Easy vegan recipes for beginners: Top 50 clean ideas (mostly high-fiber) (2024)


Last Updated on October 28, 2020

Maybe you’re asking yourself:What do super easy vegan recipes have to do with leanjumpstart.com? Is this blog transitioning now from a clean eating approach to a vegan lifestyle?

It all comes down to the question of how “clean eating” is defined. As hopefully, we are all evolving, my point of view has considerably changed over the last five years. Read more about it, at the end of this blog post.

The fact is, 90% of my clean recipes anyway were plant-based and vegan by nature. What I've done now is to hand pick my favorite simple plant-based recipes and showcase them on this page for your convenience. I'll also explain in this blog post the 3 most common reasons for going vegan.

Easy vegan recipes for beginners: Top 50 clean ideas (mostly high-fiber) (1)

Clean & vegan breakfast ideas





Plant-strong appetizer recipes

Easy baba ganoush

Easy spinach artichoke dip

Avocado cashew cream

Clean eating hummus

Plant based snacks

energy balls with prunes

Peanut butter protein balls

Savoy cabbage chips

Homemade almond milk

Easy vegan recipes for beginners: Top 50 clean ideas (mostly high-fiber) (14)

Sweet potato toast in oven

clean eating split pea soup

beetroot soup recipe

butternut squash soup

clean eating vegetable soup

red lentil soup

leek and potato soup recipe

clean eating cabbage soup recipe

roasted cauliflower soup

Vegan salad & starter recipes

easy cucumber salad

fennel salad recipe for weight loss

Easy vegan recipes for beginners: Top 50 clean ideas (mostly high-fiber) (24)

cabbage carrot salad

Chinese cabbage salad

Swabian potato salad

Beetroot Salad

orange salad recipe with red onions and greens

Easy vegan meals

Most of the following plant based recipes can be ready within 30 minutes and are perfectly suitable for a delicious vegan weeknight dinner.

Easy chickpea curry

Mango broccoli curry

sheet pan potatoes– Roasted veggies are a great as stand-alone dish ora side dish in combination with crispy tofu

roasted broccoli potato sheet pan

zoodles recipe with avocado pesto

peanut butter zoodles

cilantro lime rice with avocado

White bean pasta with broccoli

Bok choy noodles with mushrooms

Turmeric millet with sugar snap peas and red pepper stripes

Thai salad with millet

red beet burger with millet (oven-baked)

kidney bean burger: easy and protein-rich

Pumpkin Coconut Curry

jambalaya with quinoa and legumes

red cabbage stir fry with brown rice and sun-dried tomatoes

Easy vegan recipes for beginners: Top 50 clean ideas (mostly high-fiber) (46)

frozen banana ice cream (Nicecream)

Chia pudding – quick and easy

pumpkin chocolate bars

choc mint slices

raw chocolate raspberry bites

Well planned, is often half cooked!

Here are some tips for quick and easy vegan recipes in stressful times or when you have to hurry:

  • Pre-cook brown rice, quinoa or bulgur, black beans, and other legumes for several days and use it for different dishes like buddha or burrito bowls. Fried rice can also be kept in your fridge for several days.
  • Use frozen vegetables (this saves chopping time and frozen vegetables often contain even more vitamins than fresh produce)
  • For soups and stews, double the amount and freeze
  • Prepare your own basil or kale pesto with fresh herbs, veggies and nuts in large quantities and keep it in the refrigerator


There are many reasons in favor of a vegan diet. Depending on the individual's point of view, they may be weighted differently.

Here are the 3 most common reasons for a vegan diet or a vegan lifestyle:


Mass animal farming has reached such horrible levels today that many people no longer want to support it. It is only a matter of profit and animal well-being is completely ignored.

Farm animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens live in tiniest places and are massively restricted in their natural way of life.

The idea that cows graze happily on green pastures, as often suggested in advertising, is only true in very exceptional situations. Farm animals often see the sun for the first time when they are going to the slaughter. A cruel thought for me!

In addition, many animals in mass farming usually reach only 5% of their natural life expectancy. (1)

As repeatedly seen in the media, there are often new scandals in the way animals are treated, especially during the slaughter process. The consumption of eggs and dairy products is also inevitably associated with animal suffering.

For example, many people do not realize that a cow, just like a human, actually only produces milk when it has a little calf. So she needs to get pregnant all the time. The calf is then usually taken away from the cow a few days after birth.

Food scandals caused by factory farming are also part of the daily reality!

If you want to dig deeper into this sad reality, I recommend watching “Earthlings“, a very popular documentary on Netflix about meat consumption and animal farming. Other ethical documentationsworth watching are Cowspiracy and the latest, Australian documentation Dominion.

Sidebar:I sincerely respect people with a vegan lifestyle (my 16-year old daughter is one of them, for the past two years) and I understand their ethical reasons. Sadly, many vegans opt for store-bought vegan junk food products, instead of discovering the huge variety of easy, plant-based meals. Hopefully, my super simple plant-heavy recipes can offer some inspiration for home cooked meals.


Numerous studies have shown that today's meat and dairy consumption is directly linked to lifestyle diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol levels. Also, some types of cancer can be attributed to animal-based nutrition.

If you want to look more intensively at the topic veganism and health, I recommend the following documentation and books:


Animals aren’t the only ones who suffer from modern factory farming, but also the environment. According to the UN, emissions from livestock account for 14.5% of all human-caused greenhouse gases. It also pollutes our soil and groundwater.

In addition, animal-based products require a lot of water. In one kilogram of grain-fed beef, for example, 15,000 liters of water are required. (2)

Only 1% of this water is consumed by the cattle themselves, while the remaining 99% is needed for the feed production. A third of the world's cereal harvest and even a staggering 85% of the world's soy harvest are used for animal feed in factory farming. (3)

And this although staple food is scarce in many countries and people are starving…

These three were probably the most important reasons for going vegan but by far not all.

The word “vegan” can be very misleading

There are many different subtypes of veganism where vegan is associated with:

  • junk food
  • whole foods
  • raw foods
  • ethical
  • high carb
  • low carb
  • keto
  • health conscious
  • orthorexic
  • animal activist

As you can see, the word “vegan” can be very misleading and loaded with a political agenda… just too much and everyone battling against the others because everyone seems to know best.

Putting everyone in a camp and declaring war on the other camps is a popular strategy of the media and food industry. The more controversy and confusion they create the more the status quo prevails.

The meat and dairy lobby is huge and has no interest in losing their consumers for any of the above reasons.

Healthy nutrition: experts have a high consensus

Although certain interest groups together with the media won't stop to create confusion, most serious health and food researchers do agree on the basic principles of an optimal diet. I'd like to cite in this context Dr. Dean Ornish, which stated the following in an interview recently:

“But if you actually look at the evidence in its aggregate, there is a consensus that an optimal diet is a whole food, plant-based diet that’s naturally low in fat and refined carbs, and as close as it comes to nature as you can. “

In other words, modern medical science is quite clear that in the vast majority of cases, a plant-strong, whole foods diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and low in sugar andprocessed foods, mayreduce an eliminate many chronic illnesses of our times.

Why I don't call myself “vegan”

It isinteresting to see that baby boomers like me tend to be motivated by health reasons and millennials and generation Zers, are often motivated by different reasons (e.g. ethics, sustainability).

Although I care about our health and the health of the world, I don't categorize myself as a “vegan”.

I think the word “vegan” has become rather divisive and doesn't really do a lot for people in their relationships. Often it becomes a kind of “us versus them” thing. Isn't it funny how “words” sometimes fail to clarify communication?

I prefer to tell and show people what I eat (…most of the time a huge whole food plant based variety) instead of telling them what I'm not allowed to eat.

As I prefer to add before I subtract, I like to call myself plant-based rather than vegan because of that.

In which direction is leanjumpstart.com heading?

While I always tended to avoid meat, I could have never imagined giving up on dairy. The Food revolution summit 2018 however, was so eye-opening, that besides of meat now also dairy (like e.g. milk and cheese) has totally lost its attraction to me – for health and ethical reasons. I'll share more about the evidence-based research in a future blog post.

Don't get me wrong, I think I'll never become dogmatic about food and you won't see me transitioning to a 100% vegan lifestyle. The following quote sums it up for me very well:

“Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.”

I've started with an 80/20 approach to clean eating many years ago. Today I'm eating probably 90% of the time a clean, plant strong and whole foods diet, which is very rich in fiber.

I love the flexibility it gives me to make some exceptions from the rule (e.g. when my almost 80-year old Dad is cooking his famous goulash once a year), even though these exceptions are becoming increasingly rare.

While you'll still find some meat-based and vegetarian meals on this blog from a time when my clean eating definition was different, expect in future many creative plant-strong whole foods creations to come, which are easy healthy vegan recipes by nature.

Damn that's delicious!

Do you need a place where you can record your favorite plant-based recipes? Don't look any further. Click the following link to learn how I've created a community-driven blank recipe book for you. Or click below to grab the blank cookbook immediately!


Easy vegan recipes for beginners: Top 50 clean ideas (mostly high-fiber) (2024)


What is vegan for beginners? ›

A vegan diet is a plant-based plan that excludes all animal products, like meat, fish, dairy and even honey (because it's made by bees, so it's considered an animal product). Its cousin, the vegetarian diet, is a bit broader and excludes meat and fish but includes dairy and eggs.

What do vegans eat in a week? ›

A healthy vegan diet should contain a variety of whole grains, proteins, healthy fats, and fruits and vegetables. Foods like nuts, seeds, legumes, soy products, and nutritional yeast can all help boost your protein intake throughout the day.

What do vegans eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? ›

Here's 21 Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner Recipes With No Meat Or Dairy
  • Breakfast Burritos With Tofu Scramble. ...
  • Vegan Vegetable Quiche With Sweet Potato Crust. ...
  • Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Bowl. ...
  • Avocado Toast. ...
  • Avocado Chickpea Salad Wraps. ...
  • Chickpea Caesar Pasta Salad. ...
  • Mexican Rice and Beans Skillet. ...
  • Eggplant Bourgignon.
Feb 19, 2018

What is vegan clean eating? ›

A vegan diet is based on plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits) and foods made from plants. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.

What happens to your body when you first go vegan? ›

At the start of a change to a vegan diet, you could experience a variety of differences to your body. These may include being hungrier, getting gassier, a change in your skin or body odor, weight loss or gain, better or worse sleep, headaches, tiredness, or having more energy. As you can see, it can go many ways!

What are the 5 most important rules of a vegan diet? ›

5 diet rules vegans get right
  • Eat foods that are in season. This isn't a steadfast vegan "rule," but many people who consciously choose to eat vegan are also making other conscious (or even unconscious) decisions. ...
  • Fill up with fiber. ...
  • Plant your protein. ...
  • Eat those good-for-you fats. ...
  • You may need to supplement.
Aug 24, 2017

What food do vegans eat the most? ›

Don't believe that veganism is a restricted diet—vegans eat lots of things! Fruits and vegetables, of course, make up a huge part of a vegan diet. So do legumes like peas, beans, and lentils, as well as nuts and seeds, which are great for providing alternative sources of protein.

What bread is vegan? ›

Vegans can eat bread that does not contain animal products or byproducts. This includes breads that only use some variation on flour, water, yeast, and salt including ciabatta, baguette, focaccia, sourdough, pita, and ezekiel breads.

What vegan meal can I eat everyday? ›

Every day eat a large spinach and mixed greens salad with black beans, blueberries, walnuts and other veggies on a bed of quinoa or brown rice. Top that off with a cashew-based salad dressing and you're done. So easy.

What do vegans eat for breakfast instead of eggs? ›

Once you sort out your vegan kitchen, it's time to cook some fantastic vegan meals perfect for breakfast:
  • Scrambled Tofu Burrito. ...
  • Berry Pancakes. ...
  • Vegan French Toast. ...
  • Waffles. ...
  • Chickpea Flour Pancake. ...
  • Vegan Breakfast Burrito. ...
  • Banana Coconut Chia Pudding. ...
  • Vegan Banana Bread.
Jul 13, 2023

How to go vegan for beginners? ›

  1. Make Vegetables the Stars of Your Meals. ...
  2. Eat a Variety of Foods. ...
  3. Choose Whole Grains. ...
  4. Discover New Plant-Based Proteins. ...
  5. Don't Assume Vegan Food Products Are Healthier. ...
  6. Focus On Fish-Free Omega-3s. ...
  7. Don't Forget About Vitamin D. ...
  8. Pump Up Your Iron.
Sep 30, 2022

How do I start a vegan cleanse? ›

These tips should be used as a general guideline for a healthy vegan detox.
  1. Keep Hydrated. As with any detox, it's important to keep your water intake up. ...
  2. Avoid Alcohol. ...
  3. Get Quality Sleep. ...
  4. Drink Plenty Of Juices. ...
  5. Cleanse With Smoothies. ...
  6. Try An Oatmeal Cleanse. ...
  7. Eat Lots Of Soup. ...
  8. Cleanses Your Aura.

What are basic vegan foods? ›

On a vegan diet, you can eat foods made from plants, including:
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Legumes such as peas, beans, and lentils.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Breads, rice, and pasta.
  • Vegetable oils.
Nov 3, 2023

How do you start going vegan? ›

You could start by removing meat or dairy one day a week and go from there. Or you could try changing one meal at a time, having vegan breakfasts during your first week, adding a vegan lunch during week two and so on.

Do you lose weight as a vegan? ›

It also concludes that the quality of such a diet makes a difference when it comes to how much weight is lost. Participants who followed a vegan diet lost an average of 5.9 kilograms (13 pounds), irrespective of diet quality.

What can vegans not eat? ›

Bottom Line: Vegans avoid eating animal flesh and animal by-products. These include meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs and foods made by bees.


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.