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Now, Jiang Shi and the others will leave Xushan in one year. If they don't retain Jiang Shi now, they may lose the opportunity by then.

He also released an immortal consciousness that was even more terrifying than Jiang Shi, reconnecting heaven and earth and controlling the sky What Jiang Shi was shocked.

What he was thinking was very different from Yunsheng's. In his heart, Ye Qin has always been paying attention to him.

Jiang Shi took the four beauties all the way and finally flew out of the Silver Python Galaxy, passed through the ascension platform, and entered the sphere of influence of Tianya Pavilion.

Otherwise, how can they fight against Jiang Tian What Jiang Shi wanted to do was sneak across the border He wants the heavenly army from the Tianmen of the Immortal Realm to descend into the Divine Realm Caught Jiang Tian off guard The Emperor of Heaven has a good plan.

I'll crush you Huh Whoosh and bang The strong wind suddenly dissipated. Jiang Shi hurriedly stabilized his body and landed on the ground together with Chang Cang, Cai Ning and Feng Ying.

The two were waiting in front of the door for the message. Jiang Shi laughed and walked out, Brother Xiao Yu, Uncle Xiao, what are you waiting for Please Brother Jiang, You are so lucky to live here with Brother Nangong I'm here today, and I won't leave either Xiao Yu said with a smile, while the three of them were talking, they had already entered Nangong's mansion.

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They can turn their hands into clouds and rain. They are like pyramids in the God Realm The Fire Python City is located in the west of the God Realm and is controlled by the Holy Emperor of the West.

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Hu In the dantian, purple flames shot out of the body and floated in the air. It hovered around Jiang Shi mischievously, seeming to be playing with Jiang Shi.

Be careful yourself Yes, Young Master However, there may be some loose immortals among the opponents, because the speed and distance of this teleportation are beyond the scope of my consciousness The blood dragon was also shocked at first.

After we deal with Jiang Shi, we will scoop it up Emperor Qiankun showed a sinister look, which was completely different from the previous old man in cloth.

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Climbing Yunfeng Peak, you will be greeted by fairy mist, bursts of colorful clouds, and gentle breeze, bringing the fragrance of flowers and plants.

Today, I will show great mercy and help you become a Buddha Ha ha Emperor Qiankun laughed, and Emperor Yin Yang also smiled, trying to find the truth He and Emperor Qiankun have been in the immortal world for hundreds of millions of years.

In the Wind and Thunder Tower, Jiang Shi stood speechlessly among the crowd, accepting everyone's accusations. Youmeng looked at Jiang Shi angrily and snorted Huh, some people deserve to suffer, big carrot Brother, you are too careless Shu Yi and the other six worried, and Uncle Teng's family were also worried.

Just imagine, in the Immortal Emperor's Immortal Mansion, Will there be monks in the Mahayana period Definitely not This superficial cultivation level is fake You don't have to guess.

Jiang Shi turned around slowly, looked across the space, and finally saw the inscription behind him Tomb of God Emperor Chiang Kai shek Jiang Shi murmured to himself, and the Qiu Shan Dao Tu suddenly bloomed with silver light, covering Jiang Shi's soul and keeping him awake.

If you explain, maybe Miss Ting'er will let you go. When Jiang Shi heard this, he frowned slightly, I don't need it.

He shed his blood to identify the owner. From today on, you will be the workers of Fire Python City Jiang Shi nodded, and the three of them stepped forward to squeeze out a drop of blood and dropped it on the token.

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Yun Sheng laughed and said, Brother Zhang, Since I, Yun Sheng, are here, you can't even think of hurting my boss The two of them fought together, but for some reason, last time Yun Sheng showed off his might and defeated Zhang Cheng, but this time he was inextricably tied to Zhang Cheng Jiang Shi saw this and nodded secretly.

A piece of broken iron is so expensive I said, old man, the things you have here are too expensive Jiang Shi threw down the iron piece, didn't look at it again, and started to pick other items.

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It's a pity that it's sealed there, so they can only ascend by themselves The Golden Dragon Emperor also felt it was a pity, otherwise the dragon clan would rise rapidly Jiang Shi bid farewell to the Golden Dragon Emperor and returned to the Bird Clan.

Hazy, with a blush flashing across his face, he opened his red lips slightly, exhaled like a blue breath, and said Master Jiang, thank you.

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Later, Shu Yi, Chang Cang, and Feng Ying also entered the Immortal Mansion. Shua As soon as the four people entered, the scene in front of them changed instantly.

Countless Tianmen members were killed or captured. Anyone who could escape had their limbs broken awful Bastard Jiang Shi put Teng Qingfeng and the others into Fenglei Tower, disappeared with a teleport, and rushed back to Tianmen.

At this tense moment, any movement will attract everyone's attention Elder Long reached out with one hand and grabbed the beam of light in his hand.

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Nangongde looked down at the Luoshen Mountains below him and praised him repeatedly. It was said that the Luoshen Mountains were the tomb of the God King, but now it seems that this is clearly a dreamy place, a paradise Brother Jiang, you did all this Nangong De pointed to the Luoshen Mountains below with a smile on his face.

We are really envious Xiao Yu patted Jiang Shi on the shoulder and laughed. Brother Xiao Yu, you are originally from the God Realm.

At this moment, he just wants to kill Yes The seven people responded, understanding what Jiang Shi meant by hiding. Yes, they have the Wind and Thunder Tower.

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Is the earth really going to be destroyed Jiang Shi couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to become an orphan without a father and mother when he was standing on the top of the Three Realms.

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I finally saw you today, Brother Jiang, wait a moment, let's have a drink after I take care of Fan Yi After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he turned around and glared at the young man.

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At this moment, perhaps these two choices that have no choice at all must also make a choice Because the end point of choice is death One, happy One, torture I said.

Then she chuckled and gave Jiang Shi a dead end expression The first move is to slap the mouth Ao Muqing hit as fast as he wanted.

Fox Emperor, the nine tailed demon fox, have we ever met before Jiang Shi said with a smile. From the moment he saw the fox emperor, he could tell that this person was closely related to the nine tailed demon fox in the lower world Jiang Shi, if you destroy a ray of my soul, I will never let you go even if I am a ghost the Fox Emperor said viciously.

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Jiang Shi was excited in his heart, but did not show it at all on his face. He thanked the Twin Soul Emperor and hurriedly took the fragment.

Suddenly, colorful clouds rose in the sky, auspicious clouds passed by, bursts of fairy music sounded, and a young man dressed in red fell from the sky With his feet on the auspicious clouds and his body surrounded by colorful clouds, he is as ethereal and flawless as a fairy from heaven.

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Ouch Jiang Shi rolled his eyes. After leaving the Dragon Clan, she thought she was still a princess in the Dragon Clan Jiang Shilan ignored her and disappeared in a teleport.

Well, is indeed extremely tyrannical This general did not misjudge the person Ha ha Wang Mingshan laughed a few times and looked at Jiang Shi with admiration in his eyes.

The battlefield that Jiang Shi saw that day was just the tip of the iceberg in the abyss Farther away, there is the battlefield of the God King, and even the battlefield of the God King There is the collision between the peak and the peak, the decisive battle between the God King and the God of Hades Brother Nangong has paid too much for the God Realm.

you should study carefully. I will go outside to take a look and find out the current situation first Jiang Shi smiled slightly and walked away.

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Seeing these corpses, Jiang Shi couldn't help but shudder. We have to find a way to get out of this hellish place I seem to know where this is Jiang Yue frowned, with a hint of understanding on her pretty face.

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At this moment, after the fish eyes in the sky flickered for a few times, they finally helplessly dissipated between heaven and earth Huh Bang Jiang Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground,, God, you can't do anything to me after all Jiang Shi giggled while recovering his cultivation, but Jiang Shi frowned.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.