly 14,000 sq. foot facility specifi-

cally designed as a specialty referral center

and 24-hour emergency/critical care hos-

pital located 10 miles from downtown

Seattle, Washington. This brand new state

of the art facility will offer on site MRI,

digital radiography, 5 surgical suites, en-

doscopy, ultrasound, fluoroscopy, a refer-

ence quality in-house lab and an

ambulance service. Future plans include

a 5,000 square foot expansion and the

addition of CT scanning, a linear acceler-

ator, iodine therapy, and additional spe-

cialties. This is a unique opportunity to

develop your specialty practice and work

with specialists in a supportive environ-

ment with a doctor staff that already has a

large established caseload in the Seattle

area and communities. Our emphasis is on

state-of-the-art medicine surrounding,

compassionate care and a work environ-

ment that is fun and friendly. Seattle and

the Pacific Northwest region have been

consistently on the list of best places to live

in America (www.experiencewashington.

com). It is home to several major corpora-

tions such as Microsoft, Boeing, Starbucks,

Nordstrom, and Amazon.com. Seattle has

a very well educated population that is

extremely progressive in the area of com-

panion animal care. The region is known

for its mild climates, year round outdoor

activity opportunities, beautiful scenery,

affluent population and emphasis on a

good quality of life. Downtown Seattle is a

vibrant and cultured cosmopolitan city

with an abundance of shops, dining expe-

riences, and sporting events. It is located

close to the water and between the Cas-

cade and Olympic mountain ranges. It is

within one hour of five ski resorts. The

region provides lifelong unique camping,

hiking, kayak, biking, fishing and moun-

tain climbing opportunities. Qualified ap-

plicants will have completed a residency

in their specialty or a one year internship

for emergency doctors. We are seeking

highly motivated individuals that are ea-

ger to develop their practice and the

specialty hospital. We offer a competitive,

commission based salary with a minimum

guarantee, excellent benefits and a very

attractive ownership opportunity. Our em-

phasis is the development of a balanced

lifestyle with a rewarding career. For more

information contact Dr. Sean Sanders AC-

VIM (Neurology), Dr. Michael Mison

ACVS or Dr. Jeff Duke at 360.568.3111.

Multiple Locations

VCA Specialty Hospital Opportuni-

ties: Great Location and Quality of Life

for Oncologist and Criticalists Fountain

Valley, California Multi-specialty practice

and 24-hour emergency/critical care cen-

ter in Southern California looking for

veterinarians and specialists. Our internal

medicine, oncology, and emergency ser-

vices continue to experience growth.

We’re seeking motivated Internists, On-

cologists, ophthalmologists and Critica-

lists to join our team. Work in a modern,

well-equipped practice with diagnostic

modalities such as on-site MRI, digital

radiography and ultrasound, on-site labo-

ratory, nuclear scintigraphy, and endosco-

py. Our oncology department offers

chemotherapy, surgical oncology, and ra-

diation therapy (with 3-D computed treat-

ment planning). Facilities include:

intensive and critical care units, pharmacy,

two surgical suites, laboratory, hyperbaric

oxygen therapy, physical rehabilitation

facilities including underwater treadmill

and counter-current hydrotherapy pool. If

you’re a skilled and compassionate clini-

cian with interest in one of these oppor-

tunities, please contact Kim Dubay at

[emailprotected] or phone (800) 944-

PETS (7387). For hospital details, visit us

at www.acarc.com. Super Career in Our

New 24,000 SF FacilityFSacramento, Cal-

ifornia VCA Sacramento Veterinary Med-

ical and Surgical Referral Center-Come

join one of the largest, progressive and

rapidly expanding veterinary specialty

referral practices in Northern California.

We are currently building a new state-of-

the-art, critical care, 24,000 square foot

facility. It is a multi-specialty group, which

currently includes critical care, internal

medicine, radiology, surgery, neurology,

cardiology, and oncology. We currently

have openings for a residency-trained

ophthalmologist, radiologist, criticalist,

cardiologist, dermatologist and surgeon.

We have extensive diagnostic, therapeutic

and monitoring capabilities and utilize the

best equipment available. An excellent

salary and benefit package is being

offered. Please contact Dr. Kari Moore,

DACVECC, by phone at (916) 208-2226 or

via e-mail at [emailprotected].

Visit www.vcasamg.com for hospital de-

tails. Dermatologist and Criticalist Ca-

reersFWeymouth, Massachusetts VCA

South Shore Animal Hospital, nestled

along the coastline near Boston, is looking

for specialists in dermatology, emergency

and critical care and oncology to join our

progressive and growing practice group.

This 20 plus-doctor practice features a

strong referral base built over 30 years in

all facets of internal medicine, surgery,

neurology, ophthalmology, diagnostic

imaging and behavior, along with a vi-

brant 24-hour emergency and critical care

service. VCA South Shore boasts a very

strong internship program and features a

talented, caring support staff. The greater

Boston area abounds with historical, cul-

tural, sporting and outdoor opportunities

to explore that are unparalleled. If you

want to explore this exceptional opportu-

nity in New England, contact Dr. Bob

Murtaugh, DACVIM, DACVECC, by

phone at 1-800-966-1822 ext. 5245, or via

e-mail at [emailprotected].

Visit www.VCApets.com/talent/h00382.

asp for hospital details. Internist and

Emergency/Critical Care Specialist Career

Opportunity Beautiful Outdoors of Albu-

querque, NM VCA Veterinary Care Ani-

mal Hospital is seeking an emergency/

critical care specialist and oncologist along

with an additional internist to comple-

ment our exceptional team of internal

medicine and surgery specialists with a

thriving referral following. This is a re-

cently remodeled 20,000-sq/ft hospital,

with spacious treatment area, surgical

suite and ICU, in the beautiful southwest

city of Albuquerque. This practice also has

an established internship program and

five general practitioners with a very busy

and dynamic practice to increase utiliza-

tion of your specialty skills. If you love the

great outdoors, AND want to combine

compassionate care and high-quality med-

icine with a great quality of lifey. this is


contact Dr. Bob Murtaugh by phone at

(508) 878-7699, or via e-mail at bob.

[emailprotected]. Visit our website

at www.vcaspecialtyvets.com

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2007 327

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.